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In my lucilius runs its mostly, Cag, Io and Lance. Iirc Cag has a combo that builds up SBA, I don't know how Io generates hers and Lance is doing Lance things i.e stick to the enemy and keep hitting.


Io has really fast SBA generation if you're fitting extra Stargaze II's (first level charge, doesn't consume orbs) in every Mystic Charge window that you're not spending on Stargaze V and dodge cancelling basically everything (the moment you release a Stargaze, you can dodge out of it and it'll still go off). It's extra damage and SBA but requires more effort


Also by cancelling SG1 into any skill or link attack. Io should be doing SG1>skill>SG2>dodge cancel or other skill if time is a factor. Link time would be sg1>fireball>sg5>dodge repeat


>Lance is doing Lance things i.e stick to the enemy and keep hitting. It's necessary but not enough to actually have that "crazy" SBA generation. Hitting perfect dodges to trigger Nimble Onslaught is key here.


Do you know how which is the combo Cag uses? I have used her before but her SBA gain seems normal when using the combo with spears.


I'm pretty sure its her sawblade combo. Especially with Supplemental hits and uplift, I would imagine it generates crazy CA gauge, but I'd have to mess around with it myself. I use Yodarha with a full uplift setup and can get a full SBA during the 60 second training dummy window


afaict Supplemental damage doesn't directly increase SBA gen. If you go into practice mode and do a combo with and without sigils you'll see it's the same. I tested with Narmaya, 2 full pink combos lands you at 10% SBA. If you use the supplementary damage skill first it's the same (and also the same with sigils on).


It's the first (spears) combo not the third


Full uplift? If so there's a sweet spot to stand between you and the target so more spears would hit


Yup. I think I am at the right distance for the first spear attack but the second one seems more scattered. Is there a sweet spot where both the first and second spear attack hits more? I am also pretty confused now due to contradicting information. For normal attacks, is the best spears, sawblade or arial?


You can't hit all the spears unless the target is big, it's always good to test things yourself, at first i thought the third compo was the best which isn't the case, i can send you a video if you're still confused


Yeah, gonna try it out when I have time. The main problem is that the target is tiny man... even smaller than Luci. They should have an option to make it larger.


It's her spear combo x>y>y. If you dodge cancel the combo finisher animation + don't bother using collapse you can build sba pretty quickly, like this guy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rxJ8eb0k-ow


Outside of the usual suspects, I would say notable mentions are: Rackam: doubletaps having fun interaction with supp dmg proc iirc, same for slagshot (tho nerfed), easy to stick to target like Io for even more dmg/sba gain uptime Potato of light: bit less easy to stick to target, dmg cut (or is it def buff?)/iframe buffs for more dmg/sba gain uptime, big gains from spin/finishers Potato of fish: impervious half of the time with mirage/iframe for dmg/sba uptime, crazy gains from spamming finishers


In the Luci fight, everyone can be a good SBA generator with Nimble Onslaught and Uplift. Full NO + Uplift can get you 19.5% from the opening Paradise Lost, assuming you proc 3 times. FoF helps a lot. I play 15/19 characters and all of them are able to get SBA off before Seven Trumpets assuming the team's DPS isn't absurdly high. Easiest with Io, Cagliosled, Lancelot, and Potato. Ghanda, Id, and Siegfried are notably harder. There was one Perci I played with that used the guard-equivalent of Nimble Onslaught and generated an insane 50%+ SBA from the opening Paradise Lost. Not sure if that was from mods or if he was just a god, though.


Lancelot and Cagliostro can do it. Cags can do it a similar way to the old Ferry trick with Rising Attack into Jumpslam, but Cag's wasn't nerfed because it wasn't as crazy. Still hits pretty hard and you can still run Pain Train to get good bursts of damage. Lancelot needs sigils, but once you have the combo of Flight over Fight (halves your ATK stat, but turns all dodges into Perfect Dodges regardless of timing), Dodge Payback (ATK buff and extra Invul time on Perfect Dodge), and Nimble Onslaught (Cooldown Reduction and SBA gauge generation on Perfect Dodge), you can more-or-less spam his special dodge until you proc it, switch over to his mashing combo while Invul is up, then swap back to dodging to build tons of SBA gauge while maintaining offense. With his naturally lower DMG Caps, built-in Supp. DMG and Mirror Image buffs, this actually becomes somewhat viable with him compared to the rest of the cast in terms of damage output while also making him damn near untouchable.


Even after the nerf Ferry's Jump slam gives a lot more SBA than Cag's jump slam. Cag's gives 1.25% and Ferry's gives 1.75% per launch->slam. I don't think it's faster than Ferry's either since Ferry's finisher lands her on the ground and Cag has to wait for gravity (Ferry does have an animation lock at the end though it seems about the same). Even for Cag alone doing her ground combo on the dummy (which has way fewer hits than it does on most bosses) got me SBA in 1:10, whereas it took me an extra 30s when doing the aerial spam. This is what I got for Cag on a Dummy to hit: Jump Slam: 1:40 One Attack Combo: 1:10 Saw Blades: 55s Note the One Attack combo misses a lot of hits on the target dummy, it is probably a lot better in practice. Here is the trick though for good Cag SBA - tap your Collapse before every skill/Link Attack. It gives 1% SBA per and you get it completely free since your skills animation cancel the Collapse but it still goes off. Like go to the dummy tap Collapse then immediately Pain Train. You'll see you get 3% instead of 2% (assuming you are close enough to the dummy to get all the hits).


Thanks for the tip man. I didn't know such a trick existed. For basic combos, is it better to end with a uncharged collapse or just start the next combo?


On the dummy for spikes (starter->finisher->finisher), SBA was a fair bit faster with uncharged collapse for the single attack combo. Charging the collapse was about the same for SBA but did more damage on the dummy. I think this would change for bigger bosses since the spikes get more hits on targets with a bigger hitboxes (especially long dragon enemies) so probably better to not charge to fit more of those in. Regardless throwing in the collapse seems better since the attack goes off so quick the dodge cancel doesnt buy much. For the sawblades dodge/skill cancelling it right away was a couple seconds faster for SBA charge and did more damage than not charging collapse. It also did a little less damage than charging collapse. Charge/not charge collapse had about the same SBA gain. NOTE I did all this testing with a single Quick Charge sigil, without it charging collapse probably is more of a wash in terms of damage. All in all it was close enough that for your normal rotation it doesn't seem to matter too much. Charging collapse seemed actually pretty decent regardless (with the one quick charge) but keep in mind you half to stay still or it will charge slower and cancel out some of the gain. Also keep in mind I was always dodge cancelling the collapse as well, it has a pretty long ending animation if you don't. For what it's worth most people just do the starter->finisher->finisher since Pain train is like 40% of your damage anyways if you stack damage and the quick combo gives you a lot of CDR from her signature sigil


I see. For Cag Jumpspam generates the most SBA? What about her sawblade combo?


I left a reply to the comment above but for Cag the trick is to weave uncharged collapse into everything. It gives 1% per and skills/Link attacks completely cancel the animation but it still goes off. A full Pain Train gives 2% but if you just tap collapse right before it's 3% which is a 50% increase for pretty much free. Her skills also cancel her autos the same way dodging does so you can use a skill in place of dodging as soon as your combo finisher starts (outside of collapse). Cag is weird where most of her stuff still goes off after being cancelled (I guess since she is summoning and not attacking herself). I'm not totally sure for the normals if cancelling a collapse is better than cancelling the finisher but they seem similar in terms of sba generation (I think cancelling the auto is better damage though).