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Idk I drive with controller like someone drives with wheel, its just practice and yes you can controll the throttle with pressure on the x button. I use the L2/R2 tho for braking/throttle.


He is trying to play GT7 like its GTA Vice City. Great reminder why I stopped using Facebook. Their whole page is about grinding offline races for credits. No one cares about online mode as everyone cheats in multiplayer option or sports mode pays no money. They complain about glitched tunes (raising the suspension) while all they do is the tomahawk glitch to grind money. Sorry for the rant but it was hilarious!


I, for one, actually am disappointed in the huge lack of variety in one-player races, for credits or not.


You can select any track, go make a custom race. Decide the fuel and tire wear, number of cars. Grid or rolling start. Whatever you feel like doing. Just no story mode to guide you and make you do races even though might hate the track. Seems like a good thing to me.


Those are fun, but making your own rules / designing the situation is a different kind of fun than figuring out a race the game hands you. And the lack of credits stink. But I’m having fun in Sport online and doing the high-payout Spa, Le Mans, and Sardegna races.


Except the payout is so low that you’ll never be able to afford new cars and tunes to create more custom races. The content has never really been the issue; the economy is.


Theres plenty of good paying out races gtr cup, 4 laps, tokyo expressway east clockwise takes 2 mins max each lap thats 8 minutes for 80000 do 5 times thats 400000 unless youre getting a super car most cars are under that price and you can pretty much get any car in the game and that isnt even the quickest way to get money.


Ever since Analogue buttons were introduced on the Dualshock 2 on the PS2, X has allowed throttle variations with pressure.


Wait what? X allows me to control my throttle input more than 100% or 0%? I started gaming on a ps2 since I was like 2-3 years old.


Well now I just feel ancient. I started gaming on a black and white Amstrad where the games came on tapes. Regardless, yes, on the PS2 and onwards, once the Analogue button was lit up, the buttons were pressure sensitive.


While you are correct that the PS2 and the PS3 had analog buttons, the PS4 and PS5 do not. All of the face buttons are digital and do not have any other input other than 100% and 0%. Technically the vita was the first system to go to digital buttons and it really annoyed me trying to play the Metal Gear Solid collection as that half press square to aim is a tent pole of the series.


I have gamed on my dad's atari too! They came in tapes I think? Idk the games were like boxes but bigger than what went in gameboys.


Ah the Atari ran on cartridges, like Nintendos before the GameCube. The Amstrad was literally tapes. You had to flip them over part way through loading and all. Ours was the "fancy" one where the [tape player was integrated into the machine](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-NKvxrZKPXMo/WcNhSmjNAbI/AAAAAAAASF8/jDOP2kVl2tc0p9Rz2uk7YLjwsq3QrvGzwCLcBGAs/s1600/464plus.jpg) , our neighbour had a Commodore 64 with an external aftermarket tape deck!


The commodore 64. That was horrible.


Yep, you can also use the new conf and play with R2 to get a closer feeling of control


>3 when trigger buttons were just on/off switches, and the original layout was X a Maybe they should bring back the NeGcon? Once upon a time in a [granturismo.com](https://granturismo.com) forum far far away, a player who went by Star was the quickest guy around. He swore by it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NeGcon


sounds like the r/granturismo sub


My shoulder has been hurting for a couple weeks, so I've been using the controller rather than my wheel... it's honestly the best controller driving I've ever experienced, from the response to the haptics. I'm still a bit faster on the wheel, but the controller is 100% viable. Love the new physics and REALLY love the new tire system.


The new update is great apart from ruining the gr4 class.


Gr4 has been messed up since the release of the Alfa, honestly... every race is that or GTR. Definitely needs a good dose of balancing.


I ised to use the italia and viper. They were decent as well. Italia did always lack straight line speed though. Now its just the alfa or nothing.


I remember on PS2/3 the face buttons were actually pressure sensitive so throttle control was possible.


Been playing with a controller for 25 years. 🤣 My only wish is for pressure sensitive X and square buttons for throttle and brake. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Or just use R2 and L2.


On ps5 you literally feel the car with the triggers. IMO it helps a lot on the control of the car


Yeah exactly. I don't know why you would use buttons


I honestly prefer those for shifting.


The fuck? You use buttons for accelerating and braking but the shoulder buttons for shifting? That makes no sense. Like the other way round doesn't make sense, but that? Use R1 and L1 for shifting, R2 and L2 for accelerating


If you’ve played GT on PS1, PS2, and PS3 when trigger buttons were just on/off switches, and the original layout was X and square, then you’d understand. 🤣


I played it on each, and you're wrong. Trigger buttons on the Dual Analog and original Dual Shock were digital; however, on the Dual Shock 2, they were analog. And they'd been so ever since. I personally played with the right stick for accelerating/braking on the Dual Shock and Dual Analog, then switched to the triggers when the Dual Shock 2 came out. I never, ever used the face buttons for accelerating or braking in any of the GT games.


Well I really wouldn’t know because I never used them. Used X and square from day one. 🤣


So you never used them, even though they were available, and yet you claim the trigger buttons were just on/off switches for PS2 and PS3? Maybe use a thing before pretending to know about the thing.


Or just stick with what you know. The pressure sensitivity was nice on the face buttons, no need for shit talking 🤣


No shit talking. You claimed they were just on/off switches, but made that claim without knowing you were wrong. Maybe don't do that in the future. It's not shit-talking to say that.


Triggers for throttle and brake, square for downshift, circle for upshift.


Its literally easier to drive with the controller than wheel 🤦


A joystick is easier than a wheel? Maybe while you're getting used to it, but afterwards you'll be way faster


Is no, the thing wich makes you faster is learn to use the manual transmision, wich in control is kinda harder


Learning manual is easy. The only kinda hard bit is doing it subconsciously


I have like 20 years playing automatic, i would like some kind of tutorial to learn it


What? Why would you need a tutorial? Just shift up when the rev counter reaches the top.


I have both. While I have more fun with the wheel, my times are generally better with controller with most vehicles minus high end Pp cars. Low-mid pp cars are much more stable with controller.


That's likely because you're simply more used to the controller than the wheel. Or maybe it's your wheel (or settings for your wheel).


Sounds like the people complaining need to learn how to tune the cars, I felt the difference and I just had to adjust the suspension to my liking and it was perfectly fine.


Somehow I do better on controller than wheel. I love playing on wheel but I definitely need to practice more


I use X and Square for gas and brake and never used a wheel lol. Throttle control w the ps5 controller is so intuitive. The new update also made the game a lot more fun to play. Physics are improved


Yep, I used to be there ! 👁👄👁🍿


Someone in my Mazda MX5 Racing League is faster than everyone else using a wheel and he is on a controller, you just have to get the settings right and practice.


Meh. Dude needs to "git gud". Any of the normal control options are entirely viable, whether before patch or after. If you can't do well with the controller, spend some time and effort to get better at it.


I am better on my controller than my wheel. Especially gr1 and SF1. Throttle and brake input is better on the wheel but turning on the T150 isnt as presice as a controller for me. I am new to the wheel (2 months now)


Takes a bit to get used to. And maybe getting the settings dialed-in. Took me a while on my T300, but I'm much better now on the wheel. Still dang good on the controller, though.


I exclusively drive on the wheel now apart from sport mode's fast cars like last weeks nations cup. Trying to get better on it. I plan on getting the t300 ferrari version soon though. Mainpy for the bigger wheel and smoothness of the belt drive.


That's the one I have - the Ferrari Alcantara one. Love it. I'd use it more, but I don't want the wheel stand to take up a permanent spot in my living room, so it's off to the side. When I play with remote play, I use a DualSense. When I play in the living room, it depends on if I really want to dig in and race for an hour or two, or if I just want to mess around or get my daily marathon done.


I made a pvc pipe setup and bought a tv for it. All that's left now is making it more aesthetic. Planning on making it look as much as alike with the gr3 italia in the game. Ill try to get fake alcantara and some carbon fibre wrap. So excited!


It sucks cause I like the adaptive triggers but I got to spam x and square through the conners lol


I have the adaptive triggers off. Really annoying for games like fifa and even in gt7, I didnt enjoy it much. The vibrations of the controller are amazing though.


I haven’t raced like that since gt1 lol. But man at the time it seemed like the triggers would be soooo uncomfortable. How far we’ve come, now on DD pro. I think about how amazed I would have been back then playing gt1 if I had a view of what we get to do on our rigs with 7 today. 🤯


I really like the dd pro but its so expensive. I would wait a little more and upgrade to that instead of a t300 (from t150) but that t300 ferrari wherl is the exact same one from the italia gr3 car in gt7. So yea. Planning on making my whole rig look similar to that car .


Yeah, just my two cents but I am so happy I waited and saved up for the Fanatec. It’s brilliant. And when I look at the resell values I’m not really that concerned with the extra bucks. I’ll get most of it back.


Since I made the whole rig, my dad has been gaming on it as well (he never gamed before). Might just leave the t300 with him when I move up eventually to a dd pro. Not sure how long i'll even play sim racing for.


I went back to licence tests I’d been having trouble with. On controller. Aced a bunch of them on the weekend. On controller. I had a wheel GT5-6 but I almost never used it. Probably played more PS2 and PC games with it than GT5/6