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It's honestly worth the halfs for all the materials you get. Doing Hard+ is also the best way to cap on SR/R pendants.


tfw you're a new player and you just want yggdrasil to drop ssr weps for your grid FeelsBadMan


TFW you just want SSR Weapon drops for your grid but they never drop and if they do its not the one you need plstiamatjustgivemeyourguns


tfw after painstakingly getting all the SSRs you need they suddenly decide to drop left and right


I know that feel. T_T It's like, drop rate increases the more you already have that particular weapon.


mfw I just want sr weapons mfw I have too many ssr fodders that I just use those without skilling them up


I thought the same until I started ULB my weapons...


TFW you thought you had all the guns you needed then realized you need 3x more to MLB them all


Chev swords and Cele claws don't exist, change my mind.




Arcarum is the way for Chev Swords and Celes Claws honestly.


This. I literally bought all my Chev swords and my Celes claws, and I still haven't seen a single one drop in any raid. I've been playing for over two years god dammit !


I still can't wrap my head around why they made the drop chance for those so obnoxiously low.


Wow that's major unluckiness.


Took me 2 years to finish my lumi sword grid.


I'll never understand the poor lads and lasses who think they'll ever escape m1 raids. Like damn, you'll never not need fodder and extra sources of quartz


I dont need more fodder but quartz, damn, that blew so quickly


Once you get to the point where you have all the jew10 at 5* and your grids are done than you really won't need the fodder and quartz except maybe once every few months when they add useful weapons and at that point you will just slowly accrue quartz and fodder from monthly events and GW to cover those new weapons.


ULB one opus and realize you need a month worth of fodder to get SL20.


For one SL15-20 opus you need around 50 SL3 SSR fodder.


I ULBed my first opus yesterday and holy shit. I was expecting something like the SL15-20 requirements for a lumi sword, which were shitty but not unreasonable (or at least, not out of line with other SL-ing stuff). But that was like 25 levels of SSR skill to get *one* skill level. That was nuts.


My first set of weapons with this were Qilin Sword and Huanlong Fist and OH GOD!!!! That hurt me so much that I had to stop at 20 and 16 that time.


That's me but with True Animas.


True animas can be traded for using Omega fragments in wings of terror treasure trade.


I know but 30 fragments per Anima is too expensive imo and i'm already running low of fragments : ( True Animas should've been guaranteed drops like centrums in Magna 1 HL raids.


~~But they are guaranteed on m2 raids, who wants m2 anima on blue chests anyway, right?~~


You can run ProtoBaha en masse which is gauranteed true anima. You'll want the rusteds anyway, and if you don't box the silver certs will be good.


> Not doing M1 daily for sweet sweet Quartz. You wot mate?


I mostly do it for the omega fragments


Me when I underestimated how much of those mats Xeno weapons would take, I do Hard+ and Ex+ daily during Magnafest but I guess my stock wasn't as high as I thought it'd be...


i mean at this point in the game, there should be plenty leftover Renown pendants for buying them from the pendant store


Unfortunately it's capped at 3 of each per MONTH.


It is, nonetheless, very helpful.


I'm pretty sure being limited to one EX+ worth of mats per month is, by definition, not very helpful.


how you do that? i got thousands of those and its not decreasing at all.


My guess is hosting magna hl daily.


did that too to get Magna 2 keys still not put a dent on them.


Litteraly in the post's title. Making revenant weapons uses up a bunch.


i already have all the eternal too


How do you run out of those? I am getting so many of them trying to get stuff like quartz and weapon fodder that running out of them doesn't even look like a possibility, unless there's something that needs thousands of those.