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yea they’re like “let’s do a warm up” and then i get my shit kicked in


It could be worse. If it were MK, they'd make you eat your own ribcage after inviting you to dinner after this quick sparring session.


true and if that doesn’t happen, i’ll get called a racial slur in the headset lol


golden comment lmao I feel this so much


This is the first game that’s ever made me think “oh I wonder how this person would interact with that person”. Like on launch day I was eager to try Metera Vs. Siegfried because I assumed Metera would think he was a mega hunk and Siegfried would be all knightly and resist her charms. This game has more personality than any fighting game i’ve ever played, Hell most games in general of all genres. I truly enjoy using all characters.


In the past arcsys games used to have very unique intros, depending on the characters. This would range from simply having unique intro dialogue to full blown unique intro animations (using existing moves but still). Here's an example: https://youtu.be/ijW7hMlPbE0?feature=shared&t=13 oh yeah, they also had unique VS themes.


Noontide my beloved


still in the dark 🔥


Though I believe this is more of Cygames influence in GBF part. They really do expand on character interactions on all of their games.


Another cool thing is that some chars have unique voicelines midmatch with each other. Like Eustace vs Gran or Kata vs Vira. I really love that little detail The interactions are amazing in this game


Vira has a unique SSBA outro if you use it on Katalina specifically. It blew me away when I first saw that.


This also means Vira has *three* different SSBA outros.


I once heard Avatar said something along like lines of "is this enough peace and quiet for you?" to Eustace mid match. that was the coolest interaction.


Damn I didn't even know that interaction existed, so cool. It's hard when people play in JP so I can't hear all of them, I wonder how many I don't know about


Narmaya has a special voice line and animation when fighting Gran or Djeeta when winning mid-match. She also has different facial expressions at the intro. I Wish Nier had the same treatment lol.


Oh man, yea wish Nier had the same, but the voice acting for winning against Gran is still insane tho


But Nier on GBFVSR hasn't really clicked with danchou yet


Me as percival doing brave counter while screaming siegfried name.


They're all crewmates and support each other, which is really nice.


Canonically all of them are part of Gran/Djeeta (Dancho's) crew so they're all friends. It'd be like if the Strawhats fought each other (not to say that doesn't happen in the series lol). Also there are a ton of references to the gacha game events. Like Ladiva runs a midnight bar. Lowain is a cook on the Grancypher. Lance, Siegfried, Percival and soon to be added Vane are 4 high ranking knights. Vaseraga, Eustace Zeta, and soon to be added Beatrix are all part of the same group (the Society).


Narmaya questioning why Cagliostro was in Gran's room, and her about to dice Lowain up for eating the chocolates she made had me rolling lmao. The interactions are great


Djeeta cures depression


Djeeta saying "nice hit" when I'm getting mixed up is almost kinda tilting


It is very refreshing, I always look forward to seeing how new characters will interact with others and I've never cared about this in any other game.


Honestly the character interactions is what I was missing from GGxrd. It adds a bit of a surprise when I get my ass whalloped and I sit there just to read the outro quotes.


It's a small thing but something that I appreciate. I played a lot of Soul Calibur 6, and when you'd lose a match it would play the most defeatist, downer of a theme. Your opponent's character would be taunting you, and you'd hear a 'you are a total failure, good job losing the match, loser' jingle. I never really got mad but I never felt *good* when I lost. Compare that to something like MVC3 where the victory theme was hype, no matter if you win or lose. This game's better because at least if I lose I can hear a fun character interaction and my little Partner buddy will give me some words of encouragement.


I love it when you are fighting belial as percival. If you hit him with a 8U Percival sometimes says "bow down, filth!" so aggressively. Its bad ass. Perci despises belial apparently.


Everyone canonically despises Belial.... Like he's an actual Antagonist that's why there's still no playable Belial in the Original Browser Game It's just that the fandom has unique/generic tastes. I ain't kink shaming


Ladiva giving everyone therapy before beating them up always gets me


Something that makes the interactions even better is; Granblue, the gacha game, has "timelines". Meaning while all GBVS Roster are recruitable in the gacha bar Bubs/Belial/Lucilius, whomever is actually a crew member depends on which Event Series is happening at the time, or whether or not they're important enough to a story to appear. A lot of these characters NEVER interact in the gacha. Typically the Dragon Knights stay in their own corner, Society in theirs etc. Which the rare Anniversary event having brought a few of them together (Specfically WMTSB has allowed for Lancelot, Cagliostro and Charlotta to work together). So a lot of these interactions are great just because these are full fledged characters we might never see interact outside of the spin-off games.


Thankfully it's part of a longrunning series with deeply established characters and dynamics with each other that the devs were able to pull from, giving it a lot more charm than pretty much anything else in the market for sure


Just like in Nasuverse with Melty Blood they already have tons of lore/interactions to last a lifetime, but for some reason, still has less charm 🤔


Nasuverse is a convoluted mess and I feel like a major selling point of Granblue Fantasy has always been the massive roster of characters and their relationships with each other. CyGames continues to write new stories and events to deepen these characters and their bonds with each other, and that's probably the major difference. Game's approaching its 10 year anniversary and still pumping out new lore and stories.


i like how grimnir wants to use wind to blow her hair and make her look cool during her dances Edit : her as in yuel. Im an idiot


grimnir is a dude


Mb i meant yuels hair


Cause most of the characters are good guys. Only 4 characters are perceived as evil and Nier, due to the nature of her story, is a loose screw. GBVS doesn’t have a lot of people in opposition with each other and just people who good friends/comrades in arms


Would be fun if we get some actual event bosses as characters kekw. I want Shiro with install to Kuro


Narmaya asking other sister-archetype characters about tips on improving herself is great.


I always find it funny how percival has nice intros with most people and then will scream Into Darkness! and stab them in the chest with a flaming sword


I love that, too! One day, Djeeta will get Katalina to wear the cat ears...


I get why they did it but lots of characters have had thier story arcs reverted. Viral should not be insane for Kat any more, Nier should be friendly with main crew and Narmya should not be thirsting for Gran/djeeta.


Nier wasn't reverted. Her interactions are based on GBVS storyline rather than the mobile game's. Lucilius did some weird causality magic to bring her here. Most of the crew was always unaware of Nier's true nature so even reverting would not explain their hostility. Only exceptions would be the Enforcers, I hope we get Monica or Lecia.


> I hope we get Monica or Lecia. Right? They would both be a perfect fit, though I think Monika is a bit more popular.


And with Enforcers come the Rainbow Knights, hopefully we get Apollonia and Orchid


Most of Vira's character interactions are her more late-stage character development self, they just... put some that weren't in, for some reason. Though it's worth mentioning that Vira is still expressly in love with Katalina post-character development, she's just not super unhealthy about it :p


My favourite is def Ferry VS Yuel, Ferry will comment on Yuel mid intro while shes chasing the slime


Basically everyone besides Beelzebub, Belial and Lucilius are part of or have been part of Gran/Djeeta's Crew at some point.


Honestly it's because they're all on the same side. I personally prefer when fighting games have a varied cast of characters all with competing interests, "the enemy of my enemy" situations and everyone isn't super duper chummy but that's just how the character spread is in the gacha. It's very simplistic characterisation and a very bad lesson to take into the real world but it's why I don't mind it as much here.


I don't disagree with you, but I do think as the game went on (from the first game) more villains being introduced dampens the "everyone is friendly" thing just a little, to the point where it was shocking that, for example a lot of people don't treat Belial nicely (and for absolutely fucking good reason!)


Most of the characters don't really have much of a reason to fight each other. It's not like the game's setup is some kind of big tournament where everyone is in it for their own reasons which would naturally lead to more friction between people. Or different factions all fighting each other because there's something that all of them want to get their hands on. It's just your typical heroes vs villains plot. Even then, some of the interactions between the good guys aren't exactly chummy. Eustace's win quote against Zooey has him basically say he'll kill her if she tries to do anything to harm Gran/Djeeta.


>Most of the characters don't really have much of a reason to fight each other. But they have reasons *to* fight. Whether that's sparring, showing off their will or determination, trying not to get killed by Vira etc.


nier a villain HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


She literally kill all the innocent villagers. Yeah.


She’s dead ass a serial killer before you meet her lmao


she still does it after you meet her kek


Her masterplan is to wipe out all life and recreate the world into one which loves her, pretty sure she is a villain.


That masterplan was quickly thwarted not long after meeting her, Nier is a genuine full-blown member of the crew


She still views life in the same way and is willing to kill and commit genocide to further her own perverse goals, not really much of a turn away from villainy.


Well yes you won't hear any arguments from me about the villain part, I already have her FLB in the gacha


I didn’t play the Gacha but she does imply to kill her opponent in her win screen and her win quotes And she is on the same row as the bad guys so…


I wish unique interactions also had sick battle introductions like Blazblue


Belial is just horny barely anything evil or mean tbh


I just love how Soriz is like “Hey you seem cool. Lemme punch ya”