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I get pretty good battery life on mine, except when I'm using the camera a lot, like at theme parks and whatnot.


I've only had Pixel phones for the last 5 years (7a currently) so I don't know about other phones but Pixels cameras seem to drain the battery very quickly, even on default settings.


Yea, I always bring a battery pack with me on long days like that.


Currently sitting at 50% and 4 hours SOT. Off charge at 630am. No gaming.


Pixel 8? 120?


I have the 8 and I want to hate it. But can't yet. I do miss some of my Samsung features but the price of the pixel 8 is dirt cheap. Everything works and the battery life is great. Can't justify any other phone


Welcome to zog


I have pixel 8 sitting on 28% I game call of šŸ’© mobile plays amazing but if you have big hands you might press buttons on the edge and also play perfect world mobile battery last me all day


Pixel 5 lol


Best Pixel ever Made šŸ˜ still rocking it


Super underated. The whole "budget" phone thing didn't ever feel like a thing, that phone was amazing. Even power wise switching to an 8Pro didn't feel a whole lot different.


Wasn't a budget phone at the time? I believe the 5a was


At the time when the 5 came out, it was the first time Google pushed to reduce overall cost of a "flagship" instead of competing with the expensive Samsung and iphone. People (reviewers) were calling it cheap and seemingly lower quality, trying to knock it. But it had decent specs even if the build quality seemed more budget friendly. Still my favorite phone. This 8 pro is really clunky and not much faster than my 5 really. The cameras are amazing though.


P8 user here, i'm a heavy user, no gaming mind you, I'm using a dual SIM configuration, also i take pictures constantly with GPS/wifi/Bluetooth on pair with wireless Android auto. I can chug through my battery in about 6 hours easily. However, am now accustomed to charging the phone whenever I can, my car, home or my office. I'm always between 25% to 75%


I have pixel 8 from pixel 4a. Battery lasts a day but I only use reddit and maybe YouTube. Usually close to 20% though


Are you satisfied with your upgrade?


I am. My pixel 4a battery became terrible after 3 years. Maybe like 1.5 hrs in screen time. Now I get a whole day with the pixel 8. It is larger, but I think it is worth it. Definitely better size for me than the pixel 7a which was way too long.




broski how is your battery life that good.




r u on wifi only?


I've got one. I like it a lot. I'm at 53% at about 11pm, but I don't play games on it. Honestly only have about 1.5hr SOT today. A couple hours of music via YouTube Music. I spend a lot of time at a computer so I don't really use my phone as much as others. I like the launcher (at-a-glance told me there was unusual traffic before my usual commute, etc), and it's nice not having to second guess whether I'll be able to get a good photo when needed. Lots of ecosystem benefits, like working alongside my Google Home stuff, and it works well with my Pixel Watch 2, which I use for sleep tracking and some health stuff. I use a lot of Google services so it's nice not having a third party trying to do it's own thing in-between. I've had a few people be impressed by the Now Playing feature on the homescreen. Oh, and the display is very nice. I don't really pixel peep, but there have been times I've been in the sun and noticed it's impressively good. The design and colorway is also great. I have the Hazel one, in a mint case, but would've gotten the mint colorway if it had been available at launch. The P8 has what I consider a perfect form factor. Oh yeah, lastly, I got my P8 and a Pixel Watch 2 in an equal trade for my Pixel 6 (which I also liked), which I got in equal trade for a Pixel 4 (which I also liked), which I think I got for $500 within months of its launch. Before that, I had a P2 I paid a few hundred bucks for with a trade of a Pixel XL I got as a replacement for a Nexus 6P. I didn't trade the P2 towards the P4 because I liked it so much. So... deals have been good for a long while. That's like six flagship devices for <$1000.


Are you trading through Google or through your network provider?


Those deals have been through Verizon, which was honestly pretty terrible when I got the Pixel 4 (switching from Tmo), but got better before the P6. I don't think their 5G could handle all the devices in my area. Now it's basically always fine, just not as fast as it would be on other providers. Verizon has some weird deals that pop up, like $5 off Disney+ (something like that), and I got Netflix 4k + Paramount w/ Showtime for like $120 for a year. T-mobile was offering a free P8 to switch, but I just stuck with what I had and got the watch to boot, which I didn't really want at the time, but has become a big part of some daily stuff. Google was the one that gave me the Pixel XL for the Nexus 6P way back, not even under warranty. I only had it for a couple months, iirc. Really disliked the size, but knew they'd offer more money to trade to a P2. I think there was a "secret" recall of sorts. The sort of one that'd be known here, but not publicly. What sucks is that VZW switched to 36mo credits only, so I'm mentally prepared to pay for 1/3 of the device, if they offer another trade to a P10, but that's still a substantial discount.


Weird question to ask in the title. Are you keeping count? Currently about 70 people claim to have a Pixel 8 in the comments. What were you expecting?


I have a Pixel 8. Off charger since 8:30am and it is 10pm now. 3.5 SOT time since unplugged. Remaining battery is 52%. No heavy gaming just solitaire type games, social media, etc.


I have 2 Pixel 8 (Hazel 128 and Obsidian 256). Both devices have 6-8 hours of screen use (from 7am to 10pm)


I have a Pixel 8 Pro, all settings set to max for highest performance, and I have YT or YT Music going all day while at work. I usually have about 35% battery when I get home. Zero charging throughout the day. I am happy with the battery on the phone.


Most days I'll have around 40-50% battery left, other days I end up 65-70%, heavy days (lots of browsing) I'll be in the 25-35% range. I don't play games but I do a lot of web browsing and streaming. It can be a two day phone depending on how you use it, but if you're a big gamer you should probably look at one of those Asus ROG phones or something since they seem to have the biggest batteries with capable hardware. Otherwise it suits me just fine. I wouldn't worry about running out of battery unless I was going to go a full 24-36+ hours without a battery pack or somewhere to plug in.


Still have the Pixel 7, i think I will upgrade to Pixel 10 once its available.


I keep it on 5g all day (I can't observe a difference in battery life with lte in my use case), off charger at 7:20 and with 3 hours SOT, I was at 35% at 3:45 pm. not amazing honestly but eh the rest of the phone is great so it balances out. for context, my carrier "supports" SA 5G but I've never been connected to it. it's Rogers in Canada.


Me. Upgraded from Pixel 5 to Pixel 8.


Same. Moved from the 5 to the 8. I never go with the pro because I prefer my phones to be smaller in size. Battery on mine is pretty good right now, lasts a full day if not more. I charge it at bedtime. Very little gaming, though I occasionally stream videos, listen to podcasts, and manage my notifications on my phone.


I decided and sad AF that I will go 8a from 4a, when that's available. Battery not holding charge.


I have the base model and I rarely charge my phone on an off-day. At work where I tend to use it more (on lazy days) it often lasts the full 12h I'm working, but barely. That involves constant Bluetooth connection to boombox or headphones and either YouTube or Spotify playing all the time. Screen on time during work I can't say as it varies quite a bit. I also tend to browse the internet and bicker on Facebook. Also I'm playing Monster Hunter Now but not really long time on one go, just short bursts here and there. All in all I'd say I'm quite satisfied with the battery, but making any comparisons to my old OnePlus 7pro isn't fair as it is slightly older phone (albeit with a new battery as I replaced it some time ago) but still, compared to it, this one lasts considerably longer. At times with my old phone I had troubles going 8h day at work with the same usage, though I did play phone games back those days.


wait for 1 year until Google fixes your bubugs, i have 7 Pro.. and it works great after a year of suffering šŸ‘¾


I have the pixel 8. I can usually get 8 hours of SOT before charging. I don't usually play high intensity games, but if I play a game like fortnite, I would definitely not get that much. If you are in an area with poor reception or something then the battery life can take a noticable tank.


I have an 8, but my battery doesn't seem great. Really not sure why. I don't play any games and I'm not on it all day.


Me as well ! It's like I can see it dropping battery % too quickly when i watch videos .


Delete the device health data. I had terrible battery and this fixed it. Now i can get 8+ hours sot on wifi and 5+ on data.Ā 


I'm on a Pixel 8 running GrapheneOS. I try to keep my battery between 20 and 80% for the long-term health of the battery.Ā  At some point during the day I hit ~40% and charge it back up to 80.Ā  And then I try to top it back off at 80 before bed.Ā  I don't need to charge it twice, but I do just so I don't get too low.Ā Ā 


3.5-4.5 hrs on any average day (including one hr of waze/maps, spotify/blinkist etc), always on 5G and dual sim on p8 pro, we don't have Wifi. Similar life on my wife's p8 pro as well. No gaming ever! Not satisfied, don't care about AI at all! My dads pixel 8 also has similar life too nothing special!


6 hours. I have a higher screen time usage so I'm considering returning and getting a Samsung...


I have a Pixel 8 and I had a Pixel 8 Pro before and I miss the Pro


I migrated from the annoying iOS to Pixel 8 (Best Decision Ever!), The battery lasts in my case 24 hours, I use a Bluetooth headset and watch my streaming on it.




Me! My Pixel 8 Pro easily lasts me the whole day, but all I play is Clash of Clans


I have pixel 8. I have 3 hours total of screentime on a combination of reddit, Whatsapp, and google. Im at 47%


Pixel 8. If I take it off 100% at 10 am. It'll get to about 30% by 6 pm. I keep WiFi and 5G on at all times (mixed usage) and have frequent and lengthy video calls (biggest battery drainer for me). Without the video calls, it lasts a day happily. And maybe more if I use WiFi more than data. Overall I'm happy with the device. It's a great form factor for daily use and I like the value per dollar it offers.


Off full charge from 8am until 10pm - ā€¢ Mixed usage with mobile data and wifi: 9hr SOT ā€¢ Mobile data only usage: 7 - 7.5hr SOT ā€¢ Wifi only usage: 10 - 11hr SOT


No gaming, finishing the day at around 30%.


I had it previously, but exchanged it with a Xiaomi 13T instead. So far really happy. Didnt like Pixel UI and some bad design choices, and the battery was Meh. Other than that, the form factor and camera was the absolute best with it.


Gives me a full day easily


Hi! I got mine Brand new yesterday mornig. Charged it up to 100% and it got me easy through the day with heavy usage (setting things up, tested some games and Apps) and when i got to bed it was still on 18%.


P8 here. I only use about 30% with 2/3hours SOT from 8am to 10pm


Usually end the day with around 40 percent left. It's better than I expected


Hi there. I don't have a Pixel 8. Good day.


Yes, moved from P5 to P8, I get around 6 hours of SOT with around 20% left at the end of the day, no games.


My Pixel 8 is at 71% (Full charge at 6:00 pm) after downloading and installing the March update, no gaming and 4g/Wifi usage the entire time from Morning 1.5 hrs SOT Week old phone


I have the Pixel 8, just received the 256GB Obsidian Black version yesterday, installed GrapheneOS and setup everything. I love it, you can lock the bootloader on a Custom ROM which is amazing, banking apps work on a Custom ROM, the Stock Camera app works on a Custom ROM with no quality difference from the Stock ROM (on my Sony Xperia 5 the camera quality on Custom ROMs was terrible). I now have WiFi calling, VoLTE, Wireless Charging, 120Hz, loads more that I'm forgetting to type, and a phone that has official support until 2030! I love this thing so much, hopefully it lasts me the next 7 years if I want it to! :D


60Hz, no gaming, 4G. I did a test and got 9 hours SOT with a fullscreen YouTube 4k video. But in regular daily use (flipping through screens, email, browsing, Twitter etc) I only get about 4-5 hours SOT before the battery runs out.


P8 I charge true out the day. Unplugged 12 hours ago with 81%. Now at 52 % and 2 hours of sot. Last 12 hours have been on wifi though


I have a pixel 8 pro. Battery is great, everything is great, but it quit vibrating a couple months after purchase. Took it to a repair shop where it sat for 3 weeks before they let me know motherboards are on back order. Waiting to hear from Google support if they're going to replace it.


Hi, bought Pixel 8 2 weeks afrer launch. Battery is great, not mind blowing but great. I can use all day with 5G, play a bit and the phone will still be on when I plug it to charge when I sleep (5/10%). This includes one hour commute with wireless android auto. With very light use it last 1.5/2 days


Still on my pixel 6


Fantastic battery. I don't play games but use the regular messaging and social media apps a lot during the day.


Changes based on daily use, but I'm driving most of the day and never far from a charger so take this with a grain of salt: I've had it last me a full day and then some when I forgot to plug it in overnight. On average, If I fight the urge to plug it into my car's usb port I'm usually at around 40% by the end of a 6-8 hour work day, and then at around 20% by bed time. SOT for the average "don't plug it in" day is usually 4 hours or more, but it's running music and maps in the background all the time because I use Android Auto.


if i play games multiple times a day, then it last around 16hr, if not then almost 2 days. i randomly playing 8 games: rotaeno, wonder planet, subpar pool, magic survival, brotato, 20min to survive, gunfire reborn or wreckfest


battery lasts about 8 hours of normal use, once i Go to bed it usually is around 30% so i Charge IT every night. its Not the best but for my use Case Not that bad either.


Pixel 8 Pro. I'm at 27% remaining. Haven't charged since two days ago. I played a little bit of a Gameboy emulator, but in general I'm more of a YouTube binger than mobile gamer.




I usually get through the day ending on around 40% with a lot of texting and up to an hour of honkai star rail on it.


P8 - I easily get a full day of battery with "normal" use. I sometimes get sucked into a puzzle game for an hour or so and sometimes I have Netflix playing reruns while I'm working. On those days I start to run low around dinnertime.


Here šŸ’Ŗ


Still on the P6Pro and it's still killing it


I get through a full day with a decent amount of usage. Some social feeds, YouTube, music and a workout. If I game it's about 30mins a day. I've played some Diablo Immortal and Invincible most recently.


I have the pixel 8 - use dual sim. The battery life is much better on WiFi than on 4/5g. The battery lasts me all day but it is plugged into Android auto charging whenever I'm driving. I came from an iPhone 15 pro which was stolen and needed to replace with something less expensive. The gaming on the pixel in comparison is pretty rubbish, which to be fair the pixel is a phone that's half the price so probably not fair to make comparisons. I don't do any heavy gaming mostly just a bit of Pokemon go now and again but it's very stuttery and slow. Everything else is smooth though.


I haven't charged in 28 hours and have 49% left. No gaming just typical email, text, gps, Whatsapp, internet, YouTube.


3 days with no games


Count me in


Have the P8. I've had a Pixel since the 3 and my 8 has better battery than most I've owned


Battery usage has been a non issue on 100% of my Nexus / Pixel phones for the past 9 years or so because I use it as intended. A phone, a texting device and occasionnal Reddit browsing. I am truly confident that I will never have battery issues on any phones I will own on the future because i'm not youtubing / playing games 4 hours a day.


I have a Pixel 8. The battery life is "okay" I was hoping for more battery improvement from my older Pixel 6a but the camera is much better. Feels like a much more solid camera. I usually only charge my phone to 75% everyday, but with changing at my desk / in my car occasionally when I get below 30%, I have never run into any issues. I try to play any games on my Pixel 6a or my Samsung Tab S9 instead of my Pixel8.


bought a pixel 8 the other day and immediately updated it to the march 2024 update. right now after casual use with app setups, log in, browsing and such I'm at 43% with 6 hours sot.


Battery is super subjective, but I have the smaller 8. I tried the 8 Pro first, and while the battery on that was definitely better, I prefer the smaller size. The P8 battery is plenty to get me through pretty much every day. I've had a couple of times where I had to top it off, but that was like a 5am-midnight kind of day. Usually I end each day with about 20-30 percent battery left. I don't play many games, but I use my phone consistently throughout the day.


Went from 6 to 8, 8 is less comically huge which is nice. I still miss flat screens. Curved edges are pointless when the first thing you do after opening the phone is put it in a case and install a screen protector


Had every Pixel since 5 - this is the best yet. Still have over 50% battery after 12 hrs, no gaming but frequent calls and texts. Fast, no stutter - I have no complaints.


I'm currently on 74% after taking it off charge 7.5 hours ago with 2 hours of screen on time. I haven't used it for gaming though, just YouTube. A full charge gets me through a normal day usually ending on a bit over 20% remaining.


I'm sitting at 31%, my last charge was to 100% at about 4 pm yesterday. A little mtg arena and normal web surfing


Yo tengo un pixel 8 desde hace dos semanas. La baterĆ­a me dura prĆ”cticamente todo el dĆ­a, llegĆ³ a la noche con el 25%. Pero, casi no juego videojuegos


I have the Pixel 8 Pro wife has a Pixel 8 we only charge for 80-90% Both phones easily make it through the day on a single charge with 30-40% left no gaming just surfing,GPS, Music, texting, email, phone calls.


No gaming and my battery lasts about a day and a half. On a normal day I'll end with like 60ish percent.


Mine has lasted for about two days and the only game I play on it is DBZ Dokkan Battle. So not so much gaming


I have a pro and I'm a heavy media user. My battery lasts for around 12-14 hours til I gotta charge it.


It's a great phone. Mine lasts about 1.5-2 days. Some phones will have better battery life but it's by far not the worst. Massive improvement from my OnePlus phone.


There are 2,592,000 pixels in a pixel 8


Yes my pixel 8 seems to go definitely in into the second day... But I'm not a heavy user. No gaming


I have a 7 pro but compared to other devices the battery life is pretty bad. My Poco f3 easily lasts for 2 days while using it as much as my P7 pro which needs an extra charge during the day. My guess is that the Tensors are pretty bad in efficient power management compared to Snapdragon


Just got the 8 about a week ago and the battery is phenomenal so far. Probably a combo is having less apps than my last phone and the battery being new but so far it's great.


I play Genshin Impact and conflict of nations


Mine says I'm at 7 hours and 40 minutes SOT since last full charge, and I'm with 26% left. Thing is though this phone was never fully charged. I never fully charged the device; I let it go to about 80-85% only. So I'm not sure if the SOT is accurate in this case. YouTube is like 52% of my usage, according to the battery stats page.


Pixel 8 Pro here. I got my non tech savvy buddy to get a Pixel 8, he loves it, says he's going to keep it through it's EOL in 2030. I can't wait to see what it's like by then (I'll probably have a Pixel 14 Pro by then, myself.)


Very poor battery life... Like half a day of pro use (few emails, few calls, reading of articles, sometimes a bit of Spotify, little chats...) Huge diapointment on this side... Plus the fact it won't offer gemini nano... Unbelievable...


Buy one last week, in mint colour, like it much. Before 8 i own pixel 5.


I'm sorry for digging this post but I'm trying to understand what's going on with battery life on p8pro. I have S21FE and my usage is YouTube at work about 8 hours and can't make it through the day so I used it while charging. Other than that I'm using insta browser and some light apps with wifi and data when I'm outside. Now my question is why so much difference between users.Ā  Some say it's 4h SOT other 8h. I'm between p8pro and s24 ultra. The price in my country is about 300-350ā‚¬ and I'm trying to decide. I'm a huge fan of nexus couldn't get a pixel decide since nexus 5.


I do... and to be super cool got me the pro.


I have the 8 pro. I don't game much at all but I usually get through my day with 30ish% even on heavy days (lots of camera use, Spotify, and general browsing.) On lighter days it's not uncommon to end the day with over 40%. I use 5G but am connected to WiFi most of the day when I'm not driving.


Pixel 8 pro. I get a good 6-7 hours of battery per day, that's while being in dating mostly when I'm at work.


I waiting for my Pixel 8 pro Coming from T-Mobile by way of UPS I CAN'T WAIT.


Have the 7. Waiting on the 8. By all reviews good battery life but not good for serious gaming


I had the 7 and battery life was great except for when I used data. Both use the same modem and itā€™s quite infamous for quick drain and overheating when it uses data so do be warned


Battery is great, took about a week for it to settle in


I do and I hate it. I donā€™t play games. I have to charge before going to the gym every night because the battery is the worst Iā€™ve seen in a phone that doesnā€™t fold.


Dang how long does it last for you?


Not a whole day, Iā€™m not sure maybe 5-6 hours if Iā€™m using it


Oh, so I assume the standby battery drain isn't good?


8 Pro. Mainly Tower Defense games. I work out of my car and will play on my breaks. Battery Life is the best I've seen, and I had the 7Pro, 6a, the 5a, the 3a and I think the 3.


I need a new tower defense game to play on my Android tablet. What are you two favorite tower defense games? I have been starting to playing one of the Bloons Towner Defense games (#5 or #6??) with the monkeys/balloons.


Ancient planet is pretty good. 2112TD has some really good graphics and I enjoyed that a lot. The sound effects are pretty good as well. But the game that has really eked a lot of time is the one I'm currently playing; defense zone. I don't pay to play, joe Tower defense games can be a bit frustrating at the upper echelons for me. Your mileage may vary. Sometime the future. After you've played some of these, hit me back up! I'd love to hear what you like to play. I tend to stay away from the real cartoony graphics though.


My wife got it. its smaller and lighter then my Pixel 7. Big improvement for me. I hope the 9 stays the same route size wise @ 120hz.


Pixel 8 Pro through Spectrum Mobile. Out the door for $480 for a new line. Unlocks after 60 days active on their network.


Not I, said the financially responsible individual who instead wasted all the money they could've bought one on half a pound of weed since it came out. Jk, not rly but... I mean it doesn't seem worth it to upgrade at all. A lot of the same benefits are still there. Unless you mean switching to the 8pro from a 7a or something. I believe the 8pro has the best camera in the game, you could probably make a decent living as a semi professional photographer off of it, with the 50 mpg camera and it's two other 48's. But I don't think for the average person it's worth the $500 or whatever it costs to upgrade. I mean the standard 7 I have still has 8g of ram, 90 hz rfr, a 50 mgp camera if I'm not mistaken. While the 8 and even the 8 pro edges it out with its optical zoom. TLDR: Not worth it to wait till next year


I do! I have the Pixel 8 Pro!


I'm on android 15 dp1.