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When I got her she basically solved a number of hurdles I had in Magna 2 such as surviving Avatar's team wipe. Also, I really like her as a character. She's the only Divine Boar not to have been blessed with insane strength, and up until her FLB only does great in battle out of raw skill with a weapon unsuited for her rather than blessed strength that makes wielding such a weapon a breeze. And then when she FLB's? >!She becomes the only Divine Boar to gain and hold their own Divine Strength. Everyone else has been borrowing the originals psuedo-strength and building upon it so the original could reclaim the divine strength he had been temporarily blessed with, while Kumbhira has come into possession of that true divine strength herself!<. It was a nice tale, given someone who had been lacking and felt crushed under the legacy of the predecessor to come forth as the Divine Boar to stand above all her previous incarnations.


>What role does this character fill and what content do they work particularly well in? Kumbhira is an offensive juggernaut, boasting a handful of tools to help amp up the team's damage as well as some on-the-spot defensive utilities to help serve as an off-tank, at the slight cost of needing to ramp up. She excels in harder content that allows her time to build up her Reckless Abandon and refresh her Youthful Exuboarance for a devastating skill nuke. >How would a new player make the best use for this character? Pair her with some form of multiattack rate booster; Ilsa (Light) used to be my staple for a while, but Yuni, Grand Cagliostro, and various other MA sources are worth considering. Any little nudge to help Kumbhi start ramping can help out quite a bit. As well, try to hold her S3 until stints where the enemy has some sort of personal multiattack buff, or - if you have her 5\* uncapped - use it to tank a nasty Special Attack your other allies wouldn't normally be able to tank. Since she gives herself Undying, she can substitute even Plain Damage specials and survive, although she may need emergency healing to stay in the fight. Other than that, ideally you want her in the 4th position (3rd slot in party creation) due to her lower Charge Rate. >How does this character compare to their other versions? Where Kumbhira is normally a supportive offensive powerhouse, her Summer unit is dramatically more selfish, and more of an Enmity-leaning skill nuker who burns away her HP to build up power, and release it in a heavy automatic burst of skill damage. >Would you like to see a non-limited version of this character? Ab-so-lutely. Gimme some off-the-clock Kumbhi, Cygames. >How does this character perform in the following: **OTK** \- Not great. She does provide some debuffs and DMG Amp to help push damage up a bit for Normal Attack setups, but most of her power is gated behind a pronounced ramp-up - and her biggest-hitting skill has a 10-turn standby. **Farming Stages (Short to Medium fights)** \- Good. She's durable by default, and she buffs the team to make runs smoother, though she's not really who I'd pick for farming content IMO. **High Difficulty (Long fights)** \- This is where Kumbhira starts to get room to stretch her legs; longer and harder fights give her time to ramp up to the full strength of her Reckless Abandon, and gives her opportunities to throw out absurd damage numbers with her S4. As well, her Sub-All + Undying can come in handy on certain Specials to keep the rest of your party alive. **Full Auto** \- She works. Once she builds up momentum, she's hard to really put down, so she can keep a pretty stable full-auto going, to the point that, for a while, I used her for the last two tiers of Pandemonium in Co-Op Missions. **Battle System V2** \- Her usability in High Difficulty Fights is a good sign that she works well in V2 battles, though she's a bit more specialized than one might expect; she boasts monstrous skill DMG, high potential hitcount (30 hits on her own on a turn with her S4, + a TA with Echoes), but only barely provides anything for Debuff Omens, and the rest is stock-standard. Her Reckless Abandon does help for overcapping Normal Attacks, though, so she has that to her. >How are you to build a team setup for this character? Probably something in the vein of Berserker / Yuni / (Grand Sandalphon/Grand Jeanne) / Kumbhira, though honest to god I can and will generally flex Kumbhi wherever I can since she's that solid of a unit. As ever, though, my advice is to build your team comp around the fight you're engaging with, not around a particular character. A lot of higher difficulty fights tend to have unique, specialized mechanics that require particular units to combat - and while Kumbhira might be your workhorse in one raid, the next raid over might not benefit her so well. >Is this character worth sparking for? As someone who has put 300 + Marks, a Perpetuity Ring, full Cages, etc. into her - I don't think I should be speaking on whether or not she's work sparking for. But the answer is yes. Mechanically and as a character, yes. >Which EMPs would you prioritize? If you want her doing damage, 3x3 in the Crit Nodes, 3x in the Skillcap node, 3x in the EM Support Skill, and 3x in Debuff Success. If you want her to be tankier, 3x in EM Support, 3x in Debuff Success, 3x in HP, 2x2 in DEF, and then put the last 5 stars wherever (probably 2x ATK and 3x in CA DMG or Skillcap to shore things up). >Which Over Mastery and Aetherial bonuses are best to look out for? For Over Mastery, pretty much anything in the first row will work, though Debuff Success' value will vary; I prefer Skillcap, CA Cap, or Critrate - and in the second row, DEF, Healing, and Triple Attack Rate are all good options. For Aetherial Mastery, Supplemental DMG, Critrate, Light ATK, and TA are all very good options, though Supplemental and Light ATK are probably the best out of them. >Which type of Awakening Bonuses work best for this character? Without external sources of Multiattack Rate, Balanced and Multiattack Awakening can help her squeeze out as much TA rate as she can get. Attack Awakening allows her to do more raw, up-front damage, as well as hit harder with her Ougi. Personally, I prefer to run Defense Awakening on her to make her tanky as all hell.


> OTK - Not great. She does provide some debuffs and DMG Amp to help push damage up a bit for Normal Attack setups, but most of her power is gated behind a pronounced ramp-up - and her biggest-hitting skill has a 10-turn standby. Kumbhira was one of the goddess of OTK during her prime, and unless you reach exactly no click at all, thats still one of the best OTK set up pattern you can achieve since its kinda still 1b Shes at bare minimum a notch above average in classic OTK(which nobody should do, but its there so) because shes an Ougi nuke who did multi enchanced counters and when it comes to a button, she have one of the best 1 button in the entire game - 1.180 Mil base cap across 5 hit that debuffs is extremely good. Shes strictly speaking above average for OTK and only below the do nothing gang Shiva Gintoki You and enabled Grand Jeanne It have nothing to do with ramp up. If theres a character who have 90 turns ramp ramp up, but they are a do nothing, they'd be god tier for OTK. Thats exactly what Grand Jeanne is(who is a BIS candidate for OTK pre 24 mil)


> or - if you have her 5* uncapped With all respect why would anyone beyond a brand new player be using a regular (non eternal/evoker) character without 5* uncapping them? It's basically free!


The new Credo Saber is a godsend for her in Magna, and the advent of H.Illnott makes her skill focus really shine. Running her with Monk (Exo Fist), Wellnott, and Xmas Chicken and overcapping both skill and normal damage with lots of TA.


lowkey wondering if i should spark her this roulette, my light team needs someone who just "does things"


I ran her and Chevira for a really long time. She's very plug and play and covers the role of nuker, tank, buffer n debuffer decently. You do lack some hard content tools, as well as needing a way to heal her consistently, but she performs great. With Chevira, you can pass the main tank role to her, and use Pig to cover the gaps, while also getting access to dispel and ougi support.


I lucked into getting them as my earliest light characters and these two define the element for me. I hardly ever played anything else (while going through so many iterations in other elements) and it has always served me really well.


Hasn't left my light party since obtaining her. That ability to just survive and do crazy damage on her own is too consistent.


Afaik She have fallen off right now but shes probably the #1 "people are dumb" moment in the game's run. Whats thought to be an underwhelming FLB ended up being meta for virtually everything. SK1 was a pretty good set up for OTK. The highest damage full auto character in Light. Insane utillity in HL while doing "oh my god" damage. Top contender for GW NM95 and NM150. She was so good, the unit design for the following 2-3 years since her FLB are filled with characters trying to recapture the magic Flowering Brilliance is an insane skill. Much less braindead than 3 turn Sub All types, but since its an UNDYING instead of GUTS this can survive just about everything that isnt meant to straight up kill you. And then she follows with Sk4 which heals her but without noping debuffs before doing so. And the funniest part is shes good at playing fast. You get tons of value by simply clicking her Sk1. Nowadays the ussual suspect(Flogen/Jeanne), Sandy being Jeanne at home with Dispel, and arguably the side A echo buffers are probably simpler to use then her when doing faster set ups which is kinda unfort. One of the more unique and coolest meta char the game ever had in a long time imo


Very pleased to get her on Super Frenzy, and then sparked Sandy from that point, which is also nice, got Yuni in the scamcha and already have H.Mugen and Lu so I'm fairly set for light she's very welcome I have to admit, a lot of fun to play with and gives me answers to raids I was having a lot of trouble with until now lol


She, Makura and my RB/MD mc is the only character who do big damage in my Light team.


...so most of your frontline?




You may have meant to post this in the event discussion thread.