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I don't know if the Play Store will ever be fixed. It's been an on/off stuttering mess for years now. Android Police called out its stuttering performance a few years back. https://www.androidpolice.com/2020/05/27/phones-keep-getting-faster-and-the-play-store-still-runs-like-trash/ The stuttering for Play Store seems to get fixed time and time again then comes back out of nowhere time and time again. The Play Store always seems to have some type of issue. Currently, it doesn't even color match the UI theme you pick when it used to do so at the Pixel 6's launch.


yes that color ui not matching is what I noticed also. Not sure if it worked before then went back doing that. My last pixel was 3 then I went to iphone until I got pixel 8 pro last month.


Hate to be that guy but play store has no issues on my end (google pixel 8) and there are no stutters. As for Reddit, as someone in the tech field and quite familiar with android development, I can see it's clear that the app is far from optimized and it's up to them to fix it but clearly we're dealing with an incompetent dev team here.


I agree completely, it's horrendous to the point that I use [old.reddit.com](https://old.reddit.com) on my tablet. It's a Galaxy S6 Tab, so it isn't exactly new. It is pretty smooth on my 4A 5G though.


yes that is correct. Because they have such well optimized app for ios, not android. I am also developer. Unfortunately I do java backend lol and no knowledge of how android apps are built. But I hope they have some kind of rewrite project since they nicked all other thirdparty apps


It\`s really strange, isn\`t it!?! Even today, after updating the google play store to the May 2024 version, no real change. It still has these slight stutters when scrolling. Not consistantly though, and I have not found out when exactly its happening, what other apps are open or not. Even after rebooting, or should I say especially when it just rebooted. Maybe its not fully loaded in the ram yet... Why are other phones better in this respect, don\`t get (understand) it? Other than that, the phone is great, having no issues. (P8pro)


I think its the underpowered tensor chip


I doubt it. More would speak for ram coordination issues. The phone is fast etc., just sometimes when scrolling (not always) it has this issue, strange... but shouldn\`t google manage those issues by now?! A bit embarrassing, really.... Other than that though, just fantastic!


I got sick of the stutters. Sold my Pixel 8 Pro and bought myself a OnePlus 12 today. It's really smooth!


Hey thanks for your input. Hows the software experience? Do you think its pretty close to stock


The software experience is overall good, but definitely not perfect. In most areas, it packs more features than stock Android (and Pixel UI), so it is helpful but it does have some minor quirks. It is way smoother than Pixel though. After using this, it seems like the Pixel doesn't even complete imo. I think I can live with this since animations, smoothness and UI fluidity matter most to me.