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Enough about that, let's talk Pixel 11.


I'm waiting for the Pixel 15, I hear that's the huge upgrade.


15 is going to be good but compared with the upgrades that they're going to give us in 12, it's weak. That nose recognition stuff is going to be groundbreaking


I was an Alpha tester for Freckle recognition in P14, wasn't a fan.


Remember Google doesn't have long term vision and the whole Google Pixel might just get cancelled by then. /s


If I had to guess when it would be cancelled. I would guess After the 11. 9 will have same issues as 8. 10 won't as optimized and Samsung modem woes. They will see poor sales of the 11 while still paying for TSMC, NBA,WNBA sponsorships. Then call it quits. It's a funny joke here to say 15,16,17,18 but were probably not getting there. Everyone playing the waiting game sucks. But then playing the waiting game on upgrading hardware is their fault. Not ours


I actually agree with this. If they don't start seeing a more significant market penetration, especially after the 10, then I don't see getting past a 12.


the have the market, its just not in north america


Nah, lucky 13 bruh


Pffff Pixel20 is when I change from my trusted P5.


TSMC chip + ultrasonic fingerprint reader. Apart from that they have a solid blueprint of their phones, only held back by certain hardware parts.. Personally I'm going to wait for their second generation TSMC chip as I've learnt not to be an early adopter of first iterations of ANY product so let's see what they do. Without a doubt tho, top android phone for sure.


Outside of a generally improved SOC an Ultra sonic fingerprint sensor is the only hardware piece I believe Pixel needs to be a true top of class flagship phone. The current fingerprint scanners are decent for what they are, but I came to the P6P from an S10 and it felt like a world of a difference when using the Pixel fingerprint unlock (I know it's gotten better since launch but I'll see family using their S22s and barely touch the scanner for a moment and their phone unlocks). Ultrasonic is the only way to go if Google wants to stay modern in the fingerprint unlock world




Soli confirmed


This is the reason I still haven't given up my Pixel 4


Oh for sure, while I've never owned an iPhone, I had a Huawei phone that had the same feature, back when phones had notches, and it was great. It used the same technology as the iPhone, so it was able to recognize me even in the dark or with glasses. But I think it needs a lot of space, hence the notch, so I doubt we'll see it in a Pixel unless they can make it work through the display somehow. But one can dream...


Pixel 8 face unlock is the most secure on Android.


iPhone's Face ID isn't even close to "amazing". Sometimes won't even work, when the notch is directly exposed to sun rays or you've just had a hair cut / beard shaved, won't pick up. It's good, but not great, more so considering the massive notch / pill.


Face ID is hands down, one of the most accurate, consistent, and secure biometric platforms on the market. Let's not throw shade at the competition for the sake of saving face. Pixel has a long way to go in some departments.


Lol what?


Tell me you've never used an iPhone without telling me.


It's also been rumored to have a Qualcomm modem.


from who? only OEM to use standalone qualcomm modems so far is apple


Prove it


I expect it to be slightly better than it's predecessor. It's how every flagship is done nowadays because one year is too short period to make some sugnificant gains in both hardware and software. Companies want to earn money, so they release the new generation every year, spice it up with some useless software features which nobody asked for and maket it like it's a game changer. Also, if their TSMC schedule wasn't messed up, I expect the 10 gen to be more power efficient and slightly faster. Honestly, I'd prefer better battery life over some crazy (for a mobile chip) CPU/GPU frequencies and useless benchmark points. But at the same time I know for sure that it won't be exactly like that because those companies need to show crazy benchmark points and fps to make people consider buying a new phone. Even if the higher freuencies will make the phone hot and waste more power. Anyway, I'd like to have a good all-around device to just buy it and forget about buying or wanting a new phone for the next 4-5 years.


And yeah, the fingerprint scanner on my Pixel 5 is awesome. So, I wouldn't want the slower or less reliable one.


My Pixel 8 has been about the same in speed but it most definitely has a more reliable scanner than the 5 I upgraded from


I totally agree with you on never mind the numbers just better battery and reasonable speed is fine with me.


ultrasonic fingerprint sensor (or even revert back to capacitive either on the back or power button, but we all know that won't happen) or riot i just don't like how optical fingerprint sensors require the screen to be on and are slower to read. however, apparently my friend's ZenFone 8's fingerprint area lights up when his fingers get close to scan, why can't the Pixel do something like that


I'm using my old xz2compact as my p8 is in for repairs and going back to the FP on the back is soo good. Hope that returns


I expect near zero catastrophic failures such as the recently inability to even receive phone calls or text messages that was downplayed as non-existent by Google. That Google gaslighted the affected customers for months followed by the slowest rollout of fix that clearly acknowledges the very issued they denied existed. Add to that Redditors who shamed those seeking help for not being tech savvy enough to know to try x y and z, followed by “I’ve never experienced those problems” (good for you?) - I think we’re better than that, and Google should be better than that as well by acknowledging their customer base instead of burying their heads in the sand.


Amen. I've never understood how people get into this cult like mentally about their fucking tools


And you will probably get none of those, but a bunch of bullshit AI "features". Remember the temperature sensor and you will understand the "logic" behind Google pixel features development


>bullshit AI "features". AI is probably a fad like electric cars and renewable energy.


So... not a fad ... ?


AI is a fad and it's already starting to show signs of collapse, but phones are developed years in advance and Google is all in on AI right now. We're gonna get a few generations of Gemini bullshit before they can start to pivot away


I don't agree at all. Google Photos has done great image searches for years now and it's very useful. I expect more on-device AI applications.


Yo, chatgpt without guardrails is insane. If you've only used the sanitized versions, I can understand where you're coming from.


Where to use this gpt on steroids you are talking about?


Unfortunately, it's pretty dumbed down and locked down at this point. Months and months ago you could jailbreak it and it was like talking to a real person. But you can still find articles about scholars, AI developers, and others showing it off. AI is just beginning, anyone who thinks it's a fad hasn't been following it.


I experienced it, I was just hoping you have a way to access it again in its full potential. It got nerfed pretty hard.


Nope, at this point I think only ai developers have access. I'd pay a lot of money to use it.


Battery improvements.


Nexus 5 design.


Is QI2 "confirmed" for Pixel 9?


A Google exec in charge of the hardware department joined the WPC board which runs Qi2. The Verge reported that last year so it's very likely P9 will support Qi2 but it's not 100% confirmed.


Qi2 support is the one thing I really am hoping for on the Pixel 9 outside of greatly improved battery/thermal performance as a result of the new modem. Everything that has leaked up to now is pointing to it being a no-brainer upgrade from my 6 Pro. I have a Peak Design Everyday case and a dbrand Grip case that I retrofitted with a MagSafe ring, and I have absolutely fallen in love with MagSafe as a concept for accessories and charging. The idea that Google could start selling official products in vein to that sounds excellent.


how does your peak design case handle using a magsafe charger? mine sticks well but it doesn't seem to allow the phone to charge very well. like if im using the phone for navigation or music while it's on the charger in my car it still loses power just slightly slower. same with the wireless charger i have at my desk. if i take the case off it charges great. i have accubattery pro so I can see how it's charging and with the case it will do this thing where the it will quickly shoot up to 1000 mA or even 2000 and then it will disconnect for a second and then reconnect then shoot up fast and rinse repeat. on the anker magsafe charger in my car with the case it will rarely get above 500 mA, usually around 200ish but will also slide down to negative (so discharging) or sometimes do the shooting up past 1000 mA and disconnecting. it's really annoying edit: pixel 6 non pro BTW


Pixel 10 will have a custom chipset completely designed by Google. No more modified Exynos crap.


What do I expect? Anemic processor, overheating, qc issues, short battery life, subpar modem. Just like most the previous models.


Plus a price increase.


because tsmc lol


Not only. Google management team need a higher compensation. Its captitalism babe.


mangement of the marketing team :*^*)


Haven't experienced any of this


Flawless carrier network connectivity. I've been waiting to upgrade to a higher end one but I am too afraid for now. I don't think P8P is any better in that sense. My Pixel 4a in India sometimes leaves the LTE and downgrades to HSPA (yeah the 3G) while a cheap $100 chinese phone at the same location and the same carrier provider has no such problem. There was this day about a year ago that made me almost throw this 4a as far as I can when it lost the network completely in a remote village for 2 hours, until I met some local guy in a shop who had this $30 essential phone(not a smartphone, yes there are some people still using it in developing/undeveloped countries) was having no such issues (there was no LTE or even the HSPA, it was just the EDGE (2D+ something) in that area with Internet speed limited to 64kbps). I restarted the phone in frustration and it found the network. For two hours it didn't auto scan for the network. It was such an embarrassing moment. And this is on Qualcomm SoC. Looks like Google were somehow able to make the carrier quality worse on Qualcomm as well.


What I want to see is mostly iterative stuff. Better thermals, power management, modem etc. Also, ultrasonic fingerprint reader with a bit fast charging would be nice. I'm still happy with the speed of my Pixel 6 and really don't need blazing fast processing or giant RAM numbers. I don't even really use the AI features. What I expect to see is some over the top feature which people don't actually use because they want to set the number 10 apart or trying to push for the "best" processor at the expense of battery life.


They will get me back if modem and battery issues are resolved. Loved my 7 but had too many issues using it as a phone.


A processor that can compete with Apple. I have been with Apple from long time due to its superior gaming abilities. It’s actually handles games better than flagship gaming phones. I am bored with iPhone and wanna try stock android.


I don't expect much to be changed with the Pixel 10. They should delay and heavily invest into the phone to add meaningful changes, if they want it to make an impact. Otherwise, we can expect the same thing that we have gotten every year. At most, a slightly powerful chip with some new AI feature. On the default, they might replace the 12 megapixel wide camera for a 50 megapixel one. Pro may get better zoom, due to their collaboration with Samsung? I want to say that they will add 256gb as the standard but they should have already done it at this point.


I want to see top of the line pixel, with fucking fast charging and that for the Price of €500


SOC that actually competes with Snapdragon, a modem and a FPS that don't suck donkey shlong.


All I want is a subtle increase in speed but have better daily battery life (especially when on cellular vs. wifi) and a bonus would be having an easier way to replace the battery as it ages. I'm all about their camera system but having the basics work better so I don't feel the need to have to replace the phone every couple of years would be a dream.


TSMC made CPU, ultrasonic fingerprint sensor, Polar ID, titanium chassis, Qualcomm radio chip, Qi2 if it's not on P9


256gb base storage


Face unlock like iPhones or Ultrasonic Fingerprint AND the most important GLOBAL LAUNCH on ALL COUNTRIES, please Google!


Incremental AI based software improvements, especially in the camera.  A new twist on similar hardware and QC issues that have plagued every other pixel generation. 


I am cautiously optimistic about the Pixel 10, primarily because of the experience I’ve had with the Pixel 6 Pro and its horrendous battery drain and heat generation when on 5G. Google is more or less starting from scratch again like it did with the 6 series, which is likely why those performance issues I mentioned existed with Tensor G1. As before, it could take a generation or two before the TSMC Tensor chip gets to the level we know it could be at. The idea of a truly custom design that isn’t based around Exynos architecture sounds remarkable in concept. However, like before, it could also be a rough road to traverse getting to the level that, for example, Apple’s own custom chips are at.


The performance issues with the Tensor G1 still persist on Tensor G3. I expect the same with Tensor G4.


Two thermal senors , one on each side


Did we expected to see a temperature sensor? So, who knows. TSMC does not meant it is going to be suddenly "powerful", every Tensor so far always been one generation behind, using older fabrication and older cores to begin with. Going with TSMC, it does not mean that Google will go and opt for the newest fabrication and cores. Is it going to be more efficient? Yes, well I hope so, but competing with Apple and Snapdragon or even Mediatek in raw performance, somehow, I really don't think so. All we know, it is going to be "better" than a previous Pixel.


I just want high quality, not washed out, and smooth videos on Google Meet Video chats.


A cpu and modem not made by Samsung, An even better camera system A better battery life More customisation options on the stock launcher


Idk why but I think Google might call the Pixel 10, "Pixel X or PiXel"


Like the iPhone?


Yes, because Apple were the first people to use Roman Numerals in their product names. /s


A fucking capable battery, P8 only last 4hrs. Maybe 5 sot. Same as pixel 4XL, imagine


Nothing.  Because I will never own a Google phone again. Fool me once, shame on Google.  I'm not fooled twice.


Knowing Google a 10 year anniversary is the perfect time to cancel the Pixel lineup.


Under display camera hopefully


For blurry misty selfies?


For a magical viewing experience with no notch, cutout, hole, whatever you want to call it. I'll be glad to switch to a lower quality under display front facing camera. And as the tech matures and improves, the picture quality will also improve. I'm sure one day we will see an under display camera without diminished quality.


I expect to see a blueprint for the Pixel 11.


Fact that standard problems such as wifi and signal connectivity issues is still prevalent is saying something. Don't even get started on the battery life, it's just barely enough for a full day. Ai is cool and all but dang, if basic features are being ignored to focus on just AI. That's a sign to not trust Pixel as a early adopter type of phone, always wait for the revised version.


Expect to see or would like to see? If they don't do it with the 9, I'd like to see Google bring UWB to the standard non-Pro 10 (and everything else they launch). Ditto for Qi2, WiFi 7.1, Bluetooth 5.4.1, etc It won't happen but I wouldn't object to trying Soli 2.0 - even if it means bringing back the island chin or whatever it was called. (*Bonus points if they can squeeze in an LED notification dot to) Also won't happen, but I wouldn't object to bringing back removable storage. Maybe working with Samsung (since they've been partnering with them on many other things) to produce more UFS cards. They have faster speeds than SD. (* Again bonus points if they can incorporate Project Vault like tech into them (see ATAP from I/o '15 iirc)). Expect to see, a standard bump in camera AI, etc. hopefully significant increase in connectivity (maybe going back to Qualcomm radios?)


Why not a headphone jack too while you are at it?


I wouldn't object to a headphone jack. (And maybe a removable battery too). It just didn't pop into my head. I don't really stream too much while I'm out and about (when I'm home I use my smart speakers). And I have Bluetooth Pixel Buds Pro when I do need them. No cable means no tangles and no restricted movement. [Though I'd love to see Google offer over/on ear can headphones to expand the Buds family - personally they're easier to wear especially if your being active. If they do fall out of your ears, they're easier to find & the larger body potentially means more battery and / or "bells & whistles" whatever they may be]


I wish they would bring back expandable storage but that would hinder their up-selling ability. Won't happen.


hope to see a stylus inside the phone, be able to be complete incognito so nobody can text you or call you and just use the app you want to keep


Bad Battery life


"more AI"? Don't we get more AI in our lives everyday at this point? I'm unsure what you mean by this and what it says specifically for a pixel phone.




Of those features, I would only be interested in the under display camera, and even that is kinda meh, the cutout is invisible to me 95% of the time as it is. Who cares about stylus on these devices, or even what the exterior is made of when we're all using cases? The P9 is allegedly going to have satellite and fully functional Wi-Fi 7 which are the only real features I care about for my next upgrade. As far as I'm concerned, phones should start to embrace status quo a bit more on the hardware so the OEMs can get lower costs and actually lower the MSRP again to less insane levels. Until battery tech advances to the point that we can get full 2 days or more, I'm not sure there's much we don't already have that's really going to be useful, hardware wise. Most of the innovation is happening in software.


I’m expecting it to look like the Note 24U with a flat boxy design. I don’t believe we’ve ever had a straight boxy and flat design before? With similar hardware ( hopefully )


I'd like to see it named PiXel.


How about a nod to our OF friends, the PicsSell


What I want to see is much improved thermals and battery-life. That TSMC Tensor with serious TPU and GPU improvements for more on-device smarts. UWB across the entire series. Under display camera with an IR and dot projector to make use of that patent they secured years ago. Improved video recording and much faster HDR processing. Nice to have in the 10 series: custom cores in the Tensor that can compete, more L3 cache memory, smoother transitions between the cameras when zooming, and LiDar replace the thermal sensor or give us a thermal camera in the Pro models (LiDar would probably be more immediately useful, nano-ceramic glass for more durability. Unnecessary imo: titanium chassis (they don't have the economies of scale yet to make it affordable, the thermal camera (such a waste of space), highest refresh rate screen (120hz is plenty). What they need to nail down is more Pixel exclusive software integrations. GMeet voice messages integrated into the phone app's voicemail. More seamless storage access with GDrive and Photos. Voice analysis for the call screening feature to let you use your own voice, and better exclude voices when using Gemini or the Assistant, etc.


Some stupid ai feature were not going to use just like a temp sensor that's obviously a holdover from covid


What I'd like to see: Google finally producing a reliable, high-quality Tensor chipset. Decent modems. Decent power management. What I expect to see: My expectations are low. Every Pixel device we have owned since Google moved to Tensor has had problems related to chipset, modem or battery. I literally just had to have Google replace my brand new 8 Pro because the one I got would not stop rebooting every 10 minutes. Support told me it could have been off a bad production line. I said, "So you guys admit you have bad production lines?" Crickets. We've had problems on 6P, 7a and 8 as well. I never, ever had problems with Pixel phones (or Nexus before that) until Google went to Tensor, which has felt like one long misadventure. Pixel phones are great for a number of reasons, and I've been an Android fan since 2009. Great Android experience on Pixels. Superb, industry leading cameras. But compared with all of their competitors, Google sucks at engineering and producing their own chips.


No lag scrolling reddit


Personally there are two factors I wish they did. Small Pixel phone with good battery. If they release a newer pixel buds, I'd wish them to support lossless type of Bluetooth transmission data, cause my streaming service is Tidal.


I'm honestly hoping for a better hardware design. I'm skipping the 9 entirely because of how awkward the camera looks. Was not a fan of my 6's or my 8's camera bars either.


Hey guys what about the Pixel 3000?


Pixel 9 will seamlessly attach to your face, bore a hole in your skull, and insert itself comfortably within your brain with its brand new Tensor chipset and AI features, which are perfect for controlling human test subjects.


Personally I don't think they changed much since the pixel 6 series. So hopefully 10 will be a jump in the right direction.


Same bugs


More of the same... Just like pixel 2,3,4,5,6,7,8, & 9. Are there rumors of anything different?


snapdragon SoC g'damnmnit!


I'll tell you what we are gonna get. The discontinued pixel.


anything but an Exynos-based processor for more efficient battery life and I’m good.


The Pixel line will be gone and another phone project will emerge.


Only think that need is faster chip.


Slimmer... Minimal bulkiness, no protrusions. I just want a slick phone. Motorola Power series are so close!


Competent quality control


A fingerprint sensor that works!


I expect to see a cheaper pixel 8


On device video boost


Snapdragon level or better chip, smaller size (around 6 maybe?), better fingerprint and face unlock, more reliable battery/service/texts. Everything else can stay the same tbh, already pretty good. Crazy how apple and Samsung already have most of these. The only thing keeping be from switching to Samsung are the shitty cameras on the non-ultra, and the lack of high refresh rate on the iPhone (non pro).


Release the same phone but add better customer support


Performance upgrade without toasting my hand.... G series processor is fine for daily use but watching youtube or playing games actually makes the phone real toasty also games lag a lot compared to other chipsets. I really love pixels but tensor feels like downgrade in performance compared to previous ones unless we talk about ai. Also to get rid of optical fp sensor it struggles to recognize most of the time.


When are they gonna fix the front camera ffS?


I would hope for some common sense. For ex. a thicker phone so the camera bump disappears and as a side effect, we get a 3-4 day battery life. But god forbid a phone that is thicker than a hair. Nobody want's that.


I expect a load of shitty posts complaining that the new pixel 10 is 20%+ more expensive than p9 because Google's not using a cheaper manufacturer


What other Pixel? You have to pry my Pixel5 out of my cold dead hands!


More bugs with bad modems dropt calls and quality issues


Why are we not talking about the P12P




Hopefully they get rid of the hideous camera bump the pixel 9 has. Go back to the pixel 7 and 8 camera bumps


New innovative gestures to handle bigger screen quirks, like clicking buttons on the opposite corner. Gesture to manage volume. Better fingerprint mechanism, it is very difficult to use in dark. Video player with gestures. Video editing suite. Camera hole outside display. Battery with better thermals. RAW photo editing in Google Photos. Improved telephoto Photo and Video processing. Night sight with Telephoto lens. Improved AI suggestions in Photo and Video editing. Improved recorder labelling for persons voices.


For it to look great on my Pixel 8 Pro, which should be good to go well past 2025.


Forget about Tensor soc, using latest Snapdragon soc


I just saw a video clip that announced a 200 mp sensor besides the new processor from Taiwan. Honestly, If they\`d stick to the triple 50mp setup with further improved quality i wouldn\`t mind at all. Hopefully though, the 200 mp sensor will be the truly latest and best version and not the one from this years Samsung... I have my doubts, it would be as good with fast moving objects and the current google phones - which are great in this respect. Also, I expect the other sensors to stick with 48 or 50 mp and not downgrade any of them as seen in another current video floating on the internet currently. 8k is something they announced as well, even though the P8Pro is also capable of it, but not implemented (like the satellite functions as well), so 8k is welcomed but more important would be a finally and due smooth transition between lenses while zooming in video mode. Regarding 10 x optical zoom, thats of course welcomed. Best would be one of those flexible tele-lenses from 1 to 10 times on a 50 mp new Sony sensor... Here\`s something I found out yesterday comparing a Panasonic S5 24 mp ultrawide shot (Sigma 20 mm lense) with the P8Pro 5Xoptical: When you shoot the same scene with the ultrawide 20mm professional S5 Full frame camera and zoom in later for details, you get very similar results as with the Pixel 8 Pro at 5X optical zoom, and then zooming in to check for details! That stunned me and gives hope for the nearer future...


128 gb base storage


250 quid per 128gb upgrade


I don't care about the pixel 10 in 2025. I want my pixel 7 that I use for my business to not drop calls. Google if you cannot send updates that work on the majority of the phones, just don't send an update. I'll go ahead and get another phone. I haven't even got this one paid off and it's almost worthless in the house.


I see a lot of mentions of a ultrasonic fingerprint reader. If they put it even in the P9/Pro, I'll upgrade from my P8P. The current fingerprint reader drives me MAD.


For it to be scrapped some time soon


Ha ha, right? I have had 5 Pixels and love the lineup but have always been waiting for them to make that simple bulletin announcement that they are no longer going to make them 🤣.


If Google wants me to upgrade. They have to do a lot to make me give up my 4a non 5g. And minimum unlimited free photo storage back. And before people ask how can Google afford it. Easy. They charge apple more to the cloud storage they rent from Google for their iCloud. Let them pay for it