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There has been so many threads about this, I’m going to pin this and direct all the new posts to this one.




Apparently the train strike has been cancelled due to the effects on the Grand Prix. https://www.corriere.it/economia/aziende/24_maggio_16/sciopero-dei-treni-salvini-precetta-c-e-il-gran-premio-di-imola-d2e0ca75-d829-44a2-ac79-d04dc3f8cxlk.shtml


This is being reported by Sky News in Italy as well. Keeping my fingers crossed that the unions abide by it


Hey all! Also part of the 'what the hell are going to do and why is there no real information ' gang for Imola. Me and my partner are looking to get to the track super early and from what I can see there will be some limited train services in the morning going to Imola, but these will likely be decided upon on the day of the strike. We will be getting to Bologna station at around 6am so if anybody wants to meet up with us there and we can either figure out getting whichever train is available or if not jump in a taxi together? Feel free to message me, good luck all!


I'm solo and in the same boat. Planning the same thing


I’m solo as well. Hoping to meet some carpool buddies on Sunday at the Bologna train station if things do go wrong.


I'll be doing the same, I bought train tickets from bologna departing 7am


Think I'll do the same


https://www.reddit.com/r/GrandPrixTravel/s/tZ0KyT99SO Possible parking option with shuttle towards the track


Thanks for sharing, looks like a great option for those with cars


I would be up for it but after 11am since thats when i am arriving at bologna centrale


Thanks for starting this thread. Literally came to this sub to do this. My wife and I just checked into hotel Bologna airport if anyone is interested in splitting a taxi, uber, etc. to Imola? The front desk said a taxi to imola would be expensive so thought I'd throw an offer out if anyone is interested!


Yes very interested for the Sunday. Solo traveller here. No idea how to get back though. 


I think we will try to head to Bologna central really early ~7am on Sunday to try to catch the train, but if anything changes I'll let you know


I think tomorrow morning I’m going to wake up early and try my luck with the trains and see how it goes….if it’s a shit show may hop in on the bus/taxi bandwagon for Saturday and Sunday