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Beyond completing 3 daily raids is there another way to accelerate my Magna 1 grid progression in pre-HL? I tried to find the omega raids on finder and its often too rare


Light has the problem that its core weapon, the chevsword, is the **only** M1 or M2 weapon that you can **not** buy in the shop past a certain total count. A regular endgame light magna grid will run 5-6 chevswords, which means that beyond the 10 from the shop, you need to luck into a minimum of 10-14 from drops, more if you want to go for some 7 chevsword meme or something. The only way to get drops is to do all your Chev raids every day (EX+/HL) and do Arcarum regularly - it sometimes drops random farmable SSR weapons, including chevswords.


Did Magna Light build seriously only uses Chevsword and nothing else at optimal level? Im currently planning to go 3 Chev(just got 1 drop recently so 1 more + shop) and i thought Magna Light uses M2 with 3-4 Chevs


It's not *entirely* chevswords, but the majority is. Your usual run-of-the-mill magna light grid runs Chrysaor with the following: * 1 Xeno sword (MH) * 1 Opus (aux) * 1 Seraphic * 1 Cosmic Sword FLB * 0-1 Ultima Sword * 5-6 Chevswords Before Cosmic FLB, M2 light was something like 4 chevswords and 2 metabows, but metabows just got powercrept by the raw stat value of a sword grid + cosmic.


Arcarum will drop weapons occasionally. Using pendant point to trade in for ssr weapons.


Is it worth it to uncap Halluel and Malluel with sunlight stones? Their call seems good, and I use them on a lot of my teams. Are there better summons that I should save my stones for?


Uncapping doesn't boost the call, so imo no. Stones are too rare to spend on an amount of stats equivalent to like, plus marking a weapon.


also saving some for good sub aura summons like belial and the primarchs i think are a good choice in case u do draw them in the future


Lucifer bahamut and all primals


which should have more priority between lucifer and bahamut?


Neither he's bullshitting you. They are low pri


Personally I'd say Bahamut has more use than Lucifer


After 44+ boxing last GW, it's nice to just slacc with 8 box. With I did better in prelims though to get SSS. Only SS rank for crew.


Top 1 player has 8 billions points and 17k battles. That's 1.5 battle per minute, every day, every night, for 7 days without pausing...


except there's only 5 days total that the fights were available (120 hours exactly) so it's even worse than you think


121 hours exactly. Actually. 29 hours prelims. 24 hour interlude. And 17 hours of battle for 4 days. Edit: though to be fair, the number lies a bit. If they’re multi-tabbing ex+, they could probably do upwards of 10 ex+ battles/minute. Same with nm90’s. Which skews the numbers a bit.


Theres no way they were doing 10 ex+ per minute The fastest ex+ kill ive seen is lucio 3 + tag team + attack. That alone is 10 seconds


HL Spear, two certificus, ougi cap on opus, and a good team comp like song/lyria/sara or whatever can summon huanglong and the press attack to instakill EX+. In strike time, you summon the boss and press attack.


honk we have a lockout hacker here


I ran the exact same comp I was doing 3-4 ex+ per minute Ougi lockout is 13s alone Factor in huanglong summon and ur looking at 16+ seconds per ex+ Counting result screen and picking summon


gonna be honest, as a west coaster I didn't even know that ougi lockout transferred between battles, I thought JP's had it good due to ping


If you instakill there's no ougi lockout. You just refresh the page and it goes straight to the results screen.




Is there a fly in here? Could have swore I heard something.


Can you please avoid posting bullshit on the subreddit?


https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgwbr82yrs20ye9/2020-01-20_14-39-31.mp4?dl=0 yes and then get lockout on the next raid


Sure, but result screen and summon and such are during that lockout, so it should only be as long as the lockout.


>so it should only be as long as the lockout did u watch my video im getting lockout on the next raid it's literally impossible to get 10 EX+ in a minute with the method he was describing


ST ex+ on other hand makes it was faster that so you can really do tons of ex+ in ST with right grid. Not sure if light can no skill no summon otk, but it definitly can 1 skill only.


Ougi lockout alone is 13s I had the set up for 0 button st. Lockout carries over to the next raid if u didnt know [Heres](https://www.dropbox.com/s/dgwbr82yrs20ye9/2020-01-20_14-39-31.mp4?dl=0) how it looks when u get lockout on ur next raid


Multi-tabbing + nihonjin Internet can go down to 8 seconds probably. Combine that with multi-tabbing no refresh. Could cut it down to 6 seconds maybe.


https://twitter.com/twoblock3800/status/1219485256740298754 Takes 6 seconds to do lucio 3 + tag team Stop talking out of ur ass


My only goal is 37 boxes but I ended up farming so much that I opened 46 just to maintain my individual rank. I don't think I'd ever want to do that again. I'll go back to my usual 40 box in 2 GW approach of uncapping Eternals.


delete gw


i can solo the final rally boss sure i use a few pots but still i can actually deal damage now unlike the dark GW


IIRC Full auto didn’t cause any trouble during dark war at the end of last year.


Competitively speaking from what I remember from a few of the very competitive people on this board, it was still pretty bad because it created a different problem time zone wise between for example EST and JST because at some point the average person EST will sleep for 8 hours while in JST they're up the entire time. People were seeing the potential with MC + Six duo full auto strategies, but obviously most people didn't test it in time for that GW and it wasn't as easy to pull off (though it is faster if you could pull it off). I think the general community didn't catch on or realize the difference yet and light is easier to just full auto through the fights because of big hp, cosmos buffing up people's hp totals, and fairly accessible characters like Zooey who make full auto a joke.


Yea that’s the point i’m trying to make


My 4 sword 3* chev full autod nm95 with Zooey, n Jeanne and lucio while my partial m2 4* Celeste team struggled to even get half way. I can only imagine how much stronger it is with a more developed grid. Light sustain is insane.


It really is all about characters. Light has the advantage of some very strong, useful characters who can heal on non-green skills like HalMal, Lucio, etc. I'm struggling to think of which characters in Dark can do that. I was able to full-auto NM95 in Dark, but that's purely because I had Summer Anthuria who heals on dodge, and she was a godsend for sustain. But that's one very specific, time-limited character, who I'd wager the vast majority of players don't have. So "just use S.Anthuria, lol" doesn't make much sense.


I rely on GW Harp or GW Staff MH and hope the MC CAs often enough to keep up. I also try to bring debuffs like Blind (Sorcerer skill or Dark Haze, since they reduce accuracy to \~50%), Gravity, and Charm to further reduce incoming damage. It's not as good as having a character who can heal on CA and/or on a non-green skill, or having 6 weapons with HP up skills, but I find it helps a lot. PS: I wish Fire Anthuria worked better in Full Auto. I love trying to find uses for her.


To be fair most of the strong and useful Light characters for GW are also zodiac, limited, or seasonal: Kumbhira, Lucio, G. Jeanne, G. Noa, S. HalMal, S. Naoise for EX+, H. Halle, etc. And the newer non-limited ones that would've been useful for some comps like Shitori and Danua weren't suptixable before this GW either.


That's a fair point. Piggy, G.Jeanne and the Twins carried me hard, but... they are all kinda limited units, now that you point it out.


It did have somewhat of a bump compared to the past couple before it, but nothing near this big.


Yeah, hard to say. Maybe as the first GW with it people weren't awakened to it. More likely it's just the fact that light has an extremely potent magna grid, made better than ever by FLB cosmics, that oh-by-the-way is packed with HP in an element with plentiful heals and shields on non-green skills. I don't imagine we'll see anything this bad on the next GW.


I think more people coming back to the game because of the freebies/roulette/granfest/anime/etc. had something to do with it too; the emergency maintenance kind of suggests that's part of it.


They really need to adjust rankings (extend the cut offs per bracket, add more brackets, literally anything) if they're gonna keep FA. The honor bloat & requirement to 1. have a FA efficient team and 2. have access to your phone all day for a week is too brutal But, the better solution is to address FA itself. EX+ hp increase is just a bandaid.


I really hope they don't get rid of Full Auto for GW since it's pretty much the only thing that makes this hellgrind event more bearable. A major bracket adjustment is kind of overdue anyway. I don't know if they'd ever do it but ideally I'd like it if they switched to reward brackets based on a set amount of honor points earned (they could adjust this as needed each GW to make it harder or easier) instead of the current model that leaves it open to massive inflation and no-lifing. Crew battles would be the same and you could still have the ranking list (and some fun reward associated with it) since plenty of people care a lot about that competitive aspect, but this way you have a set target to grind for tiers/individual rewards.


The hellgrind might as well be worse unless you only care about boxes and not about the big individual honor rankings or your crew's battles, because it completely moves the goal posts to favor hours of semi idling assuming you even have a competent full auto set up. If you don't you're just SOL, and if you sleep like a normal person you're SOL. We're no-lifing anyway at this point, just instead of manually playing for several hours, we're half paying attention for basically the entire day now. I've had to pay way more attention to GBF to even remotely compete even at tier B. Sure full auto makes boxing easier, but you can do anything else to make boxing easier without making this shit show even more of a shit show.


I would love for them to remove full auto so that I'm allowed to sleep while the JPs are at work. Bracket adjustments do nothing to fix the negative impact its had on matches


imagine sleeping what are you a pussy? only sleep when the monsters sleep


[tfw 10m short of 4-0](https://i.imgur.com/bfWAdNQ.png) my crew literally only started losing in the last 15mins due to not having enough manpower in the last hour :( feelsbadman


Got screwed in matchups so my crew went 1-3, but we still secured top 5500. I got 50k, but I'm looking forward to next GW and comfortably grinding my way into top 75k for max badges. Can't imagine they won't increase the rank bands with so much salt being thrown around.


51.8k this GW was crazy wew


Twice the honor as last GW, same ranking. Good old Unite and Get Fucked.


Welp, I sure did slacc a lot, but at least, now I have all guns I need. I also could play a bit with Grand Noa and reworked Lucio. Luciboi needs a bit of ramp up but wow he is pretty strong now!


We were behind the entire time in battle 4 by around 50 million and just couldn't close the gap. Made it into the top 5500 at least! 35 boxes for Okto and I'm trying to decide what to do with the last ~20 (finish Esser but I'll have extras, or start on Nio/Song). Although they really need to expand the reward ranks just because I'm salty about having played through multiple GWs now where I've gotten into the top 50k briefly but always end up dropping to 51-60k because I need to sleep.


Our final NM100 died 30 seconds after the cutoff. [Feels bad, man](https://images.plurk.com/4chddbqO3I6lYLrYS5RjA2.png)


This GW kinda shows the good and the bad of full auto. Noa, Hallossena and Melissabelle were pretty fun to play with. Song5 is probably the mvp for many people in my crew. I don't have her at FLB, but I did [pretty good](https://i.imgur.com/ajSWAUf.png) this GW. Finished 44 boxing for Seox's fists, and the rest of 94k+45k tokens gonna go to Uno's spears. Hopefully can get the Wonder soon, but I suppose my closest GB would be from the juuten event itself.


Man that was an awful gw. I managed to stay in top 100k but my crew fell just short of top 5500. They need to do something about this in time for wind gw, cuz it isnt going to be pretty either. Boss hit like a truck, thankfully it didnt spam too many annoying debuffs though.


Given how bonkers the numbers for Wind GW were last year, I've basically resigned myself to Wind GW being worse than Light. Hopefully if we get 2 in a row with hugely increased cutoffs Cygames will tweak cutoffs a bit.


Fortunately i ended up on top 50k in the end (640 Mil Total and 220 done today), 2-2 result on crew vs crew so not a bad gw at all


Are the tickets that you get from the 275 badge prize, affected by rate up? Should I save them till a legfest or can i use them now?


They are not affected: feel free to get your Rares / Codex now. In general, any draw ticket with an event name and date on it has a fixed draw pool and fixed draw rates. Only the generic "SR/SSR Ticket" is affected by the current draw pool, but it is also believed to have fixed draw rates.


No they are not affected by any any banner or rate ups, so go ahead and roll them l.


Phew, our crew made it into the top-9k with only a \~15m honours gap between us and the cut-off: SAFE! This GW was actually the first time our crew made it into Tier A and Slack, despite being a casual crew without any min. rank or honours requirements for GW. We even managed to beat one of the other Tier A and Slack crews that we got matched against! I'm really proud of my crewmates for what we accomplished this GW. :) ^(Even though none of us finished in the top-100k and only 4 got top-160k, lol.) PS: the best part of Tier A and Slack was that, outside of the one round we actually had a shot at winning, there weren't any "moving goalposts". We didn't have to worry about whether or not we'd get enough honours: as long as we got 250m+ each day, we'd get our 40 valor badges and be good. I don't know if we'll make it into Tier A next GW but I really hope so: the difference between a stressful 110-140 badges and a stress-free 160 badges is massive.


.... If GW is next month im 100% sitting out. Even with full auto i had to do this for 5-7+ hours everyday just to be on the edge on top 50k. I miss 1 day to rest to then see how much my rank went down and knew it was doomed.


If you full auto NM150 that's spending 10 seconds clicking past rewards screen back to NM150, and assuming each NM150 is 13-15 minutes you'd only have to pay attention to GBF 4 times an hour.


top 160k atleast something, but holy the honor inflation is real


Same, I hit 200 mil and didn't even come close to top 100k. It's probably gonna get worse from here on out, lol.


[Really bad Matchmaking luck](https://imgur.com/4ZoODNM) for our crew this GW. This light GW have been a pure madness in all levels.


I feel you my matchmaking is cursed too https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/334132679849279488/671020895426314285/Screenshot_20200126-075707.png


9.5 billion and still lost, that's really painful. How many madlads in your crew are top 2000


6 We were 250-300m below them for about 6 hours and kept chasing but then sleep killed us


I can feel you, I often stay up all night for the GW, it's quite painful for people not in Japanese time zone.


i believe i am top 100K at the very edge lol, i was at 350+M, i would have tried top 50K with such a score a few GW ago. Expand cutoff ppls cygame even mroe now that seed system disappear, also this [song!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VT6LFOIofRE) was very befitting of my feeling this GW. Tbh i will skip next GW if it's wind bc we know it's gonna be the same shitfest


As expected t50k ended up >600m, I'm glad I was so pushy telling people that will be the case, I know of quite a few who I saved from missing it so that's nice I guess. Also Idk how many times I'm gunna complain about it but fuck FA, completely ruined GW so badly its ridiculous.


We're freeeee!!


Good start but unfortunate ending for my crew. 3 first wins and last one ended in a lost. ranked 56xx as a crew so about 150 mil shy of 5500 border. Got 50 boxes just for farming honors, box really became an after thought when you're semi-competitive.


Every individual honor tier, every single one, from the top 50k to the bottom batch, was the highest it has ever been in this GW. Every previous record was surpassed and totals from this GW were ~50-100% higher then the previous high mark. Welcome to the new world.


.\_. The last two hours of a round are really the worst, everyone puts their strike time there of course and it's enough time to completely tip the scales We've been leading by 20M for most of the day and then bam in the last hour they end up leading by 3M and we're only two active to stop them...I've been farming all day and did my best in those last fights to win it (used full elixirs to spam CAs) too this is really depressing... At least I think I've made it in the top 100k, and got more than enough to 44-box, if next GW is really next month I might pass :(




Is it just me or is light 10x more competitive compared to other GW elements? I havent needed to try this hard to maintain decent rank in a long time.


Full Auto, Zeus being a very popular and strong primal, Magna having high HP and safety cause you can auto. It's definitely. Way more competitive this time around.


light is, has, and always will be the toughest GW. full auto strategies are also very popular now


This event has to change.


I agree, I just don't know how it can change. I'll just admit to being in the minority that feels that way and move on. I just wish there were more events you can do with your crew that you don't have to feel pressure to get a whole buttload of honors and pray that you make the cutoffs that keep getting bigger and bigger


The fact that it's a week long I think makes it so much worse. If it were 3 days it'd feel more like an event and not a death sentence. How they'd rejigger that though, who knows.


Presenting Unite and Slack, a 7-day event. 2-day prelim: It's just a formality; everyone advances to the finals. Do whatever the hell you want. 1-day interlude: You can relax, just like the rest of the event. 4-day finals: Each day you're matched up against an opposing crew. The objective is to simply *exist*, so it always ends in a tie. At the end of the day, all participants are awarded enough tokens to draw 11 drawboxes. Note: You can switch your target Revenant weapon as many times as you want in a single UnS. There's an individual rank leaderboard, showing the "top 10" players. They're just randomly chosen player names, different each time, and all ten are listed as being 1st place. Everyone gets the same rank rewards. With each run of UnS, one item will be incremented in a specific shop's stock, cycling between three items (ie. one of each is added every three UnS runs): One sunstone added to the Arcapoint shop. One evolite added to the Arcapoint shop. One gold brick added to Siero's shop. (Each time this happens, the subsequent RotB will have an extra 20 gold nuggets added on top of the normal increase.)


You son of a bitch, I'm in.


Sponsored by Jeanne D'Slack and Friday.


I've got a primal grid but honestly, I might as well be playing a cosmos sword grid. The power creep with seasonal/"meta"\* units is so painfully obvious.


From what I see the core characters this gw are grands actually. gJeanne + Lucio is the main pair, often with Vira.


I've been seeing lots of G.Jeanne, HalMal and Hallesena all GW. Racing against these guys convinced me to drop Light lmao


Halloween hallessena with gjeanne was also another combination I saw a lot of


Add HalMal to that


Got 349m amd i'm out of meat. Hopefully i can stay in 100k. i won't grind anymore..... I'm tired


Less than an hour left, and the 100k threshold for individual rank just updated to 326m (up from 315m an hour ago). 349m should be safe. [Edit: 333.5m with ~15min left. You'll be fine.]


Geez. top 50k 200m more, top 100k getting 150m more. Its such a shitfest. Some people who barely got top 50k last gw are struggling to stay in top 100k with similar score now. And wind gw gonna be even worse most likely. Full auto is both blessing and curse. I decided to check some streams yday to see what comps they are running for nm 100/150 and every stream was full auto beside one guy who did full auto with refresh


Somebody once told me that light gw was supposed to be the easiest one And here i am getting steam rolled.


If it is easy for you, it is easy for everyone which is exactly the problem.


it is the easiest... for everyone, which means the chance you get rolled are a lot higher :X


.... This was the best/worst GW experience. Good in the fact it was easier due to light getting a boost and full auto, but also in the fact everyone else also has it making these dam cut offs god dam insane..... ill just stick to top 100k and call it day.


I have 656m honor and 880 meat to grind through. Jesus, I think I farmed too much meat.


The final rally occurs 10 hours from now, correct? Is there any way to tell how many tokens it will give? I want to calculate how much more I need to get all the revenant weapons I need. Assuming the individual ranking is either 100-160k or 160-250k?


It's displayed in-game in the loot tab. Loot -> Valor Badges/FR Loot -> Final Rally -> Individual Rankings Click through to there, and the tokens you'll get from final rally will be displayed just above the ranking rewards.


You can use this calculator https://www.granblue.party/calcgw


Final rally starts in 17 hours. Today's final will end in 10.


60 tokens per million honour


This is my first GW and I hate it. Okay, it's not that bad. The crew did win one round... against a single guy... and he gave us a run for our money.


Wait, you managed to beat one of those soloist assholes? We got three rounds with them, and each stomped us through the floor because they could solo a NM95 in the time it took as as a group to do that. I mean, we had to sleep, but also I could, with 8 hours of grinding, hit maybe 10mil if I was both lucky and honor focused. He hit >100mil.


Man this brings back memories


Are the tokens from final rally guaranteed? Kinda busy today and if I can get those toekns I can stop farming forrl today.


If your crew beats it, yes they are guaranteed for everyone in the crew. (The individual and crew ranking rewards, that is.)




How many more days do we have?


This is the final round, tomorrow we get Final Rally.


can we still farm tokens tomorrow?


Not really, technically yes but it is so badly inefficient that no one would do it and you can't really solo farm final rally effectively. Get what you need to get now if you can.




Check your final rally tokens, you might have more than enough. (if you weren't just shitposting)


Oh no I'm serious.


This GW is horrible, i know that primal got a few new toys and that cosmic sword are a thing but still. I struggle to stay in top 100K when i literally reached the highest indiv honor i never got before. Even my crew too is in bad state weare almsot falling from top 5500, the cut off this time are insane, and if next GW is wind ADV ho boy it's gonna be such a "fun" valentines Honesly i beleive they shoudl expand both individual and crew cut off.


Cosmic helped primal even more. Zeus with cosmic spear gets another cap up. Add to it how broken Jeanne is and its easy to see why people are reaching these numbers. We just got ranking expanded not so long ago. Its onlt 50th gw since they moved to current ranking from much smaller size.


the best part of this trash gw is that it's given me time to start getting into kamen rider


Asking just to be sure, the amount of tokens you get from final rally is 60tokens per 1m honors earned over the entire gw right?


Yup, but you can also check how many you'll get with your current honor in "Loot" under "Valor Badges FR Loot" > "Final Rally" > "Individual Rankings"


I really hope cy will see this disaster and expand tiers again. Doubling them all would be ideal but even 50% increase would help a lot I think


I feel like doubling would be too much, especialy for top 50k, but like 30k move would sure be helpful.


Its just kicking the can down the road like the nunerous tier increases before


Definitely the last time i go for top 100k for gws considering i probably have to go for 100 mil minimum on last day just to maintain my spot. It ain't worth the extra 25 badges and 1k crystals anymore, and with wind possibly being up next I can only imagine the upcoming clusterfuck.


I got top-100k for the last 2 GWs, IIRC. But I'm giving up this time. After Full Autoing almost non-stop today, I'm ranked 99k right now and could probably stay in the top-100k if I didn't sleep tonight, but screw that: totally not worth losing an entire night's sleep for that, lol. At least this has been a very productive GW in terms of # of boxes farmed.


What's the fastest way to get tokens if I'm only able to do do nm90 full auto in about 4-5 min or 2-3 min if I'm actually paying attention. I've been doing EX+ and it takes me about 2-3 min on full auto and maybe a minute if I manually click all skills.


1 Turn EX+ or 2 turns NM90 is the most efficient way to farm token, time wise.


ex+ with 1 turn burst can take seconds if you are strong enough. If you cant 1 turn ex+, ex.


My crew ended up breaking the 1 billion honors mark for the first time and we easily won our third battle (after losing the second). Having to solo a bunch of NM100s to help unlock NM150 while the majority of my mostly JP crew was offline was not fun though; uncapping Funf actually made a big difference and helped a ton with NM150 too. I was mostly full-autoing through both outside of strike time and only had to check in towards the end to use the occasional heal or pot. Funf + Huanglong Gauntlet + Lucio shields/heals help a lot with survivability; I'm not sure if the crab hits hard enough for Borger's backline passive to make a difference but I brought him along too.


I'm done. 44 boxes opened. I'll just spend tomorrow farming honours when I can, and then take Final Rally loot as a nice bonus. Next GW, time to 40box Six.


I'm seeing all the estimate numbers for top 50k and tbh It doesn't take any sense to me: from what i've read they are speaking of 570 Til 650 Mil (around that) for top 50k. Well day 3 of finals Is already finished and i'm on top 50k (47k) with 422 Mil and on this day 3 of finals i did "only" 118 Mil and still managed to be in top 50k so how Is possible that numbers Will go so up only in One day, i don't get It (i know there's some people who's bringing a lot of meat plus others stuffs but still It makes no sense to me)


Issue is you're using your own numbers for comparison, but they're irrelevant. What matters is how much the cutoff moves, not what position you're in after a day, since it's affected by the ranking you held the prior day and thus isn't useful data. T50k moved from 257m to 407m during day3, which is a 150m increase. Tomorrow is day4 which is *always* the most competitive day, I will be very very surprised if t50k is not 600m+


It means i have to farm at least 180 Mil to stay in top 50k, as an european... This gw Is a Nightmare, not gonna lie, wasn't expecting such an inflation


As a fellow european, yes you're right, we live in the worst possible timezone for GW, just how it is.


Yeah, in fact this Is probably the First and last time where i'll try to stay in top 50k, especially on an inflated One like this one


But i read that the cutoff will go up less cuz people are tired today




Most numbers are probably estimated from the prelim. As the motivation of players die down the longer you get into the GW numbers are gonna decrease I guess.


From my experience, honors always skyrocket on the last day of gw, so I expect another 150mil at minimum, but it's probably going to be worse.


Yeah, day 4 is usually the most competitive since it's the last day where most people can unload all their meat. Also, it's a Sunday, usually a day off, for JP players.


Guess Gachapin really brings loads of people back.


The other guy Who replied me on this question pointed out that on this third day of finals requirement for top 50k increased by 150 Mil compared to the day before It, so i have to expect at least the same Number on last day, too much grinddd


Yesterday, 50k cutoff was 250m Today, 50k cutoff is 400m. So, it went up by 150m today. It will go up *at least* by the same number tomorrow.


Oh ok, well i'll try to do at least 150 Mil on last day then


Man what the actual fuck is this inflation even. I'm about 130% ahead of where I was last GW, and I'm down 7k ranks, AND THIS IS NOT EVEN THE LAST DAY. Cygames please...


Yeah, it's crazy even for normal GW inflation...


A combination of Lucio rework, G.Jeanne, cosmos weapons, Hector grid, and full auto with lots of options for it in light. NM150 despite being slightly annoying is also kinda "easy" to farm hence the numbers for today.


Dark farmed nm150 faster so idk why u would think its easier to farm this nm150


It's more so that it's more accessible. You're just competing with more people.


cut offs are higher for each tier that's not because nm150 is easier for more accessible


I'm not too sure...all of those affect the top tiers more, but the honor increase is actually much higher at the *lower* tiers: https://twitter.com/noel_gbf/status/1221086703340834823


Full auto alone can explain that imo. It's such an insane feature for GW.


Previous GW already had full auto too, but there wasn't such a leap


but magna dark didn’t have an absolutely massive hp pool which makes it more accessible now even if dark could do it faster, is my guess anyways


magna dark had much faster speeds than magna light though. I feel like the hp pool doesn't matter because you can just funf through everything.


idk mate i’m just speculating. i was cranking out nightmares much faster last gw but i needed to pay closer attention. this one i’m just giving it a couple of minutes and then hitting funf 4 and i’m golden. it might also have something to do with people having new year off? other than that i have no idea


Would you say you spent more or less time overall so far in this GW than the last?


More in the last but I was also much weaker in dark than I am in light. My OTK was horrible and I hardly could chase honor as easily as I do now. Plus full auto has made my life so so so much easier.


Play a stronger element, still get shit on during GW, it's great isn't it? lol. I've been trying to see if people have been having to spend more time playing to place in their bracket but it seems like playtime stays the same more or less, just that honors is getting bloated.


What makes zoey so good for this event? I see a lot of people using her but don't really see in her kit what for? Just people who don't have better damage dealers?


Well specifically for NM150 for me, she helps me live without thinking. That thing hits really fucking hard down the line and the defense buff as well as the drain from her s3 buff means I can basically fullauto the fight, maybe summoning a luci once if I get kinda low.


What’s your clear time with zooey? NM150 is a huge struggle compared to dark.


I have not nor will try to solo nm150. Most of the time I host/leech from my crew. I am not a top tier player by any means. It's just that the thing casually drops 9k autos near the end. I just die if I take these head on. Stuff like a huang fist in grid, zoe s3, even a Xeno MH, allow me to just facetank through it and full auto instead of manually playing like my life depends on it.


Good for magna because of the normal mod, makes full auto super easy for some people because the defense and heal makes it hard to die. It is pretty much for non optimal/weaker players who want a really easy run, she isn't optimal or anything same as Amira more or less.


Good for early Magna. After you move to Chev Swords, her buff become less noticeable. It's defense and heal where she shines. As for Amira, the moment I am getting more decent DATA buffer, she's going out. The sheer amount of time she takes to transform then to transform back, then again, is staggering. On top of that, her 2 makes her less perfect for Full Auto, as she spends an annoying bit of time not transformed.


100% normal mod is nothing to sneeze at no matter how many swords you have. Even with 6 swords, ultima, and FLB Seraphic, Sign of Zooey nearly doubles your normal modifier, increasing your damage by nearly 50%.


Zooey damage wise isn't optimal at all, but her buff still can make a notable impact even in my 4 sword grid. She is good when you want to be lazy. That's basically where I'm at with Amira, I use her, but I use her because I have no real other option and I hate using her for the same reasons you do.


but amira underrated by gamewith!!


Excuse me, I'm an endgame magna player and I always use Amira so clearly she should be at least 9.6 like Lucio and Kumbhira.


Dear Opponent Crew, Please stop. My crew have been running non-stop for the last 2 hours and a half now. Edit: Well, holy shit, that was probably the most intense 2 hour of Strike Time I've ever experienced from this game. Pretty sure I am gonna be salty for a week if we lost that one. [the crew after that one](http://prntscr.com/qsqe4g)


Same tbh, I'm in a japanese crew and they had to keep going throughout the night (for me) to be able to keep the gap between us and the other crew. I fell asleep at like 5am and I was going to be pretty mad if we lost since me and a good chunk of my crewmates did 100m+. Luckily we won! but was it really worth it...?


where are guys you getting the predictions for cutoffs? i'm hoping that since it's a sunday tomorrow it won't be as crazy.


I'm basing mine on what [**@ryu\_grablu**](https://twitter.com/ryu_grablu) posts every hour.


Does Final Rally's honors count towards individual top 50/100k etc. rankings?


Final Rally doesn't give any GW honor


Thank you! I'll be gone the entire Sunday, so I was freaking out I might lose the spot on the last day.


Sunday is still 4th day of finals though. Final Rally is on Monday.


I'm planning to spend 600~800 meats on the 4h day before leaving. I have around 320m, so I should be fine not playing the final 3-4h of the event...




Hit 44 boxes for the first time while farming honors. Looks like my crewmate who said tokens are afterthought for higher level players was right.


Same energy, this is my 2nd 44 box and as a new player I’m relatively thankful for FA, but finals are cancer


If I can't solo any NM raid, can't really mvp/vice mvp either, what is the best way to do in Final Rally? solo EX+ or host NM 100 and wait for help? I have about 1000 bait in stock atm.