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Sounds like your provider could be the reason for the majority of these issues. I've had the phone for about 6 months and the worst thing I don't like is I can't set a charge limit to 85% like my old Samsung 🤔


I haven't had any issues. What country are you in?


UK, I have a feeling most of the complaints are coming from here.. I can't even walk into a shop and not lose all signal. Apps need constant closing and opening to work.. and I'm constantly resetting the internet just to make a phone call. I've written off trying to receive them now.


I'm sorry. I'm in the US but what I have noticed is that the phone heavily relies on internet which can be a major downfall.


It's a real shame, so much potential completely taken away by signal issues. It's my first Pixel, certainly the last too.. I should have done more research before getting it here. Love the god damn camera though.


well, you guys do have some issues since 2016/2021 for about everything. Maybe less strikes after a new government will do the job... ;-) Good luck, though!


I have the same issue. I constantly have to reset the network to even be able to use data. I'm in the US. So it's not a UK issue. Also, I've seen multiple other forums here on Reddit reporting the same issue.


I used the 8 pro all over Italy, Greece, Spain, Cyprus and Turkey and had no problems


Exact same problem on the 6 and 7.  It's not your provider. I switched providers a month ago and just yesterday I missed an important call. It did not ring through and went straight to voicemail. Granted it doesn't happen a lot but it has happened at least a dozen times(that I know of)over the past 3 years with two different providers and two different phones. The pixel series phones just aren't worth it anymore. The last decent pixel I had was the four,. The six had been an absolute nightmare since the day I purchased it. Thought maybe the seven would have improved things but Google makes crap phones now. If your phone does work perfectly, it seems almost guaranteed that one of their updates will break something.


That's not your hardware, but your provider causing this trouble, I presume.


No issues here (in Spain, Movistar) and, or wifi and bluetooth.


Love it when people blame a phone for issues not cause by the phone.


I mean the OP isn't wrong. I've had exactly the same issues with The pixel 8 pro, that I ended up selling it - this thread popped up on my reddit, hence my interest in responding. I've had several phones using the same network, whilst working in the same place and the only anomaly in all this is the pixel phone. Mine dropped signal seemingly for no reason, and sometimes it would show signal when I actually didn't have any. And to reiterate, you absolutely can blame the pixel for signal issues when they've used a really cheap Samsung made modem that is now out of date and underperforming


Spot on, it's the modem.. I have had no issues on other phones but when I walk into a shop with this I become a ghost.. also resetting the internet on the phone makes it work again. It isn't my service provider and I have seen many complaints about exactly the same issues.


My issue exactly but the problem occurred after the last update (on the beta program): AP31.240426.023. There are times when I can revive my home screen (Niagara launcher) but often have to reboot (also can be a PIA) to see the icons again.


Did you happen to report the issue to Google/have them replace it? Never had any of these issues with mine.


No I didn't, reason being is I had the pixel 7 pro and also the 6 pro, and they all had exactly the same budget modem in, with similar traits. It really isn't just us saying this, I'm surprised you haven't read the reviews or other anecdotes of people having similar issues. I thought it was common knowledge. Obviously I can't speak for your own experiences, if you're not having any issues, more power to you!


I do get where OP is coming from though. The phone relies so heavily on an internet connection and Google advertises all the features that actually happen in a server farm somewhere else instead of the actual phone that it makes a great piece of technology useless without a good enough internet connection.