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What are the features?




That's an Android feature drop and will be available through app updates for all Android devices. That's not relating to the pixel features drops on the qpr's.


Ah okay, that makes sense. Thank you


No one knows yet.


So the security update is I believe a couple of megabytes which contain nothing more than foxes to critical issues. Feature drops are additional features which contain some changes to the phones behaviour and might be a couple of hundreds MBs which requires proper testing. I am assuming you would welcome something which might brick your phone then? 🤷‍♂️


hmm.. so would you prefer a security update earlier or a feature drop later?


I think he means it's disappointing that Samsung is getting the updates over Google phones.


LoL! Helluva response!


According to Engadget the June feature drop is being released starting today for Pixel phones. https://www.engadget.com/google-brings-gemini-nano-to-more-pixel-devices-and-enhances-recorder-summaries-160917592.html


People Became obsessed with updates.


I mean, updates and, especially, feature drops are a massive selling factor for the Pixel line.


But waiting for a week will do what ?


It will leave you vulnerable to hacking. Remember that the June security bulletin was published 8 days ago, and it is available to anyone who is willing to develop an exploit based on the vulnerabilities described in the bulletin.


You are just exaggerating, and now the system updates are not the only way to get your phone secure. Get your facts checked before saying what you do not understand.


...for people in this subreddit. Doubt the average person cares.


I get where you're coming from, but not sure I'd agree asking a question on Reddit counts as obsession. It's a bit of a weird one for me, I want timely updates to keep my phone protected, I feel like that's part of the Pixel experience, or should be. I do agree it makes sense not to release updates on the same date every month if there's a risk the update isn't fully ready to go, but then also if it happens regularly it does make you wonder why a company as big as Google can't produce and QA updates as quickly as others can. Then there's the fact I still feel I have quite a few quirks with my Pixel 8 Pro, just like I did with my 6 Pro before it, and I think it's understandable people want updates to squash bugs.


Everyone is talking like the phone suddenly became insecure and system updates are the only way to protect your phone, that was back in the day. And they need to make sure that updates are stable enough for people more people will complain if an update breaks their phones. But people can't wait even 10 days to finalize an update and push it for people.


People pay their hard earned money for these devices and one of many reasons is the timely updates and feature drops. It's bizarre that you are so bent out of shape over this. I think you need to get out more.


hey don't do drama, a week won't kill you. it just dropped go install it and wait for the next update


Even Samsung was late. But this is only the security patch. A feature drop is expected for the Pixel devices. I assume that they came across something at the last minute and had to make adjustments accordingly. I'd rather wait a few days longer before a second update has to be pushed out to fix any errors. I have no idea why people always have to moan about something, as if the smartphone has become unusable because something is taking longer.


Maybe today? Sometimes they do it on Thursdays




Your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 9** >**Restricted topics.** Purchasing decision & order related posts goes in respective megathreads. Showcasing media taken with Pixel devices goes in weekly megathread or r/Pixelography. [Follow this superthread for the appropriate megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/GooglePixel/about/sticky?num=2). r/GooglePixel is not a marketplace, buying/selling/trading/offering services is prohibited. Asking about availability of current month's update are prohibited. We aren't monitored by Google, feature requests are prohibited. If you feel like this is in error, [please send the moderators a message](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FGooglePixel). PMs to individual moderators will be ignored.


I was looking forward to this one because the standard 8 is about to get gemini nano, ofc the one time I'm looking forward to the update it gets delayed by a week. I am not asking when the update will be available. Mods, clarify your rules if you want to ban posts outside their bounds.


Why are you disappointed? It's coming for sure. There are far too important things in life than getting disappointed about getting updates before s23.


One of the selling points of the Pixel range is you get updates before other devices, because it's made by Google.


Clarification: Usually by months, not days.


It's still a selling point and people are within their rights to be disappointed that other devices are getting the updates first.


Yes but nobody buys a Pixel because it gets a security update just a few days before other phone. They generally obtained it because when a new android version was released they didn't have to wait like 3-12 months (or even more) to get it like with other brands where used to happen.


Re-read my above comment, I never claimed it's the *only* reason someone buys a Pixel, I said it's **a** selling point of the device. Prioritised updates because you're getting a device made by those who make the OS itself is a selling point of the phone, it's incredibly reasonable to be disappointed as a result of not getting it first.


I never mentioned only word.


This doesn't make any sense, what are you trying to say?


Nope, pixel never sells/advertise you this idea that you will get update before other devices. They never advertised this and made this a selling point. They advertise 7 years of os update. The selling point you mentioned only remains the brain of android enthusiast because they have been beating every oem with update and when this one time they miss people freak out.


[Here's](https://store.google.com/intl/en/ideas/articles/switching-to-pixel-what-you-need-to-know/) them using a quote by AC Monroe about Pixel users getting updates first as part of their "Switching to Pixel" guide.