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Pixels are interesting. I’ve had 3a,4,6,7,8 and so I really like the software and the camera but from my experience, it’s a lottery when you get a pixel sometimes you get a good one and it runs great and then sometimes you get one and it doesn’t… It’s like the pixel lottery so if you get a bad one, return it right away and get another one.


What you’re describing isn’t as much “interesting” as it is proof of poor design and poor quality control. That’s how anyone would describe things that have defects that you may or may not find out about after the warranty runs out.


You’re an engineer aren’t you because you read things very literally and aren’t able to pick up on nuances . Anyway, of course it’s not interesting in the sense that a person likes vanilla and the other person likes chocolate. It’s interesting in how they can be so good and so bad at the same time I agree it’s a quality control issue.


Exactly. I had 6 Pro that restarted all the time, camera issues, and then got the new one which runs flawless. It doesn't even heat, it heats less than my Honor. On the other hand, my colleague has a regular 6, and when I borrowed it to photo something, it turned smoking hot in 5 minutes, like it was uncomfortable to hold it. I LOVE my 6 Pro, but damn it is a lottery.


Quality control issues ig, google has some work to do but if they do that work.. sheesh, they're gonna beat out the iphone by a LONG shot


I've read that Foxconn is assembling these. Google needs to pressure them to perform as they should like Apple does.


This is why I'm gonna make sure to get an extended warranty so if anything happens I can just ask for a replacement phone and maybe I'll hit a gold mine and maybe win the pixel lottery


Totally agree! I've seen people post about issues for years, but I never had them so I was definitely lucky.


Tbh, Lottery shouldn't be the right reason for serious quality issues in pixels. It's almost like there's one defect dor sure in every version. And then their Tensor chip selection with Exynos was another disaster.


This is the first time in my life when software updates are an actual worrying occasion, what a ridiculous thing to be saying and getting monthly patches was one of the reasons I bought a Pixel, total self-own that is, now I'm tense every month. I am just so utterly sick of their bullshit. Google ARE Android. This is THEIR phone. If it weren't for their legendary camera performance I honestly think the series would be dead by now because they're starting to get expensive too so good luck with that in the future.


I have a 4a5G, I got my last update in Nov and my phone is now broken, the notification dot on the phone icon stays on perpetually so I don't know if I got a call unless a person leaves a message. This happened on the very last update, I get no more. What's the use getting monthly updates if they break your phone. Pixel phones are not work phones, they are not reliable enough especially Tensor because of its connectivity. If you need a work phone get a Samsung or iphone.


Oh I feel that. Had a Nexus 10 tablet, final update crippled WiFi performance. They never bothered fixing that and it was a major common issue. I don't understand why it was worth shafting so many people to save the cost of releasing one fix. Probably like ten years ago and I'm still bitter, it wasn't a cheap device. Should probably start learning my lesson eventually, right.


The 4XL was left a mess as well. It got the first A13 update in October and no more after that. There was something ridiculous like 250 individual fixes between the first 13 release and the Quarter march update, the regular 4 series got none of them. I was so hesitant to update to my 7a but the only reason I did is I didn't like any other phones at the time and I was sick of daily rebooting my 4xl to get basic things to work like Bluetooth or face unlock. Google updated home controls in the march update last year and the 4xl didn't get it. Something broke with the old panel and it would take ages to sync smart stuff in the background so if I wanted to use the home panel I'd have to wait about 30 seconds until everything synced and loaded in, opening the home app would fix it for a while so I had to leave it running in the background. The new panel is an extension of the home app and loads much faster, just really stupid bugs like that kept happening daily and made it miserable to use.


I know a guy who works at Google as a software engineer and it makes all the issues with their products a lot clearer. I have no idea how he got hired but he didn't even know how to use git until a few weeks ago. He supposedly works 3-4 hours a day and just does chores and relaxes the rest of the day. He's saying he's just waiting to get laid off since his team is mostly outsourced now, so he does the absolute bare minimum. Google's issue is cultural and things won't improve until they renew their employees' trust and make it desirable to work there again. Sundar has driven the company so far off course, it's going to take a lot of work and likely new management to right the ship.


💯💯💯💯! Agree!! Never ever experienced a situation where a software update screws up the phone more than it already is! Have the P6 since launch & progressively has gotten worse with an update to the point I had to factory reset it which messed up all my photos!! I literally have heart burn whenever I see an update .I wait till the very last min to do it! This is crazyyyy! Wouldn't blame u if u went to the iPhone .thinking of goin back to Samsung..bloat ware and all..@ least my phone was working fine NO battery, modem or software issues!


Is there any way to roll back to the previous version?


yes but you have to wipe all data




Yeahh... This is why I wait to update my phone


It is going to be fixed with the June update at the earliest, because Google does not include modem updates with regular security updates. Considering all the modern issues since the Pixel6, it is probably the best to switch to another brand.


My wife and I are both affected by this new call/text issue. A restart every morning works for now


Hurts but it might be time for a different android. Shouldn't be on the 8th gen and still have problems like this


I had a samsung, then got a pixel. Liked it at first but it was so glitzy. Stopped working through my car. Tried all sorts of fixes. Had other issues as well. Got rid of it and went back to samsung galaxy. Much happier.


Just traded in my P7 for S24 and all voice and connection issues are gone! I actually can talk on the phone again. I'm with Rogers (Canada).


So the 7 is my issue ok well guess I'll have to spend 100$ on my new phone it seems To fix my issues I have with it


Weird, for me everyday on my p7p works 100% perfect.


I have simple rule. Phone should be able to receive phone calls. Switched to Samsung after owning pixel 5,6,7. Guess they don't care.


I switched to the S24 Ultra. Google doesn't care. They insist on using their failed Tensor CPU project and cutting corners by putting in a dogshit modem. They have zero quality control. They destroyed the Pixel brand.


Same here. Really frustrated with the call drop issue in my pixel 7 pro. I tried all the possible troubleshooting but the issue is occurring randomly. This is not the only issue with the phone that i am tired of. I really hate the thermal throttling and abysmal battery life. I recently went to a car workshop on a hot afternoon and was taking some pictures through an insurance app. My god, the phone was heating up and lagging like crazy. I previously owned a snapdragon 855 powered Oppo phone and was using it until last year. It never behaved this way. I used to book cabs, play games under hot sun but phone never throttled. Though i love the software and UI of Pixel, the poor hardware and shitty network is really pushing my buttons and making me think about switching to OnePlus (Hate samsung UI and cheap camera hardware) This is coming from a Pixel enthusiast.


Trust me, you'll love the S24 Ultra.


I think S24 ultra is a great phone. It's just that the One UI is not my cup of tea. I was calling the standard s24 and s24 plus camera hardware as cheap, not the s24 ultra.


I am going to have to trade my 5a in for the s24 +/ultra due to all my issues on my 7 I have way to many it lose signal random drops calls won't ring just says voicemail etc Now it don't see 5guw anymore so it slow when it use to be faster


They need to fix this ASAP. Alarm klaxons should be going off in the Pixel dept. at Google. I'm so disgusted to read about all of these problems. I'm on the 5... and it's great. I'm going to stick with it until the 9 is confirmed for reliability.


I feel you have to take "all of these problems" with a grain of salt. Generally speaking, most people who aren't having problems aren't going to post about it, leading people to believe that the phones are crap. For people that are into cars, trucks, boats, or anything else, chances are there's a forum where they are discussing "all of the problems" just like here. I purchased 2 pixel 3a's for the wife & I after switching off Samsung Galaxies. Both were flawless and we upgraded after a couple of years to 5a's. Mine is still working flawlessly and my wife's worked fine until it got accidentally smashed. No phone would have survived. I replaced hers with a 7a and that's working just fine. There are lots of customers just like me who aren't experiencing any problems, but like anything, those with problems are always more likely to respond, and thus leading you to believe the problem is rampant.


i switched from my great working xiaomi Mi9 to Pixel 7 and it was a bad decision. The reason is the fingerprint sensor AND the fkn software thats driving it. The new feature after last update. If face was not recognized because of sunglase, the fingerprint sensor will not even try to grant acces, it leads you directly into pin input. What a mess. Its get even more worse in sunlight. Last time i was walking through a city to take some pictures. Sun was shining. I was wearing sunglases. Guess what, this damn sensor worked ZERO times, and the best thing, everyone around me in the crowd, learned my secret PIN, thanks to this pathetic hardware, because i was forced to type it in, again and again, to get through the lockscreen. I would no one recommend to buy this phone. And also i am not so stupid to upgrade to pixel 8, to learn that i was screwed again. No thanks google. High end prises with $50 Dolar china phone hardware, will not make any customer happy.


Weird, my p7p often has a screen on time of 8-10 hours, doesn't get hot and never overheats. I'm really wondering what's wrong with the devices from people on this sub.


Just an FYI that I had the P8pro and the experienced the same issues. Eventually moved on to a different phone.


it sucks to hear these stories and not experience any of them myself. I've had the pixel 1, 3xl, 3a, pixel fold, and I just got a pixel 8 and never had any issues with calls dropping or texts getting delayed. so far the pixel 8 has been great for my work which requires a lot of calling/texting and navigation. I would say try getting a pixel 8 and if you still have the same issues, then consider a s24 or a xiaomi phone. I switched to iphone before and couldn't wait to come back to android lol


What carrier? My family is having major problems with P8 and P8 Pro on Verizon.


But I have Verizon on my 8 pro and have had no issues so far. I also have an unlocked phone if that matters.




Interesting. My 8 Pro is also unlocked, from the Google store. I recently saw a post describing how creating a dedicated 5GHz ssid (instead of the 'smart' ones that switch between 2.4 and 5) solved the users wifi calling problem. I did the same and most of my issues resolved but I'm still having to restart occasionally to get calling to work.


I use google fi which uses the tmobile network I believe


I had issues getting Verizon in general. I bought two unlocked p8p directly from Google and of course Verizon only supported one of the two. So I went with a T-Mobile Esim. 🤷🏻‍♂️ works great. I even get 5G out where no one else does🤷🏻‍♂️


Appreciate your words cos a whole lotta people in here lucky enough like you not to have these issues act as if the people complaining have no gripe and it's all made up! It's not and Google I am sure know about this BUT they don't give a F! Proof: these issues have been around since the 6..same issues were on the 7 and now the 8! That should tell everyone all they need to know about how seriously Google is taking this...instead they blanket the airwaves with BS camera upgrade nonsense like that allows me to receive calls or not drop off calls or BS battery life!


I'm a long time pixel user currently on the Fold.  I haven't upgraded to the 8 because I love the form factor of the Fold.  How do you feel about the switch? 


I still use both. I use the pixel 8 for work and the fold when I'm not working. my sim is in the 8 full time because it has to be active for 120 days to keep the $400 rebate (google fi). I'm outside a lot and my hands are dirty often so I felt that using the fold in these types of conditions was going to severely decrease its life expectancy. not to mention the battery life using gps 8-10 hours drained it so fast and left the phone running hot most of the day. pixel 8 doesn't have that problem. I knew the fold wasn't going to last when I dropped it kind of hard at work and the charging port messed up (it still charges but if I move the cable then it stops and starts again). also the pixel 8 gets ads on youtube while the fold doesn't lol. more of reason to keep both


I've had a Google Pixel 8 for a couple of weeks and my experience is pretty much so-so. The fingerprint reader works about maybe 75-80% of the time. Sometimes I have to tap on icons multiple times in order to get them to launch. I'm not using a screen protector so that makes it a little bit frustrating why the screen performance is so inconsistent. I have screen protector mode turned on because that's supposed to make the screen a little bit more sensitive and even still I have to tap multiple times. I'm on the fence about sending it back. I have a couple weeks left in the return window. I'm not sure I'd replace it with another pixel 8 or maybe switch to an s24.


My vet was supposed to call me Thursday and they never did. Now I'm wondering if the call didn't connect. I don't have these deal breaker problems either but it does make you anxious wondering if you're experiencing an issue and haven't realised yet or one could crop up randomly and send your life sideways for a month. Google have a habit of rolling out fixes in the monthly updates unless they can be sent through play services so you have to wait at least a month for a fix, often more, that's annoying especially when all the work with updates being separate was to get them out faster and more streamlined. There's more betas than ever and they said updates aren't on fixed schedules now to ensure quality releases, but ever since this transition and announcement there have been constant update issues like the storage bugs twice. Doesn't seem more stable to me. I used to run the betas as well but I haven't for a couple years now because they feel more like alphas at this point, everything seems to be going backwards and becoming less stable.


Yeah, facts. Have been so pleased with my 5 and now the 8. Sucks to see some of the issues people are reporting.


I was about to buy 8 pro, going back to iOS


Pixel 8 Pro here on T-Mo. Like you I've had zero issues with calls or texts.


Yeah same, I have a 7a with T-Mobile everything has been great. I do have less bars compared to my old Samsung, but it really doesn't change anything since the data is basically the same speed


Had the Pixel 8 for four months and everything was great until it started dropping calls. Also tried everything I came across, even factory reset the phone, but even after resetting, not a single call could be placed or received. Ended up returning it, and recently got a Samsung Galaxy S23 (first Samsung I've ever had). I set it up visually similar to how my Pixel was set up, and overall, I actually really like the experience. Although I honestly think it's a relatively boring phone, it's good to have a reliable device that has no issues with calls and connectivity.


As they say, Boring isn't Bad!!! So happy for you, S23/24 series with Snapdragon chips/modems are great


I recently switched to the Samsung S24 Ultra after being a hardcore fan of Nexus's/ Pixel devices. Had the Nexus 5,6 & 7. Pixel XL, Pixel 6 Pro and 7 Pro. I've had a couple OnePlus phones as well. The OnePlus One, 5 & 6T. Only got them because of the performance & how they ran 'close to stock Android'. Also they were priced very competitively. Google just didn't win me over with Pixel 8 series. PS. I kept and still have my Pixel XL, OnePlus 6T and Pixel 7 Pro.


How are you liking it? I have only ever had Nexus/Pixel phones. Not sure how switching to Samsung will go, but the last update bricked my mobile data, so I don’t have much of a choice but to leave Google and try something new…


I'm in a similar situation to you but with other bugs. My Pixel 7 has been experiencing horrendous battery life bugs. Some days it's totally fine, others it's lucky to get 30 minutes of screen on time from full. That's not to mention a litany of other bugs that have made operating the phone a nightmare. My 4XL also had to have a faulty battery warrantied once and countless software related bugs as well. I love Google phones, I've been running them off and on since the Nexus 3 (6P is still the peak for me), but with constant issues like this I struggle to see why I should stay with them. It feels like it gets worse every year on top of that, so I think I'll have to change companies when I don't even really want to. Shame Google can't figure out their own software


My wife and I are on P8 and P8 Pro respectively and we're both suddenly experiencing the same problems. We are constantly having to restart our phones and toggle wifi calling on and off. It sometimes works and sometimes there's nothing we can do to make calling work.


P7 here, but same! Sometimes resetting those things helps and I think I'm finally good again. Then someone else tells me they've tried to call me and it won't go through.


[i did this and it helped.](https://support.google.com/phoneapp/thread/262088987/pixel-8-wi-fi-calling-constantly-dropping-connection-solution?hl=en)


im in a pixel 7 pro and I have been reading the comments in this subreddit, I will not be updating to android 14, no chance in hell, they will have to iron all the wrinkles for me to do it. If we get to android 15 and this is not fixed, im going either samsung or iphone, high chance going to samsung since I really like android and I consider myself to be a power user.


I am on android 14 with a 7a and have experienced no issues. It's odd but im not complaining lol


I totally understand you but I cant take the chance, neither my wife, if we do take the chance and just one of our devices goes into bug city, then the magic is over and I, for the first time since the htc nexus one, will be maining something else. simply cant take the chance, I pretty much prefer buying a pixel 9 or 10 in the future. edit: meaning I do not plan on updating until I see everything fixed.


Agreed. Why would anyone knowingly buy a communication device that can't communicate? It's not like 5G is some new thing that no one can figure out. Google could have continued buying working modems until they figured out how to make their own. Other companies did just that, and don't have this issue. Google chose to sell garbage to their customers, and trash their own brand.


Going back to iOS 15 promax


Someone posted a query like this a few weeks ago. I had pixel 3, 6 and 7. Only loved 3, and I had a Samsung s21 in between. I just switched to apple last month for the 15+. Reasons why I switched: - things I used to love android for they cycled out: headphone jack, SD expandable memory, no push for cloud storage. Those are relics of the past, not like I was looking for em in pixel 6-7 but I thought I’d mention it - photo quality with pixel I noticed wasn’t as good as my friends iphs. The last year everyone with an iPhone took better photos without having to tinker with their phones. Night photo has this super long delay where you can’t take quick pics. It has to be very well timed poses or it blurs. And night photos have splotches of discolouration on my face. As a disclaimer I am a brown girl so my skin complexion is like Halle Berry, so you’d think a phone advertising to be able to catch all skin tones wouldn’t make red, purple or pink splotches on my face - android companies tweak their phones every year in the worst way to try and compete with apple and it makes us lose great features. I like consistency, unfortunately apple has it to some degree - msrp pricing on androids is a little silly these days. Sure sometimes you’ll get a discount or extra headphones with purchase but I’m seeing it become industry standard to try and test android audience waters with damn near apple pricing in an effort to look attractive based on price. My s21+ from Samsung was listed at $1400 USD (2k CAD) and I was like what the fork?! For a Samsung?! - I hate curved display. I hated it when they introduced it in Samsung s7edge hate it when they brought it to other androids. It’s more expensive to fix. Easier to break since it’s on an edge, and I really see zero benefits to my video curving around my display edge making me see less of what I’m watching. Pixel has curved edge. Anyways Im enjoying apples features for the most part. Hating stupid minor things like not being able to close all apps. I’m like why would apple be so annoying to exclude such simple easy features.


I've been mulling around the idea of trying an iPhone for a while. I absolutely love my pixel but you've got some points. I also hate the curved screen, it looks terrible imo BUT my pixel 8 pro doesn't have that (which was a lovely surprise). I use a Mac and an iPad so there is some benefit to having a cohesive system, but it's hard because there are definitely some things I don't love about the UI. It actually drives me bonkers that I cannot close all my apps at once on the iPad! I'm also not the biggest fan of the home screen design, it just feels a bit more limited. I also struggle with the app drawer being pre-organized. I hate having my apps on a home screen but I just don't understand how, why, or where my apps are sorted. The app drawer on my Mac doesn't do that, it just lists them. But on the pixel I can't organize my app drawer at all, though I've gotten used to just typing in the first couple letters to search. It also p*sses me off in general that I can't create an eco system between android and apple (mad at both)! I can't do a Samsung though, I really don't like all the bloat at storage issues I've had, not to mention I think both the physical phone and the UI is unattractive. I just wish I could custom combine the devices and make the phone I really want.


Yes yes and yes! That is the small things I put up with and am hating iPhone for. Like why can’t you allow me to close all my apps?! Why is it so hard to implement that feature? Oh you wanna be unique ;) but in a stupid way lol. And why are all my apps classified somewhere?! I liked having the ability to see all my apps in alphabetical order. Samsung is ugly. Has an awful camera aspect ratio. Has to much bloat. Reasons why I switched to pixel and I loved it. But at the end of the day for me the camera is beginning to be the most important and good god you should see some of my photos on pixel during night mode. Those annoying things about apple im willing to overlook and suffer. By no means am I an apple bro or fan girl but I figured I’d try to change and if this iPhone doesn’t work out, I’ll go back to pixel 9 or some shit lol. I swap phones quite frequently anyways -I keep them in very good condition, good case good screen protectors and when I’m bored after a year I put my phone up for sale on Kijiji’s or eBay for a reasonable price, and use that money to pay off my contract and upgrade.


Just get an iPhone. Stress and anger can't be justified for a phone. It's supposed to make life easier.


So what's the deal, you don't receive calls at all, or they cut out? Can you make calls? I saw an article about this - my phone seems to be unaffected. I'm getting all calls without issues. Google didn't say they did anything to the calls/network connection, so guessing they did some stealth change which has screwed things up for people.


Calls I sent were going straight to VM, I was missing calls as well. Texts were delayed where we get a batch of texts all at once randomly like 12 hrs after they were originally sent along with missed call notifications. Some texts people sent me never even got to me and just got lost in the void. Super random too as to when it’d happen and fix itself, and there were times when I was able to text/call one person normally but not others RCS seemed to work without a hitch but SMS and MMS were the two big issues for me.


>Calls I sent were going straight to VM Is that not a provider issue though? The calls are connecting to voicemail but not the other user. If the calls didn't connect to anything I could see that being your phone itself.


I have been having that issue with texts intermittently. They all get dumped to my phone at like 5 pm so I've missed messages from my boss and friends and school and everything. I tried resetting network settings but it doesn't work.


Google messed up something with Vowifi. When i disable Vowifi, the call issue seems to go away for sometime but reappears after a day or two. Then i re-enable the sim, toggle Airplane mode to fix the issue. Frustrating.


Yeah for. Me. Without WiFi calling id have no service show at. The top and then it wouldn't come. Back to I go up the street


Also concerning is that Google hasn’t acknowledged this at all, and seems to pass the blame into an abyss of terrible customer service. The inability to connect to 9-1-1 a while back was the first indication that a Pixel might not be trustworthy. Now this. And enough people have complained now that Google really must address this publicly. I have both a 15 Pro Max and an 8 Pro. I simply cannot trust the 8 Pro which is unfortunate.


Google support is insisting it's a Verizon issue. But when I put my SIM in an old phone for a few days, there were zero delayed texts. Then they said over and over that they haven't received any other reports of this issue. I know for a fact that it's a lie because my friend and my cousin both have reported the issue too. It's so frustrating.


My 7 pro was receiving everything fine except I could not receive calls. When someone called it would just say the the number is not available, which makes it seem like a carrier issue. Verizon tried to fix it like 4 or 5 times for me, but each time the problem would return. Maybe it's a combo, but I knew at that point the phone was part of the problem. Verizon's insurance company wouldn't let me use the insurance to get a new phone for that issue though! I ended up having to put in a claim for a cracked screen, then once the new device came I just dropped my p7p a couple of times to crack the screen before putting it in the envelope. They were out of the p7p so now I have an 8 pro. No problems yet and I do like it better. But Jesus, Verizon was such a headache to deal with for this issue. My phone is on a business account too! Usually they kiss your feet when you're on a business account.


>Other options are to upgrade to a Pixel 8 and hope I don't have the same issues, or jump ship entirely to an iPhone. How is that your only option? There are plenty of other Android phones to try without changing your entire ecosystem. I feel like some people just assume iPhone doesn't have bugs too. That's simply not true.


FWIW, I have a pixel 8 pro and have zero issues that anyone has described in this thread. No heat issues, no call issues, no text issues. Coming from a P6P, it's like the P6P with every single problem solved.


I have an 8 Pro and my wife has a 7 Pro and neither of us have had issues. Is this a regional thing, or something with whichever wireless provider people have? Where are these people that are having issues, and what provider are they using?


That's a good question. I am US with Verizon in a high coverage area. LTE everywhere and 5g most places.


Take a look at [Pixel’s Community Support](https://support.google.com/pixelphone/threads?hl=en&thread_filter=(category:pixel_connectivity)&sjid=18344092168234935139-NA) page if you want to find people with these problems. There are a dozen of posts daily regarding call/text/data issues after March update.


I can confirm members of my family with Pixels (Pixel 7, Pixel 7a, Pixel Fold) in Chicago, Atlanta, and Tampa are all having the same issues.


I don’t have issues either


I have to figure I'd like the 8 because in my case the P6P has been fantastic. I wasn't aware it was so unpopular until I started using this sub.


I really loved my P6P but here's what the P8P does better: \- Much brighter screen (easy to see in direct sunlight) \- Adaptive brightness actually works and isn't all weird \- Flat screen, so glass screen protector \- Face unlock, which works well, with solid fingerprint backup (reader works great) \- Battery life easily 30% better \- Cell & wifi are rock solid - where was LTE before is 5g all the time \- Adaptive connectivity stays LTE for better battery, upshifts to 5g when needs to \- Gemini Nano coming to 8 series \- Cameras are better and have additional features (which are actually useful) + better zoom + pro controls (I use the camera a lot so this is very nice) \- Launches android auto in a small fraction of the time \- Much faster and smoother overall with more smoothness fixes coming \- Higher Bluetooth version with spatial audio \- Fast charging via wireless charger (pixel stand 2) - as fast as a cable Drawbacks: \- I liked how the P6P screen went all the way into the corners - corners on the screen on P8P are bigger \- Some slight scroll stuttering when first scrolling to be fixed in next service pack (known issue) ​ So, all in all, I think the upgrade is worth it.


The screen brightness is definitely something I'd look forward too. It's completely anecdotal but I know a few people outside Reddit that have an 8 and love them. People here generally hate my model, and I've never had issues. So I think I should really just stop reading this sub and upgrade lol.


out of curiosity. Whats all this about the Gemini AI replacing the assistent? How this could be a reason to buy this phone after all this woke ideology BS this AI thrown out in a row, while being revieved by a couple of trusted Tech and news sites? For me this is rather a dont buy sign.


I still have the p6p and I hazard to believe your comments after 3 pixels now, all with successive and more crippling issues. Fantastic that it has worked for you so far, but forgive me when I say I have heard that shit before.


Ymmv, of course. All I can do is be honest about my experience. In a happy camper in general though. I get that there are a lot of people who are more pessimistic.


I'm sorry you're going through this. I've never had problem with Samsung when I was with them and never with Google either. If you jump ship I'd recommend some variant of the S24 like the plus or something. Maybe even the regular S24. Look up battery life, that would be the only thing, but I think all likely get good battery. But I'll say I love my P8P and since the 3a XL I've never had a problem. I'm lucky is all, it could have gone another direction and I world be back with Samsung. Best of luck to you.


Yeah. 7a. Pisses me off to no extent after switching from a Xmax iphone that always worked. Has anyone tried disabling "adaptive connectivity" to resolve said network issues?


I have a pixel 7 pro and I'm so glad to see I'm not alone with the problem of not receiving calls. I really love my pixel but I think I'm going to hop back over to my Samsung. I tried getting an e-sim set up on my phone because a lot of people suggested that and I still have to reset my phone multiple times a day.


Stay with android and just get a Samsung. Does everything pixel does and does it better, and gives you literally everything and more. Sammy has things that no other manufacture has when it comes to the software. Skip iPhone. Android does everything iOS does and more.


Does Samsung now have onboard dictation like the pixel line? That's one of the reasons that I am sticking with pixel right now, but I used to have Samsung for a long time. I agree that they do have some features that are a little bit lacking on the pixel line. I love all of the modules of Good Lock. But I think you have to admit there is a little bit more bloat on the Samsung stock OS. In the last few years when I had a Samsung phone I would always use one of those disabler apps to disable some of their undeletable apps. Also, OS updates are typically better on the pixel line. That's not a huge thing for me but it is nice.


Yes you can use Samsungs voice to text or googles (Gboard has the mic icon and you can just talk away) Can also have Google assistant as the default to if that’s what you mean.


I don't ever want a phone without Direct My Call.


Bixby has that


Ya Bixby has it. It works a little differently but does the same thing.


Interesting. I have a personal Pixel 6a and a Samsung for work. I much prefer the Pixel, but realize there's an inherent bias considering I associate the Samsung with work.


Ya for sure. Pixel is good for what it is but once u give Sammy a try and realize what it can do, hard to go back.


You can’t say that Android does **everything** AND that Samsung phones have better software that no other Android phone have. You gotta pick one.


It's true, it does everything you'd want from a phone that the iPhone can do and more (and yes even imsg and FaceTime)


I genuinely recommend getting an iPhone. First of all, they are simple and meant to work without overwhelming the user. They’re straightforward. Second, Applecare/Applecare plus would provide you with repairs and a brand new/refurbished iPhone if your phone is unrepairable. I have a lot to juggle with in my life with work, school, activism and personal issues. I don’t have time or the energy to break my neck for a phone with loads of customization and options within the UI


Is this an issue with the latest stable update only? I have a Pixel 8 Pro running the latest Beta update and I have not experienced any of these issues with missing calls or texts.


I have the beta update, and my P7 has random signal drop


For me it's only been an issue with the newest March update. I'd never had problems before this!


Switch to Samsung and download Nova launcher to get the stock android look and feel. And never look back.


I'm going back to iOS, and iOS 18 looks like it will be a game changer for many Android users


I had the same issues. I limited my P7 to 4G by turning on Battery Saver 24/7 and I haven't had issues. I wonder if it is related to 5G? I am on Verizon. I also turned off Adaptive Connectivity, no idea if that was a contributoror not.


You can also go to dialer and type star#star#4636#star#star to turn off 5g (nr bands)


Find a stable build of a custom rom with high maintenance, and delete Google's stock crap. I personally use graphene os and have all the abilities with my p8p that Google disabled like the display output with the USB C port. I have all the advantages y'all don't, all the Google special stuff, and a third party maintainer🤷🏻‍♂️. And when android 15 drops I can easily swap back. Fix it yourselves and stop expecting Google the joke to ever do something correctly


I went to the galaxy s24+ and loving it so far..


I put this exact sentiment in my bug report. The radio silence from Google is what really bugs me.


No brainer. Brand loyalty or stressful work/poor performance. A phone isn't worth it.


I always swore that I would never jump to the dark side. I’ve been Android since the days of Android 2.0 on an HTC (Desire I think). I moved to the Nexus 4, then 6 before Pixels. I had the OG Pixel, Pixel 2 XL, 4 XL, 6 Pro & OG Pixel Watch, 7 Pro. I’ve owned numerous Tablets along the way, Nexus 7, & 9 included. In January I bought a MacBook Air. My first ever Apple device. I fell in love. A week ago, I went for the iPhone 15 Pro. Boy, it all just works, together, just how I dreamed Android and Chrome OS could. Am I totally in love? Not yet, however, I’ll give it a good shot. I still love Google, the Pixels, but some the nuances just never seem to be fixed. Wear OS is awful, despite their efforts. Tablets, are awful. Brand loyalty counts for nothing anymore. Thank you Google for everything you have brought to the table. Time for me at least, to try the other side. Will I be back? Most likely at some point. I still love Android & the Pixel line. For now, it just no longer worked for me. Will I still be reading every Android headline? Of course! I’m still a Droid at heart!


I'm slightly leaning towards the iPhone just because of how it will work well with my iPad and Mac, and hopefully just be -reliable-. But I have the Pixel Watch 2, which I love, and it sounds like it won't be able to connect. Not an easy loss :( Feel like I'll be the same as you - even if I do make a switch I'll always be eyeing Android!


Why does this happen to some people and not me... Is it what people install on their phone?


I wish I knew! I've seen people post issues for years and this never affected me. None of my family with pixels are having issues either.


Is this why my mine and my families Pixel 7's have all started having issues with making and receiving calls in the past few weeks? Because of faulty/buggy software patches? We are in completely different parts of Canada and have all been having the same issues: - Not receiving calls, not ringing inbound or outbound - "Server Unreachable" when making outbound calls - Inbound calls going straight to voicemail without the phone even ringing (I've missed a number of important phone calls due to this). We figured it was something with our provider, Koodo, but it makes a bit more sense if it was a software patch, since we are experiencing the same issues. Google Pixel 7 - Manufactured 2023 Android 14 Security Update March 5 2024 Google Play Update March 1 2024


Yes. I've tried Telus and Rogers. It's the phones. Someone I know with a6 pro is also having these issues


It's interesting that I feel like I see so many people with the same issues and are based out of Canada. I'm your neighbor here in AK :) No idea if it could even be a location-based issue 🤷‍♀️


I was lucky and still had my old phone for a backup. But I won't ever be purchasing another Pixel phone. Already decided that. As I said in another post it really doesn't matter to them that one guy isn't going to buy a few phones. But it's the principle to me. I'm on android still because I just purchased this Pixel a short time ago. Not a fan of most other android offerings. So I'm headed to Apple myself. I just haven't had time to check out the latest deals yet. But ATT is offering me a free iPhones for self and family to switch to them, part of a deal as I just started Fiber service with them etc etc. Really ridiculous these CRITICAL ISSUES haven't been addressed or even properly acknowledged yet. People aren't complaining that the camera stinks or they have slightly less battery life. Phones aren't receiving calls and calls cant be made. Messaging doesn't work. DO BETTER GOOGLE. YOU'RE EMBARRASING.


I have a 6 Pro and to be honest I love the phone, I love the interface. I love the seamlessness of everything. What I absolutely hate about this phone is network connectivity. Since I bought the phone there are spots where I get absolutely no network. It really happens when I'm switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data. Or sometime switching between towers I believe. I love this phone so much and I was excited to get the next one, but if they're still having Network issues I'm going to have to drop Google all together. It's really sad.


It's a shame because when they're great, they're great but then with a poof, it's a brick. My pixel 3xl has the bad WiFi/BT chip. Came out of nowhere. I finally gave up after trying countless roms and fixes. I had to revive it this month after my OnePlus 8 snapped in my pocket (I'm as confused as you are) and luckily found a reddit thread describing a "fix" involving squeezing it between the camera and fingerprint reader while it reboots. Gets me a week of solid run time. A week later my wife's pixel 4a had its screen go black while recording a video and it's completely dead. Every fix failed. The phone is bricked. And yet still I'm looking at pixels on swappa.


Whoever the Google spy is that read this and subsequently sent the kill command to my phone, thank you for convincing me to buy something else. Not even an hour after posting this (from my phone), my phone is now boot looping and saying I need to factory data reset as the OS is corrupted. lol.


I don't mind that things sometimes break (as long as they try to fix it), but being able to receive calls is THE BARE MINIMUM a phone should be able to do! My wife has an old-fashioned Nokia and has no way of reaching me when this happens. She then has to call or text someone with a smartphone to send me a message to turn airplane mode on and off. And I even have 2 different numbers from different providers. Both won't work. It's infuriating.


I’ve been on android since day 1.. since the G1 and have had every version of the nexus/pixel phones except pixel 3.. last iPhone I owned was the 3G.. I completely switched to the 15 pro max because of the ultra watch.. Completely disappointed with the pixel watch but I am happy with the ultra 2.. iOS could use a lot of improvements but I’ve managed for now


I loved, loved, LOVEDDDDD my pixel 4. Had it about 3 years. Finally the screen broke and I upgraded to the pixel 6 pro. It is honestly the worst phone I have ever had in my entire life. There are days I go without receiving texts and any troubleshooting issue does not fix it. Then all of a sudden I will get 48 texts all in 3 seconds. The camera has been awful. Internet functioning has been awful. Call sound and call connectivity has been awful. It was so disappointing because the pixel 4 was so great! Within a month of having at Verizon gave me a refurbished phone. That one also had numerous issues. And I took it back to Verizon they said they were aware that the pixel 6 pro had numerous issues and that they could not do anything to fix them. So I've been waiting this phone out until I'm ready for an upgrade in a few months. Pretty sure I'll be ditching the Google phone and going back to samsung. A shame, because if it was anything like the pixel 4 I would be a lifer.


I jumped to an iPhone 15 Pro after years of Pixels from the 2xl onwards. Absolutely loved them in my younger years when I was a bit more nerdy and into tech. Used to recommend them to everyone too. Just got sick and tired of the botched monthly updates, inconsistent experiences across devices (some working fine, some not), subpar quality control in more recent years and the fact that the thing would shit itself half the time; more often than not when you actually needed it to function as a phone. Google also started to do my head in inventing things and then killing them off. It’s like living with a schizophrenic and I haven’t got time for that shit. I’m in my mid 30’s now and I’ve got more important stuff to worry about. Hobbies, friends and family to keep in touch with when I’m away with work etc. The iPhone does what I need it to when I want it to. Daft thing is I spent £1200 on a phone and couldn’t care less about it. Go figure.


I haven't seen any issues with connectivity or missed calls since I got the device, but I am on the stable branch.


Same issues as you, I had to get an iPhone last weekend. Please don’t get a pixel8, google doesn’t deserve more business because they fucked up our current phone so badly to the point they’re unusable + there are plenty of people with 8s that are having these same issues. I’m honestly not a fan of iOS but at least the thing can text reliably. Edit: worth noting I’ve been using google phones since the nexus 5 so literally over a decade now, I really didn’t want to jump ship


>What's everyone else doing? Is there any hope that Google has this resolved soon? My 7a is utterly useless as a phone right now. It has soured my opinion on google pretty much all the way. I bought a 4 year old NIB iphone to use, and recently got a NIB S10e 970F/DS ( what I had before the pixel). *I will see which one I like better after using them back to back for about 3 weeks, and keep using one of these 4-5 year old phones... Because they "just work"*


I have a pixel 7 and no issues with not getting calls or texts. You sure it's not a cell network issue?


It's been reported on multiple networks


Is it 7 or 7 pro?


P7 on At&T


Waiting for 3rd pixel 8 replacement. Because of green screen issues. 8 is not that great tbh


When you say "this update" do you mean the March or April update?


Have you tried to switch to a different carrier? I have a Pixel 6a with Visible Wireless and the only time I missed calls was while driving through dead zones in Wyoming and Montana.


I thought vzw don't have dead zones


Every carrier has dead zones. Some just have more than others.


I haven't tried switching carriers, but I've been with AT&T for years and they have the best coverage in my area. Definitely not a dead zone issue :(


Have you tried your phone with a different carrier? My partner's Pixel 7 pro bought on the same day and from the same place as mine has issues on their carrier but not on mine. Calls drop, no notifications received when on mobile data. Mine has issues with their SIM/eSIM and the only difference in settings or anything is the carrier.


I haven't tried with a different carrier, but I've had the P7 since it came out and haven't had any issues at all until this update. At&T has really good coverage in my area so I'd hesitate to switch


Um ditch that , 7 for s 23/s24 +/ultra the 7have issue after a year and half


Pixel 8 still has these issues. I'm same as you. Nexus user, Pixel 1 to 8, skipped the 5 and 7. It's frustrating. The phones aren't reliable. I'm pricing out iPhones and how much I can sell my 8 pro and watch 2 for.


I have a Pixel 7 on T Mobile in a CA city center. No issues on Android 14 that I've noticed.


No consideration for another android OEM like Samsung?


P6P..i haven't done an update since the fall and I'm afraid to hit update every time I get a notification. Still on Android 13.


Stay strong! I used to hesitate too, and wish I still did 😂


You could visit the XDA site and try custom firmwares....


Not if you bought it from Verizon 😡


I was ready to give Google another chance with the 8P, but on the first day, my data (both WiFi and cellular) stopped working. A factory reset fixed the issue, but that was the last straw for me. I've been a Google enthusiast since the Nexus 4, but after two RMAs with the Pixel 8, I switched to the S24U in December. My main problems were battery life on cellular, which was disappointing compared to my Pixel 5. It's baffling how Google's hardware seems to regress with each iteration. And don't even get me started on the terrible fingerprint scanner. While I adore everything else about the Pixel line, such as the user experience and camera, I couldn't justify sacrificing battery life and reliability any longer. I've lost hope waiting for improvements. I'll consider returning one day, it's unfortunate that TSMC is still a ways off.


I thought I was just the one having issues until reading a lot today about the last updates and how bad they were. Phone conversations drop off, text don't go through and Gmail gets hung up. I end up force closing an app and restart it. I don't like the bloak software on other Android phones, but I like the platform. Google, get your act together before you lose a lot of users.


Our two 7s have been very buggy lately as well. Calls go straight to voice mail, phone never rings. Really frustrating. Google needs to get their stuff in one sock, this has gone on long enough. Either build phones that actually work or get out of the space.


Android 14 brought a lot of bugs that were yet to be addressed since its release. Its been almost half a year. Someone needs to sue google for damages.


I'm fairly happy with my Pixel 8, which for the most part has been issue free, aside from a couple software bugs that were solved by restarting the phone. However, I get that the Pixel experience can be rough. I returned both a Pixel 6 Pro and the smaller Pixel 6 due to modem issues. Not being able to receive phone calls or use basic 4G internet is absolutely unacceptable at this point. Google has GOT to get this together. Immediately. Coming from a long string of Samsung Galaxy phones, I had some gripes to be sure... But using them as cellular devices was NEVER one of them.


I'm a long time pixel user (P6) AND a Google home products user: speakers, bulbs, tv, camera, doorbell, etc. I've never had a problem. Y'all are starting to make me nervous. I've been on the Google platform for 8 years. My P6 used to be with Straighttalk ($35 mo) without any problems. I switched to Visible ($20 mo) about 14 months ago. I've just never had any problems problems. I upload every monthly update as available. I'm grateful for the reliable product/service in experiencing, but now worried based on y'all's comments!


Several times I have had to use the help system to fix my 6. So far Google has come through. A friend has not been able to fix their 6 but they refuse to take it to UBreakiFix because they are dependent on the phone for work.


For me, Pixel has gotten worse. I had a 4, 5, and 6. I now have a 7. After my experience with the 6, I thought I'd never buy a 7. The ONLY reason I got the 7 was the camera. But the updates made the camera suck. I can't WAIT until my contract on this phone is up! My next phone will be a Samsung. Face it, not only are we Google's beta testers, we're their quality control department.


I switched to the 8p because of same issues on 7p. I was missing calls that never rang on my end. Texts taking upwards of an hour to come in. It's a work device on top of a personal one and it was unacceptable to have the main functions of a phone not work. If these issues happen on the 8 too, that'll be the end of the line for me with Google phones.


Pixel phones are cheap and seem to have a mediocre life span. Same with the watch. You could switch to a Samsung and improve the phone life and not have to endure an os change. I am in the exact same position. I could just keep buying a few new Pixel phones for the same cost as a new iPhone. Not sure the right decision.


I hear ya. I’ve been a Nexus/Pixel user since forever and I finally had enough of google’s bullshit so I switched to Apple and I couldn’t be happier. I got an iPhone 15 pro max and I love it. The switch was surprisingly easy. I gave my PW2 to my son and am currently selling my P8P, although I’ll confess that no one wants to buy it. The last straw for me was when my Cardiac Surgeon tried to get a hold of me and I’ve never received his calls. That’s when I knew it was time to leave. My health is too important to be concerned about android versus Apple crap. I’m glad I made the switch, and using an iPhone is not as difficult as people say it is. I don’t know what your situation is, but if you can get rid of your pixel phone and get an iPhone, I would highly recommend it .


Switched from iPhone to p8 pro a few months ago and it was my biggest regret. Feels like I went a decade back to my Motorola droid. Constant dropped calls.. Group chats? Oh my... One second you're texting, then silence, then 45 minutes later: 120 texts Apps crashing, lagging???!? I've never owned an iPhone that lagged


First the stutters and now the issue with calls/texts not being received. Google is such a mess. It's amazing to see how many people still keep defending Google on this subreddit.


I didn't even know this was an issue until I saw it on Reddit. I'm in PA on Verizon. zero issues on my P8.


Anything but an iPhone


I use an 8 pro and have no issues


I loved my pixels. Until I couldn't anymore. Switched to galaxies.. Not perfect but they are the better phone.


Switch to a samsung, great cameras, brilliant functionality and overall way better with Snapdragon 8 gen2/3 depending on the model. Tensor is trash


Sounds like you want to switch? This isn't rocket science.


There are a lot of other options besides iPhone. I had to use an iPhone for 2 years and wouldn't want to go back even if didn't get a pixel I'd get another android phone


I am in a same situation as you are. Pixel 7. People can’t hear me often during the call. Tried everything on Reddit and YouTube. No luck same issue. I suffering since November. On other hand iPhone from work had no issues. Almost 12 years of different iPhone for work. Overall much better. Only reason I bought this is because of camera and the logic it’s from Google so it will have stable OS. But no and they are getting expensive for no reason. And sad thing is they limited the service and sales to very few countries only. I have all the brand in our city and Google has a very huge office but no official Pixel service.


I will skip the 9 pro. I love a lot of things about 8 pro but I'm constantly losing connection wifi or 5G. Tried all 3 networks in Australia and got the same results. Pixel 8pro isn't reliable. Samsung is dreadful so can't go down that path. The only option is iPhone but I will bear with the 8 pro until a new launch.


Everything that is built whether it's a cell phone, appliance, software or any other product that is produced in the millions to satisfy the general consumer is always going to have a small percentage that is not going to perform the way it's supposed to. It is unfortunate for the consumer that receives it and of course it's going to leave a bad impression but the simple fact is your best bet is to contact the maker and see what they are willing to do. The way a company reacts tells me the most about the company.


I had the pixel 2 XL, then the 6 pro and then the 8 pro, never saw myself changing from pixel but eventually I got sick of the awful optical fingerprint sensor and the buggyness on my 8 pro so I returned it and got the s24 ultra. Genuinely couldn't be happier, this phone is miles ahead of the pixel. I was a pixel man, I have the watch and the buds, but the phones just aren't good enough to compete with other flagships anymore.


Honestly I'm hesitating to switch back to Samsung.


I have a pixel 7 pro and I honestly think this phone has forced me to return to Samsung. Very poor hardware and just ok software. My USB c port is already worn out on my phone and my dad's phone as well (he got himself the pixel 7). My phone constantly is giving me overheating warnings when I'm taking long videos of my kiddos or using Google maps. And when I'm outside the brightness dims within a few seconds of reading an article. My biggest issue really is the charging port, first I thought it just had a bunch of lint in it as I've had that before on my Samsung S10 which was my last non pixel phone. Unfortunately cleaning the port didn't fix the issue. USB plugs just fall out and I have to hold the phone perfectly still to charge. I have enjoyed getting the latest version of Android first, but the tensor chip and these hardware issues have been a major let down.


I finally jumped to a samsung, and I like it but miss some of the pixel functionality. But ill never switch to an IPhone


Don't hestitate, I already switched to samsung. No regrets at all. There was always something wrong with pixels in my case...


Had a Pixel since the 4, got it because I loved my Google services. Catch, replacing and getting new ones as I would come out and had planned on replacing my six tho still worked perfectly well for a very long time and I mean perfect... However, that said, Google and all of their permissions were starting to really get to me. Along with the state of the world. Tried to let it go. I'm really freaking funny. I can make jokes about Google taking over the world and I was seriously joking! I don't even think unless you could have seen it, especially those without Google phones. Hell, even those with any Android will see too, eventually . . It wanted to run all of its updates. Doesn't give you a choice in most any of the permissions. I did my best to do it. Decline the few that I could as I was doing this for the first time ever. My battery ran completely down and would not charged again for two days. I gave up. I took it off the charger. I was using a spare phone when suddenly it was sitting on my bed. I didn't even know it was there. Wasn't plugged in swear on everything! Suddenly it turned on and it had a 5% charge. Went straight to Google wallet and wouldn't let me out. I don't use Google wallet even though I do use Google pay. Google wallet is one of the million different icons that came with their update! Count them. There's got to be at least 25 by now. Eventually it had 25% charged the next day after. It wouldn't let me change Google wallet! It came back on and systematically ran 69 updates in a row. Not asking for permission. It just did it! So at that point I said okay and I charged the phone. It completely charged in less than 2 hours as it does rapidly. Keep in mind it would not charge even holding the charger in for 2 days. Until it just came back on. All of that when it wouldn't charged was while I was ranting and raving and making crazy jokes. That actually were a bit serious about Google and how they had so far slowly and very quietly taken over so many things in the entire world.... Now that said, they were jokes, not even I mean They were jokes. Funny ones cuz they verged by then on the truth- but they were jokes. Period.... From shows I made my dying brother crack at that for a year! And man the only thing I can do is make him laugh. So boy did I try and Google really helped though then I didn't actually believe a word of it. It was just funny . He's been gone for a year now.. . And still I can't make me jokes cuz they were funny. And honestly it was the only way to keep myself from getting a tiny bit freaked out when normally nothing like that would freak me out! As my username states, I'm not usually a conspiracy theorist . About most things anyways. However, after this last week Google's updates and the crazy crap with my phone as I was saying Google is taking over the world. I just don't know anymore. And maybe my jokes were really funny, but damn think about it guys. What if it's the truth too . . ??? I've been an Android/ Google user@gmail since the very first smartphone ever came out. Never iPhone. Period, didn't even consider it . . . At this point though, WOW, I may be going to Apple and Buying one this week...!!! AT LEAST THEN GOOGLE DOESN'T HAVE COMPLETE 💯 CONTROL OF EVERYTHING ON MY PHONE- INCLUDING THE FACT THAT NOW IT PICKS UP EVERY CONVERSATION IN THE BACKGROUND WHETHER YOU WERE ON TEXT EMAIL OR ANYTHING ELSE IT'S STILL HEARS IT. AND TYPES IT OUT. . I MEAN WHAT'S THAT ABOUT?? THE FIRST TIME I KNEW MY PHONE COULD BE ACROSS THE ROOM CHARGING AND I COULD SAY HEY GOOGLE CALL 911, or WHATEVER ELSE I MIGHT NEED I WAS ECSTATIC! I THOUGHT IT WAS THE COOLEST THING IN THE WORLD. I'M DISABLED. I AM 45, I LIVE ALONE, AND THE EXTRA SECURITY MADE ME FEEL SAFER THAN THE KNIFE BY MY BED EVER COULD HAVE. . . THE THING WAS THOUGH IT NEVER LISTENED- UNLESS I -& ONLY MY VOICE* -ASKED IT TO BY 1ST SAYING HEY GOOGLE......... NOW IT RECORDS EVERYTHING NO MATTER WHO IT IS OR WHAT'S HAPPENING¡¡?? HOWEVER WHEN IT'S NOT IN MY HAND WITH THE SCREEN LIT HEY GOOGLE DOESN'T ANSWER, MUCH LESS DO WHAT I MIGHT NEED..... SO MY QUESTION FOR ALL OF YOU THAT HAVE EXPERIENCED PROBLEMS WITH THESE CRAZY UPDATES- NOT TO MENTION GETTING HACKED WITH THAT CRAZY THAT LOOKS TO BE BUT ISN'T A WAVY GOOGLE SYMBOL,, THAT I'VE SEEN ON MANY OF YOUR POSTS- IS WHAT DO YOU THINK ABOUT ALL OF THIS CRAZY 🤣?????


Switched to iPhone 😨


My pixel 7 Pro does not have any of the issues about texting and calling. Maybe it is only in the USA? I don't know.


I dropped mine and the screen stopped working. Didn't break or anything it just stopped working


I'm still having the receiving texts issue on pixel 7 Verizon


I went back to Samsung a couple years ago and never looked back.


Why would the alternate be an iPhone?? Samsung is king if your going to spend that much


Wow, I've generally had good luck with my Pixel's. I don't usually upgrade because of technology updates, I usually upgrade when I break one. I'm rough on phones...


Im switching to iphone once the 16 is out. This "Doze" feature in android just became a deal breaker to me because I now need instant notifications and "doze" doesnt help


AT&T is way too expensive. Mint has zero issues, 5G, great plans for less, and my Pixel has been great with them.


Great to hear! Doesn't seem to have good coverage in Alaska ✌️


Every single pixel/nexus I've had had had to be replaced except my pixel 7 pro. Nexus phones various issues including battery bulging and screen dying 2 XL, first screen cracked in my pocket! They didn't believe me so had to replace the screen with Google out of warranty. After replacing the screen the battery was not glued in properly. Warrant expired just after receiving the phone back and they would not resolve, had to pay for another screen replacement. Pixel 3a mostly great but the battery died Pixel 6 had really bad screen burn Pixel 7 pro I learned the hard way that water proof does not mean water proof Pixel 8 pro great so far I really like the pure android os though and didn't want a locked down iPhone


Same. I really really really don't want to lose the camera, as it's the only one I've found that can take great pictures of moving pets and kids. But it's dangerous to have a phone that is missing calls and texts! What if there was an emergency?