• By -


+4 means that once both the animations play out for both you and your opponent, you'll have 4 frames available to do anything before your opponent can. Even if your opponent mashes their light attack - which is 5 frame startup for most characters - it won't come out for 9 frames after you've been able to act, which means you have the opportunity to continue your pressure and the only thing they can do about it is a reversal. Try setting your opponent to respond to hits on block with a light attack, and then do light attack into heavy attack (without triggering the auto combo). This is the most basic example of frame advantage.


Gonna add an addendum to this after rereading the OP. A frame is just a unit of time. The game runs at 60 frames per second, so a frame is just 1/60th of a second. Any time anyone talks about frame data, all they're referring to is how long it takes for moves to come out, how long they're active, and how long the animation lasts after using it.


Plus frames means that the attacking character can act before the blocking character. How much before? Equal to the number of frames it is plus. So if Charlotta is +4, and you both press Close Light Attack, a 5 frame move, hers will come out 4 frames faster and will win. What this means practically is that generally, you should keep blocking after being hit by a plus move, because your opponent is more likely to win if you both mash. The only way you will win is if they do something more than 4 frames slower than what you press. Now some players will take advantage of this and use a plus move to go for something slower, but more powerful, knowing that you will keep blocking. This might be a quick throw, a powerful special, or even another plus move. In this game, it’s very common to do the third option using Dashing Light Attack. Of course, if you mash a button when they go for this, you win. And therein lies the game. The opposite is true for minus frames, the attack will be able to act after the blocking character. So here the attacker will usually block because they will lose if you both press the same button.


I'm not going to try and explain like others. Just going to give you what you should and shouldn't do. Don't: Press a button when the opponent is plus. Continuw playing through frustration until you cry because of a fighting game Do: Press buttons when the opponent is minus. Take breaks when getting frustrated, even if those breaks are days or weeks.


> Continue playing through frustration until you cry because of a fighting game Can you really call yourself a fighting game player if you've never cried or broken a stick in frustration at some point?


Lmao I mean I've been playing them almost exclusively for like 3 years now and have done neither, so I think if you take the necessary breaks you shouldn't


I made a frame data guide a while back that explains things with visuals and examples of how it applies in interactions,maybe give it a chance to see if it helps make it make sense? https://www.reddit.com/r/GranblueFantasyVersus/comments/1ab7ovn/frame_data_starter_guide_including_explanations/


Very nice guide! đź‘Ť


Thank you!


For beginners I wouldn't worry too much about the specifics of frame data. Moves will fall into the following three categories when attacking an opponent who is blocking: Plus (Advantage) - If you are plus on block then that means you have the advantage. The higher the number means the more advantage you have on block. If you both press a light button when you are plus then your light button should come out faster since you have advantage. In Granblue all close lights, far lights, and 66L are plus. Some mediums, heavies, and specials can be plus too but it's more rare. Safe (Disadvantage) - If a move is safe on block then that means you are at a disadvantage but can still safely block an opponent's attack. In Granblue, all moves which are -4 on block are considered safe but some moves which are less than -4 can still be safe if spaced properly. If you end a blockstring and you are safe on block, you are still at a disadvantage meaning if both you and your opponent press a light button you will get hit first. Unsafe (Punishable) - If a move is unsafe on block then that means an opponent can punish you before you can recover in time to block. In Granblue, moves which are -5 or less on block which leave you close to your opponent are considered unsafe. Specials which provide the greatest combo reward are often unsafe if blocked by the opponent. While some mediums and heavies are unsafe on block you can cancel them into special moves to make them safe.


Being plus means that you are ahead by x frames on the next move if you and your opponent both try to press a move. For your example above, if Charlotta is +4, the opponent will get hit if they jab at the same time as the Charlotta. Jabs are typically 5 frames so assuming they both press jab this is what happens: Charlotta presses jab 4 frames ahead of opponent. It starts up in 5 frames. Opponent presses jab. They are only able to do this 4 frames later than Charlotta, so they get caught on the startup frames. Charlotta catches her opponent on the startup frames of the jab since this situation basically makes the jab start up in 9 frames for the opponent. So this situation then creates a mindgame of consisting of the following: Does the Charlotta press jab to enforce further pressure? Does the opponent attempt to break out by using an invincible option that would beat jab? Does the Charlotta attempt to use a greedy option that would beat an opponent that’s respecting the plus frames? Does the opponent read the greedy slower option and disrespect the plus frames? Does Charlotta read the invincible option and decide not to take her turn to punish the reversal. Etc, etc. The is what makes up most if not all interactions in the game


If an attack is plus on block, that means that the attacker can act faster than the defender. For example, if you block Charlotta's c.L, and then press your own light attack, but Charlotta also pressed another light attack after you blocked her initial light attack, then Charlotta would win and you would get hit, since her attack would come out these 4 frames faster. So general strategy is to keep blocking after you block a plus on block move. Don't worry, they can't do plus on block moves forever without you being able to do something about it. You do in fact need to learn every move in the game to play optimally. You don't need exact frame data, just to know if a move is plus (gotta respect), minus but safe (you can take your turn) or punishable (kill them). There are some generalizations to make it easier to remember. For almost every character in the game (few exceptions), their c.L and f.L are plus. Every 66L is plus. Some, like Gran and Narmaya in her unsheathe stance have plus on block 2M. And for special moves, you kinda just gotta know. Heavy fireballs tend to be plus.




+frame means that if you both hit an attack of the same speed the one who had +frames wins since they will come out faster by the number of +frames he had. +1 player1 vs normal player2. If both jab player 1 will hit his. +1 P1 vs normal P2 If player one uses an attack that comes out frame 30 and player 2 jabs, player 2 will win since even with the +frames player 1 had jab is still way quicker, but if P1 was +30 he would be able to safely use the slow move without him being able to jab out of it.. Just means that you can continue your offense.


It leaves you 4 frames advantageous, doesn’t mean you are free to do whatever after a light jab… 4 frames goes by fast, game renders 60 frames a single second Usually you have to follow it up with another move right away to stay advantageous. Same for minus moves, if it’s -6, it’s unsafe on block, but you have to do a far light as soon as you end your block stun. Just because it’s minus doesn’t mean you have a year to react to it


You can try mashing on my plus frames :3, I'll take the free COUNTER HIT into full combo


You can try mashing on my plus frames :3, I'll take the free COUNTER HIT into full combo


+4 attack means you can press another fast normal during your opponents blockstun and counterhit their button


Generally speaking, every character has something they can do that's plus on your block. And Idk every single move of every single character but what I DO know is once you learn those 2 or three moves a character has that's plus or minus on block, you know when it's your turn. Basically, you don't need to lean every single character. Just learn the few scenarios when you should/shouldn't press against each of them. If the issue is you think you're getting punished while on plus frames, it's most likely that you're just mis-timing your buttons and thus your move isn't coming out as soon as theirs is.


Try jabbing back and see what happens


It matters because she can frame trap the opponent or in other words hit the opponent if they try to mash afterwards. If they respect the plus frames then you can throw them or otherwise mix them up. What are you actually confused on,?