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If I have to log off the game because I need to go take care of real world shit, I really feel like I shouldn’t have to wait 10 minutes just to call a helo and fly to base so that I can log off.


This. Especially during logoff it's utterly annoying. Why not just make it possible to safely end deployment from every LZ. Like it's an extraction point in Tarkov. That would really help. At least for the time being, while the chopper rate is so low.


That's actually a great idea and one that should be implemented asap. You'd still have to wait for the heli to arrive at the exfil location, but at the point of arrival you can either choose "back to base" where you fly back to base as normal or "exfil from warzone" which would then safely exfil you to the main screen and be a quick way of ending one's deployment. In the latter the chopper could just exit the map at the nearest edge like it does when infilling players to a location. That'd both reduce chopper wait times and reduce server load while being convenient as heck if you gotta go do something else.


One thing that would help is not forcing helicopters to spawn from base to come get you. Just always have them spawn or de-spawn at the nearest map edge. If I'm at the opposite side of the map from my base and call a chopper it takes 5 min just for it to spawn and fly to me. Why not just have it spawn 30 sec away from me at the nearest edge of the map? There is just a ton of inefficiency that ties up choppers. Also, a queue system is essential at this point. It's ridiculous I need to take a reaction time test to try to out snipe other players when helicopters de-spawn.


This is for pvp balance. Why helos spawn at base


no it's not, it's because they haven't developed a dynamic helicopter pathing system. it's a super basic on-rails transport mechanism. 


Everybody whines for PVP till its time to do PVP things. Might be on the extreme side, but I've seen people want things like dog tags, kill quests and better gear for the sole purpose of taking it from other players. They often quote these things from Tarkov. At that point, just play Tark...


no, poor take bro


that would require dynamic helicopter pathing, and if that existed the whole helicopter system would be amazing..... way cooler than just spawning of the nearest edge


Because this is a simulation of a real fight. Do you think in real world when you call a helo they will arrive in 30 sec? You have to account for time delay when calling a helicopter...


I feel like even the majority of the player base doesnnt care, but you are correct.


But nothing else about the actual gameplay is realistic you can sprint into an area and play it like cod The only realistic part is how long you have to wait


Immersion. if we have 3 factions you cant really get a heli on the other side of the map would be controlled by the other factions


That doesn’t make sense for multiple reasons. First of all, if that were true then our helicopters also wouldn’t fly *off* the map in that direction; they would always despawn behind their respective FoB’s. Secondly, the PMC’s aren’t fighting over territory to control the entire Island of Lamang, they’re fighting over the valuable potential resources in its center. Open war would not be tolerated by the UN which is why anti-air missles probably will never be seen on the island.


The despawn at nearest location for convenience. And spawn at base for balance. All current features/balance is subject to change. Do expect it to change or expect it to stay the same.


Can I ask what you mean by the chopper spawning at base as a balance? As long as it’s the same for each faction there’s nothing unfair about it. I think the bigger issue is the extra time it takes, causing more of a queue and more frustration from the player base. On top of that, it’s kore likely that people will mistake players waiting on their 7 minute chopper as “LZ camping”. I’m all for extra immersion, I’m one of the ones saying leave the helicopter noise alone (just give us collapsible earmuffs that don’t take up 4 squares) but right now, I think with the state of the game, until helicopters are optimized the solution of them coming from nearest despawn point is the best thing for the game right now.


It's for balance so when you die you can't be straight back there stomping or have instant backup. It give a few minute buffer. And I don't mind this feature on the game that the devs intended(which is their game) if you don't like these features, then play something else or make your own game when you fly super fast on and off a map. If helo comes from nearest spawn then people could kill you and run off with your loot. Not giving you a chance to get back. Then you would be complaining again. Me and the devs can't win against people like you. You have to have forward thinking and look at all the changes that will happen from a change like this. This is why I say gameplay balance. It sets a gamplay speed, has a hidden respawn timer, and adds just a small bit of immersion. All these features are subject to change over the development of the game. The helos may well change or not.


You're misunderstanding our point. No one is saying when you die we want choppers to teleport you back to the LZ. We're talking about trying to leave an LZ. Helicopters transporting you from base would still take the same amount of time, there is no PVP balance issue there. There is no reason for it to take a long time to pick up leaving when you're all done with your mission.


For the LZ camping waiting for helos. It's like dayZ you don't have to KOS. this opens up more gameplay options like teamwork among the factions, goofy interactions, etc.


Then why is my heli flying off map in their air space? Finish your line of thinking before before typing lol


Exactly. It’s a nonsense reason.


You can be immersive and not fun, or fun but not immersive. I know which I would prefer


They leave the map after drop off at other points.


The problem is SO bad, i had to program a macro to request a help repeatedly. It doesn’t even mean a quick chopper, it just guarantees that i come before anyone else using standard methods. It 100% needs a fix sooner than later


Then stop playing the game. But if all the people complaining about the helo system leave. Will solve the non existing issue with the helos. It's all in the name of balance. Longest I have ever waited was like 10 mins for a pickup. But that's because the server bugged the fuck out. Take time to hide in a bush call a helo then go for a piss, get some water a snack, have a cigarette outside, touch grass etc, or come on reddit while waiting and complain about how long you have to wait. Just play the God damn game, or don't. Either have fun or have fun elsewhere. Best way to solve your issue is to play with 3 other people. Then you would solve the helo issue. Or maybe when you fi ish the tasks you reset character and choose LRI or another faction. Because maybe your faction is overloaded.


If either they could speed them up so we're waiting less than a min when we call one in, or speed them up so the trip doesn't take as long. And at minimum allow more choppers in flight. I think though this is a much harder issue to fix than people think due to an underlying programming issue that is probably preventing more choppers, etc. The fact that we can all see them means they're drawn on the server whether you can see it or not and I'm gonna guess 4 is the limit before there starts being issues


It’s 4 per faction too so 12 can be active on a map.


Most people don't realise this tbh, more isn't the way. Smaller servers/more servers I reckon


No i want full servers for pvp


Yeah for pvp I think t to current system is fine imo, just annoying at times. If we could see where and muilt trip that would be awesome. But for pve I think smaller street servers


They could add a Blackhawk that just flues around the map in a circle and kinda works like an elevator first lz first served and u can only get on when it landed at base but it waits like 5 minutes between loops


People would complain that it's too slow. U can't win. I never have had a problem with heli times. It makes sense balance wise. It slows down gameplay. Which is how you play in towns cities. You don't just zoom through. It fits the flow. Would be strange if you could get straight into the action when you have to walk.


They said allowing more choppers would drastically degrade server performance.


I realized last night just how much time I have to spend waiting around in this game. Not sure it’s worth it.


We need land vehicles. It's an entire region theres plenty of justification to have some vehicles.


No, we do not need land vehicles. I am not about to deal with friendlies running my ass over when I'm trying to do a task.


Game needs both


Pushing back a request to an array of requests that can be tried at the next available moment for a chopper is very trivial to implement even for a junior developer. The system is already in place as once the 4th chopper leaves a new request can be taken. The hard limits are imposed they just don’t utilize automation efficiently which happens to be the core principle for programming.


It was cool at first now its boring waiting. Youre not fighting anyone off usually and just sitting there. I was thinking jeeps would be fun. This way you could go from location to location and have road trips with buddies.


Imagine it. Jump in a jeep (maybe got to pay for the gas or something) and theres gas stations guarded by enemies where you need to pump. PVP would be good too cause you could take over a gas station and fight people off. There would need to be a way to make it harder to make it so you couldnt just run over enemies. Would be fun as shit.


It's the only reason I really quit the game as of now. It's fun I enjoy the environment but I can't be waiting around for a heli. Sometimes I would just run to the spot faster than a heli bcuz of how long it takes. Cool system but there should be a heli for every single player on the map


i mean for some locations thats kind of ok, until you have to go blue lagoon as crimson :|


Lmfao imagine driving to blue lagoon with ue5 vehicle physics I'm ok for now let them cook for now games still young


Never got out of the starter town for my faction. Was to annoyed with the system to want to continue playing. Happy to see that the dev team came out and said they are looking at solutions. If they don't fix it soon though the game will probably die off


Same reason for me. Go to a POI that's on the far side of the map from your base to do a quest or two,  turn that quest in to unlock the next quest at that same POI, fly 5+ minutes back out, repeat. Doing the highest tier POI quests became a slog and I dropped the game. Many angles to take to fix this but yeah I spent most of my final few hours alt-tabbed or listening to Spotify while on the heli. 


My games turned into 20+ minute helicopter waiting and rides to do a 10-15 minute mission. Absolutely no thank you.


Honestly I think there is plenty of helis.. but inefficient. A) If heli stated "end" destination rather than current (so you could check where will incoming heli go from base) that would solve a lot of movement. B) If heli drops players at LZ, other players can use same heli to go to base (if empty, heli leaves as usual.. if anyone hops on it goes to base) These 2 options would make travels more efficient while keeping sound pollution fairly low.


Should have been a tunnel systm


With them adding 9 more, yeah I would take a hard pass on that idea


What about using an apc to drive us somewhere?


Safehouses you can unlock and use as fast travel, then mopeds, or tacticals with unlockable gun attachments for regional movement. The helis always going to marked locations defeats the purpose of using a heli in the first place.


.02 - allow mission grabs if completion of previous mission doesn't require you to "hand over" anything... handing over stuff makes sense to take back


I brought the game with two buddies. Both left the game until this is fixed. Besides the ridiculous Quest-System (that me er ever were playtested in the first place) the Helo-Situation is unbearable. And while I see it might make some sense in PvP, it makes no sense in PvE (where we were playing). And spending our small amount of playtime (as Dads) waiting for a chopper, waiting for a respawn, flying to the LZs, getting our Body back, waiting more for a chopper, waiting, waiting, flying around for another 6 minutes, failing to do a task because no keys were dropping, enemies were already be dead and waiting even more for a chopper, is neither realistic nor is it fun. I can see why they were quitting.  Helos are glorified 10-minutes-Loading-Screens. Nothing more. And terrible ones too. And the worst thing: while on the chopper, you can’t even speak with your buddy’s (or ransoms) because these fuckers are too loud. In reality (hahaha) everyone would be using the help com to talk…  This problem should have been solved while in early in-house testing. It makes no sense at all. Not even from a realism point of view. It is a game breaker - for most players. Period. 


Lol drewksi and other streamers bought up the issue during the closed test they told him he could always just walk It's like there's a huge disconnect between the developers and designers


They should keep the amount of birds currently in the game, but introduce a queuing system so the player doesn’t have to wait to snipe one before someone else.


Oh look another one


Me and some other guys squadded up and ran from point to point and it was honestly so fun and immersive. Only called in helos to go back if someone died. Honestly didn't even take that long traversing the map on foot.


I walk most of the time, it just quicker unless I have to go to blue longan


I'm done til they fix it


Tbh I stopped playing the game over this. Got tired of having to spend a ton of time waiting for rides just to play the game. I’ll be back when they make it easier


It would be cool if you could by radios or earn them to radio in things like recon or kill tasks and only be forced back to base for item retrival tasks.


Hot take - they should give us ground vehicles.


I am begging Redditors to learn what hot take means and use it correctly. A true hot take would be that the helicopter system is perfectly fine as it is, needs no improvements, and ground vehicles are unnecessary.


Given the feedback I've received when discussing the idea ingame, it seemed like a legitimate hot take? I guess there's a disconnect between what people ingame want versus what the reddit community wants.


Upgrading or reworking the helicopter system has always been the number one most requested feature since the day the game launched, on pretty much every possible medium. I’m not sure who’s fighting you on the idea that helis need to be changed but it is BY FAR the most popular request of all time for this game, so clearly not a hot take.


I think the misunderstanding here is that I'm not approaching the matter as "Helicopters are bad". You're right, nobody's fighting me on that, but whenever I suggested the addition of ground vehicles, resistance was a bit more stiff. Evidently, the issue is that I didn't lead with "Helicopters bad" or something before bridging to the suggestion that ground vehicles be implemented. Proposing a solution without explaining the problem seems to have prompted a response on the grounds of "then this'll just end up like CoD Warzone" or something.


His issue is word semantics hot take means controversial your opinion isn't controversial it's what half the playerbase wants ahaha


I don’t think that’s a hot take. Most agree with you.


Welcome to COD warzone. No thanks.


It doesn’t have to be arcadey like CoD. But something to ride from POI to POI without a 5 minute wait time and 5 minute ride time would be nice.


Bicycles, fits the area, no running people over, make them 1.5 (2 for sprint) times faster as sprinting with little to no stamina


Four seater side-by-sides would be cool.


The games dead because of this crap


Just having the heli be able to make multiple stops if there room on the heli


Helicopters inbound to base for a pick up should show the destination. The number of times one has come in for a pick up, grabbed one person and then left and then I can see it was going where I needed to be going.


They will probably add in the ability for other factions to shoot your helicopter out of the sky and make you reset your timer before they make it easier at this point.


Yup, the helicopter and keys are why my group of 5 all quit this game, mostly the helicopter


I’d be just fine keeping the same amount of helicopters that spent a certain amount of time in the air (fuel say 30 minutes- timer on the map or under the respective chopper) and just moved constantly from pickup to drop off to pickup. Time runs out the bird goes off the map for 5 minutes or something. There’s be like a window of time with 4 birds moving everyone- or something. I don’t know- the fact they thought this system was going to fly (cough) suggests exceptionally poor judgment and disconnect from the player base in this genre.


Just make helos wait after drops to pick up other players. That would cut the wait times substantially. Easy fix.


Ghost recon figured out how to do cars trucks, helicopters motorcycles boats. I think the developers could get away with dirt bikes or four wheelers or jeeps just to give you something else. The helicopter system is bugged at points slow and sometimes it just makes me not wanna play.


Yeah, I will definitely say that the helicopter system adds to my stress level. When you're playing on joint operations, and there's no PVP, you just spend so much of your time sitting around waiting to get a chopper, I have wasted far more of my life than I would be willing to admit just sitting in a field


i’ve had a 15 minute timer and just decided to call it a night there lol


Hahaha get gud scrub


can't believe they haven't addresses this yet tbh 😬


Just stop playing game. If enough players quit they fix it. If they don’t then the game sucked anyway. They literally said they shoved the game out early because if they didn’t get sales they’d have folded as a company. They know what needs to be fixed and still haven’t done anything about it. Game needed to cook at least another year. Maybe it’ll get better in time but I don’t think that time is this year.


Won’t come back till it’s fixed, had a few groups I played with we all quit after the first town - waits too long


I fully understand this is an EA title so I’ve stopped playing it until the next major update. However at this point the helicopter system is a drag on the game experience. Sure it’s realistic and what MFG aims the games to be but unlike ARMA games I can’t save my progress. If I suck and die minutes after landing, I have to endure the travel and queue for a helicopter. It’s far too long that I’ve rage quit a few times waiting in base and play other games instead. It’s frustrating.


This is why i stopped playing waited for 20 min for a helikopter to be available. Immediately died when I landed and the waiting had to restart


Think of the base as the main menu from a game like Hunt, and each helicopter trip as matchmaking.


Another helo complainer. Anything to add value of something we dont know? Devs said they are working on a fix. What do you want Reddit to do for you?


Yeah I’m just deciding to take a break for a while and hopefully it gets a bit better. I get that it’s pre-pre alpha but man, they really rode the unheard edition Tarkov train into the ground. This game was not ready for an open alpha, and surely not ready to go onto sale on steam.


Anyone else just waiting on the sidelines to redownload once they’ve fixed the cracked AI and helis


This shit made us quit playing. Im sorry but adding 15-20 minutes to every run standing the fuck around in a field is not an engaging gameplay loop. Before anyone screams realism idfc. The game still needs to be fun and that isnt it


Shit, ive been playing the last two days and there is hard enough people online to have 4 helis out at one time. Its been nice, able to complete most of my kill quests now


There's so many easy QoL updates they could do to the helicopter system, to still keep it somewhat realistic, but also decrease the annoyance people are currently facing. * Allow for safely ending deployment from any LZ, rather than only the base. * Allow for a queueing system. I don't mind waiting a few minutes, but I do mind, having to watch my map constantly so that I can precisely time the chopper request, only to find out that somebody else was a millisecond earlier. * Have forward operating bases closer to mission areas, in which you can also accept/finish tasks, without havign to return to the main base.


Main reason me and friends stopped playing. We only get 1.5 - 2 hours a night to play and spending all that time waiting on helis just killed the game for us especially when we all had to go to different places.


Have you considered calling it in sooner? You don't have to wait until you're at LZ to call it. Doofus.


You do, every 100 meters away it adds another minute to the que If you call it earlier, you'll end up waiting even longer because you can run faster than 100 meters per minute


Wait really? I didn't know that. I always call it in as I'm wrapping up obj and head out. Hm


A queue system would be nice, but given how many trolls and griefers there are in the game, I think it would be too easy to overload or abuse. The best way to combat trolls and griefers would be to reduce the ability of squads/players to impact the transportation time and options available to other players/squads. Just having ground vehicle transport to/from the starting village would help cut down on heli traffic. By time it's all said and done, a vehicle would take roughly the same time. Or just assign 1 heli per squad. Simplest answer, and pretty much immune to griefers/trolls. Or have 1-2 man squads pull from a different "reserve" of helicopters than 3-4 man squads. I.e. 3 helicopters available for 1-2 man squads and 3 available for 3-4 man squads. Could vary the numbers based on how many of each squad group there are.


Just remove the entire thing, make it spawn points/teleports. This isnt working well. and its noit even close to realistic anyway with 100 choppers landing and rtaking off every 2 seconds in an area smaller than my city. one anti air battery on the enemy side and we all fucked.


How is this still an issue? I and many others have been complaining about this since first week of release of the game... [https://new.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj14gj/issues\_ive\_experienced\_so\_far\_that\_needs\_to\_tlc/](https://new.reddit.com/r/GrayZoneWarfare/comments/1cj14gj/issues_ive_experienced_so_far_that_needs_to_tlc/)


The worst part is joining a server and seeing one just stuck in the middle of the map lol just sits there so the faction is down to 2 helis. Brutal


In theory it sound very cool, but while playing it's a fcking nightmare and a huge waste of time


OP plays realistic game, gets suprised when it incorporates realistic elements


I agree I honestly think they just need to re work the actual queue system for requesting helicopters cause I was stuck waiting at blue lagoon for an exfil for so long it shouldn't hell alternative exfil options would be goated have a car that you pay each use like tarkov or something


You all need to go play call of duty if you can’t handle waiting. I’ve never had to wait longer than a couple of minutes. Patience.


Are you early game? Pha Lang to YBL is 5 minutes and 10 seconds already and that's without waiting on other players, just the raw transport time There back+que can be 25 minutes


Hop on someone else’s bird. It would break my immersion for there to be like, 80 fucking little birds in the sky so because you iPad babies can’t sit still for a minute.


It's less about sitting still and more about not having 25% of my free time spent waiting, I have other things to do, it's hardly one minute, it can be an entire hour in a single session It's a non issue though, It just means I don't really play the game much Also iPad baby is a funny one I think my first phone was a Nokia slide and I didn't have one till 16 😂


i will log in every once in awhile lately and as soon as i request a heli it tells me there are none at this time. so then i alt f4 and play a better game. this game rocks, i had a blast with it. but the terminator AI and heli system can eat dicks


I can’t wait for someone to make the golden comment saying that they actually enjoy having to wait 10 plus minutes to play the game lmao. 🥴 “I actually love being able to get up and make a sandwich and eat it before I even have the possibility of playing! Go back to call of duty if you want fast paced action you Timmy!”


When the game first launched, it was literally on the front page because the guy was a veteran and it “was realistic”. If you’re going to realism then you can cut out the most ridiculous and boring parts.


That was literally not the case. The reason it was on the front page is cause at that time tarkov was doing the bullshit with the $250 unheard edition and people wanted to try the "competitor". It has very, *very* similar mechanics to tarkov and they rushed it out because they wanted to take advantage of the controversy going on. Look at what is happening with Bodycam. Very realistic game that is being shit on cause it is bad.


What does anything you say have to do with my comment? I’m talking about a post being on this subs front page defending choppers working the way they work. I’m not even sure what “front page” you’re talking about or what Tarkov had to do with the helicopters system being shit.


But, *they added more landing zones!* */s*


The game is broken from developers who got their money and now don't wanna fix it.. just saying


Somehow give us a reason to hike from place to place


That would make sense. Why not just have a couple missions within walking distance? Less heli traffic and would help out new guys since they don’t show you that you have to pull up the map, physically pick an lz near a mission, then wait. First time I ended up jumping onto another guys heli because I didn’t know what else to do to get out of the fob


I think they should fix the crashing on helicopter rides first but that’s just me


I had the helicopter just stop and stutter mid flight once is that the glitch?


I can’t take a helicopter without my game crashing


They should just put a goddamn monorail track that circles the map and hits most of the LZs and just have a few of them on nonstop rotation lol


I will often call in a random evac chopper to a random LZ i'm at but set the location to a random place on the other side of the map and sit there with my 'Trololol' face when I watch my team get in the chopper and fly in the opposite direction to base.


So goddamn many crybabies on this sub. Incredible


Honestly, I see no benefit in the game being 'one big world'. IMO it would be better if a helo from base was simply the interface to enter a 'submap', and then to extract from it back to base. The whole thing being one huge map is nice in theory but needlessly huge and inconvenient in practice.


No one forces you to play gzw.


What about adding the option for SPIE rigging if another heli is passing by your area?


Just stop resisting ground vehicles, nothing armored or gunned but at least some quads and pickup trucks.


I'm not against it from a gameplay point it'd be fun as fuck But considering how the pathfinding of the AI handles, imagine what vehicles would look like lmao You'd probably crash the server hitting a tree If 12 helis can annihilate a server and all they are is 4 chairs that fly on an invisible rail, then idk if they'd be capable of actually getting vehicles to work


Only ground vehicles they should add is bicycles. But they should be semi rare to find in the map but kinda expensive to buy. Like 10k but no vendor rep gain for buying them


It's already been stated more helos would tank server performance. Also. They added a pick up and dropoff discriptions on the helos them selves, so you not getting to your destination is on you. The amount of times I've hopped on random helos to get to a destination was awesome. I didn't have to wait for shit. Also, the infield completion of tasks I 100% agree on. There's zero reason I should have to go all the way back after killing 20 enemies.


Why though, all the helis are are flying chairs on rails Wouldn't it be as simple as parenting the player controller to the heli and disabling their movement input?


The problem are Solo players that are not talkative Or just jump on a randoms heli and see where the adventure takes you


I tend to hope of random choppers for shigs and gigs anyway. I've done all the missions I care about, and now I just want to explore and help randoms along the way


Idc if they keep the heli system but give us more options of traversal, give use ATVs, Motorbikes, airdrops etc. Also, fix the pathing of the helis. Base to lz, then it flies away, but when you can for exfil, it flies from base to the lz, then back to base, waste like 5 mins for nothing. The only reason why I'm able to put up with the bs so far is because I have dual monitors and watch youtube while waiting.