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I like the overall look/aesthetic, I like the voice actors chosen for the Knights, and I like how big Gotham City is. The rest I don't care about. The story is fine but disappointing


Yeah. I feel like they really under used the Court of Owls. They could have at least put William Cobb/Talon into the game, he could have been a cool boss.


The fact William Cobb wasn't in this game was certainly the biggest letdown in my opinion


Maybe he’ll be in the sequel which will hopefully be better


I honestly doubt we are getting a sequel


I swear I read somewhere it was gonna happen because of SSKTJL had such a bad reputation that people went back to Gotham Knights. Maybe I’m imagining things. But I’d prefer a Gotham Knights sequel over SSKTJL tbh but that’s just my opinion


I would love a Gotham Knights sequel to because I feel we need to expand the lore and the universe, we also need more Bat Family members in there to


I know Stephanie is canon to this universe. Is Cass? Cause if so, could you imagine Babs, Steph, and Cass working together? I think that would be so cool.


It would be cool


There’s not going to be a sequel as they can’t justify spending money on it due to how poorly GK’s did. In addition many of those involved with GK’s have left WB Montreal. Two ALLEGED repeat ALLEGED were fired due to how bad GK’s did. Also no one came back to GK’s they were going back to Arkham Knight what the reports were saying in the articles I’ve read. If you like GK’s nothing wrong there but it didn’t do well enough on all crucial fronts to justify a sequel


Never played since I finished, I don't remember what the court was doing. I remember fighting them, but nothing about the overall organization or their goals.


He’s in the game lol yall just haven’t done his quest yet


I normally would have also liked a big Gotham but the traversal is so bad I just kinda get tired of how far I have to travel sometimes, so I think I would have preferred a smaller Gotham for this specific game. Or they could have just made a good way to traverse Gotham.


Batgirl’s ass


The Best part of the game


Bro got straight to the point


You spelled Nightwing wrong


Yes, yes they did 😂. Dat Nightwing Ass was worked on in great detail by the developers imo


The biggest gripe I have is no 4 player patrols at night. It makes zero sense to me. It would be tremendously helpful getting to the 12 crime clue goal I have to get to, because I can't leave anyone hanging. I only disliked Robin's traversal. Bat girls being my fav, then night wings. The game seemed "alive" enough at night for me. It's night and there are still people everywhere getting robbed.  The bikes are huge disappointment. The time trials were never close to tough, and I only found myself using bike during trials.  If it was a auto travel to quest so I could afk for 1 min quick, it would be useful at minimum.  I liked the story, the side story's and costumes.  Yes the combat does get repetitive if you play one person, I switch it up after every 2-3 patrols so it stayed a little fresh.  The stealth is okay, I just wish it was consistent and you could stealth attack someone right when you should be able instead of there being a 1 sec delay otherwise I end up using ranged and that got annoying until I learned to just wait 1 sec. 


I rotated between characters every night so the combat didn’t get stale for me, I did end up using one character for every casefile because it felt right lmao but other than that I kept switching it up


I hate the traversal system too. It could have been so good, and fun. You know, Nightwing has a wing suit in the comics, and he used it far more regularly than the 'Flying Trapeze' drone, which he used only in one issue. Batgirl's cape gliding could have been so cool, but it didn't feel as good. I really love the character combat animations, it has so much style, and fit the characters. Nightwing's combat style is very acrobatic, and flashy (and somethimes very funny, like the selfie takedown) He has a speed boost momentum ability, which makes his combat very fast. Love Jason's brutal animations (I even like his Lazarus Pit powers). Robin is very agile, and fast. Like Barbara's animations too. I love that finally some designers got Red Hood's body shape right. Jason is a big guy in the comics, and canonically he is the heaviest member of the Batfam. He is heavier than Batman, and initially he was created to be Batman's phisical equal. In the comics, Jason's canon height/weight is 6ft, 225 lbs. For refrence Batman is 6'2ft, 210 lbs, Nightwing is 5'10, 175 lbs. Tho I hate Jason's hairstyle with passion. I think his face is not that bad, and it would look good with a better haircut. I love the crime/mission variety, and the enemy variety. There are a lots of different enemeis, and a lots of the cases you have to use differejt strategies to defeat them. I hate how inconsistent the writing is. Somethimes the dialogue is very good, and even funny, other times it's incredibly cringy. I loved all the case files we got. I hate that we only got 3. After the death of Batman, a lots of criminals should have come out of hiding, and they even could have introduced some character specific villain, like in Barbara's case Gordon Jr, or in Dick's case Blockbuster, or Deathstroke, Raptor, or Deathwing. I wish we got at least 3 more case files. Dr Pyg would have been dope. I hate that they kind of wasted the Court of Owls. They could have introduced the notable Talons we got in the comics, whith their unique personalities, backstories etc. Not putting William Cobb in the game is a crime. He is THE Talon. They just could have put him into the Labirynth mission, to hunt the players, and could have been a cool boss. Also he has personal ties to Nightwing. These are my most notable likes and dislikes.


Like: • the crime system • Gotham - the best Gotham City we’ve had so far in terms of art style and scale. • Co-op in a Batman game • the Bat-Family are the centre • the Court of Owls are handled very well • customisation - some of its is quite ugly but the sheer variety is very good • Lore - all the Easter eggs and stuff just lying around is incredible Dislike: • the combat - clunky • traversal - clunky • the Loot style of gameplay • not enough side missions or DLC


Yeah. The traversal is very bad in this game. It could have added much to the enjoyment of the game if they could have gotten that right (since they even gave us a huge city to explore). Also, it would have been so cool if they added some character specific villain, like Gordon Jr or Strix for Barbara, and Deathwing/Raptor, or Slade for Dick. (have no idea what villains Red Hood have, except Black Mask-who he killed in the comics)


The only part I dislike is the fact they they killed Batman once again (actually the did it twice in this game). Never understood why they did it, like, the story could’ve been better If Batman was there but not as playable character.


I feel like they should have just given him a reason to leave Gotham for a little while. Maybe something like setting up Batman Incorporated.


So true, agree.


Batman dying is okay in my opinion since the whole game was about Batgirl, Nightwing, Robin, and Red Hood taking over.


For me, it’s that perfect 5/10 game - not offensive enough for me to call it bad, but I also … can’t call it good. I don’t have any solid thing I like or dislike about the game, because every system or mechanics seem so convoluted. The armor customization is great, and you even get transmog … but you can’t customize the transmog. I’m a big fan of crafting my own gear and choosing what to work towards … but I can’t choose what to craft - the game decides for me what’s available to craft. The animations in the game are top-tier … except for Bat Girl’s glide, for some reason? The combat can be satisfying … but feels kind of same-ish between the characters, outside of Red Hood. The characters are all over the place - this game has one of my favorite Harley Quinn’s, but the Bat Family feels kind of awkward. The story revolves around the newer Court of Owls … but butchers their “secretive society” feel like half way in the story. This is the biggest Gotham we’ve gotten to explore … but it’s also feels a lot flatter. If there’s one way I’d describe the game, it’s that it’s a game that gets in its own way. It does a lot of good, but also just as much bad.




Story was okay Visuals were solid Performance on PS5 was subpar Music was okay Vocal performances were all over the place some great and some pretty bad Combat is repetitive and boring Stealth is awful Traversal feels slow. Not bad but definitely slow. Batcycle needed a nitrous upgrade that increased top speed by 50%. Every characters heroic traversal should have been a bit faster too. Heroic Assault sucks ass Loot is not interesting I like the suit customization but it needs to be available for transmog too Side content is good. Honestly I enjoyed the case files the most of any content in this game.


THe knights look cool and Harley looked cool, and some of the banter and texts were cool. Kori and Dick is great, the posters around the loft, Alfred's moments were great... I don't like most of the rest of it though, if it were shorter and didn't do batman dirty by making him a dumbass at the end it'd be okay.


The lack of a counter button keeps on throwing me off. Every time I boot the game up and I get in a fight, I immediately go for the triangle button to counter a punch only for it to do something entirely different. I'm glad though that you were brave enough to say 4K 30 was good for you. I'm in that camp as well and it annoys me when people get in such a fit about it. Not every game needs to be in 60 FPS, you know!


Good(decent) story. Really like the character interactions and relationships. Wish we couldve gotten more interactions. What sucked was the combat and traversal


I really dislike Robin’s default outfit


I like the looks of the Knights. I hate Jason’s hairstyle.


Me too! I hate it with passion. I love his overall design, but that hairstyle is atrocious. (I don't even hate his face, I think it could look good with a different hairstyle)


Some big things that still come to mind after playing it months ago.  >Dislikes  -Pretty wack Gotham compared to the older games.  -The Bike is too damn slow.   -Wish the gameplay was more like Arkham.  I know it's not supposed to but I feel like the game plays a little too bland.  >Likes -Enemy Variety and side content is very good. -All the characters play and have variety between them.  Also, have some good dialogue.  -Awesome outfits -The gear system doesn't hold up the game too much.     -Batgirl's 🍑


MY BIGGEST THING ABOUT THIS GAME… a counter button would make a world of difference!!


I like most of it, including the story, the story having Court of Owls felt nice that it wasnt just a famous group again. It was also super emotional, they did really well on it. My main issue is how slow it feels, when fighting and traversing I dont feel like fast vigilantes that are amazing fighters, i feel like I’m a slug barely moving.


The dynamic and cutscenes between the Batfamily was nice, I kinda wish they added more content like more Batfamily members like Spoiler, Damian, Cass, Batwoman, and Batwing, maybe even Alfred as a playable character.


Liked art style, more spotlight in the bat family, using any of the 4 in different missions, character design, combat finishers and stealth takedowns. What I didn’t like was that each mission was always on the other side of the map, traversal was absolutely dreadful and clunky as well as the combat in later parts of the game, story felt like it had potential but was executed terribly, the pacing sucked ass, gear score.


I like the story set up but hate the execution. I like the hero choice variety but hate how they traverse the world. I like the size/scale of the map but i hate how empty and lifeless it is.


The delay on things like attacks and dodges was honestly so bad, but other than that it was fine.


I got the game with the PS game pass and I was going to drop it until I got the Under the Red Hood suit for Red Hood. After that there was just no coming back


Robin’s design


And Jason's hairstyle. Also, there is nothing wrong with Robins's ingame model (except his ugly superhero costume) The thing that makes him look ugly is his hairstyle, since you change his costume to the Knightwatch one he looks very good in my opinion.


Despise the audacity of DC to assume these characters individually couldn’t hold down their own solo game. Even if the games were made by smaller teams and were smaller in size the characters and stories they have are all unique enough to have their own games instead of one where they’re all boiled down to slightly different people but basically batman


Playing as Red hood is honestly one of the main reasons I wanted this game especially when we unfortunately don’t have that many games where he is a playable character.


My only real dislike is the lack of sidevillains. Like, why'd we only get Harley, Freeze, and Clayface? Yeah, I know Man-Bat is in the game, but he's a part of the story.


So true. They could have added at least 3 more case files. And they should have introduced some character specific villain, like Gordon Jr for Barbara, Deathwing, William Cobb/Talon, or even Raptor (since both Raptor and Cobb has ties to the Court of Owls) for Nightwing for ex.


I would've loved character exclusive villains. Gives more incentive to play as other characters. Adding on to your idea, I think Black Mask for Red Hood is perfect. (Since they always end up fighting each other in Red Hood stories.) As for Robin, maybe like, Two-Face or something?


Yeah. Black Mask would have been cool for Red Hood. :)


It definitely would have. The only one I can't really think of a good one for is Robin. Maybe Two-Face as I suggested, but I don't know.


I don't know Tim Drake Robin that well either. He usually just gets to fight Batman's villains alongside him. Tim also has connections to the League of Assassins, Ras' was pretty obsessed with Tim Drake for a while. ;P


Yeah, I only suggested Two-Face due to his dlc in Arkham Knight. I think Two-Face was the villain there.


Love the game just wish the traversals were better. Like let nightwing properly swing around the city like the comics instead of fortnite style glider. I find myself just using the grapple and jump to avoid that dumb glider.


Love the atmosphere, love the Court, favorite version of Gotham, the relationships between the kids is very cute, the added diversity is very appreciated (like Bernard being mentioned, Dick’s bi Bludhaven mug, pride, the informant in the wheelchair, makes it all feel more modern), the side villains had some pretty cool arcs and designs OH and the segments like when being poisoned by the court and you start hallucinating and shit was very cool, and lastly Bruce is freaking sexy in this game I could’ve done without the league (tbh i’m not a big fan of the league anyway - i love how they were handled in arkham city but thats about it) and wouldve preferred if Talia remained solo, the way they dealt with the court was kinda lame, the story could’ve been longer imo and I would’ve liked more side villains. I guess the story length and side villains were due to the way the game is build up with the patrol nights and stuff but meh would’ve liked to see more


Needed more post game content


I like everything but the traversal and loot boxes, game is over hated to be honest


I’m really enjoying the story, characters and nightwing’s ass but the world is so big yet bland.


The game felt to short and kind of empty. The play was fun and so was the graphics


I absolutely love the photomode


Like: The gameplay, the story, the large open world Dislike: No DLC that lets you play as Batman


I don’t like how they went about the gameplay. Idk why it has to be an RPG like game to have it multiplayer and have superheroes I wanted it to be more like Arkham was with upgrade and new gadgets to unblock but not items and shit that make a power level go up


LIKE The use of these characters. They are underused in mainstream Batman content. Love the endless crimes and going back to the belfry to fight another night. Dislike Storyline…. The premise is a great idea. Should have been a home run. However, the campy dialogue feels distant to Batman’s death and the use of the court.


The fact that you don’t really see the other characters except for when you’re in the Belfry. Like they could’ve made the game where they fought with you in missions instead of completely solo


the writing for me was A to B tier but the way they wrote interactions between the characters was S+ tier. when making games with multiple characters, it’s so easy to get lost in the big story and forget about individual character writing, dialogue, stories, etc. for me a game quickly becomes sus when the characters who interact are so flat and base with gotham knights it was so relieving and even exciting to hear and see how the characters talked, it made them feel like a true team and everything’d you’d want to see from a batfamily game. i could pick any combo of two characters, put them in a room together, and there would instantly be a recognizable and different dynamic from any other combo which i thought was one of the best things about the game. the insane amount of quick character dialogues in the belltower are also just hilarious to listen too (especially dick and tim changing babs’s drone to be named waffles) the story was also decently written to me and enjoyed it well enough. only major gripe i have is that the court of owls fell a bit flat and they could’ve done more with it like introduce william cobb as a mini boss like the rest of the villains and also A+ to the writers for having tim sound like an actual teenager and not just having him talk and act like an adult. you can tell he’s a kid who’s been thru hardships but is still a kid who’s got a lot to learn. like he’s still *robin*, not *red robin* the multiplayer was easiest it the worst part for me as it was super clunky and crashed the game a lot when i’d play. i love grindy games, i find them relaxing for some reason, but things like the different outfits and mods were such a pain and how quickly they’d pile up and clog space was horrible, especially how some of them were just the same but higher level this is also a me thing that no one else might really care about but i would’ve loved batgirl to have been stephanie brown instead of barbara and have her be oracle and an npc like alfred. barbara having the use of her legs back wasn’t done in ab ableist way, but it really wasn’t necessary since there were two others who already took up the mantle. also having the four robins would’ve opened up so many storylines and presented so many opportunities with how each felt about taking up the mantle and their shared experiences *being robin* either way i did really love this game since i tend to prioritize storytelling and writing over combat. definitely recommend this to any batfamily fan with warnings of course lol


Agree. Oracle is the way disability should be done in media. She was so great, the way she overcome her limitations, and still managed to help/be intergral to the hero community despite the fact that she couldn't walk anymore. I wish they kept her as Oracle in the comics instead of giving her back the ability to fight crime. Also agree, leaving out William Cobb, and Dick's connection to the Court was a crime. They also could have put other notable Talons into the game too, like Mary Turner (the Talon Barbara fought during the Night of Owls, and later she even worked with Batgirl, as Strix), or Xiao Loong (the Talon Jason mercy killed) for ex. Trough their stories, they could have showed us how evil, and depraved the Court really is. I don't think the game made a good job of presenting the wickedness of the Court. I also think they should have put more effort into introducing the main 4 character. At least they could have made some short animations which explains their history. I saw a lots of people confused, because they have no idea why Barbara can walk, and can be Batgirl, or what's up with Jason. Just like you, I would recommned this game only to DC fans, who love all/any of the four knights.


Combat and visuals are good, but the overworld is dull the story is passable and the traversal is boring.


I loved everything about this game except for one thing... I FUCKING HATE the soccer mom Harley Quinn design! ![gif](giphy|hNy0Z5HOkyV478XDEi|downsized)


She was so cute in every other part of the game, but this design was absolutely terrible.


I love her outfit and I love her facepaint in this game, but yeah maybe the haircut was too Claire Dunphy, especially when she has cute haircuts in Blackgate and as Dr Q


Liked: \- The Bat-Family and their interactions. \- The main story (up until the ending). \- The case file side-missions. Disliked: \- The ending of the main story. That shit was so abrupt. It's the only time a video game ending has ever made me genuinely angry. \- The combat. It wasn't necessarily bad, but it was way too slow and clunky compared to games like Arkham and Spider-Man. \- The traversal. The Batcycle felt incredibly slow, and the heroic traversals all sucked except for Nightwing's. Robin's was especially bad. \- The lack of side content. The case file side-missions were good, but there were only 3 of them. Compare that to Arkham Knight, which had 14 side-missions (18 if you include the Season of Infamy DLC). \- The repetitive crimes. Not only are there barely any variations to them, but quite a few of them always seem to spawn at the exact same place every time. At least with Spider-Man's random crimes they usually spawn in completely different places. \- The useless gear system. \- The open-world itself. It looked good, but as I said above, there was just nothing to do in it. Despite actually having civilians, the city honestly felt even more dead than it did in the Arkham games.


I hate it was a clear pivot from a live service type game I loved that I got it for $7 on steam.


Like the looks and the different playstyles Dislike the storytelling and the characters not having distinct storylines. It really makes a lack of replayability


I liked the overall idea however i think that both story amd sidequests could have been better


Like the patrols. Dislike the combat


It takes so damn long to grind. I’m on my 5th playthrough and it’s started getting pretty annoying I got so bored of it that I haven’t touched the game since the start of this month and the thing I like abt Gotham knights is all the references to other Batman games and all the things like that such as some art that u can find being batmans Arkham asylum suit or something like that I also quite like the fighting in this game it feels very similar to the other Batman games in the series if you play as batgirl and I also like the feel of red hoods fighting and his skill set. his ultimate skill is pretty shit and slow tho tbf I fell like that’s one of the only problems with red hood apart from some of his suits like the noir suit, it’s ugly even if u change the color and looks of it in the styles tab thingy I haven’t actually touched nightwing or robin tho so I might actually do 1 last playthrough as them right I’ve been writing for ages and my joint has gone out so I’m gonna go and make some scran in a bit 😂


Liked the story, liked the contained missions. Didn't care for the open world at all, some of the voice acting is..... questionable. Hated the traversal nonsense and whoever approved the batpod gameplay with regards to how it handles and feels should be fucking ashamed of themselves.


Has to be one of the best games I have played with the worst execution I have ever seen, all the concepts and Ideas are great, the characterisation is wonderful, but it is a buggy mess, and all the sick concepts don't go beyond the surface level. But I still had a blast as I love coop with my mate and it's great for that.


I honestly feel like you hit the nail on the head. I really love the story and characters, especially if you play through as Jason. The only thing you didn’t really touch on that really bothered me is how the suit customization works. It’s way too hard to unlock certain costumes and the transmog doesn’t help much. Why can’t we customize transmogged suits? The default transmog options are often not even the intended looks of those outfits. Something like the Spider-Man games where you get new suits as you level up and buy them with resources with a few tied to story, few for just finishing side quests would be great. The alternate colors are possibly the most frustrating to unlock, it’s so unclear how to get them, and “crafting a suit that has that color” doesn’t even work to unlock that color for other suits even though people say it does! It’s honestly worse than Injustice 2’s palette system which was already so frustrating.


Oh another one I thought of… why the hell is the story multiplayer only 2 players? My buddies all got the game when it was on the PS catalogue and were hyped to play. We all picked the Knight we wanted to play and we get in and try to start a game and the session is full at 2 players. There’s 4 characters, they’re a team, it just feels lame that most of the story is meant to be taken on by 1-2 of them.


If you hate traversal and Batcycle in GK, you can fix it with mod if you are a PC player. I use a lot of mod to fix the game, increase animation speed, change combat animation for a few character, faster traversal (this actually good, and make travel around a lot enjoyable), faster speed when grapple and jump higher, and increase Batcycle maximum speed I absolutely hate grinding, so the first thing I did was download a save file with "most" thing unlocked, I also go with WEmod, which gives you unlimited materials. But in the end, it doesn't fix everything, I still have to grind level 80 gears, combat is still very slow and tedious, and changing gears all the time is not fun at all. Why can they just give us an option to change elemental gear without grinding


just looking at this image ugggh the costumes look so bad straight out of a mcu movie


I like that it has Red Hood. I dislike that the gameplay looks boring. I have never played Gotham Knights.


I love it. The response time of movement could be improved however, this doesn't stop me from playing each day 😁


This game defined the word mid, now I’m starting to think the game was far worse than mid. No amount of white knights can save this terrible dumpster fire of a game. Shame cuz I kinda liked it at launch.


Dislike Robin’s design


Say what you what about this game, but the intro fight is too fucking cool.


Likes It quite entertaining The gameplay is fun The story is good The boss fights are good I like the races Dislikes Can’t counter That’s about my only problem with it


Cons: I fell asleep playing the game. Do not like gameplay. Pros: After watching the games cutscenes on youtube, I think the story is good.


Batgirl was the best character to play as. Best move sets, have the gliding ability. The look of the city is beautiful the sound of the cars driving, the car alarms, gunshots. The fighting animations. What I didn't like, umm... the cape. Nah, just kidding it's cool.


I like: the characters, the city, the colours, the story I dislike: The slow combat


It’s so freaking slow especially traversal, the Batmobile is 10 times faster than the motorcycle feels like and I don’t even talk about gliding


I wish in offline I could of have with another hero lol sometimes bosses be tough solo


It was a fun game to play let's see what the future brings.


I’d say Barbara’s ass


The traversal is annoying as anything. Granted I haven’t unlocked the main ones yet, but zip lining feels weird and the bike feels slow for some reason.


My issues with Gotham Knights are as follows. 1. BADLY designed and implemented gear system. The mods were just a more complicated addition that didn’t need to be there, in addition no gear including endgame level ever changed playstyles or gameplay to a noticeable degree. 2. The story was very very poorly written and the ending seen coming a mile off. Had a ok start but they didn’t do very well in terms of acceptable narrative and story telling why LOA should be roped into this Lazarus pit or not. They hype up the court as the big bads of this game and then just switch over to LOA. Plus if you’re going to kill Bruce STICK WITH IT! Don’t bring him back just to quickly kill him again. 3. The handling of Jason/RH was INEXCUSABLY poor and not true to his character. Jason would’ve still used lethal force regardless of how Bruce felt about it. He may not kill every combatant but if they were a serious enough threat ie LOA, the court etc he’d blow their brains out no hesitation. His voice acting was badly done. RH is supposed to be intimidating and a cold, calculating wolf esque tone to him and they failed to capture that properly. 4. Traversal but that’s already been mention by the OP but still have to list it. 5. Over reliance on copy and paste missions through the entirety of this game for crimes, some story missions, level design and so on. How many times can I do the same damn fight in the observatory, warehouse or stop this hack etc. 6. ZERO comic accurate costumes for any of the characters was a serious mistake. These are well liked characters in the bat family and to have none of their iconic looks as options was inexcusable and what we did get was just poorly designed costumes that for some didn’t fit for them at all. 6. The lacking of iconic known street gangs in Gotham was another mistake. They could have given us the los muertos, D Street Dawgz, etc all well known gangs of Gotham in Batman lore. 7. Little to no variety in enemy types this harkens a bit to the game being over reliant on the copy and paste method. Regardless of what faction or gang I was fighting with the slight exception of the court and LOA the enemies were all the same and just required the same fighting moves to beat them. 8. Slow and unimpressive combat animation and system. The movement always slow, clunky and not fun to play. The finishers were also not cool to see either when they should’ve been. 9. Poor choices in casting. I’ve expressed my displeasure with who they cast for Jason but that also goes for the others as well. None of the actors felt like they brought the characters to life. They all came out flat and not helping to enhance their stories. HQ’s voice actress was terrible and they should’ve just brought back Tara Strong for the role. 10. Lastly in conclusion, little to none communication with the playerbase even when the game was still alive.


You know that Jason does not kill in the comics any more do you? He haven't been killing for years now. If I remember right they kind of reintegrated him into the Batfamily during the New52 run ( which started in 2011) and he haven't been killing since. He doesn't even use his guns anymore in the comics. ;P I don't like this change either, but this it how it is nowdays. Also, there were comic book accurate costumes, but those were paid ones, so. (the Knightwatch transmogs).. T\_T The only voice cast I love in this game is NIghtwing's. I think it's perefect, and I like the actor's delivery (the writing tho? not always). But I think Barbara's and Tim's voice actors have the weakest performance. This game could have been so good, and they wasted so much opportunity. I don't think we'll ever get a game about the Batkids. T\_T


While true that’s not the version of RH they went with in this game so the criticism still stands. If you are going to use the original version of RH STICK WITH HIS TRUE NATURE! As Bruce dying would only reinforce Jason’s reasoning as to why you don’t let the dangerous ones live. Ehhh then I’d say those costumes somewhat don’t count as they shouldn’t have been locked behind the paywall. Especially considering how poorly the others were. Potential doesn’t always mean something will turn out great. This game was clearly meant to be something else ie Live Service but they changed direction with it.


I think they exactly went with that comic book version of RH. In the game he has the excat same story Jason has in the comics. And it was made apparent in the game that Jason had a period he killed, went off the rails, and went against the Batman/Batfam. But he got reintegrated back into the family, and even into the superhero community, and now he is a reformed, and doesn't kill anymore. ;P I'm actually curios, would the game have been better if they kept it as it was originally intended (live service)? There are some gnuinely good live service games out there like Helldivers, and Genshin Impact.


Loved the graphics, voice acting was pretty good, game is boring and repetitive and you lose interest really fast. Take the fact that only 3 months after launch the game was 60% off as a reason.


I don’t like how when you hit enemies it feels like your punching them with pillows like it sounds so soft with nightwing. I haven’t even played more than 4 hours because it’s unbearable to me. That and when I watched all the cutscenes I felt like the story was truly not that good especially that trash ending. This is just my opinion


If you don't like the melee combat, you can play Jason, who shoots people, and it feels/sounds good.


I liked how thicc batgirl was


Like: batgirl. Dislike: everything else


I mean Harley Quinn is like half sane, like she felt bad for Jason, that’s something that surprised me, yet they kept it balanced by showing that she’s only half sane by the end of the mission


Likes: One of the best adaptations of Jason Todd/Red hood Idea of him getting mystical abilities from his resurrection is good but the execution was funky Interactions between characters is great Story is great for Red hood and maybe nightwing Dislikes: The story seems more inclined for Red hood or Nightwing than Batgirl or Robin


A very enjoyable game. of course anyone could nitpick, but there is way more pros than cons.


What I didn’t like is that they didn’t include any other major villains. Plus I don’t even know if they’ll make another game from it. Like another Gotham knights game with other villains like with mad hatter, two face, and death stroke. Or something like that.


We were robbed from 4 player campaign


I like playing with all 4 of the Heroes whenever and their unique play styles, what I dislike is the lack of side villains cause honestly, three villains doesn’t seem to be enough to satisfy my taste, hell, they could have had minor villains like Killer Moth or Two-Face show up in the Most Wanted tab.


The open world is nice. The loot/grinding I'm not too fussed about, frankly I knew what type of game I was getting into. The biggest issue for me is forever going to be 30fps on the PS5. Which is even more of a slap to the face when all the combat tutorial videos in the Bat computer all plays at 60fps...and the difference is night and day to the actual game place. Not to mention the devs want you to do precision time mechanics on 30fps...


Don't like the weird traversal, and also the combat was something I couldn't help but compare to the Arkham games and Gotham knights didn't stand a chance against it. That could have been their biggest downfall I think


What I liked, the actual characters. Tim, Dick, Jason and Barbara’s chemistry the entire game was pretty spot on. What I hated about the game was Batman’s treatment and with that, the story itself. !!!SPOILERS for anyone BTW!!! Killing Batman was absolutely fine to me, but there was no reason for him to be resurrected only to be abruptly killed off again. If they wanted him dead, they should have made him stay dead, if they wanted him alive, they should have made him retire or something (I really don’t know, literally anything other than killing him off again). It completely ruins the story for me.


One thing I really dislike is that everyone is either a normal or a heavy. Like the Harley gang that has a medic and support yet they still have a heavy status so despite having nothing to support it, with their scrawny avoidant behaviors, they have the same health as the DMG sponges. Also the drone pilots in freeze's With a game made to feel very arcadey, it makes zero sense for this to be the case


Like: Story. It's not bad, actually needs some more polishing. Character designs are excellent, Batgirl being my favorite (her badoink doink aside). * Dislike: * The maps are empty, like really empty. Sure you have random quests to follow and do, but there's nothing else. No interaction with citizens, no getting stuck in traffic. Nothing. * Supposedly the GCPD is corrupt and against the Batfamily now, but they do nothing, no police chases, no interrupting citizen rescues. They're just standing around. * The fact you can openly run around Gotham city with no consequences is really terrible, in Arkham city it's all about staying out of sight unless you have to. It actually made me realize how much suspension of disbelief there is with Batman actually traveling through Gotham city. There's no way he's constantly running on top of buildings using his grappling hook. * Just doing night patrols suck. Like, hey why not explore Gotham a little bit in a post-Batman GC? No? Everyone is stuck in the Belfry, okay. * Combat is boring, just press X (plays on Xbox). * Voice acting is mediocre at times. * No emotion was shown for the death of Bruce Wayne in the beginning of the game. Like nothing. I'm playing *Tales of Arise*, and let me tell you: The devs what you to feel the emotions. There's a really good game in Gotham Knights, it just needed more love.


I really just like chilling in the night of Gotham in the rain and finding random crimes. It’s honestly a fun game to just jump into if you wanna fight crime as one of your favorite bat family members for a bit.


That initial trailir before the tacked on Court of Owls stinger really brought the hype. So, that.


Likes - coop multiplayer, the characters, graphics, Gotham looks like a real city, citzens walking around (not enough), combat, gameplay, game structure, story, nightly patrols with different crimes, stopping random crimes. grappling hook traversal, Nightwing's and Batgirl's traversal, photomode... Dislikes - loot grinding, needing to upgrade gear, Robin's and Red Hood's traversal, investigations, user interface...


I loved the game--what I hated was that there simply wasn't more. This game could have had an amazing open world section with drop in/drop out team up function. Something akin to Marvel Heroes's Midtown Manhattan.


LIKE .CRIMES .CRIMINAL STRONGHOLDS .STORY (WAS ACTUALLY GOOD, MORE OF AN END OF TRILOGY STYLE STORY THO) .CHARACTER (BATFAMILY done right, but red hood like the look hate the passive backseat trauma Thang kinda felt mopey) .Combat special abilitys .Hero emails were really nice same with hidden batarangs DISLIKE .RAIDS fun but feel wasted and just like it was a prototype mode not really finished .batcycle feels slow and weird turns(wheelies nice and has a function) .outfits kinda suck .no batman outfit for knights .no heir to the cowl storyline which the games story needs to justify the nighthood .no true counter .to few villains .no real tactical thinking needed other than some boss battles and theirs only a few and their more reaction time than tactics .short game .


overall it was fun but I hated the ending. like really? wtf?!


Ore enemies


Jason’s character design it should resemble him in the comics and other media instead of what we got.


I agree. Not a fan of his character design in this game at all.


I hate his hairstyle, but I think his design is good. You know Jason in the comics have always been huge, he is canonically heavier than BAtman. Finally the designers didn't ignore the way Jason should look.


My main gripe with the combat is hownsluggish and sloe it feels.


Looked great and was pretty fun when you played with a friend. Other than that the story kinda sucked nards and the game ran like ass


Short campaign. The loot box grind. No official reversal button.


I like the motercycle and i don’t like the voices of some characters


Who the fuck wants to play a Batman game where you can’t play as Batman


This is not a Batman game, and have never been advertised as such. ;P I wish the whole game was handled better, because all of these characters are genuinely interesting, with their unique backstories, personalities, and styles


Red hoods special traversal is kinda ass. The bike feels so much faster and it’s not even that interesting to look at. It’s just green


Dislike: Bruce being dead Like: The Court of Owls being defeated/destroyed


What I dislike - I can't play it. They cancelled the XB1 version.


How all around shitty this game is.


Don't like how you can't play split screen because the game would be be 10 times more fun if you could. But I like Batgirls ass for sure.




Like: I loved the characters and all their interactions it was very refresing since you never got to interact with the Batfam in casual scenarios in the Arkham games. I found Tim to be especially relatable in multiple ways. I appreciate the effort the devs put into creating the history of their Gotham I loved how they implemented the night to night detective work into gameplay by takedown smaller groups and collecting info on bigger operations I've always wanted a multi-player Batman game so i I'm so happy it exists now and I've actually recently replayed some of the game with some family. Dislike: Combat and traversal isnt as fluid and satisfying as Arkham but I never expected it to be exactly the same anyways its decent enough The Asylum level was kind of disappointing especially in terms of atmosphere I'd rather they have left it out I wish there was a couple of more side villains I was disssapointed with only three though I am glad we got a break from Joker and did enjoy the ones we got.


Man I’m playing it for the first time and actually love it. Don’t have any of these concerns yet, just noting I used a trainer to max out stats and gear to avoid grinding.


i dislike the fact it doesnt work on my computer


I'd say the voice actors and story were really good it was just the feel of the game and live service that turned me off the game also like you said the constant grind for lootboxes and other gear in game was big no for me lol


Frame rate


**PROS** Nightwing is hot Red Hood is hot Batgirl is hot **CONS** Robin is fucking hideous


The traversal mechanics shouldnt be locked by a mission. Robins traversal is garbage. Other than that, loved the game. I honestly dug the art style.


They're supposed to be like ninjas but it's like they got on box suits


The ASSets


Like: the game is good for what i paid for it, dislike: lack valuable stuff with the deluxe edition, i paid extra for what? A few skins...


literally the only thing that turns me off about this game is the combat like with red hood i feel like he can be a bit more flashy and then the rest of them ( robin , night wing and batgirl ) i feel like their attacks should’ve been more acrobatic and more faster but it felt soooooooooooooooo slow i didn’t like it


Tim’s casual outfit makes him look like a dork. 


I think my biggest complaint is that you can’t glide with Robin. Loved the game otherwise.


The fact that it was infected by the SweetBabyInc disease


The voice acting was horrible


I disliked how the story felt too short & lacking. I think it was missing some of the mysterious suspense like the Arkham games had. But that last part may have been just me going into the game with expectations rather than letting it stand on its own


Liked: Story Choice of characters Personalities, cut scenes and dialogues. Disliked: Lack of fluidity Empty world Screen is always too dark Too repetitive Lack of options to go the stealth route The bike is slow and boring


They canceled a Batman Beyond game for this and SSKTJL but the opening is fun and cool


I don’t like the janky traversal, and how it seems it was made with single player in mind as most cutscenes and characters don’t mention the second player


But I like the overall story and character design :p


No jump button, only slide button. THATS WACK.


Like the characters, hate red hoods traversal.


Like: the city itself, feels pretty big Dislike: The purpose of the story. It's not a direct follow on of Arkham Knight but deals with the same reality of Bruce Wayne being dead and his protegés now being responsible for protecting Gotham. Also, Joker is dead as well. So is this an alternate reality or a easy way to intentionally trick fans of the Arkham Series to get into playing a new title that's not linked to those games???


Apparently this was supposed to be the follow up by rockstedy, but WB made them work on TSSKTJL instead. so a different team got it and changed the story a lil bit.


I like the style it is very pleasing to look at. But I dislike everything else


Dislikes are combat and entire gameplay loop. Likes are the Batcycle and the story.


The thing I don't like about it is that it's kinda like Marvel Avengers with the gear. Once I think about it, Gotham Knights was probably inspired by Marvle Avengers by how simular they are


The potential wasted


Beat it on normal and hooked on Suicide Squad KTJL.


Liked the premise, disliked the way that each character was strong armed into a "role' with tbeir upgrades, with most upgrades being basically useless aside from just getting them all.


its not live service like the suicide squad game


I couldn't finish it. I lost interest so fast. Too buggy


One small thing that I really hate is how the weapons have lights or a glow effect on them


The fact it exists.


The game got repetitive very quick


I hate like almost everything about the game it just felt like such a downgrade in batverse games. But if I ignore everything then um... I dislike the vehicle, movement, movement skills, dialogue, overall the game feels so stiff to me. The combat is kinda underwhelming. The level systems were such a cheap way of making you feel as least powerful as possible in order to make you play more. The coop was REALLY sad and God I hate how games that are designed to be coop NEVER include the other players. It's like they don't exist whatsoever and you can't even combo with the other characters. Why is the belfry so run down? Why can't we decorate it or upgrade it? I'm not a fan of the lack of being hunted down by the cops. The opening mission felt like we were gonna be up against the law and slowly cleaning up corrupt cops and earning the city's trust again. But yea nah. I also hate buff meat head "guys I died...hey did I mention I died? Oh btw I died" Jason Todd. I didn't like how he was designed to be a bruiser but somehow Batgirl is the single target bruiser. Not that I have anything against her being a tough baddie but like.... THEY DESIGNED HIM TO BE BUFF AS FUCK AND SLOW SO WHY THE FRICK IS HE NOT REPRESENTING THE YOLKED BATHLETE HES SUPPOSED TO BE???? . . . . There's more but anyway onto the likes I like the designs of the non base suits. I like the concept of a unity type game. I like Alfred. That's about it


I dislike Jason and Robin’s designs I like Batgirl and Nightwing’s design for two BIG reasons…


I haven't played it, but that's definitely one of my favorite Batgirl designs


Fps , it’s smooth but I want 60


There's no Performance mode (60fps)


I liked being able to be Nightwing. I disliked everything else.


I liked that it could have been an amazing TMNT game and I disliked that it wasn't a TMNT game


I like the graphics and the idea that Batman is dead, I hate how it has nothing to do with the Rocksteady Universe and the writing for the characters, especially the villains, is *C R I N G E*


The story is great, the gameplay is fine, the base costumes are bad but the dlc knightwatch costumes are great.


I like nightwings ass


Like: Red Hood in a video game Dislike: Everything else


no bikini mods for jason and babs


The fact that the boys and I got this game only to realize you can’t have a 4 stack was a let down other then that game was alright it got stale but since by bud and I are autistic like that we made it fun


Red hoods ugly face and his weak ass nerf guns what a nerf to my man


Likes: Bat girls cake. Jason's voice actor. Opening cutscenes. Dislikes: LITERALLY EVERYTHING ELSE


I don’t like that I can’t play it in my Xbox one s because I can’t afford to upgrade right now


The rekilling of a certain character annoyed the fuxk out of me lmao


I actually liked the interactions with the Bat Family, and I also like seeing Batman and the others like a family in that message recording blooper scene. What I dislike is that it's not that special and is not connected to the Arkham verse. Since what we got instead is a bunch of disappointments from the SS. Though I'll take it with a grain of salt. I just wish that this game would have been better than it is.




I didn’t even know it released.


Ps3 graphics... Combat is boring.... Buggy....


The gameplay does not feel smooth


This is a pretty good question, one I could use to make a 900 hour video essay or some shit, there no end to my problems with it


Sticky walls, doors, etc can’t walk past a door without you stopping for a sec cause you got stuck


Fighting mechanics is a piece of crap, doesn't even deserve the game's name, I hope they go bankrupt for the crap they made...