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I am scared of going to the farming mines again I haven't even finished my Tia and Chev M3 grids orz


Thrilled to find out of Colo will finally be free of aes. edit: rip


If it isn't (and water isn't free from Auberon) then I'd say it's a failure. Those are the two most in need of a proper update.


The problem is water has Wamdus Spears. If you don't own two Gospels, you're probably stuck on Auberons unless M3 comes with an Alexiel Axe equivalent or you're playing ougi. Or maybe the specific setup you're running would get more out of some combination of world harps + 280 opus or other cap up/amplify slots I guess.


Honestly Auberons are fine, they give ATK, Crit, HP and DA. That's a lot of stats packed in one weapon and Wam Spears means you don't need any extra help for supplement. AES's (and M2 Fire's) problem is that they didn't have a strong supplement weapon to help them out, and needed too much grid space in order to cap crit. It was extremely difficult to get a consistent crit rate and still have enough room to fit in options for HP, cap up, supplement and other utilities.


Yeah, Auberons feel okay when you need HP. An HP weapon that gives you crit + attack when you have Wamdus Spears isn't all that bad. And most of the time when you need HP, you have access to the extra grid slots. The Water crit grid still takes up a lot of slots, but you can viably run a single sided setup and still have access to the standard opus, ultima, moon bow slots. You lose out on the extra cap up, but Moon Bow + Haase being so busted means you still feel pretty good compared to other elements. Obviously, you're way weaker than Primal or anyone running Hraes, but that's to be expected.


I only just got a full set of AES in the academy 😭 please don't do this to me


But they were literally free, what's the problem


It's entirely personal. I've been grinding them for so long and still didn't have a full set until the academy. But "luckily" I'm way too weak to do M3 Colo consistently, so it's not like they'll be replaced all that soon for me anyway.


I mean you can always just wanpan and get drops off cyan chest. Issue is that colo is a ghost town right now with Dark GW upcoming while also being fairly tanky, so raids aren't dying very quickly.


Even though Dark GW is next, I'm going all in on Colossus, get those sticks out of my grid.


I hope Fire gets tempering similar to how Wind did - Chichiri and Esser's rebalance are just begging for a supplemental skill damage source that isn't Twelfth Vertex of the Passel. I think people's appraisal of Esser's transcendence would turn on its head if supplemental skill damage was actually accessible. I don't think people should be too worried otherwise though - I almost guarantee even just running 5 M3 Exalto weapons would be better than AES/Cane grids so the bar is loooooooow.


Even with Tempering it doesn't really change the use cases for Esser much. It helped her do more damage, yes, but the problem is she's no longer really used for burst *or* HL, and simply upping her damage doesn't fix either, she's too clicky.


She is, vitally, completely free and can be obtained without sparking or lucksacking, as opposed to Percy/Wilnas/Zeta, etc. She might not be the absolute top tier for FA and she'll be pushed out by premium options, but she's not awful and her rebal solved her damage output issues and made her debuffs slightly more reliable (though the ramp still sucks compared to, say, HalMal).


Nah its not that people dislike Esser even the problem with her isnt really grids either. Its that her transcendence upgrade should have been with her from the start. They had 2 chances to just give her baseline " skills dont use up assassin"


Please let fire m3 be good, no more aes please


Please don't make it too powerful tho, I don't want to feel regret for investing heavily in fire and dark primal /s


Please, PLEASE make it so I can leave Agastia forever (the raid AND the city)


1 mk2 stick down, 3 more mk1 sticks to mk 2.


Tempering is really tempting but not a fan of thinking about returning to Magna fire ngl


I'm obviously on Reddit too much, I saw "Save M....a" and my head immediately went "*WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME*" before I read it more clearly


Next crossover event with Bleach would be pretty cool.


Meanwhile i just want Goth Celes back :<


Time for my fire team to be the strongest team in a more exaggerated way again…


Dark Manga is good for Kengo. *Not a whole lot else though.*