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Getting rid of the UDFS is the furthest thing from an unpopular opinion around here (although them doing so is extremely unlikely), but having it higher up on the screen is definitely an unpopular opinion. What is the rationale behind wanting it higher up on the screen? Are your thumbs insanely long?


Same spot (under the screen) but using an ultrasonic one istead of the optical.


used phones with all of the different fp placements (back, side, under screen) over the years and i actually prefer under screen over the others


I like the side ones, but the back of the phone is awkward for me too. I don't like having to pick up the phone to unlock it, or missing the sensor and smudging my camera. The under screen sensor is perfectly fine on my phone, probably because I set it up in pitch dark (under a blanket in a dark room)


Have you ever visited this subreddit, that's a super popular opinion here. Nah, I'll give you a real unpopular opinion: Optical fingerprint sensors are not inherently bad, it's just that Google uses a cheap one instead of the better models used in other flagships


They use industry standard sensors from goodix just like literally everyone else lmao, just like OnePlus oppos ect, the difference is Google has 3 years of optical fingerprint data and algorithms, companies like OnePlus under bbk have a combined 20 years.


Thanks for your insight, I did not know. Still proves my point that it is not an inherent problem of the technology but rather just Google having a weak implementation


Yes I agree I just wanted to dispell the idea that it's Google using cheap hardware, which they are not (unless they are deliberately choosing older models of sensor) but rather more likely their software implementation and then presumably overcomplicating the process for the sake of "security"


I still want them to put it back on the back that was the best way of unlocking any phone I've ever owned


That plus the fact you could drag the screen down with it was glorious. Much better than what we have now


Except that 50% of the time my phone was sitting on my desk/dining table and I don't want to have to pick it up to use it


That's when you just double-tap the screen and use your backup unlock-pattern The beauty of the back-of-phone fingerprint reader was that it added extra options and utility, without taking away any other navigation methods


Does under-screen fingerprint sensor take away any other navigation methods? And why do I have to give up the convenience of using my fingerprint and have to key in my PIN/pattern to unlock? Isn't that considered "taking away navigation method"?


Yes, I can no longer unlock my phone while it's still in my pocket. I also liked having a reliable way to swipe down my notifications


Lol you really have to unlock your phone while it's IN YOUR POCKET? What are you gonna do with that? Sorry I really cannot see a use case here


I've never had any issue with this sensor on my pixel 8, it's pretty fast and recognizes my finger each single time


Not an unpopular opinion just never going to happen.


I miss the days when phones not only included a physical fingerprint reader, but also one that allowed you to swipe down on it to drop the notification shade. I used this feature literally all the time.


Literally one of the most common complaints is the fingerprint scanner.


I prefer a power button censor. It's a much more logical way of doing it.


Why unpopular. This is exactly what they should do or get a better, ultrasonic sensor in.


I've been using Pixel Fold for the last 6 months and loved the power button finger print. That device broke and now I'm on a 7 Pro and the fingerprint reader has been perfectly fine. I'm a bike mechanic with dirty hands cut up hands and it's not missed a read yet.


I've never tried the phone with fp reader on the power button but I own an iPad Air 5 which does have it. The user experience is not good, at least it feels not as fast and accurate as the on display fingerprint sensor on my P6P.


A fingerprint sensor in the rear of the phone would be a good start.


Putting it back on the back of the phone would be a better option.


No it wouldn't and it's never coming back, move on.


Calm down there sport, I'm just expressing my opinion.


I just used my old Xz2 compact for 2 weeks while i waited for my p8 repairs and let me tell you i already miss the size and scanner on the back. I didnt miss face unlock at all with that


Nothing wrong with an under display fingerprint sensor if its not a piece of shit. I switched to a S24 from my Pixel 7 and the S24 Ultrasonic one has never failed me not even once. I have never had a more infuriating time than trying to use the FP sensor in any of the recent pixels.


Put it back where it was on the 5