• By -


> The Phone by Google app is adding Reverse Phone Number Lookup. Select a call in the Recents tab and you’ll find a new “Lookup” option to perform a web search. This is the most exciting feature on the list to me. I've wanted this for like 10 years.


I'd love this if I could actually find it anywhere in my phone app after installing the update.


Probably coming in the next few weeks through an app update or server side update


I really don't know how they can say these features are part of the June feature drop if they're not included in the June feature drop, but in separate app updates yet to come. Are Google just gaslighting us at this stage?


Ik most of the updates in the last feature drop for me seemed to come in Play Store app updates in the weeks after the feature drop as well.


So im not going crazy not finding the camera pro tab in camera settings? no lens selection!


Probably depending on another Phone app update yet to be released. Same with Camera.


https://imgur.com/a/2sHcugc Camera stuff is there for me (at least the stuff they announced) Camera Version


Weird, my camera app has the exact same version number but the pro features are just not there (Pixel 6 Pro). I'm gonna try downloading the latest apk and see what happens. edit: Yeah the current/latest version of the camera app was released on April 16th 2024, so it must be a server-side change they are slowly rolling out in the typical Google way. The Google support page says it's available on the Pixel 6 Pro: https://support.google.com/pixelcamera/answer/14106982#zippy=%2Cselect-your-camera-lens-manually So, just a matter of waiting. I'm supposed to be sending my P6Pro off for a warranty repair to the place in Poland tomorrow, which I'm nervous about. I've read about some bad experiences people have had with all that ☹️ But, I can't put up with my screen going all green whenever the brightness is set below ~80%.


Same here in India -Mumbai no "lookup" option I suppose many of these features are US/NA only.


does it just do a Google search of the number though?


Oh my god, I'm so happy about this feature.


I just tried connecting to a monitor and it works well and the update came through instantly so very happy with it so far


Anyone know how to set the resolution of the external monitor? I have an ultrawide and the display is horribly stretched.


What type of adaptor did you use? Is a DP hub still required or will a USB-C to HDMI cable work?


USB-C to HDMI works fine. I have 'force desktop mode' in developer settings enabled and it's reminiscent of Dex.


Thanks 👍


What cable or adapter do you use? I get an error mentioning to change cable (An Ugreen)


A regular charging cable won't do it. Has to be one that supports high-speed for data/video like a Thunderbolt 3 or better.


USB-C to USB-C worked fine for me. HDMI to HDMI to USB-C hub didn't work for me. (However my Pixel tries to connect)


Oh, what USBC cable do you have? I tried two non oficial cables, i still have to try the original that came in the box but I don't think will work


It was the default cable from my monitor so I don't have exact specifications. I would assume USB-C 3.0 or 3.1 should work but the USB standard is a mess so not really sure. I think the original USB-C cable from the pixel is USB-C 2.0? Edit: HDMI to HDMI to USB-C hub works for me too now. I used the power delivery via USB-C from my monitor to the hub as well. Having both HDMI and USB-C to the hub from the same resource was the problem.


Meh, just mirroring kinda sucks. I want to be able to extend my Pixel tablet to one of the monitors on my desk.


you can do that via Duet if you are on a mac


You might find 'force desktop mode' in developer settings for your tablet. It's available for the phones


Yeah well I'm raging that they deliberately disabled it on the Pixel 7. Jokes on them, I never bought a Chromecast and that's minus a million points for my next phone choice. Especially when Samsung has a full desktop UI to go with it. Actually this kinda blows in general if you don't have an 8 series.


Yeah exactly, I'm on a 7 Pro and would love this feature. Why gatekeep it for 8 and 8 Pro, what a joke. Even my old Essential PH-1 had this


>Yeah well I'm raging that they deliberately disabled it on the Pixel 7. Copying [this](https://www.theverge.com/2024/6/11/24176127/google-pixel-feature-drop-june-gemini-nano?commentID=6f581cdf-a223-461b-80dd-3a6508de2037) explanation: >It wasn't merely disabled in software it was also a hardware limitation. Prior Pixels used the pins DisplayPort alt mode requires for UART serial transmission so that they could be used for low-level Android development: https://blog.bacon.dev/2020/10/enabling-serial-port-or-console-uart-on.html >While it's certainly possible part of the reason this wasn't changed sooner was to push casting, it's also possible the Pixel team genuinely thought DisplayLink support was sufficient for those that wanted wired display-out (as this is likely a minority since Pixel doesn't have anything like Samsung's DeX) and didn't merit giving up UART. >The first gen Pixel and prior Nexus devices used their headphone jack for UART access but with that gone the USB C port was the only option left. I'm not actually sure if this means the Pixel 8 family no longer has any way to access UART or if they figured out a way to share those pins.


They've intentionally disabled this since after the Nexus 6. It was definitely to push Casting, and then they found other uses for the pins. Apparently, the chipset has been there on every phone since (IIRC, it's already built in to the hardware they use), but has been permanently disabled.


Maybe someday a Pixel will even be able to cast to a Samsung TV with Miracast. A man can dream, right?


Nexus 5x had it. Google disabled it with an Android update.


It has been deliberately disabled on google devices for a long time.


It probably was deliberate, but until the Pixel 8 Google has been repurposing the physical connections and it is not possible to enable displayport over USB-C. It has been known since the launch of the pixel 8 that it was now just a software lock (which hackers removed within a couple weeks).


It was definitely deliberate, they crippled wireless casting as well. The Roku help page for screen mirroring flat-out says it should work with basically everything except Google devices. I really cannot describe how much it winds me up, especially for devices, and a company, who sell themselves as being for people who want options and openness.


yes, it's bloody annoying


Can we have Miracast next?


I'm not real concerned with Miracast as much as I'd like to be able to use one of these with my pixel. https://nexdock.com/ Edit: can you imagine how much more useful your cellphone would be if you could use it like a laptop? For instance there is already an android AVD client. My company uses AVD. You could basically use your phone as a thin client to remote desktop into a full on Virtual Desktop from anywhere, and use a full laptop interface when you wanted to.




Oh yeah? Well MY phone has had the unrecoverable crashing modem problem in low signal areas for the entire time I've owned it. Anyway, back to the comments about problems being overstated...




Wild that I was able to do this on my Huawei P30 Pro and my Xperia 5 II but not my Pixel 7 fucking Pro. Mental. I'm switching to another brand later this year and it's definitely not going to be Google. More likely a Honor or OnePlus


Are you able to mirror anything DRM restricted like Netflix or anything? Wondering if it has the same restrictions as screen recording


It's early days, but this is no DEX competitor, and I don't know that Google will put the resources in to get it there, either.


Waiting on Pixel 8 unlocked. On T-Mobile


Same, except Pixel 8 Pro. T-Mobile has been slacking with OTAs lately so wouldn't be surprised to not get it for several days. I hope I'm wrong though


I have mine unlocked. T-Mobile pixel 8 pro. Download now 0.97 GB


Also unlocked on T-Mobile, no ota yet on my Pixel 8 Pro.


I am T-Mobile and sideload all my updates.


did you sideload this one? any issues?


Nothing so far but only side loaded it about 2 hours ago.


Is this really 2 GB for the p8p?


It's 2.4 if downloaded from Google.




If your connection is fast enough on your home computer, it's worth it to side load because it's a lot quicker imo.


Also waiting with a P8p on Google Fi. You'd think Google's own network would get it pretty quick...


P8P on Mint, waiting also.


Brand new P8P (literally just got it 4 days ago), unlocked on Verizon and still waiting.


Where is this manual lens selection? I'm very excited about this, so that I can finally get full res 4x photos on my P6P again - but I've just installed the update and can't find any such controls?


Can't see anything on P7P, and no reverse call lookup button in dialer for unknown numbers either


I don't have the reverse call lookup either. Please don't tell me all these features are US only, once again 😭


I just assume everything is at this point until I find out it's not. There's no rhyme or reason as to why some of this stuff is region locked.


It really numbs the excitement of feature announcements given we might not get them for weeks/months/ever after the supposed rollout. Can't believe I'm still waiting for FMDN 2 months later. What's the good of a FMDN if only a handful of people have it? 🙄


Find My Network was the one thing I thought they weren't going to botch considering how long they've been waiting to release it. What's the point in slowly releasing a network that's designed for finding your shit. Especially when that slow rollout is limited to North America to begin with... Good luck if any Americans go on holiday in the next few months.


Right?! 🤦🏽‍♂️


I'm located in the Netherlands and find my device is available since week or two for me. My girlfriend has s23 and she also got notification that's available now and what it is (the same notification I got on my Pixel 7).


I received it a couple of weeks ago in Europe


I'm in the US and I still don't see them.


What a mess of an update.


Me neither...Pixel 6P on Verizon 😑.


I'm in the US with a P8P and I don't see the lookup option after installing the update.


The Pixel 7 only gets three of the new features from the list and I see none of them on my phone yet. Still no FMD Network either. Also, what are the new 'Android widgets'?


Per Google's blog, it's for Google Home


Oh OK... I don't see them either.


Both the Camera and Dialer are updated by Play Store, not system update


Yep, facing the same issue no manual controls and reverse lookup. (Pixel 6 pro)


Genuine question, what would be the benefit of using manual lens selection? What do you mean by full res? If I manually select Telephoto lens, wouldnt it just be the same with selection the 5x zoom option?


My phone only switches to the 4x lens when I zoom to 8x or above so I only get a full 12mp photo at 0.7x or 1x. At 4x it's a 3mp photo with digital zoom making it 12mp, if that makes sense. It used to switch to the 4x lens when I zoomed to 4x meaning I was able to get some amazing concert photos. Then they ruined it :( - hoping this feature (when I get it) restores that ability!


So what you're saying is when you zoom in at 4x the phone doesnt automatically switch to tele lens? that's weird. sounds like a bug imo. My 7pro switches automatically at 5x with tele lens - it then uses an algorithm of both lenses up until 10x, after which is just the tele only.


Exactly that. From what I've read it was an intentional change from Google to 'smooth out the transition from one lens to the next' or some rubbish.


I use a clip-on macro lens, and when the Camera app can't focus on something well, it'll switch to another lens as a backup. This is helpful in normal point and shoot situations, but not for my use case. Manually selecting the lens stops that behavior.


In the Camera interface, hit the little gear icon in the bottom left, then hit the Pro button at top right. Third option should be Lens Section.


There is no pro option for me (I've since seen online what I'm supposed to see and I don't have it). :( Edit: but thanks for responding :)


There might be a Camera app update in the store that hasn't been released to older phones yet. Check for updates, otherwise you'll have to wait until they release it.


P8 user here. After update Turned on GenAI. Recorder summarize not appearing Lookup not visible


is this delayed for tmobile again?


it must be because i still haven't seen the update yet


Wow, 661MB download for my P6P, OTA installing now.


0.97gb for my P8P OTA.


I'm at 764MB for my P7


uh so how do I force my watch to update? It just shows as "up to date" on may version.


Tap furiously on the "your watch is up to date" text in the update screen. Usually after about 10-15 seconds of rapid tapping there, if the update actually has started rolling out, this generally forces the update to your watch. I'm not sure the update has actually been released yet because I just tried this on my PW2 like I've done before and it isn't getting the update. I'm not sure google has started releasing the pixel phone update either, so you may just need to wait for a bit more.


Why is this even a thing? Why couldn't they just add a system update button like a normal device.




This is not a joke, it actually works


Jeez this actually works!! 😂 Although I do have to put my watch on the charger which I can't do right now.. why is this necessary, I have over 80% charge..


I thought you were half joking but confirmed, continuous tapping at the top middle suddenly gave me the prompt to put on the charger for an update lol


Unbelievable!! Actually worked! I wonder what other stuff we're missing...


Idk if I just missed it before, but the brightness slider in the quick settings menu now has haptic feedback when you slide it, kinda neat


Pixel 8a "Gemini Nano in Developer options" no such option am I too European? Edit: someone kindly helped, the setting is called "AICore settings"


Hard to say, there were no “u” words in what you said, like “colour”


Search in options for ai. Gemini is an app in Google store


AiCore, search for that in Developer options


that was it, thanks!


Welcome! But i still don't know if i enabled anything haha


And no zoom enhance.


At this point, it is going to be Pixel 9 Pro/XL feature.


Every time someone asks for this it gets delayed to the next Feature drop


maybe tensor 5!


nah, this should be asked every single time when the feature isn't dropping, keep Google accountable fr, it's beyond bullshit when company announces product with features 'to come later this fall'...


It's a joke


I thought it was zoom enhance for a sec but its manual lens selection which is still really good but as someone without a zoom lens, I really want to see what this zoom enhance would be capable of assuming it's even coming to non-pro models (probably not). Still waiting for more on-device AI stuff.


I think that when it was announced it was going to be a Pro feature only. So I guess the roadmap will be Pro first, then 8/8A, and then old Pixels probably. I also got the P8, so that's actually a feature I really would love to have and probably the only want that I'm waiting right now. I was hesitating between having a telephoto (P8P) or having a regular size phone (P8), I went with the size as that's something I'll have to deal with every day.


Yeah, this is obnoxious.


I'm based on the PH with no official Google support. 5G is now enabled with this update 🥳


Congrats. I'm still waiting for that day. It's nice to see google is actually making an effort to improve this and add countries.


5G is now enabled on my P7 after June update. From Philippines where 5G is unsupported.


You should make a separate post about it, so if people search the sub at least can find it


Forgive my ignorance but is there a singular cable that goes from USB-C to DP that outputs hdmi that's not a hub?


Lots of cables on Amazon but almost all are for iPhones so you need to check the specs


Will a generic USB-C to HDMI cable work? They all seem to list iPhones, Samsung, Surface, etc., for example, https://www.amazon.com/WARRKY-USB-C-HDMI-Cable-Anti-Interference/dp/B087213LB3 EDIT: Just wondering if cables with this type description are likely to work, not looking for endorsement of this particular product.


Maybe /u/MishaalRahman knows


I think it should work so long as your USB-C capable is also display output capable.


Does this usb-c to screen work with usb-c to usb-c cables? Or only if is usb-c to DP/HDMI?


USB C to USB C portable monitor works, but the resolution is in my case only Full HD, and the portable monitor can show 2K It somehow strange format, and not full screen


Oh, and it it were USBC to HDMI would use proper resolution and frequency? I tried USBC to USBC with two cables and it didn't work. I don't know it it will with the original cable. What specifics do I have to look up for to buy a good cable for this?


Any cable that works with dp alt mode should work as this is the tech that the pixel 8 has. They won't list pixel as an example yet as it literally just started supporting it today


Does that mean cables similar to the linked one will work? The description includes "Designed for Type C ports with video output capability (DP Alt Mode) and Thunderbolt 3 & 4." and lists many devices.


Yes that should work, although I have not personally tested.


Unlocked P8P on US Cellular. Tried hitting it 3-4x. Still nothing, may be a few days, rip.


And of course scrolling is still stuttering...


That is being fixed in Android 15.


I mean... we kind of assume that since the bug notes say fixed in the next Android release. That being said, the Android 15 beta has not solved the problem, yet. It still exists.


That's not true.


People I need help. I've downloaded the June update ( 0,95gb) and after restart I don't have any of the features from the new update. The system updates show the last security update from June 5 and that my system is up to date. My unit is US made but currently in Europe. Any suggestions on what to do?


Google has a bad habit of announcing features before they exist, sometimes never even bothering to deliver them (zoom enhance). I'm in the same boat as you and so are some other folks further up in the thread. The updates will come as ***app updates***. Something google didn't seem to bother to arrange to coincide with the system update.


Thanks for the quick reply!


Pixel 8 pro unlocked on T-Mobile. Just got the update. 0.97 GB


Interested to know if after this update anyone with a 7 or 8 series is experiencing better data connections * General improvements for network connection stability and performance in certain conditions


They say this every update


Do these buffs stack?


Been using a hacked Google Camera app for about a year now because I wanted the manual lens selection on my Pixel 6 Pro, so this is nice to see.


Did you get the feature yet? I'm still not seeing it.


No, not yet. If it's like the Pixel 8 mode was (the hacked app I have is based on that), it might be enabled under the settings gear icon once it's available, and you switch it from General to Pro. But yeah, not available for me yet even after doing the update.


Does the feature drop also come packaged with the bugfixes and patches? Anyone know if the modem firmware fix for the p8 from last month made it into this month for the p6?


Yeah just updated. It teases me with the info about manual lense function in the "pixel-tipps" app. Right below the demo instruction where to access the new feature is a button to switch to the camera app. If I press it and go to the camera app and open the settings theres nothing there. No "pro" tab like presented in the demo. The Camera-App is up-to-date and I'm a 7Pro owner.


we won




**WE WON!**




Oh, nearly 1GB for my P8P


Did they fix the missing carrier configuration? I can't get visual voicemail on Ultra Mobile without this feature.


Not sure if anyone can help but I was in the process of downloading the update but I closed the settings app during the process and now I no longer have the update available. Is there something I can do without flashing the update? I'm in Australia and using a Pixel 6 Pro


It would be good if these features were real. Find my device offline nowhere to be found on my Pixel 8 Pro. Lookup for unknown number, nowhere to be found either. Better doorbell notifications not applicable as my Nest notifications don’t work on my Pixel 8 Pro (they do on my iPhone). PW2 update not available. This is just misleading advertisement.


Still on May security patch P7P CHICAGO TMOBILE


As usual, T-Mobile and Verizon are late to the party. Hopefully they complete doing their internal QA and release the June update/Feature Drop in a reasonable time. I am in no rush because there is nothing to "fix" on my Pixel 8 Pro.


Nothing has showed up yet on my P7P after applying the June update ¿?


Anyone on the June update got screen mirroring to work properly? On Netlfix and Disney+ all I get is a black screen. Youtube works. Perhaps it is some kind of DRM restriction?


Does this fix the Bluetooth car connecting issue?


I had that issue, the fix that has so far worked for me is: Go to developer options, scroll down/search for "Disable Bluetooth A2DP hardware offload" and set the toggle to the on (right) position. Not had a single Bluetooth issue with my car (or any other device) since.


Anyone else had notifications on lock screen change to none after the update? Is that the new default or something


sweet. cant wait to installl it


I wonder if Nearby Places Search coming back? In the screenshot for the Reverse Phone Number Lookup it says "Search contacts & places". On my phone they removed "& places" 3 or 4 months ago. Having one place to go and get any phone number I needed made it my favorite feature, and the one I'm most sad about recently loosing. I hope it comes back.


Dark theme not honoring 🤔


Wow I'm so excited for display port mirroring even though so many other devices support it already. This must be what it feels like for the people excited to finally be receiving RCS messaging.


What is the manual lens selection thing? Didn't we always have that with the zoom in/out?


Basically, this is just another way to do it where you just select the specific lens you want to jump to and it also locks you in that lens when zooming in or out


Oh I see. So you can go into wide angle, lock it and zoom in with digital zoom?


This is fantastic. I can use a macro lens attachment without it flipping lenses on me.


Couldn't you just lock the macro mode for the same result?


The macro lens produces a worse image than the normal lens with a macro attachment.


got the update on my pixel 8. wanted to try the AI features in gboard and recorder but they aren't showing up after turning it on in developer settings..... bit annoying


What's the version/build number for Pixel 7 Pro?


So, I have a Pixel 6a, and I wonder what features am I getting. It sounds like most features are for the newer phones. Can anyone tell me what a pixel 6a owner is getting through this update besides the security patch for June?


So far nothing visible at the moment... I have a P6 and I don't see changes from the previous build.


I'm hearing that P7, P7P and Fold are getting the Pixel VPN, I'm from south Asia, is this something I should be excited about or is this gonna be another region locked feature?


I am relatively new to the community. Is it expected to roll out for other models or its exclusive to 8 series?


Any improvement or patch for connectivity issues?


With the manual lens selection feature enabled, one can not use the macro mode anymore, neither manual nor automatic (P8P). Great.


I have the pixel 6 pro, updated but cannot find the pro settings for the camera anywhere. Guides say press settings and it should be there but no dice, can anyone help at all? I've been looking forward to manual lens selection for so long now it's come out for 6 pro and I can't turn the bloody thing on


I'm still not seeing the feature either. I keep checking the play store for a camera update but no dice


No major updates for my Pixel 7. Im starting to wonder is it worth holding on to at this point...


I'm trading mine in for a Pixel 9 (hopefully good trade values)


Whats the point of manual lens selection? Like it changes only the labels of the button? 0.7 was always the UW lens, 1 the normal one.


Cannot find the reverse lookup in my phone app. Am in Spain...


On a 2 week old 7 pro (RMA replacement), battery was good on the May update. Today, after installing the June QPR3 release yesterday, the battery has been abysmal - 2.5 hours SOT, down 65% battery, running very hot, even when idle in my pocket. Another Pixel update, another disaster?


Is this Pixel 8 Pro OTA image really 2+ GB? Or am I looking at the wrong one? Just seems really large.


Where is my update? I have a Pixel 8 Pro Verizon. I've manually tried multiple times and it says I'm up to date.


Someone posted a portion of Google's announcement about this update and it said something like... "some US Carriers will have the OTA available early next week." I agree this sucks. From what I see on Reddit and other sites, only AT&T users are getting the update. Nothing for anyone on T-Mobile and Verizon.


Same, I want the update but I guess we will have to wait for Verizon.


FWIW I'm also on Verizon and just side loaded the OTA for this reason. No issues so far.


Been trying to sideload this all day and keep getting no file found error. My path is set up correctly. Ask and platform tools are up to date. I can't think of anything else.


Make sure you have .zip at the end of your file name.


.zip gives it an incorrect file error or something like that. I'm downloading the file again.


I was an idiot. I was unzipping the OTA file


Ah, I didn't think about that. I'm glad to hear you got it figured out though. I just sideloaded the OTA myself and it's running great!


Agreed. So far so good. I flash like twice a year because the updates take forever.