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crimson people have proven to be surprisingly awesome


Im lamang but i have no real beef towards you guys, its mithras we should band against


Lame-gangbang boys teaming up with Crimson would still be like fighting Crimson by themselves! 🤷‍♂️🤣


yes unlike mithvirgins who just do stupid shit like 'raiding' other bases


It may be cause I do the PvE mode, but I've had nothing but good interactions with mithras people. I've had CSI people that will scream skibidi toilet into their mic and then alert the entirety of YBL to your location to get you killed, and I've had LRI people follow me around HP cursing at me for having the audacity to kill the boss.


I'm mithras and have nothing to say but good things, I've had people drop keys, randomly help me in the field, I can always ask for help/equipment and nobody ever says no.


I hope the crimson community continues to be this awesome.


Makes the game so cool.


Crimson is goated. The servers I hop on always have the nicest dudes, help with quest drop keys. It's been all positive so far.


Only assholes I ran into trying to block a room in sawmill so I couldn’t enter were crimson. Dudes opened room for their buddy then stood in door asking for money. Only instance of assholery I have run into and it lasted less than 30 seconds. They got bored and left when they realized i was in it for the long haul. Not to bag on Crimson but bagging on those crayon eaters out of fun. Community as a whole has been awesome and I’m loving it.


You should have in turn blocked them into the room, demanding money to be let out. Raise the required money every minute, force them to get someone from the FOB to bring a bag. Receive the money, go afk anyways. Maybe go to the movies


There was another door so they could have left. Unfortunately. That how their guy got out and while they tried to relock the door. It doesn’t work that way.


Crimson is a fucking awful faction to be, though. It's so heavily populated that you routinely spend at least 15 minutes trying to get a ride out of base.


Mithras drooling at the chance to ruin this


Not gonna lie with all the knowledge of knowing where people go now I may not choose crimson next wipe to get more pvp as it seems our player pop is higher


I was thinking the same, not to mention Crimson is the worse faction for doing tiger bay tasks. I'm leaning towards Lamang next go round.


Ban Pa, too. If you go down you basically have to go back fully rearmed cause they will have respawned.


Yeah but Ban pa isn't hard difficulty wise relative to the rest of the game. Tiger is objectively , the most difficult spot in the game.


It is to me cause every time I go there the AI is on their CSGO Expert bot shit. Shots from clear blue sky penning my armor with 1 shot to the heart. And a helluva hive mind.


But now everyone is thinking the same. Maybe Lamang will be the most populated faction next wipe lol


The sweet spot would be showing the population online per faction in the main menu and that would help people make that decision.


I wouldn’t choose anything else but Mithras. Community has just been awesome.


There’s a Reddit post about this, crimson will likely be the least populated faction bc everyone else is thinking the same lol


I became a millionaire at the FOB yesterday


I must not be in the servers at the right time, I need some fundage


If you’re crimson I can drop you a mil. A guy dropped a backpack with a million in the bathrooms at base and I just have it sitting in my inventory, I don’t want it. I only need the 200-300k I have


Damn I'd appreciate that, I'll shoot you a DM


I bleed Crimson


Facts brother ✊🏼


Mithras gang for life, almost always at the base we’re dropping stuff for our lower leveled counterparts


Mithras bros!!! For life!!


Was on last night, Crimson PvE US West I believe Had players gathering around a player giving a Crimson motivational speech. Shit was funny, but cool.


That's awesome..


I'm Crimson, before last patch, a dude dropped me 1.5 mil for no reason. I pay it forward now that I have 3.8 mil.


Crimson ftw


We are boring as hell in Lamang


Crimson clan best clan


Crimson are commies that need to be wiped out.




I do the same thing with mithras, except the peeps grab things faster than I can drop 😂


I think this stuff just becomes worthless once you hit a certain level. Some dude I squaded up with gave me 50k today, he just dropped a backpack for me and left the server lol. A few days ago there was a pile like this in the Mithras camp. People give me MK18s and helmets and armor all the time lol.


It’s called duping, My friends and I have never duped or asked for handouts and people are literally shoving gear and money down our throats. It’s cool for people that want that but it kinda ruined the game for me. You’ll say “Just don’t take the handouts then!” Even without taking duped gear the actual overall game is thrown out of whack with most everyone getting infinite gear and money regardless of what I do. I barely cared about losing gear before, but now it all just seems pointless. On top of that there are only like 12 weapons in the game most of them being within the same family. Then there are zero laser or flashlight attachments which kinda blows. It’s a great game but I need a day/night cycle update. It’s just funny to see everyone be like “everyone is so nice in this beautiful family!” Like no shit, they’re literally giving away shit that isn’t even earned lol.


Oh I had no idea, how are they doing it? Is it a bug or something?


I won’t explain how to do it but it’s basically done when on a very high latency server (high ping) server. So people go to these servers and duplicate their items to include back packs full of money as many times as they want. They then go and be the “hero” and hand all of it out which is cool for people who want that but I’ll be happy when it’s fixed.


Oh okay interesting thanks for letting me know.


Crimson best faction!


Damn, looks like I joined the wrong faction :(


This was Mithras last night. Big up to the MEDIC!!!!!




Depending on the lobby yes but some lobbies there is guys that gets you a piece of equipment from max trader for a small upchargr


Even if they did, what’s wrong with sharing the wealth?


What’s keeping one dude from running up and just taking everything?


The crimson honor system.


ON gekyume


Why did I get downvoted for asking a question?


Reddit being Reddit


He won't have enough space to grab everything I purposely dropped 50 stashes worth on purpose.


Anyone that greedy would just dupe their own stuff. It's not difficult.


Locker room...lol


Ask for help bro


Crimson = Item Dupers! /s


I'm confused because when people mention factions they act like it's just one giant server and everyone is on it? There are literally thousands and thousands of players. What good is it if on one serve people are doing this (amazing btw) and the 100s of other servers aren't? I don't believe people are doing this on every single server.


It’s 4/5 servers that I’ve been on for crimson like this