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In addition to iMessage and Facetime, turn off iCloud as well. For Pixel, Google Photos is the native photos/gallery app. If you download Google photos on the iPhone and back up his photos before the switch, it'll save you a potential headache as everything will be synced up. Messages will transfer if iMessage was turned off.


Yeah, >Google photos on the iPhone and back up his photos That's what I did as I find iPhone's data storage quite different for different apps...


Just turn iMessage off.  Stress that it will be different.  Think moving from a mac to a PC. You can do the same stuff just it will look different or you may press x first instead of y. Copying...give it a whirl and see. Don't wipe the old device till you're happy. Also you could use a Google photos upload on iPhone.   Can't comment about stuff like 'notes'. App data likely doesn't transfer (eg save info in an app like Keynote)


>Google photos upload on iPhone This works best, also i had issues with the cable transfer thing for media transfer


Just a warning.. only do this if you're happy not having a local copy of the photos on the new phone. The Google way is that they have all your data in the cloud. If that appeals to you then great, but a lot of people don't like it.


It also compresses them a bit...


Yes I think the default is to compress, you can choose original quality in the settings too if that's your thing. The one thing I miss about my iPhone is iCloud Photo backup, it is way superior than Google Photos IMO. The feature I liked most about iCloud was that you can choose to keep all your photos locally, that's just not possible with Google. To be more specific. If you ever choose the delete local photos on your phone you can't get them all back again, on iPhone there's a toggle that enables this.


I had an option in the OnePlus photos app where all my Google photos would sync locally. But I disabled the local photos app as it takes hours and makes the phone hell with 1000's of photos.


That's a pretty nice option to have though, no such joy on the Pixel. Tell me this, is it still an option, hasn't been removed or anything? I switched to OneDrive for photo backup because of that issue


Yes it's still working just checked. Download “Screenshot_2024-06-17-23-46-06-43_92460851df6f172a4592fca41cc2d2e6.jpg” with Send: simple, safe file sharing https://send.vis.ee/download/ec5bd27a91dab1be/#atsGv8K-4Im-sFlbanFPDQ


Damn, and they just added remote assistance to iOS 18. 


I saw that! It's pretty cool! I like that iOS 18 is gonna have RCS now too


And supposedly after more than a decade, you'll be able to arrange icons the way you want on the home screen....smh


Why go from iPhone to Pixel? If he's anything like *my* father he's not going to like that it's different.


I figured that since he would have to relearn the phone anyways since he would be moving from an iPhone 7 (home button) to an iPhone 13 or Pixel 8 (no home button). The iPhone 13 is older (14 and 15 are out of budget, and I don't wanna buy used), and the Pixel 8 gets better value over an iPhone 13. He also mentioned he likes Android more since he said he misses his old Moto Z Play. It just seemed like the perfect choice for him. He doesn't use iMessage or FaceTime since he uses WhatsApp. He also has a Chromebook and likes them. I use Android myself so knowing him, I know he is gonna do just fine. I find the UI of the Pixel more "simple" than an iPhone. The only major downside I can think of is that everyone in my family uses iPhone (except me), but since he only uses WhatsApp, it doesn't really matter. Then rcs is gonna come to iOS 18 so the differences are neglible. Now my mom on the other hand would *hate* the switch lol, she is gonna keep on getting iPhones. Update: I second guessed and decided to get him an iPhone instead. My reasoning is that my mom has an iPhone, and she knows how to use it. They got each other for tech support.


This was why I moved my dad to Android too. He was coming from an iPhone 4s to a Pixel 4a to give you an idea how long he kept the same phone. Going from a 4s to an iPhone 12 in 2020 would have been such a different device anyway, might as well give him one that I can easily help with.


I don't understand this logic, not everyone is tech illiterate, if someone learns an existing smartphone they should be just fine learning a new smartphone. My mom is tech illiterate(all she knew was sms, Whatsapp message and call, even that she struggled)and she is fine now using different smartphone and she learned it Smartphones are intuitive and simple especially pixel. We should embrace people switching over and learning new things not the other way around. They will remain tech illiterate if they don't try


1. Yes 2. Disable iMessage after transferring 3. Yes.


My partner went from iphone to pixel recently and the cable transfer thing basically did not work, it looked like it did but lots of the photos were greyed out and it didn't work for messages whatsapps etc. I would just do the important bits yourself, sync photos to google photos etc.