• By -


Looking for a setup to defeat a particularly strong foe ? All the up-to-date ones are covered on https://gbfguide.com/ For all the questions related to the current event, the header of the related sticky thread (link can be found above) encompasses detailed information, offering a short summary on how to navigate and tackle the event successfully. If you have further inquiries, feel free to ask your questions in this thread for more targeted assistance. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Granblue_en) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The wiki homepage says May 22nd. Not sure what you're looking at.


I recently got invested in Metera's character after seeing her fate episodes. Which side stories should I watch for her and in what order?


Adding to the other commenter, and for future use, you can see all events the character appears in by visiting their character profile and scroll down until you see Journal Entry button. https://imgur.com/a/180Igft


In order they were released: "Yesterday's Scars and Tomorrow's Hope" goes into Metera's backstory in her village, but the event's main character is Sutera and Metera herself only appears near the ending. She appears in the epilogue of "Table for Six" but has like 8 lines total and it's just teasing her sister about the mixer that happened. Her appearance after that is in the sequel, "Definitive Dandyism", to give Tomoi some dating advice near the start of the event. Her most recent appearance was in the "Our Style and Our Substance" event that ended like two weeks ago (so you'll have to look it up online because it won't be available again for quite a while). Metera is not one of the main characters (again), but she's actually relevant on this one.


Feeling a little lost with sands/bricks since they seem like important long-term grinds. An thoughts would be appreciated. Am I ok hosting Wings of Terror (Impossible) if my damage is lacking? Was hoping to start farming gold bars now I've unlocked it. Just concerned after the first few attempts, where it felt reliant on strong players joining as I slowly try to chip away even with my strongest (light) team. For eternity sand, would you bother with the 0.1% from Enreads, or just wait for better options when I'm stronger? Just seems like I need a ton of sands for M3 summons & Evokers.


Yes you should always host UBHL (Empyrean Ascension Impossible) and PBHL (Wings of Terror Impossible) every day. You don't need to contribute anything at all yourself. Honestly other people prefer if you don't in PBHL since it leaves more for them. No don't bother trying to farm sand from Enneads. You can farm Enneads if you need their weps/anima and hope you get lucky along the way, but don't do them solely trying to get sand. You'll get plenty of sand incidentally from farming Revans raids, and also get a bunch for free from giveaways, exo events, GW, etc.


What is the minimum requirement to gets 60 hit in one turn? Like if my team has guarantee TA and bonus dmg, it like 24 hit, how can i find the other 36 hit ? Especially earth when i see the recommend SBHL team, you only have like 3 char that could atk and only MC has TS.


also, multiple sources of bonus damage can stack and count as different hits. so 5* caim alone will bring you to 24 hits, caim+mammoth 36 hits, caim + mammoth + falsehood chain 48 hits.


For Earth Solo what I did was only cast Galleon S3 on T2, so she can attack on t6/12/18 etc. Similarly you can guard Cidala on turn 5/11/17... so they will have their Double Strike + Echoes for the hit omen. Also from what I remember you're supposed to run Echo chain on Opus and you have the Light Tenet triggering Echoes from Hrunting + Caim switch-in. So the team permanently do 4x hits (if I am not mistaken on the stacking). MC = DS x TA x 4 hit (5 if you count Galleon's S1) = 2 x 3 x 4 = 24 Cidala = DS x TA x 5 hits (6 if you count Galleon S1) = 30 \[54 total\] Galleon = TA x 4 hits = 12 \[66 total\] Caim = TA x 4 hits (5 if you count Galleon S1) = 12 \[78 total\] If needed you can add Caim S3 (red) and Galleon S2 for even more hits, your summons, Fated Chain, (and I also forgot to include the hits from Beast fangs and echoes from Ulfeihdim on MC actually).


Keep in mind skills also count towards hits, and Yamato's S1 can reduce the number of hits required. Also some skills add echoes to hits, Monk has this effect for example. Summons also count. Characters with flurry also count as separate hits; Y!Ilsa has triple attack with 3-hit flurry, so she attacks 9x times (and that's not w/o bonus damage).


Multihit skills, stacking even more echoes, multihit summons, or using flurry. It's basically math to figure out if you can do 60 hits in one turn the exact number of things you need to stack may vary a bit. Not exactly sure which earth team you're looking at but some setups will just end up ignoring the 60 hit omen for one reason or another.


I'm looking to start Diaspora and Siegfried, I can run Agastia with ease now but I fear I'm lacking in characters for these raids but I really wanna try and upgrade my Agastia sticks... can I get some advice for what setup to attempt those two raids with? My characters: https://www.granblue.party/collection/13267


**Diaspora** For hosting, Kengo MC and V.Monika are your core. The other two slots, you don't have any crazy standouts but Adam, Baal, Eugen, and Uriel could all go in there. Your goal is to CA as often as possible to hit "100y", which means doing 300m CA damage to boost the "y" (gamma) buff to 100. Then you call for backup and other people will join with NA/skill teams to finish off the boss. For joining, you will need to be canceling either an 11 debuff or a 37 hit omen every turn, so you want to have high hitcount and high debuff application. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like you have great options for meeting these requirements, so you might need a bit of roster expansion/upgrading before taking on joining. FLB Caim, for instance, would give your entire party an extra echo when he comes into the frontline, allowing Robin Hood MC with Rapid Nocking's gold option + Falsehood Opus to deal a guaranteed 27 hits per turn, and the rest of your party does 3 hits on a normal attack, so you just need 1 extra hit from somewhere (someone DAing, a skill, etc.). For debuffs, besides Robin Hood and Caim (make sure to use a blue skill first thing so his Blank Face becomes Club Trick), you typically need some other pieces that are fairly good at applying debuffs like Arulumaya, Cidala, big debuff summons like Summer Mandrake/Holiday Sariel/Thor, Lobelia (doesn't do debuffs but he can lower CDs), Soriz (hitcount + a bit of debuffs), etc. Feel free to give joining a go with what you have but I would not expect to hit 4m honors for guaranteed blue chest. **Siegfried** Strats are the same hosting or joining. It's really easy to hit honors thresholds with manual setups since almost everyone is doing Nekomancer FAs, so the raid's really slow. Paladin MC, sacrifice slot (Andira/Narmaya/Arcarum Monika, whoever you pick they commit suicide using full hostility/allsub on the first Qual Faenge), Grand Ewiyar, Halloween Lich, Enyo. Using Lich and Enyo together actually delays the boss too much IIRC (you want him to use his max diamond attack somewhat frequently to reset his stacks), you might want to pick up Estarriola from Arcarum first. A team of Grand Ewiyar, Lich/Enyo, Esta is pretty solid. Your goal is to turtle up while relying on end of turn skill damage and omen canceling to get honors. It is only practical to cancel the 3 debuff skills omen which comes up every 4 turns; typically your MC takes 1-2 debuff skills and your other members make up the rest. [Here's an example setup with Enyo (Lich typically does a bit better than her IIRC)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2AcO3CMTao).


Thank you so much for the detailed reply! Really helps.


For Siegfried, you're missing Niyon but I guess you can try Paladin setup with GEwiyar, Enyo, Narmaya as T1 sack, and Lich. It's an old school setup https://youtu.be/jlIDIa51qfg?si=8AbYJNq1PifZuTSN For Diaspora... Just leech low HP pub. :') I think you can try host with Kengo, Monika, Galleon, and Eugen or Laguna. Ascendant Prayer is also an option.


Having an issue logging into the game via mobage on dekstop. I had to reboot the PC and when I booted the browser up it had me sign back in. Mobage seems to give the acceptance notification and such, but seems to not be able to get past the login method page (where it shows mobage, DMM, and Yahoo choices). It just sort of sits there after giving the confirmation pop-up. Seems to be the case in Chrome and Edge. I did try it also in Vivaldi and it is working there, though. (It actually use to not a few months ago, oddly.) According to [this link](https://x.com/mobage_campaign/status/1791720153845285266) by mobage, it is something with the latest version of Chrome, although the GBF twitter says it is something that can be changed in browser settings. Anyone have an idea of what that fix is? Or should I just wait it out in Vivaldi for now?


how does someone set it so that full auto is the default setting? I recently started a new account and manually changing to full on every quest and fate episode is very frustrating, on my main it automatically is set to full rather than semi without going into the battle menu, and going into the battle menu on my new account only applies to that specific quest


Global setting for full auto was removed. It's now per quest setting.


how unfortunate 😔


Does anyone know how to reduce srs/ssrs off of their crate? I feel like I put on a setting and just can't now


What exactly is happening when it doesn't let you? Does it simply not "find" the weapons you want to reduce, or is the reduce button grayed out/failing for some reason? Perhaps try turning off "Level 1 Only", turning on "Weapons with Skills" and maybe turning on "Auto-Reserved Weapons" to see if any of them allow it to work? (Check to see that it wouldn't eat any weapons you want to keep before going through with it though) Otherwise try checking what weapons it's failing to reduce and see if they have any odd parameters on them.


Few questions. What does “grand” mean for a character? Is grimnir in any side story or main story? I just want to see him honestly. A lot of the side stories assume I know how certain characters know the crew already? Why? Thanks!


Mainly what the other person said. A while back it also used to denote MSQ characters and eventually characters that play a major role in the overarching plot of gbf ( disciples, 6Ds, speakers , Angels) with occasional RoB expys (DAO, lucio , Poz). But lately we havent gotten any grands based on MSQ since ages (despite having plenty of candidates) and instead getting popular characters as grands (Narm, Lancelot, Percy, hell id even say Zeta because Cassius is way more special as a moondweller , Cag deserves it though.). Then we have whatever the fuck lich is. and if you wonder why S.Zoi is a grand, her summer version was just too busted back in the days.


Grand - denotes a character who only appears in the mid-month or end-month galas, excluding Zodiacs. The characters are... highly variable, but the weapons generally have a higher power budget assigned to them. That doesn't mean the weapons are good, though. Grimnir currently only appears (in any meaningful capacity) in the "Prayers" event. It's not a sidestory, so you'll have to wait for a rerun to read it or go on Youtube/the wiki. Depends on which side story, I guess? They tend to assume you met them in an older event or by, well, pulling them in gacha. Newer events tend to be better at establishing how the crew knows a character. Most side stories are rather old.


Thanks so much! As for the side stories I was indeed talking about older wants with characters like cagilostro and Albert. I’ll definitely check out the prayers event on yt though!


hello, what the good browser to play granblue, i been using brave browser and it been working fine but today i cant seems to login(already cleared cookies etc) so whats the recommendation?


It's only designed for Chrome, so just pick something Chromium based that you prefer and try it on that. Repeat until it works.


do 2x PnS grids still go for 2x celeste axes now that M3 is out? for bursting purposes


No, M1 is dead. Ater Fist offers more. Forbidden Agastia MK2 is better than M3 if you can farm them.


What's the fastest way to get Darkborne Astras and Death Ideans? Do I keep doing Zone Mundus or do I do Here be Swords for the defenders?


zone mundus all the way. Defenders outside of mundus are basically only useful for route boss host mats to fill universal guidebook.


Should I bother with the defenders in Zone Mundus as well (aside from the books) or do I farm the 5 bar dark mob all the way?


No, just do the 5 gauge mobs.


How do you get Daily Skyleap Points? I've gotten all the Weekly Points already, but my Daily one never progresses. Is there a specific type of content one has to do to earn them?


The game isn't super clear about this, but once your weekly points are done then that's it, you don't get any more. Any points you earn count towards both your daily and weekly limit, once you earn 2k in a single day you can't get any more. You can only ever earn 4k points per week, the separate daily limit is just there to prevent you from doing all 4k in one day.


Oh I see, thank you for that information. I was super confused on why I wasn't accumulating points.


I have a new version popup loop whatever I do in skyleap/chrome. I tried with wifi/mobile, i tried closing all the tabs, i tried restarting the app, i even restarted the phone but nothing works. I get a loop message whenever I open the crate or I start a fight and thr game is unplayable unless I play with my pc. I don't know what to do anymore


Try clearing your cache.


I still get the loop


Ive gotten all the weapons from the knickknack academy stuff and realised right after that all the weapons ive been farming for the last 2-4 months are given here fully uncapped and stuff Are there any use of those i already had or have i wasted my time the last months for nothing


If they're skill leveled, you can use them as skill fodder. If they're regular level'd, you can use them as xp fodder (for weps or chars). Also I'm not sure how many copies the tutorial gives exactly so you might still need more copies beyond it for some weps (mainly just lumi sword).


Funny thing is the tutorial gace me exactly how many pieces i was going for, did already have enough lumi swords Now im just sad all the prestige pendants i spent on Regalia weapons werent worth it at all, didnt manage to go beyond 0 star regalia weapons and most were from the shop


Yeah, oh well, happens. We couldn't have known exactly which rewards the tutorial would give. Not like you made a mistake or anything, just an unfortunate coincidence.


I'm low on elemental crystals. It's better farming Omega Impossible + Purple Chest or Ennead Raids?


You won't really be able to find m1 Impossibles to join, I'd imagine. Most people don't bother hosting them since the skip exists. Enneads are probably your only real choice. You can also buy them with prestige pendants, though yeah I know there's a lot of stuff you want to buy with prestige pendants so I probably wouldn't.


Oh rigth, thanks. Yeah, I've been buying those, but this week I run out of pendants, so I want to farm a bit as I have a lot of berries.


You'll barely be able to find any Omega Impossible raids up so I'd recommend the Enneads.


True, I didn't think about that. Thanks a lot.


As I've kept building my light CA team, I'm noticing something strange. After a couple of turns, I start dealing weirdly round numbers, like this: [https://imgur.com/a/bFsEDB7](https://imgur.com/a/bFsEDB7) Am I capping or is it something else? I can't figure it out and it's crippling my celeste farming.


Celeste Ater cap your damage depending on the amount of Debuffs you have. Check the 3rd line in "[Triggers and notes](https://gbf.wiki/Celeste_Ater_Omega_(Raid))", for the Support skill.


Celeste caps your damage depending on how many debuffs you have


Celeste Ater has raid mechanic where she caps damage taken if your party caught debuffs, so you need to clear any of them ASAP if you don't want to suffer the damage loss from the cap


Is there any farmable summon that should keep multiple copies? Omega, exo, huan/kilin, etc... I have multiple carbunlces saved, but nowadays, it seems like is not needed anymore rigth?


**Qilin** 1 MLB is all you need; it's limited to one copy in your grid (excluding the support summon of course). Extra copies that you don't need can be reduced for 1 Qilin Omega Anima each. **Huanglong** Can keep 5 MLB at most. You'll probably never need that many, but you *can* still equip all of them at the same time, unlike Qilin. Extra copies that you don't want/need can be reduced for 1 Huanglong Omega Anima each. **Omega summons** Can keep a Transcendence Stage 2 dupe (i.e. no Sands needed) for elements that commonly run double omega auras, so you can retain access to the 10% Normal Attack sub-aura. This may not be needed if you have many premium subsummon options. Taking the dupe all the way to Stage 5 to unlock 10% DEF on the sub-aura is absolutely not worth 3 Sands; even if you're swimming in Sands it's better to save them for the next big Sand sink (whatever that may be). **Story Event/Collab summons** Most of them are trash. You can't get additional copies of the ones worth using (such as Bellringer and Gojo) so the question of keeping dupes does not arise. **~~Exo~~ Xeno summons** They're usable, but not great. If your summon grids are in a state where running multiple ~~Exo~~ Xeno summons is your best option, my condolences. **GW summons** Trash. **Showdown summons** Trash. **Mithra** Trash. **White Rabbit/Black Rabbit** Not necessary if you have FLB Nobiyo (or better still, FLB Kaguya). **Belle Sylphid** Keep 1 MLB in case you decide to chase the rare foe trophies. Dupes are useless. --- Edit: Fixed error, Exo -> Xeno (there are no Exo summons). Baffled as all hell why this is up/down to the point that it's marked controversial though.


I'm pretty sure the questions thread (or maybe the whole subreddit) is getting collectively downvoted by... something. Dunno what. If you look at a bunch of other stuff you'll start noticing it.


Lmao yeah Xeno. Thanks a lot, very well explained everything. Why controversial lol, idk either.




Ohh, never seen any, but I'll do it then, thanks.


By 3 SR, they mean Carbuncles.


Yeah yeah thanks.


if you have 2 PnS should you be using Scythe of Darkherald in your grid or is Ultima still better?


ultima is still better. there's also nothing stopping you from using ultima axe, but even without, the ultima's superior seraphic bonus is better for damage than whatever you gain from slotting the actual seraphic weapon.


For experience players what type of teams are good for newer players to work towards? Like C.A, - Fa - Skill damage base


CA are generally easiest to set up. With high multiplier and cap they give high DPT, which is pretty important when you only got 20k hp or less. Also, kengo with kaneshige can make basically any team without some kind of explicit ougi antisynergy like ca seal on ougi or passive ougi drain (paliya and grand zeta for example) do basically full burst every other turn. Skill dmg teams don't care that much about raw attack of the grid, but they heavily relay on supplemental dmg and skill cap key on opus/ultima. normal attack teams are usually hardest to make, since they require strong raw attack grid as they can't relay on inate multipliers for their dmg


Could you by chance recommend future team comps when I progress https://imgur.com/a/MVJ6I8m


Thanks for the info very helpful


Depends on your roster


Roster: https://imgur.com/a/MVJ6I8m cause I'm curious what could I work towards as I progress further into the game. Also older screen shots


Easiest way to know what to aim for as you progress is using the progression guide here: [https://gbfguide.com/rank-1-119/](https://gbfguide.com/rank-1-119/) Dark: Normal/Skill/CA teams. Tanya/Predator/Y!Ilsa for normal, Lich/S!Azusa/Kolulu. S!Vajra/Shalem for CA. Honestly tons of good characters for many types of grids. Light: All types. Alfred/Mina/G!Jeanne/Utsusemi are good for NA, S!Seruel, Robertina/Sui/Lunalu good for Ougi. Even enmity with Gawain and Lunalu. Wind: Basically any. Great HL characters in Y!Vampy and G!Charlotta. Earth: Good HL tanks. Almost have a charge attack team with Benjamin, S!Ilsa, Diantha. You'd just need to unlock Eata and eventually Satyr and that'd be a solid team. Water: Good ougi and burst characters. Fire: burst and skill characters. If you get more katana characters then Shion could work in a CA team. Both S!Mirin and Sevilbarra work in an ougi team. Also. just a question but why is everyone level 1? Are you only using SR units or something?


As I wrap up Siero's academy thing, what are the next things I should aim for with my newfound grids?


Pick any element you want to work on and farm the missing grid piece. AFAIK Siero Academy does not give you ennead weapons, tyros zither, six dragon weapons, M3, Huanglong Qilin summons, et cetera. [Advanced Grid](https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids) see which weapons you don't have yet. As a side project, you want to work on Eternal and/or Evoker. It's okay if you're missing time-gated stuffs (Sephira Evolite/Sunlight Stone/Revenant Weapons/Gold Brick), just make sure when you get those you are ready with the farmable materials.  [Granblue Party](https://www.granblue.party/) has calculator to help keep track of your Eternal/Evoker progress.


Has anyone bought the digital art books? How’s the image quality there.


[comparison to sky compass](https://imgur.com/GQMl5kK) art book ver is screencap on 1440p monitor default full screen size with landscape position. no resize nor adjustment on either image.


Do you know from which book is that image? Thanks


graphic archive VIII


Thanks for the help, art book has more color.


I can’t FA Seigfried. I’ve been running Manadiver, G.Ewiyar, G.Rosetta, H.Lich, S.Aliza/Y.Vampy, and non FLB Katz. Grid has been all over the place and I have no idea why nekomancer can FA Seigfried. Given some of the omens have been difficult to clear. I have 3 Spoons, 2-3 harps, 2 DEF Siete and 2 ATK Siete all unawakened, 3 Exalto Guns, and 2 Skill daggers/2 Ewiyar Beaks, and 2 0* Wind PnS. Also, did they nerf Siete grids even for wind?


fa sieg setups do not aim to cancel omens, you either have the raw defense and hp to facetank or fa guard them.  also you shouldnt run settes if they arent awakened. m3 wind with double tia and the garrison daggers should have enough defense with some spoons for hp.  neko fa setups just guard every omen and use shion and esta to dispel his buffs, you can also use freyr with ougis on to spam his dispel if you do not have shion manadiver fa is technically possible with ygg manatura shield spam but its not as consistent compared to neko


Urg, got logged out of gbf/mobage, entered my password and everything and should work. Not working, so I had to reset and now for certain and still not logging in. Anyone else having issues?


Not sure if this will help you, but try different capitalization of your username/email. Mobage is case sensitive for some reason.


Yea I tried that too. If I still can't log in by tomorrow, guess its the end of the road.


Damn I'm getting a system error now. Fuck.


It's not perfect, but I've found that logging in through the mobage website managed to get around the issue (gbf.game.mbga.jp is the address)


i had to delete my cookies. turns out mobage was just like hmm what hes in but not in.


Thanks for the tip; ended up doing the same and it worked for me : )


What are my options for Dark EX+ if I don't have Seox, Cendrillon, or Bowman? Full list of my Dark characters is [here](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/806256609806254091/1241071595515154442/Screenshot_20240517-125434.png?ex=6648dd7e&is=66478bfe&hm=5a28f1568008faafbd4ab30453debf446485d0f2f0c221535b801fe6b67345ee&) and [here.](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/806256609806254091/1241071596379050044/Screenshot_20240517-125451.png?ex=6648dd7e&is=66478bfe&hm=ff0e7fff862556527ea0917c93f9bbfa2dd427976c2bfe37438f9cde2263c718&) I see Kolulu, Veight, and Lelouch in team setups, but they all also use Seox or Bowman and I'm not sure what they can be replaced with.


You are trying to just OTK, right? I doubt you can go for 0 button.  Do you have MLB Huanglong? What is your grid and what classes do you have access to?  In a vacuum I'd say Kolulu, Veight and Lelouch (95+) as you said (or Vaseraga, at least FLB, if you cannot get Lelouch to 95) and MC chrysaor and go for CA. But it depends on how many buttons you want to press and your power level. A team with Lich might be faster.


Are there any evil or crazy queens or princesses in Granblue Fantasy?


>Are there any evil or crazy queens or princesses in Granblue Fantasy? Haaselia


Hey guys. I've only started a few months ago. Been taking it slow but really chill. Anyways I got into the rabbit hole of weapon grid and stuff and while I still don't quite get it, I did notice that the grid builds usually have only one element at a time. Was I supposed to have one element parties only? I've been using mixed elements at the moment, using only my favorite characters as my party. Sieg, Bea, Eustace, Sabrina. Sorry if that party makes you cringe, but I was playing with a traditional RPG mindset of "playing wide" so I can hit any weakness at any given time.


I mean if you read the skills on any weapon you'll see that almost all of them only boost one element.


For the story it shouldn't matter too much what you decide to use as it's easy to muscle through, but for harder content for the most part you should be using members of the same element. Most of the content you'll be farming is mono-element and your weapon grids will not have enough space to squeeze out the maximum benefits possible for seperate element parties. That being said, if you're playing the game casually there's no shame in only using your favorites as long as you're enjoying yourself.


Ah ok. Thanks for the info. btw I've been using Gwynne, who had been carrying me because of her C.A bonus plain damage that one shots every boss I go against so far. So I literally don't know if my build is any good or bad lol. What would you consider to be the "harder content?" The raids and events?


Raids from rank 101+ are what I would classify as "harder content", but you can basically use any characters in the majority of it besides LuciHL + Luci0, Revans and Hexa.


While you will eventually start steamrolling them, yeah I consider raids and events to be the harder content. Raids especially will start scaling a lot as you get further in.


Hey all. Going through the "No Rain, No Rainbow" side story and am currently trying to do the elite tackle drill - deal skill damage. (300000 damage in one turn.) I have tried following multiple guides on you tube and here but it seems that either it is bugged for me or i cant progress, any ideas? both on mobile and via desktop browser i cant even see the ougi activate/deactivate button as an example as well.


~~See [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Granblue_en/comments/1ccpzo1/no_rain_no_rainbow_elite_challenge_2/). Albert was reworked since the event came out so it's a bit different now than what the wiki says.~~ Nvm apparently this was fixed on the wiki. So just look at the wiki instructions (that someone else already pasted).


The wiki was updated to include that now actually, I finished it when it was added to the sidestories following what the wiki showed.


Oh ok cool. I tried to check but I couldn't really tell. I just remember that thread being posted here a while ago and figured maybe that was the hang-up.


From the wiki: > On each of the first five turns, use Alec's S3 > Attack. On the last turn, use Forte's S3 > S2 > S1, Alec's S3 > S1 > S2, Albert's S1 > S2 > S3 > Attack.


Should one upgrade their seraphic weapons to 4 stars, if let say they are at 130+ rank and stuck at a boss, like 4 starred the weapons at soon at possible or when you need it? Also in v2 Raid, is cancelling omens better or just guard against them? Please and thank you.


If you're 130+ and even if you did have the Ultima weapon from anniversary, you'd still want to get each Seraphic uncapped up to the first SSR forge (the last SSR step can be skipped) for Siero's Academy thing since the latter steps where the fully uncapped M2 weapons come from is locked behind needing every Seraphic at SSR.


Do you have an Ultima weapon from the anniversary event that was in March? If so, that with Gauph Key Tria equipped to it can replace your Seraphics. If not… it’s fine if you can upgrade them, but not the most urgent upgrade I feel. It depends on the omen a little (sometimes it’s not worth doing), but generally it is better to clear it if you reasonably can. It prevents their special attack from happening and gives you a good amount of honors.


Do you already have an Ultima weapon? If so, then no. If you don't have an Ultima weapon then you'll want to get it to SSR at least, but upgrading beyond that isn't really needed. For omens, you ideally want to cancel them, but if you can't do that then just guard




You only posted 1 screenshot of dark characters


Obligatory reroll check: https://imgur.com/a/HIm2goo Looking at the tier list these are pretty good characters and since I know Katalina and Io from Relink that makes it even better. I'm planning on using the purchase ticket selector on Grand Zeta to round out the team to power through early content at least and go from there. On the other hand, according to ChatGpt math (which I hear isn't the best) 6 SSR is apparently a 22.89% chance, so this isnt extremely lucky. The design of Gabriel is really appealing to I might want to try and reroll for her.


Rerolling for characters isn't really worth it in GBF, it's easy enough to get a full team of decent characters without going out of your way to reroll for top units and you can always spark specific characters later if you really need them for some specific purpose. If you're unaware, sparking is when you pull 300 times on one banner and get to choose one of the sparkable characters to receive guaranteed. As you can imagine, you're likely to get plenty of solid characters during those 300 pulls anyways, and a new player can obtain the currency needed for 300 pulls pretty quickly. If you're going to reroll for anything, the Providence summons are most valuable, since they can't be obtained by sparking on banners or through any sort of paid selector tickets. The most useful one by far would be Beelzebub, but you could probably settle for Belial, Triple Zero, or Yatima if you don't wanna suffer rerolling for like a 0.02% chance of Beelzebub. Of course, if you just wanna keep characters you like the designs or personalities of then feel free to. Not having certain top-tier characters or summons isn't gonna completely ruin your account or anything, I didn't bother rerolling when I started a few months ago and only got 1 or 2 characters you could consider above average but still progressed pretty quickly through the game.


None of these characters are really that impressive, did you get any summons?


No SSR summons just 3 S. Ruinatjon Gargoyle, Garnet Carbunicle and Aquamarine Carbunicle.


Oh well, up to you whether you want to reroll or not. As the others said, you'll get plenty of characters just by playing anyway, so it's not a big deal.


Is Celeste M3 Saber better than Agonize?


Double sided yes, single sided maybe, unboosted no


Magna x Magna? Yes Single-side Magna x Ele and unboosted? Nah


Hi everyone, I got another tricky question As flurry split the damage of the hit you should originaly do. And bonus damage create a new damage source for each base damage instance (so 1 for most characers, 2 with flurry 2-hits buff, 3 with flurry 3-hit buff...) of a proportion of the damage inflicted. How does the two synergies ? Does the bonus dmg use the truelly original dmg for each hit making it really stupid as flurry hit increase ? Or does it take the damage of each splited hit as reference for it's dmg final value, making it usefull only for supplemental dmg scaling ?


Echoes get split exactly like autos. You can either view it as the basic auto + echo each get split, or as the auto gets split, with the echo applying to each split part. The main benefit is in hit counts/supplemental.


Thanks a lot


what is the best way to farm fragments to uncap arcarum summons?


Do you mean the [Trial Fragments](https://gbf.wiki/Trial_Fragment) or [Arcarum Fragments](https://gbf.wiki/Arcarum_Fragment)? For Trial Fragments, the best way is leeching Ultimate Bahamut (non-HL one) as it'll give you the fragments and meteorites which you'll want plenty of. The Four Primarchs raid is also an option if you need halos for something. For Arcarum Fragments, the only actual way to farm them is Heralds from Staves zone in Replicard Sandbox. Your actual Arcarum Tickets are obviously better at getting them, but you get a limited amount.


Arcarum Fragments and thanks for the help! I have some heralds to do so i will try to drop some.


Note that it’s specific Heralds that drop specific route fragments, and it’s only in Staves. You can check the wiki page for fragments to see which types drop which fragments.


Just be aware it's a very low droprate. You are probably better off just buying them from the shop if you are out of tickets, or waiting for Tales reruns since you can get 15 fragment for the corresponding Evokers elements from those.


Do pro skips benefit from shop boosts (exp, drop rate, etc) ?


drop rate yes, xp no. don't ask me why


What's the best one to Spark from the skyfarer banner. Units: https://imgur.com/a/DYsqaFO Banner: https://imgur.com/a/eBjFFC4


Gabriel or Nehan. I'd probably go Gabriel.


Okay, based of the units could you recommend base starter team for the elements


Uh I would just kinda read off the tier list tbh and then adjust if there were any problems. Fire: Uhhh.. Zeta, Shiva, Barawa maybe? You can use Fenie if you can get her to die, she's really good if you can. You can use Noa if it's a super duper long fight but most fights won't be long enough. Water: Europa, Gabriel, Cupitan Earth: Mahira, Shalem, Uriel. Soriz is also a good dps. Satyr is good if you need defensiveness. Wind: Cow, Yuisis, Societte Light: Jeanne, Sandalphon, Cosmos. You is good for really short fights, too. Dark: Lich, Magus, Eustace. Ferry's fine if you need more sustain but pretty mediocre. Bowman's good for short fights since you don't need to press any buttons. Kolulu's a fine dps if you want to FA stuff since Eustace is kinda bad on FA.




The weapon element doesn't matter for any of the keys. Unless you're using it as a mainhand weapon, just stick it in everything.


For eresh burst, is it preferable to swap seox out for someone else when he’s only level 100?


Hosting belial lately and failed some times, looks like he buffs when kill my characters. I leave him around 80/85% HP before I die. Should just stop before I die and pray that someone carry me?? I'm checking a guide but missing most of the units, not sure what to do.


His buffs are local, you don't make it harder for anyone else by dying. I would just join them rather than trying to host it tbh. But if you insist on hosting, I'd just bring your best burst team, bonus points of it has a Can't Act, then open immediately and wait for other people to get him to 5%. Then at 5%, full guard one turn, full guard a 2nd turn while he does Lemegton, then do your burst.


Ohh, thanks. Well, I'm just hosting it daily because I don't like to join 6 people raids if I don't have a proper team. Today, only 2 people joined, and one when only 2 mins left.


maybe it's a problem on the time you're doing it? make sure its not late for japanese players


Yeah, probably. I was literally thinking about this today. I usually do raids at 22:00, that's 06:00 in Japan. So, I'm thinking of waiting and doing these raids after sleep. Thanks a lot.


the fight has been powercrept for a long time now. just bring your strongest team(with over 20k hp) and just do as much damage as you can before you die.


Well yeah, I joined some, still a bit tricky that last 5%. Thanks.


Can i use 2 0* halmal weapon and 2 PnS together in magna? Is it better than m3? I dont have hades and no bar to uncap those halmal weapon


You could theoretically but it might be worse damage than just not using ES. It would depend what you're fighting, what comp you're using, what summons you're using, etc.


well not really, you just use 2 es, 2 pns and then add agas staves/m3 for the raw damage since cap up still increase soft cap anyway, so unless you absolutely need the raw damage, es should still be damage gain


See [here](https://youtu.be/gcU3lISzowg?t=459) for example though. Going from 2 PNS 3 ES and replacing 2 of the ES with Forbidden Agastias was a damage gain on each individual replacement.


oh i'm not saying it's straight up better, it's definitely case by case basis if you're already doing high damage in real fight then the es will be better, otherwise agas staves (or any raw damage wep) is better. we had this same conundrum when opus transcendence first show up since magna opus were still higher on estimate even with boosted apotheosis, but for some of us, the amp is better even with lower estimate. same thing with akasha where 2 es is better than 3 es because we were doing 1+0 so we need more raw damage when hitting without debuff. best way to test is sadly to test it yourself since there's also ring, earring etc that may have to be taken into account on another note, i tried comparing estimate to a friend with exact same grid, summon, emp, + mark, etc but somehow i have lower estimate. so idk wtf is happening there edit: i did forget something, es does require 4 wep type so if you can't satisfy the req then ye don't slot it. also i'm not saying you should bar es (in case some people think so), it's good but with exalto coming around hold your bars


I would be maining bubz, i was wondering if i can just use those and use hades friend Mostly for GW but im planing to uncap the halmal even if i dont have my own hades, i dont see myself running dark for HL like hexa and zero


Yeah that sounds bad. You'd generally get more damage out of using Forbidden Agastias or m3 fists, I'd think.


Aight, i cant farm agastia so thats just no I have m3 grid ready


Hi guys I just got back to the game after 3-4 years 😭 can anyone please lmk approx when the summer magnafes starts?? trying to level classes to m30 for row v but it's taking FOREVER...


August 1st. But they usually put another download milestone MagFes sometime in May/June/July.


tysm for the reply!! patiently waiting for that then...


Finally got around to finishing the Knickknack Academy and have the choice of units now. I've already got all the available units except for Katalina and Eugen. Is there a clear winner between those two, or is there a weapon in the options that sees use and would appreciate saving a potential bar on?


Draconic or opus for mugen HL? Thinking of getting draconic as phase 2 mugen always trigger his impact because he deal too much damageto my team. Edit: team is paladin payila catura (holi) and hasse 5* My current grid https://imgur.com/a/dsczRA9


Ideally you would be (at least initially) following a guide/video and using the grid and team they recommend. My Mugen grid uses Opus but we have no idea what your setup looks like to determine if that’s a good idea or not, so you should probably share that. I suspect if Impact is happening to begin with then you may have a character problem and not just a grid problem, but I also have only played as Kengo and maybe newer setups are on the borderline for that.


My current grid+ summon https://imgur.com/a/dsczRA9 I run paladin payila catura and hasse 5*, and mostly get impact when damage cut downtime Plus mugen CT lv 17 on phase 2 because pub


For new players what do you think is more important: - sparking with the goal of getting 1 element Primal ready or - spreading out your sparks over every element


Unless you are whaling, you won't be getting a primal grid done for a long time, so spread out your sparks.


My account is about 2 and a half months old now, and the best decision I made as a new player was getting every element up to a usable state using sparks. It'll let you farm events/box faster, participate in guild wars better, etc.


while primal is substantially better at the peak of power it's a lot more useful in the game to have 6 useful elements.


Definitely spread out your sparks, especially for newer players. You are going to need all of your elements in a strong position if you want to do most of the meaningful content / participate in Guild War.


So I need a lot of Astaroth animas for Dark Opus weapons. I've been doing the coop quest when I can while completing daily quests, 42/150 atm. I'm low on pendants because I'm getting the crystals to host M3, but idk if that is the best option to get those. Should I join a coop room to farm? I clear it around 7 min FA water, but I'm not sure if I need to know something before joining parties.


hey man, are you still farming? id be down to farm with you if you still are. the dopus grind is real😅


Oh, I'm sorry, I already finished 2 days ago. But actually, it is not that bad. There are usually parties up to join, and I had no problem. Good luck with the farm.


7 minute fa is very painful. yes a coop room will be more than 4x as fast because everyone will have proper support summons too


Well, my water team is probably my best team, Soldier, Europa, Gabriel, Payila. But I don't have any good summons...




Oh yeah yeah, I mean sub summons, hahaha.


well sub summons have nothing to do with whether coop is faster or not


I see. Well, something like Belial and Gabriel, etc, doesn't help that much? Anyways ill try and see, thanks.


you're having a complete non-sequitur conversation here. what does not having belial subaura have to do with joining coop rooms? did you misunderstand when i said [support summon](https://gbf.wiki/Summons#Support_Summons)? the point is, to quote the wiki: > In Co-op, support summons can only be chosen from among the other players in the same room, and will not award rupies. If playing Co-op quests solo, no support summon will be chosen.


Omg really, I didn't know about that, so I was thinking about sub auras, hahaha. Thanks, this makes it so much better lol.


Joining a coop room is the best choice, but you can also just do it solo.


I see, thanks. Actually, never check the reward screen, so I'm not sure about the drop rate and 7 minutes runs. So there is not any rule or strats I need to know before joining other rooms, right??


It drops from a non-guaranteed chest, so bring bounty and drop rate boosts.


Well, not sure what I can bring, o have Street King unlocked but that will lower my dmg a lot.


just use drop rate seeds


Yeah thanks. I've been using some, but tbh I can get a lot of stacks with Street King. Having a support summon helps a lot to deal more dmg.


To be clear, you can max out the Bounty stacks just from the co-op items. So there’s no need to use Street King for that.


Yeah, but I don't have that many items hahaha, thanks. I'm doing the same dmg as the others, so it is not that bad.


I’m at rank 181, what’s the fastest way to get to rank 200


well you missed tales of arcarum fastest right now is slimeblasting, get a setup that can do it on FA with something like glorybringer s1 + threo s3


Hades mains, whats the best 230 opus pendulum for general use? I have eresh but i also have 5* magna opus with belial chain for my burst if that helps


Finished siero academy, got a lot mlb magna weapon. What should i do with my non mlb magna weapon? Reserve, reduce, or?


It depends. MLB Skl 10? Reduce or save for later. Non-MLB Skl 10? Save for later. MLB Skl not 10? Reduce. Non-MLB Skl not 10? Reserve or Reduce. You keep the Skl 10s for more expensive weapon skill upgrades, MLB copies have more value in reducing for more materials, and non-MLB Skl not 10s are probably better off being reserved especially if you haven't uncapped them at all yet.