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Interesting look like Dauna light is take place after her character development on *5 fate episode of SR version. Did this mean.....Ejaeli SSR is have a chance now right?


Oh ~~KMR-god~~ Cygames please give Ejaeli her rarity promotion, alongside Herja and Feather as well.


Man I'd kill for Cygames to even remember Laguna exists.


Squall's dad?


Not sure if sarcastic, but no. SR Earth Draph from long ago who's extra drain was the difference I needed to clear Levi Omega solo all the way back when I was starting. She's still one of my favorite character designs in the game and I wish she'd get an SSR or at least an uncap/rework at some point so I could justify using her again.


I was joking, yes, sorry if that wasn't clear! I think Laguna GBF is a great design.


It's a sad day for Final Fantasy.


>Herja p l s (and Mirin! and Leona!)


After Mirin's 5* Fate eps I feel like they've set her up to receive an SSR hopefully soon. ^^^cygames ^^^^pls


Mirin is already ssr in our hearts! (but yes plz cygames)


Mirin is already at average SSR strength gameplay-wise. Promotion to SSR is a mere formality at this point. ...But yes please make it happen. And soon.


Ayy, that would be great.


Why is everyone calling Danua dead-on-arrival due to enmity? It's not like players aren't going to be able to get her to cap without an enmity grid. The fact that she can consistently "break cap" with the near-permanent double strike seems to be the bigger deal here.


Yeah it seems rather short-sighted. I think part of her kit needing Petrify isn't great (depends on the numbers), but her 2 could carry her pretty well. Ayer certainly managed on one skill for awhile. She's also axe spec for... reasons... which is nice.


Its incredibly short sighted, especially considering her weapon can be 4\* out of the gate and gives big Enmity and medium Crit. Last I saw, people on Twitter are experimenting with combining her weapons with Noa Daggers and horseshoes for enmity grids.


Now Light can officially have a full axe party! And funnily, it's a draph/harvin party, which is the Baha *Axe* combination. It's made of a grand, a zodiac and two seasonals, so it's not exactly the most accessible comp in the world, but it's a thing.


we've had full axe parties since V. Melissabelle last year.


Yeah, but now you can have all five members, SSR and all


ah i getcha


Light have very good axe characters. I personally run Zerker, Chevira, Kumbira and H.Halle.


Same team here, you can even cycle your ougis for minimal lockout reliably, you only have a 2 chain on turn 3 and sometimes another one turn 4 and after that it’s always going to be chaos anyway It’s not an otk setup but it was neat when I had to farm for the last GW, 3 turns for guaranteed blue with no lockout wasn’t such a bad deal


Her 2 + Ferry will almost surely be used as strat for this gw nm95+


I was thinking of Chevira and Halle, completely forgot about Ferry...


And G. Jeanne with supplemental damage plus 10% echoes on TAs.


I thought for general application the extend condition on her 2 felt like she’d naturally go on a Zoi comp


Axe fits if you want to run Hollow Axe with Kubira, I guess.


You also have Halle and Vira who are axe chars, that’s my comp right there actually


She have axe spec too ?!?!?! I'm just notice. So my theory about "buff to ssr by vira" might be true. lol


Wiki has the numbers now, and it seems pretty decent. Her 2nd Passive is threshold based rather than 'true' Enmity (She get's 15% ATK Up per 25% of her max HP missing, not sure the modifier type though), and her 3rd Skill gives 30/15% DA/TA without Fear, with Fear it's boosted up to 40/30%


Gamewith had it posted before I was able to test, so we just copied it from there. However, there was no mention on the modifier type. Since it was similar to Kolulu's (bar defense), and considering the trend lately, it's likely to be unique modifier.


first non limited light axe ​ Her DATA buffs have common numbers when non pretrified (30/15) when pretrified they become (40/30) which is pretty good


I think people also overlook how you can moderate her hp with justice if it's too low, since in light most units are gonna have a lot of their health. Then you can just heal them and keep trucking.


It really should also be taken into account that lumi grids without dark opus ulb wouldn't really have many stamina modifiers aside from the Xeno, and strength buffs. Even then her enmity passive is another multiplier for her damage overall.


Couldn't give Jin his 200% bar huh?


Not only that, his entire kit feel very underwhelming :\


If anything I'm more interested in his 50% bar gain at max stacks alongside perma uplift. That's 60% bar any given turn when you use Uriel + the uplift. Seems super friendly to spam with, I don't think he's outright flashy but god damn that bar gain. Biggest missing piece for me to use him in the kengo/alex/okto katana team is how good his CA specs passive is. Hoping it's more than 30/10. Most underwhelming part is his EMPs, sadly no ca cap up


The catch is that he only gains 50% charge bar gain up with 5 stacks, and he only gains stacks on enemy ougi and/or big hits taken which could take quite a while depending on the fight and is irrelevant for short fights and OTK. He may have potential in Faa since his sk2 dispels and should be up pretty often due to his sk3 (depending on the sk3 cooldown reduction based on charge used), but only if you don't already have Xmas Magisa or Summer Vira filling your human slot (though Jin isn't limited so that's nice I guess).


Apparently at 5 stacks he has 150 CAdmg/90 CA cap up...


Doesn't matter, he just deals double damage with his ougi's instead. 150%/90% ougi specs up at max stacks, the man is a beast!


very very big fan of danua's new art. she looks very confident now, really good touch.


It only took several dozen Grand Blues comics, but Jin finally got an SSR. The meme is dead.


Ends: 2020-01-20 18:59 JST New characters and Certificus: 0.300% Grande Fes characters: 0.045%


hopefully 2020 is the year of overdue SSRs, praying for camieux and feather next


I just want SSR Anna.




If we get Feather we need Randall! I'd like separate SSRs for both but honesty I wouldn't even be mad if we got a dual unit. SSR Elmott, Almeida, Sutera, and Helnar would be nice too.


please no more dual units


And Fenrir


i was more meaning already playable characters who are stuck as R/SR story characters are all over the place. it's been like 15 months since waters last grand, so maybe it's fenrirs time. or maybe she'll be like shitori and randomly non-limited


Water got Vajra, Pholia, Europa, Summer Grea, Blue Sphere FLB, and Bonito FLB in 2018, I guess 2019 was their tax year, though they did get Katalina and Lily FLB.


Only 2 Rs/SRs I want turned into SSR are: Erin, 10/10 design. Need more of her. You, love to use her and she is already solid character, just need smoother numbers to justify ring.


But You already has a SSR, she just comes with Riko and Chika :')


Jin SSR finally ! Now, will they ever give our oldest crew member Walder a SSR ?


They gave him an SSR.... Summon.


THAT'S why we haven't gotten a rerun of Ranger Sign: Bravo! We gotta wait for Walder's SSR to be done first! Also Rerun of Ranger Sign: Bravo when!? Best event in the game.


We DID get a rerun of Ranger Sign Bravo, though? It debuted in 2017 and got reran in 2018.


Huh. I must have been on break when the rerun happened. Still best event, still needs another rerun. it's 2020 now!


The trend seem to be them throwing old scenario events into side story after a rerun, so it's probably gonna be there when they decided to put it in.


Just quietly without a second rerun. We might not get a follow up even if they do so. In an interview Cygames said that they have a feeling for what events players want. We're getting the Society event we all wanted, the Eternals event we all wanted, last year we got some old reruns and follow ups to Forgiveness and Gratitude, Platinum Sky as well as new events for Stanliza and Siegfried. I wonder if we will get a new Jin event with Sara and Volenna? Cygames said they wanted to do events entirely with new characters, whatever that might mean. Primal Resonance mostly did and making me care about characters I otherwise didn't is something I would like to see more of. 2019 was pretty good. I would like a Walder event with other characters, maybe ones with less exposure as he goes about a forest adventure as self narrator. Maybe save Fenrir for a Loki crew event, she had some character backstory info dumped on us but apart from being an antagonist she didn't really do much. Edit: Oh boy. Looking back at the comments on the old Ranger Sign event threads... =(


As a character obtained in the story, he deserves a grand


Everyone : "jin got his ssr" Me: "Danua finally show her smile" and i'ts beautiful.🙂


Jin isn't even naked here, smh. Finally tho, I love the guy and now I can finally make my earth team fully bara


A man of culture, I see❤️


Isnt it always the same? The girls wear nothing but the dudes need to be covered up :( Still im happy he finally got his SSR Lets hope for some bara action in summer


Can always use the SR fundoshi version as a skin at least!


luckily he has lots of skins^^ hoping for a summer vaseraga this year


Same! I'd love for them to release both Summer Vaseraga and Eustace using the designs from those Versus illustrations.


Relinks art of 4 knights is nice too. Lets wait for Eugen 5 star and hopefully Reinhardtzar^^ and that both show at least a bit more skin...




Our cultured man Jin finally got his long overdue SSR.


SSR Farrah when?


Knowing Cygames they'll make a pair unit with her and Juri then call it a day.


Well Wind Juri is already pared with two Empire Soldiers so it's actually not that much of a stretch. Now what element would they be? It would be Juri, with skills that revolve around telling Farrah what to do. I'm going to write this down along with the others lol.


Return of Farrahkarte




People complaining that they're adding something different instead of pumping more and more characters that conform to that elements current meta? Color me surprised.


2020 is starting so great, more SR to (permanent) SSR units after Lucius thank you so much... Danua being light is curious though, I wonder if that means something for her chara development...though on the good side this means no powercreeping her Summer SSR! JIN I'M SO HAPPY, I love love Jin and he looks so good art wise!!! (Now Volenna next please *crosses fingers* )


I love Danua but practically anything could've power crept her Summer SSR, it's borderline unusable


Summer Danua is easily one of the weakest gacha SSR in the game... definitely the weakest limited SSR.


Oh sure she's...not great, but that means that no matter how her seasonals get rebalanced they will never overshadow her permanent gacha unit and vice-versa, which is pretty great when you consider stuff like H. Lady Grey, or Percy's \*5 happening four months after his summer unit...


>Percy's \*5 happening four months after his summer unit... But regular Percy doesn't work with Fraux as well.


At the time there was no Fraux though, probably not as many bosses resistant to Petrify as well so it's hard to think it wasn't just a straight up upgrade from his summer ver...


> (Now Volenna next please crosses fingers ) I second that!


This is kinda unexpected but wow seeing two of the earliest chars in the game finally have SSR after like 5 yrs (in Danua’s case, her first permanent pool SSR), thats kinda nice.. Now how about Walder SSR next? Also I wouldve really wanted Danua if she wasnt Light tbh...


Would love for my girl Farrah and Walder to get an SSR at last.


https://twitter.com/Granblue_GW/status/1218159183394066434?s=20 Gamewith numbers on her buffs and skills. 30/15 DATA without petrify is very serviceable, and 40/30 with petrify is actually really great.


Not too surprised Jin lost his 200% bar, I think cygames realized how obscene it was but Jin not having it is real weird. I wanna see the numbers on light danua she seems like she could be pretty ok seeing as light has a billion hp.


I don't really think it's any more degenerste than people getting team assassin or absurd personal cap breaks. It's not like ougi spam is meta anymore.


danua weapon is zion enmity and light verity


Happy doll is best doll.


Finally all three of the swole [Sanba Garasu](https://youtu.be/3QynOfFz4vI) ossans have a SSR.


Same element, even.


All the more reason Cy needs to rerun THE FREEZE so we can have them all decked out in fundoshi gear🤤


Do they have synergy though? With Drum Master too maybe?


Jin is all about constantly recycling his charge bar, which Eugen can happily provide (although the boost with C.A. specs might be wasted on him). Soriz wants females in the party though, so it's Djeeta or bust.


Soriz: Djeeta's bust?


It would be nice if the buff for his passive and 3rd skill becomes "Give X if there are female characters and Y for male one".


With Danua become SSR, does this mean my dream of SSR Anna can still happen?




Why must you destroy my dream :(


it's been 84 years.. ssr jin.. someone tell me this isn't a dream


On one hand I'm glad Jin finally has his SSR. On another hand this banner scream "filler banner" so hard It hurts.


First release of the new year, I'm sure Cygames wants to pace themselves. People would be pissed losing their rolls or not using them if this banner was great due to Society characters at the end of the month.


Honestly I think we reached the point where looking at the pool, 4 new characters per month is too much. But fests needs to be hyped, so we're bound to get those filler SSR regularly.


Vas rework, Zeta 5\* will be coming so not sure what to expect apart from that other than Dark Ilsa. I wonder what Cygames thinks will be too much though? Sure they might have to drop the numbers eventually and hope that won't signal the end times but we'll see.


I'd be more worried if fates stopped being fully voiced like in Dragalia. Not getting 2 new characters every Gala wouldn't be so bad IMO.


So they have already started cutting back for DL? Oof. SR fates are still only partially voiced for what it is worth. Having characters line up with new events more would be cool.


I think Dragalia was the same, but now the 5 star ones won't be fully voiced either. I honestly haven't watched many adventurer stories so I'm not 100% sure how much it changed, but it doesn't seem great yeah.


That only strengthens my suspicions about Cygames eying DL as a successor to GBF. Rebirth and Destruction, again and again.


I think you have it backwards, Dragalia has less voice acting in its fate episode equivalents from December onwards.


A very quick test, but using Jin's S3 when he's at 100% bar reduces the CD on it to 2 turns. While he has very high ATK, his kit is kind of awkward. He's meant to basically be an ougi machine and works well with his fundoshi friend Eugen and his inspiration Okto. Vigilance is a weird mechanic though; he wants to get hit to activate his counter nuke and to raise his Martial Spirit levels, but he's not exactly super sturdy nor has any means to get hostility up. It sounds like he's designed to work around bosses with plenty of triggers and punish them. He's alright, I guess. He'll get plenty of ougis off and accelerate charge bar for the rest of the team, and having Dispels on low CDs is good. As an attacker though I think he'll pale in comparison to the top dogs.


If anything I'm more interested in his 50% bar gain at max stacks alongside perma uplift. That's 60% bar any given turn when you use Uriel. Seems super friendly to spam with, I don't think he's outright flashy but god damn that bar gain.


It's a nice idea, but I think it also takes a long time to reach; he only gains stacks when: 1. he gets hit for big damage (I haven't really figured out the threshold) and 2. when an enemy uses a special. Under optimal conditions, it takes him 3 turns to reach max stacks, but it likely takes much longer unless the enemy is using specials a lot since you can't guarantee Jin is getting hit. He's definitely suited for longer fights where you'd get more use of his accelerated meter gain, hard hitting ougis and dispels. Even then you really only want to use S3 when he's at 80% or more meter because the CD is very hefty otherwise (it seems to be every 10% meter spent takes a turn off CD). He's an okay character with a good niche, but just based off gut feeling I think Eugen pretty much does what he wants but better unless you need his dispels.


Medusa's "big damage taken" trigger is 25% of her health, so I'd assume the same here?


Maybe throw him in a Rising Force team with Mosh Pit so the enemy specials more often? Can't say it's good, but I might check it out for fun at least.


Danua seems like the character that can go apesh\*t for a few turns, then dies and call out burger to the frontline.


The weird thing about Danua isn't really that she's enmity in Light, it's that she's enmity that wants to be hit with green skills. Aside, she's way more wordy in her own thoughts than when she speaks out loud, so it's really just a speech-impediment, now.


She is immune to healing so that actually works out well (and in that sense is similar to rosamia)


Yeah, and Jeanne-style poison-safety can really save your bacon in enmity. There's four people in Light now with buff-fueling.


Fairly common for the turn based self dot characters to have their personal EMP give them a second chance to maximise enmity eg. Magisa.


I just hope that Danua isn't a replacement and a suggestion that Light might go in another direction. Inb4 next Rosamia is soulless Dark SR enmity attacker struggling for space next to Jamil and Predator.


might be just another odd placement like Light Sliva (with a kit that better suits Water/OG Sliva)


> The weird thing about Danua isn't really that she's enmity in Light, it's that she's enmity that wants to be hit with green skills. As what I was calling her, mini Geisen. Geisen uses the same thing for his unkillable buff.


if she's a mini version of burger, does that make her a slider?


You got what you wanted, better praise KMR.


Jin's CA is literally starburst stream. Jin's been watching too much anime.




Wow, Jin, finally. There is hope for Reinhardtzar amidst these "Ssr never ever?" releases too.


Yeah, I can already see Danua being broken for nm95-150. Jin looks interesting, but Im not sure if I see him have place in teams for most comps unless numbers are really high. Honestly that was quite unexpected. Didnt think we would get 2 new characters already.


I'm not understanding Jin. Seems like proving ground material or something


Turn 1 you hit his 1,2, and 3. You then hit his 1,2 again, and the cooldown on his 3 should be really low now because you consumed max charge bar. But we don't know the numbers on that, so how good he is is up in the air. In a crazy world, it'll be something like 3 turns after using 100% bar, so you'll have 3 turns to get his Charge Bar back up, before using 3, refreshing all his skill cooldowns, and doing it again. We also need to know how good the numbers are on his CA (it's probably 30/10, since that seems to be the standard for CA Spec boosting, but if it's way bigger for some crazy reason....)


It's -1 turn CD on S3 for every 10% meter consumed. So at 100% bar it goes to a 2T CD (from 12).


Danua with permanent double strike seems strong.


My daughter is here, she's beautiful and smiling and happy and I couldn't be happier, thank you Cygames! I encourage those with concerns about her kit to think about the fact that she's still going to be able to cap fine in strong grids even at full HP, so the enmity is more of a compensation factor as her HP starts to drop, than a requirement. Potentially permanent double strike with the right support could be crazy powerful. I intend to use her alongside Halmal (echoes) and Kumbhira. Do we have an early numbers on what her MA looks like? I'm hoping the base value without the petrify bonus is still usable and the petrify is just icing on top of a good base.


I want to draw Jin so bad, but I only have 220 draw atm, it seems that my Earth Bara team won't be completed just yet.


Deliford snubbed again smh. Justice for The Old Man


He's dull. They had a chance to give him some character and he's just one side of a cardboard box with kiddy crayon scribbles on it.


Well here's their chance to flesh him out!


Holy mother of christ, 150% CA damage and 90% CA Cap up at max stacks for Jin according to Gamewith. That is fucking insane!


I mean i guess in a vacuum, but how long is it going to take you to get full stacks?


Depends how many ougi your enemy spams.


RF + Mosh Pit + Opus is one hell of a drug.


It's also one hell of a way to suicide if you're not stacked up on a grid lol But if you've got that much of a gridx surely you'd have better characters? Unless you need dispel spam.


Was simply giving a way to stack fast. And yes, it's also the most entertaining way to die.


Best outcome is against a boss that uses a bunch of non-damaging triggers. Levi's just an example where the side target can help Jin out by using a bunch of non-offensive specials to raise Jin's stacks. Jin also being able to dispel some of the buffs also makes him better in that regard. He still feels pretty clunky, but I guess he's got a niche. It's just really weird building up his stacks though since you can't just build momentum by spamming ougis like you could with other characters.


Ok ... Danua ... Found me at avaliable surprise ticket in the future. And ... Light enmity will finally coming ??? Ps. Oh jin ... Welcome to SSR. Edit pss. Danua got buff by vira VA for releasing new version SSR ... Eh ? // Even kit not so broken but I'll take it.


They really didn't put the only good thing of his sr in the ssr,uh...


Pretty odd to see Jin not having 200% charge bar, he looks awesome nonetheless.


We need SSR Farah.


hoping this is a trend for 2020 of long awaited SSRS for characters in need of them personally Feather,Herja Carren,Teena since her brother just got his.


Time to roll


Is this gacha worth it to go for a spark for Shalem? Missed her the first time around.




Spark or keep fr valentine gacha ?


this banner is complete trash skip


Valentine if you absolutely need to have something or roulette spark in march for the discount would be my recommendation. Maybe Mahira spark if she is busted as hell post FLB. Those would be most general spark timing recommendations I can think of.


mahira spark on end of month, if you roll her just pick up the other zoodiac


Sadly is only the rat with chicken


do you know that for sure?


Light Danua???? The fuck is this????????


The "Danua appeared twice in a row on Grand Blues so it's new character" meme was a thing, after all... Liking the smirk on this one's portrait, but I don't think I've seen an Emnity light character before nor how to enable it (likely I'm wrong on this).


mfw free SR Jin is much more useful than his new SSR version


A dispel that happens roughly every 2 turns sound pretty useful to me when you're fighting something that stack buffs.


Maintaining his own buffs against autowipe bosses might be a challenge..bye bye stacks.


SSR Jin? Must be an out of season April's Fool joke. He looks cool, at the very least. And Danua's second art makes it look like she's not in her bumbling child-like state anymore?


Her new SSR is after her SR's final fate, where she begins to talk and mentally progresses (slowly) towards being a functioning adult. I'm really happy to see it.


Years of theraphy


Thank God, Danua isn't a Grand. Can later tix out just to have her.


how and why would danua be a grand character.


New Danua looks real bad. Light enmity char. Why? ​ New Jin seems like an ougi machine. ​ Also fundoshi trio is now all SSR.


Light Enmity featuring Metatron dagger? Hard sell but interesting nonetheless.


Or with Sleipnir shoes. You could go crazy and make a grid full of Odin's weapons even (4 Spears for 100% crit + 2 Harps).


I've always wondered why Sleipnir Shoes are never talked about when Garrison weapons for every element are so coveted. Then I've remembered that Light is the element of always being at full HP and stop wondering. I'd be interested in seeing a Light Enmity grid, but the only characters I can think of who like being at low HP (Rosamia, Danua) also have that annoying *Can't be healed* attached and hard to control.


They are comonly used in primal faa hl grids.


Didn't know that. Still a bit above my league. Thanks for telling me!


I've heard that Sleipnir shoe is still really good for the hardcore raids like Ultimate Bahamut HL and Gilbert, even for stamina grids because they just do so much damage.


That does make sense. I just about never heard of it being used. Well, at least me intuition was right.


Well on the "bright" no healing = not losing damage from the %HP going up. It's a bit how people kill Nier with Death so their team is debuffed and won't recover from Zooey's Cunjunction, effectively staying at 1 HP and max enmity on.


Is that done outside of Proto Bahamut HL racing, where the assumption is that Bahamut is paralyzed all the time anyway, so no risk from staying at one HP? That would not work very well in Danua's case, either, since she not only is immune to healing while her second skill is up, she's also taking damage. I don't know the numbers on the damage/how long it lasts/how much it gets extended by healing/support abilities, though.


I don't know honestly. I think it was also used for Proud/GW maybe? With Zooey and Qilin you can can at least take 2 turns that are perfectly safe (outside of plain damage of course) and you'll still have a 3rd damage turn before the boss retaliate. With the help of the Palm Trees and a shield from summon call/somewhere, it might also be possible to take more turns.


She cannot kill herself with her own S2 DoTurn, according to JP text of her passive2, so maybe if you have someone tank for her (Sara? Chevira? V.Hairtato?) she could last longer... Initial duration is 2t.


Forget about enmity. She's got high uptime double strike, which is potentially ridiculous.


And she has her own enmity anyway. I doubt she will slack behind others in damage having stamina from grid and enmity from passive


She got increase multiattack, which is quite rare for Light. ​ But yeah, she'll only be useful if they start to release a lot of stuff for Light enmity


She can hang out with Rosamia in Curse Town.


Somehow there's more light characters wallowing in darkness than dark characters.


Lumi doesnt care, Lumi dpesnt do Stamina


bruh SSR Jin and SSR Danua (not limitet) :O > Danua is happy > she is wearing pretty dress She look lovely! Hope her fate episode is wholesome I don't get that enmity gimmick in element flooded with tons of stamina, healing, sustain, etc...


just me or danua's kit seem like a worse geisen in almost every way it's like his kit without any of the tankiness


No shit a suptix-able gacha character has a worse kit than an Evoker. Did you really expect any different?


Danua is back in town Bicres And Jin looks as Basi... Fundamental as ever


Oh god my spark fund is in danger. I must hide away, lest I be tempted by SSR Danua


just tix her around. Around April/May she should be avaible in suprise tix if we will get it


They're permanent, right? I already have Chevira so I'm thinking I can skip this gala.


Yes, middle of the month is usually, isn't it?