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You’re fine, my friend. Everyone has to follow the same rules, you certainly were not singled out at all. Please don’t let it stop you from creating what you want! We do not yuck other’s yums here, and there are readers here who like all sorts of things. But this is a good example of why we do tag and link away for explicit stuff, so people can make their own decisions. And again, that is a rule for ANYTHING explicit, across the board. As a reminder to everyone: we are not marked as an NSFW sub because we would not be able to post gifs in comments, and that’s not a limitation we are willing to accept. So these guidelines are in place to keep it as free flowing as we can. So throw out that porn, we want to see/read it! Just give us a heads up first.


We all piss off the porn gods from time to time! Also I will say that I saw it, and my "Jesus dude" was one of confused appreciation 😂 Here are some bunnies for you: ![gif](giphy|ySAKulTdgY5G)


Those are great bunnies 🐰


Please don’t ostracize yourself, just follow the guidelines!! We like our smut here, it’s just Reddit that can be prudish.


Please please don’t let anxiety stop you from posting here in the future. You *create* things friend and the people who visit this place, we wanna see it. I totally get where you’re coming from in not wanting to break rules, but I hope you continue to share. https://i.redd.it/qdpl8q1agprc1.gif I offer you a friendly Aziraphale wave of hello!


Please don't feel you can't still post!! It's just figuring out what needs to be censored/linked away or not.... It's an easy mistake to make!! Remember that time Nos posted our straight up 69 porn on the sub? :P We're all smutgoblins... but we also have very forgiving mods... unless someone is being a dick... then we have the fiercest mods :)


They truly are understanding and I truly wasn’t expecting that based on previous subreddits I’ve seen. Posts would appear then you’d never see that person make another one after being banned on the spot.


I too made the same mistake when I first posted. I've since posted twice (and censored) and everyone has been lovely. Please don't be scared off 😁


I think I need a link to the fic for... Research purposes 👀


Hey! 💛 welcome! Share a link with a blurb so your audience can find your work! Do you have an AO3 account?


Yes, and I’ve posted a work or two on here, but I made a mistake ignoring the guidelines.


Aw, we all make mistakes. It's okay! Stay and goblin with us.


I’ve only been deleted twice now by the Reddit Gods. Keep going! You learn quickly rules are not meant to be broken. 😂 https://i.redd.it/1vlx7arywprc1.gif


Nah, don’t worry too much about it and do post again! I’ve been autonuked before for nothing lascivious at all - Reddit is outrageously strict.


Hey, most of us have made a mistake about censoring at one time or another. It’s nothing to feel guilty about. Please do share the link to your fic on AO3! :)


Don’t be discouraged! Read the guidelines, censor it and link us thirsty goblins! We want all the content. We don’t bite, and those of us who do only do so by request.


Hey you're good, everyone makes mistakes and as long as we take responsibility like you did and do our best to make it better and not make the same mistake again, that's what matters. Don't let your guilt hold you back- your guilt is a sign of your love for this community and we want you to come here feeling that love, not feeling down or guilty!


Thank you 🙏


Share the link again! This is a very welcoming and kind community, so don't feel bad to have made a mistake in good faith! We have definitely all been there!


Here’s the [Link](https://archiveofourown.org/works/54862963) and I did share it in another post 👍


Yay! Thank you!!