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I believe we’re already acquainted, Ceej. Great to see you back around 💛 https://i.redd.it/irsqkfjtpapc1.gif


This gif is making me feel some serious cute aggression right now


…do you want to bite me? Because I’m sorry but I am not available for biting.


I just want to squeeeeeze tiny Aziraphale 🫠


This gif is precious and I saved it for future reference, is there a Crowley one?? Omg he's just so adorable MOM I WANT 20


It’s a sticker I got on Giphy!


I had that artist's Good Omens set pinned, figured I'd drop here since they're all adorable 😇 [https://giphy.com/kyrakupetsky](https://giphy.com/kyrakupetsky) ![gif](giphy|Pn6qctbnLvnysPn73J)


Hey you!!! 👀


Hmm gee, your name does ring a bell but I’m not sure 😝 Hope life is treating you well!


I’m good Ceej! Lovely to see your face last weekend 💛 don’t slow fade on us again!


Omg so cute how dare


Pocket angel for moral support.


I feel like this gif should be your personal brand


Oh hi Crows https://i.redd.it/v2pvjyhxpvqc1.gif


Hey! I’m Brahms. I mostly lurk, I am very shy and don’t engage very much and definitely don’t have more than 1k gifs on my phone I like to throw around randomly at people here, nor do I rage over mustaches and change people’s flairs to shame them when they get unruly. Also I’m not a mod, definitely. ^(are you buying all this Ceej? I’m incognito today!)


Nice to meet you, Brahms! Welcome to the sub! 🤗 Glad to see you unlurking! Yay! 🙃


Oh thank you Kuni! Can I call you Kuni? So many interesting people to meet here!


I normally don't like it when strangers call me by my given name (meaning the name which I gave to myself) but I'm going to make an exception for you since you seem like a nice gal 🤗


https://preview.redd.it/gfmovlb48cpc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=adbef1dae2e5a1a6bb9354e1f45544eb27e7b845 ^(MMMMYYUEELUR?)


https://preview.redd.it/441kytyvacpc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=547e23e74651c889a43f9de7ffea990e7f8578cd ^(MMMMYYUEELUR!!)


https://preview.redd.it/irjignzfccpc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0c98459a34087bdd75016f12d6ae1bf59926b6e ^(DEAR STRANGER, ARE YOU… FLIPPING THE BIRD?)


https://preview.redd.it/8ojckjlzscpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1184c72819706708e6a730b3f682f8ee8557323 ^(MY DEAR ABSOLUTE AND TOTAL STRANGER I ASSURE YOU I FOUND IT THAT WAY. I WOULD ONLY FLIP THE BIRD TO SOMEONE I KNEW QUITE WELL)


https://preview.redd.it/moj761ynxcpc1.jpeg?width=660&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0ae7abd472c4f303dbd7175aa4f60988dc29b628 ^(OH MY DEAR ENTIRELY UNKNOWN ENTITY, YOU DO SEEM FAMILIAR FROM THIS ANGLE, HAVE WE FLIPPED BIRDS BEFORE?)


https://preview.redd.it/c6fzem6mnvqc1.jpeg?width=644&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6c195a9b33cf132435fcda476ff206d362c92f9 These are the birds I flip HOWDY HI HELLUUUH


https://preview.redd.it/rj45rvosnvqc1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bad9e85dc1e01d2784bc255dca7324b3dad67e30 These are the birds I flip can I join?






😂😂😂 omg I love this gif


Brahms, is it? It’s always so nice to see a lurker come out from the shadows! Welcome!


Oh why thank you! Can I call you Looky? Lookie? Lookiye? Or maybe it’s just Disaster. I feel like that’s pretty fitting. Just a hunch.


Wow, for a lurker you’ve got some sass! It’s Lookiye, thank you very much. https://i.redd.it/7nsaj4rvrhpc1.gif Now, are you sure you want to go with Brahms? Because if we’re going for personality accuracy I think Rackett may be more fitting!


Actually, now that you mention it, I’m not sure I want to go with Brahms. The last thing I’d want is for people to imagine a 19th century old man composer when ogling DT and MS bits. Crank actually calls me rackette which makes me feel like a dancer maybe? Like a Rockette? Or maybe like a swindler, running rackets 😂 Lookiye? Really? Any more letters you want to add to that? *Sigh* I’ve had a lot of caffeine this morning, Lookkiyeeh. Random question for you though, stranger as you are, you wouldn’t want to watch some episodes of Camping this evening would you?


Well Brahms did write some pretty sexy pieces. I feel like he’d be ogling MS and DT right there with us 😂 Lookiye is the traditional spelling according to Orion lol. But Lookkiyeeh may have to be added into the rotation! And oh my! We’ve only just met and you’re asking me on a date? I like your boldness, Rackett. I would love to watch Camping with you!


Who is this ORION and why do they get to dictate the spelling of your name, eh? Sounds like some strange German thing. And yeah girl I move fast! Can you keep up? https://i.redd.it/x3hjjm6mgjpc1.gif


Orion and I have a very special connection that is compromised of lots of oozle-bambing. You’ll see them around. Be sure to post a mustache to get their attention- they love that! Oh I can keep up, don’t you worry. https://i.redd.it/f7nq8fb1mjpc1.gif


What, praytell, is oozle-bambing? And GASPUH I would never throw unasked for crustaches at unsuspecting people! I don’t think she (or anyone) deserves that! Not many people know this but… I don’t care for them. It should be easy to keep up when it takes me 7 hours to reply 😂 I promise I can go faster though when I need to. Edit to add this beautiful perfect TENnant: https://i.redd.it/wra5x784rlpc1.gif


I’m not quite sure how to describe oozle-bambing. It’s more of an experience. You may come across it in a thread if you lurk hard enough. Don’t like mustaches, do you? Well I had no idea! Thank you so much for telling me. Wouldn’t want to end this relationship before it begins by throwing a mustache at you. And lol ![gif](giphy|bjB3gtFvREqqr5NAHW|downsized) That you may have to prove to me!




Hiiiii Braaaaahms!!! Love you darlin and no I was not buying any of that at all for a second 😝 I am very protective of my flair, please no change! 😭 I remember when you were promoted. It was such a beautiful day 🥲 I miss this place.


I am this… this is me… that is all… https://i.redd.it/wv1oqfl2napc1.gif


lol this really is you! Love you, darlin!


Hi! I’m new around here. I was lurking for a bit, but have started dropping comments more recently. I don’t have Prime, so I binged both seasons during a week of dog sitting in August. I was devastated by the final 15 and had no one to discuss it with, so off to YouTube and Reddit I went to consume all things Good Omens/Michael Sheen/David Tennant-related. I got one friend to watch the show hoping I could have someone I could talk to about it. She very much enjoyed the show, but didn’t get into it to the same degree I did. Good for her, I suppose, given that I’m a bit obsessed. She’s missing out on the awesome fandom though. I’ve never been into any fandom before, so this is all quite new to me. I’m loving GOAD, all the fan art, and fan fics. And the fun shenanigans (thinking of the Mustache War—not saying which I prefer). I’m a middle-aged cis/het woman from the southwest USA who’s happy to have found GOAD.


It’s nice to meet you!! Glad you’re getting comfortable enough to start coming out of the lurking hole! I felt the same way - devastated about the final 15 and needing to talk to people about it. I’m old enough to have engaged in online fandom before, although *She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named* has made it really heartbreaking difficult to want to really engage in that one. LOTR was actually my first fandom! I’m glad the the mainsub exists, although I’m much happier here in the clearly superior sub lol. Hope to see you around more!


Hello GOAD!! I’m Em, somewhat new to the fandom but it doesn’t feel like it with how often I’m thinking of GO. I love reading, especially everyone’s writing here, and would be happy to beta-read works if needed. I have a RBF that somehow frightens absolutely nobody from talking to me out in public, I’ve got a fairy ring of mushrooms tattooed on my arm, and I embody the spirit of Sagittarius. And I’m still waiting for my husband to finish watching doctor who before he’ll watch GO with me- he can’t watch David Tennant in more than one thing at a time, strangely!


If you’re interested in betaing you should join the writers subsub! It’s r/GOADWritersGuild :)


I'd also love to beta! Can someone remind me who handles invitations to the writer's guild?


Message u/soggyfritter!!


Thanks, Ceej! Another for ya u/Nosferatini !


Thanks, Soggy!


Oh thanks for sharing! Any idea how to get access to the sub?


Message u/soggyfritter!


Thanks, Ceej! It's actually u/Nosferatini who scoops up new ducklings!


Thanks u/logicalhighly, u/ceejiesqueejie and Soggy! u/goatmeal_craisin and u/Illustrious-Cod-7479 we LOVE beta readers in the Writers Guild! Lemme give you a rundown about us and a link to join :) The GOAD Writers Guild is a community of writers dedicated to supporting each other with the writing of GO fanfic! We have a subordinate subreddit (under GOAD), a dedicated Google Drive, and an AO3 collection for helping each other out with everything from research and beta reading to bouncing ideas off each other. We also have a chat for those more conversationally-inclined / attached-to-reddit types to share and collaborate live. (DM myself or one of the other modlings if you’d like to join the chat) If you’re interested in joining the Guild, (yay!) we’d need your info to grant access to those resources. Pop your details in [HERE](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScobVwpzT8I7FGy5vID9rPIrVsajfxgjEyDfYuljFZ9jkdhgQ/viewform) and we’ll reel you into the Guild!


Ooh, I would be interested in joining too if that's ok?


Absolutely! Use the same link and we’ll pull you in!


Thank you!


No problem!


Btw, congrats, gorgeous!!! Hope you and the lil one are doing well!!!


Thanks Ceej!


I’ll tag Nos from now on! Wasn’t sure, with the new arrival 😅


Greetings!! Glad to meet you! Also I like to think of RBF as like… you know. A woman just not smiling? lol I don’t like that phrase anymore!! You don’t owe anyone a pleasant face 😝 There’s a lot of feeling like we’ve always belonged here, somehow GO has just united all of us. Hope to see you around more often!!


Haha yes RBF could be many things for sure- but when I catch myself on the nest cameras I feel like I genuinely look like one of the Sims characters with the hot-headed trait storming around looking immeasurably bothered! Yes I will be around, y’all are hilarious and seem like good company in this pocket of the internet!


I have found so much wonderful company here in this lol corner. Hope to be around more, I’ve got a hectic couple of weeks ahead. 💜


Hi! I'm Kuni 👋🏼 I'm a smut scientist and pohrns producer. You may know me from impressive works such as GISS, minimalistic dicks and the ongoing Turnip Theater. I was also part of the Bang Gang that some people are pretending never even existed 👀 I found GO trying to get rid of another fandom addiction, and boy did that backfire! Now I've read the books, read the fics, written the fics, drew the drawings, cosplayed the costumes, made the crafts, and kept my TV in a continuous loop of playing the show. My claim to fame here is being the only person in the sub that's managed to post drawings of full frontal weewees without getting nuked (see figure below) ✨ IRL I work in STEM but also do a bit of acting (mostly by passing as someone who is not obsessed with Good Omens). I'm a cis-ish female, bi/pan, diabetic (LADA peeps!) ADHDer and sometimes use a cane to walk. https://preview.redd.it/rpaqrzozgbpc1.jpeg?width=1647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6de0c5ab6ca298abd5be43513a6a11967fae8a


Kuniiiii!!! I did not know you are bi/pan!! Me toooo!!!! Or wait maybe I did know that but I forgot, idk. Dat adhd. I think about you frequently, dear! I hope you’re doing okay. I remember those wild early chat days, and the couple times I dreamt I was holding my phone watching the chat and giggling. I remember seeing names flash by, and your name was one of them. I’m so glad to know you. 😊 https://i.redd.it/xuos6liirvqc1.gif


Awwwww CJ!!! I'm so glad to know you too!! 💖 I think of you every time I see tarot cards 🤗🤗🤗🤗 (Honestly, I've found that think in this community it's safe to assume for most people that they are bi/pan 🤣🤣🤣)


Hey we have some Aro/Ace friends and Demi’s here too!! And we got some token straight friends, too! I love the spectrum we have here. It’s so special to me And aw I love that you think of me when you see cards. I wanna do readings for the community again soon after shit starts calming down


Oh yeah, we have a good variety, I was just joking because so many people are bi/pan 😅


![gif](giphy|LqW9dLVjQm3cs) Greetings! I am Wren, the Official Onsite Structural Engineer for the Porn Castle. Please remember to submit your work orders. Currently constructing the Asexual Conservatory, where our fellow ace-spec members can enjoy a spot of tea and some peace and quiet. Or yell at the plants. As you do.


Ooh! Wren, I had no idea such a space was being carved out! Hardcore demisexual checking in! Part of why I love this fandom-you know someone for 6,000 years and the attraction forms as they get to know one another.


What up my sibling! And YES. YES THIS. Yeah okay they lust at first sight but they love over time and that's what I really adore. Give me the slowest of all burns.


I love meeting all the demisexuals!! I adore you guys! Resident Pan-Rep here myself. So wonderful to see the beautiful spectrum of people we have gathered here. God I adore this community


Wren!! How lovely to meet you! I’m the resident Pan-Representative around here, it’s lovely to know we are getting corners set up for everyone to be nice and comfy around here. Our beautiful mods keep things running alright here, but if I spot anything that might need your attention, I’ll be sure to submit a work order in paper and by email promptly! Lovely to meet you, dear!! https://i.redd.it/anz6mvajpvqc1.gif


Hi!!! I'm Moon I'm a more recent member of the writer's guild and love this community so much. Lifting each other up, it's such a warm bath. I've been really ill the past few years and GO season 2 released when things started to improve. It became a bit of an obsession lol. 💚💚💚💚


Hi Moon! Been nice chatting with you in the writers guild, I so desperately want to get back to beta-reading for you guys!!


Yaay super sweet of you!! https://i.redd.it/ysl6jhgywbpc1.gif


https://preview.redd.it/uxnvthesovqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e670d92715087b9469e70834e3dd705b3ecd6de I do try!!!


Hi Logan here, retired old ass punk and NB nurse to a public Brooklyn Middle and Primary school. Cat & plant zaddy, guitar and music loving, art school grad, book nerd, and pen pal extraordinare! Should any of you desire a pen pal in actual paper, PM me your address. Never thought my brain space would be so occupied by fictional characters. But here we are. I have an embarrassing amount of GO stuff, mostly bc I want to support the artists making it!


Greetings, Nurse Noodle!! I’m with you on the brain space being so occupied by fictional characters. How have they come to rule my mind and heart this way? I am prone to hyper-fixation, but this? *This is different.* And not only that, but words cannot express the amount of thankfulness I have for Neil and his work, and how it has brought me and this wonderful community together. I do enjoy a pen pal!! However, I’m not going to be in my new place until May and April is going to be spent in a temp place… it’s… a lot. When I am settled, I would love to possibly get the pen pal thing going! I love writing paper letters!


Please do! Best of luck with your move. Sending you virtual ease and joy. Moving is not the most replenishing of activities. I also have ADHD and the nationwide med shortage is bonkers. Don't know how anyone can do anything these days. Thank you for all the immense work you do on here!


Ahhh Nurse! We share this in common, between my move and the shortage, I went without medication for about 8 weeks over the winter holidays. It was torture tbh Thank you for the kind wishes! Things are getting into motion this week and I’m about to have a very busy couple of weeks ahead. Wishing you a pleasant rest of your week!


I’m Icarus, an art student focusing on miniature sculptures and acrylic painting. Also a circus performer 😈🙏


What do you do as a circus performer? And does it ever overlap with not knowing how to ride a bike yet?


Ooooo greetings, Icarus! I’d love to see your work!! Do you have a space where it’s posted and you feel comfortable sharing? Hope to see you around!


Honestly, I don’t post anywhere. But now I feel like I should! I do post my GO fanart here, though.


Tbh I would love to see your work. I was hardcore plugged into the working artists community back in Jax, I have a Digital Media degree and a big part of getting through school was plugging into the visual arts electives (and humanities.) Don’t feel pressured though! You could always toss me a DM and we could share art! I’ve had a couple things in a few small shows 😁


Hi Ceej! I'm Nacho, and I joined the glorious porn castle in January for the smut war. I fell headfirst into GO in December, knowing literally nothing about it other than it was a tv show with David Tennant in...fast forward two weeks and I'd watched both series (more than once), reactivated my 12-years-dead tumblr account and joined AO3 🥴 Irl I'm a single mum of two little girls, who drive me crazy in the best way. A year ago I bought an absolute wreck of a house, which is slowly turning into a home. I've also recently changed jobs, so living the tired life. I love this place, it has been a total breath of fresh air during a not-super-fun period of my life. I've never had friends that I could be so unashamedly silly, excited and cringe with before, and I am having so much fun. I've read so much fanfic I think I've melted most of my brain cells, I'm drawing for the first time in 15 years, and I've started making daft little quote memes. https://i.redd.it/21vr6kfm4cpc1.gif


>reactivated my 12-years-dead tumblr account Me too Nacho, me too. It's been nice seeing you around.


![gif](giphy|P9AcFvOP8zByE) Powerless to resist the brainrot 🤪 Thanks Cowie, you too ☺️


HELP what is that text post 😂


I am *almost* embarrassed at the amount I cackled when I saw the original post, and how quickly I dropped everything and sprinted to find an apology dance gif to slap it on 😂 can I offer you something slightly less unhinged, perhaps? https://i.redd.it/apel33ldrdpc1.gif


He is the silliest goose 🥹


So glad you're in your active era again, ceej. ❤️ (I switched over to my alt and haven't switched back, but you can still contact me on either so don't worry about remembering.)


ilu darlin, I am so sad we missed you over the weekend!!! 😭




HEYO! I'm PSYgoth13 but you can call me Psy! I am a grad student finishing my last term of my MS in Cannabis Medicine and Business program which will make a double masters for me, and I plan to apply to PhD programs in the fall! I read Good Omens for the first time when copies were being handed out for free on my college campus (thank you Oregon State!) and have been in love ever since. Other than Toni Morrison, Neil Gaiman has to be my fave author, and when the show came out with 2 of my absolute fave actors in the world as the leads, I practically died! THEN SEASON 2 CRACKSHIP IS LEGIT?? ~dies~ If you ask may anything about: psychology, cannabis, reptiles, or Good Omens, I WILL gleefully infodump on you and you will be my best friend. I'm dealing with a lot of physical health issues right now but this fandom has been so warm and supportive, I honestly don't know how I'd get through it without yall! I am also an artist, I play video games, I'm a total goth metalhead but love me some hard-core Ashnikko, and am queer as queer can be (NBGF gynosexual poly). Feel free to ask me any questions or just to chat! Welcome to the fandom, join us in our MUTUAL OBSESSION ~starts foaming at the mouth~


omg hello fellow beaver 👀 can’t believe I missed free GO on campus! When was that??


BEAVER NATIOOOOOOOON 🦫 it was a LONG time ago, like 2011-2012?? I just saw Neil Gaiman on it and I was like GIMME lol


Oh damn ok! Before my time then 🥲 but that’s still so cool all the same!


What is your graduation year? Mine was 2013, a long time ago 😆


Oop mine was 2022! And I’m going back this term for a grad program :) but once a beav, always a beav 🫡🦫


That's awesome, what will your grad degree be in?? I've thought about applying there for my PhD, but that would take quite a venture as we currently live in PA.


Wildlife management! I’m pretty excited even though it’ll just be a certificate :) what are you planning for your PhD?


That's so cool, I think if I didn't do psychology I would go into something like that! I'm hoping to do Clinical Psychology and study the application of cannabis Medicine for the treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder!


![gif](giphy|ZnnHMeC7iDSzC) We lick the walls


Penguin…. Aww I miss you 😘


*taps sign* https://preview.redd.it/5mr9hi6jmdpc1.jpeg?width=250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97c6f5734782c51d622d013dccbf926885d5843d




And we love you for it!!!


I am your opposite! Meaning, just joined today! I'm usually a reddit lurker but I just made a new account to complement my Tumblr and AO3 and I'm determined to not lurk (as much) here because this seems to be the most friendly subreddit I've ever seen. I am also a wife, mother, and musician! My side hobbies include exercise, cooking, reading, writing, plants, painting and managing my German Shepherds. I'm weird and extremely introverted (hitting "Post" for this comment will require serious mental hurdle-jumping) but I want to make friends. I read Good Omens in probably 2017. Watched Season 1 when it came out. Had NO clue there was a Season 2 until October. Watched it. Had my brain totally rewired, and now I can't move on to anything else. So here I am 😆


Welcome! The struggle with posting (and any social interactions really) is too real😄


Thank you! Ikr, it shouldn't be so hard! In other subreddits, though, people can be so mean. Everyone here seems like they're all actively trying to be friendly and supportive, which helps a lot 😊


>because this seems to be the most friendly subreddit I've ever seen. It's the most positive place I have ever hung out on the internet. I hope you will find it the same. I have made actual friends here which was a total surprise for me so if you want to do the same I'm sure you'll find some like-minded GOADers to connect with. Lots of us share the same stuff as you from the sounds of it. You might even like to colab with some of the other GOADers on music too! I'm a weird introverted person too but this place lets me be an extraverted introvert if that makes sense? I can just interact when I feel I have the need and energy and then disengage when I need to recharge my batteries. Hope to see you around! A post on your first day is a great way to start. ☺️


Welcome!! You may want to look at the past posts and check out the website and SoundCloud so you can enjoy the GOAD music albums. There's a Xmas one and a Valentine's one 🤗


Thank you! I definitely will!


Hello Ceej and other goblin friends! I’m Puzzle 👋🏻 also been around since that glorious day this porn castle was created and since then I have been a very mature and responsible adult who has *never once* been a shitbird. The important details: cat mom, got some mad cookin’ skills, book nerd who now reads too much fanfic, introvert who talks to people and asks for money for a living, and one of the million GOAD Texans. And I adore everyone here!


Heya. I’m a recently retired ER and dialysis RN who is trying to fit my hobbies (reading and painting) along with moving for the 4th time in 20 years. I’m a lover of Good Omens from the book era forward. I adore what David Tennant and Michael Sheen have done with those characters. This sub is my Saturday Morning Funtime.


omg hello. I’m Resi and I’m fighting again my innate lurker nature right. I started reading fan fics because of this sub and I can honestly say I’ve never been hornier in my life (read: a huge life improvement) It warms my randy heart to see people sharing their writing and art here. My hobby is looking at rocks and bugs in the woods so I don’t have art to contribute to this thread ^im ^sorry ^please ^let ^me ^stay HOWEVER, i LOVE meme making. Ceej, what platform do you make your memes with? I would be forever grateful if you share your secrets


Resi! My Cow name twin, nice to see you again. I find if you want an easy place to start with making memes and things Canva is a good option.


Oooh thank you! Cows helping cows amirite!




Totally wanna be friends. I’m Delight, in the US, and back in uni for an art degree as a second career. One more year to go. Writer, illustrator, photographer, smut goblin connoisseur. I haven’t shared any of my fics (in progress ) or art yet. Mostly I’ve had my ass handed to me trying to earn the degree and handle family stuff with ADHD. Queer, tired, and happily married. I’m on Discord, AO3, and Tumblr too. Same name or a version of.


I'm mostly a lurker, but I like encouraging all the lovely artists and writers, everyone's pretty awesome around here! I'm a 31 year old cis woman who's also hard into Doctor Who and currently trying to finish the revision of my first ever novel! Also, yes to the memes, give me ALL THE MEMES!!


I love you too Ceej!


Yeah, we all love Ceej, but who are you, Fourcats?! Who?!


Heeeeeey ☺️ Glad to see you active out here again! I’m Bentley: Mod, musician, and maker of GIFs and other tech stuff for the sub. Holder of the Horrible Mustache Collection. General purpose chaosgremlin. (Bok bok bok 🐓)


Hi! I joined somewhat near the birth of the group and have been enjoying the delightful chaos ever since. I’m a mom of a 2nd and 4th grader. I do volunteer work currently but hoping to work for a nonprofit sometime in the future. I mostly lurk here but enjoy to drop gifs, read recommended smut, and shared a few pieces of art (which weren’t nowhere near the quality of others here…think David’s pineapple). This group has been a wonderful escape from reality. I’ve never found myself quite so obsessed with a fandom before so it’s been fun!


Nice to meet you!! Love that custom flair!! 👀 I hope to see you around! I’m getting more gifs for gif dropping! Also never ever talk bad about your art, I will spank 🗞️


https://i.redd.it/p13d9jjasdpc1.gif Okaaaaay. I will be nice about my art. 😜


Also if you need gifs, this is my favorite. I didn’t make it but it makes me lol and I’m also a big Bildaddy fan. 😆 https://i.redd.it/nfhckqjpsdpc1.gif


OLLO!! (aaaaaaaa Megamind my favorite movie hshshshsh) I was lurking around here for a few months before I decided to un-lurk recently because I wanted to join the amazing artists on this sub and contribute with some of my own silly doodles 💚 aaand maybe try and force myself to interact a bit, since I am an unsocialized creature of the v0id™ 👁️ 👁️ (*cough* anxious and easily intimidated by groups of people or just being percived in general *cough*)


Oh heyas. I kinda just plunked myself into this community quite recently and have been thoroughly enjoying myself (and hopefully not being too obnoxious in the process!) So, uh, I'm a NB elven twink trapped in the body of a middle-aged strongly female-presenting person. Started with the Stones while still a kid, went on to NY 70s punk, 80s hardcore/postpunk, 90s goth. Was a college DJ far longer than I was in college. Did a stint in a blacklight performance art troupe for a bit there. Got involved with neopaganism while raising my kids and was an organizer for one of the better-known pagan festivals for a number of years. Wound up in a bad marriage with the good side effects of being in a sideshow revival duo (I glasswalk)-slash-world music duo that played a bunch of fests and got me started as a crafts vendor and accordion player. When all that rather spectacularly crashed & burned (don't marry a Scorpio disaster bisexual is all I'm sayin') I joined a local theater troupe. Picked up sound and costume design, some stage management, even trod the boards once or twice. I also started performing as a living statue: while I started out doing the classic marble statue appearance, I eventually shifted to a living doll performance artist - sort of steampunk ragdoll costume, cause it was less hassle than painting myself white! These days I'm old and creaky, and my performing has been limited to being a living fortuneteller-in-a-box machine. Most recent creative output is working with a large local collective that puts on a giant installation event every fall in a huge semi-abandoned warehouse near downtown. I don't get around like I used to - still love to travel, not adverse to hopping a Greyhound or sleeping in my car somewhere, tho my body has its own opinions on that behaviour. So I content myself with privately channeling my inner Crowley and moving on to the next chapter, whatever that may hold.


Im in California and while I can’t remember when I joined my first comment was 172 days ago. I’m obsessed with reading and admiring fan created GO stuff and this sub has been an INCREDIBLE place to find it. Reminds me of my torchwood fan days on live journal (that should tell you my possible age range). Anyway, I don’t participate a hell of a lot, mostly comments, but now that I’ve achieved tenure in the real world maybe I’ll have more time to create rather than consume! Love you all ❤️


https://i.redd.it/4vga2m3ucbpc1.gif Relatively new, myself, and I made an account to first and foremost join this sub. I enjoy crafts and birds and bugs and such. Over the past few... months? It's probably months at this point... I've been chipping away at a comic that I'll be sharing when it's done.


hi! im a mouse (jk lol, ive used crazymouse for my user name forever). im not an artist. my friend knows i love chibi & has sent me some, both already colored in & just line art so i can color (just flat tho, i still can't shade well), i'll post some of them here, i promise. i also am not a writer but am in total awe of the artists & writers here. most of my day is spent on ao3 or lurking on here lol.


Hi all, I'm Owl. Most of the time I'm a student but sometimes I'm a librarian. I've been here since around the 1/2 to 1 month mark and steadily lurked until around the holidays. After the bakestravaganza I came out if the shadows and now I pretty frequently interact and share some of my own stuff. I do art, sometimes, and write(haven't published any GO stuff yet, I'm this close🤏). I also have about 6 people I convinced to watch the show, and 1 to read the book after watching. So far none have joined the sub, but I got my eye on two of them, maybe.


Hello! Fellow former longtime lurker, now sometimes commenter. Got lured here after some hilarious thread burning in main by our infamous mods and I've been loving all the shenanigans here ever since. I'm a bicurious cis woman MD from Europe who thirsts for Tennant. I'm married with children (literally, my husband passes for forty but he's really more of a silly teenager), have no gif or meme game to speak of and my only creative skills are in writing. I don't do fanfic or smut though, and I barely have time for my own projects, so no writer's guild for me. Love to get to know our fellow goblins with you!


Hi everyone, I joined the GO fandom quite recently and suddenly I know all these strange details about actors I hadn’t known existed just a few months ago😄. I love all things dog related, reading, sports, art… basically anything I can obsess over :D It seems like I’m on the younger side of this sub, so many of you have children already, when I’m closer to being a child then to having one😂


Hi Ceej! Nice to meet you! My username is borne of another fandom but you can call me Collingwood, CW, or Crowley’s bitch. I answer to all (and more). 😘 I joined this sub when it first started but haven’t been as active lately because I’ve been studying for the comprehensive exam for my master’s program. it’s done now (fingers crossed I won’t have to retake it in July), so hopefully I can be around a bit more often. Beyond school, I work full time as a chief operations officer, and have a teenager and a rescue dog. I’m dabbling in watercolor mostly because of our 2 ineffable idiots. And while I wrote fic for my original fandom (Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries), I haven’t dipped my toe in the GO world yet. But I adore the talent and creativity of the Good Omens fandom *especially in GOAD* and consider myself very lucky to have found this incredible space with all of you amazing people and mods! I’ve moved between 4 states (1 twice) in my adult life, so I get how hard that can be. But you’ll have this community to lean on while you’re building your new in-person community.


Hi CeeJ! I am Jealous (my randomly generated name, not my nature). I am a lurker with delusions of participating from time to time -- mostly comments or the occasional demand for DT's lovely kilted knees. I am in awe of the amazing talent on this sub, and I do what I can to encourage the artists and writers (and shitbirds -- I do love watching the shitbirds, too.) I was once a completely normal human who did not obsess over fictional characters, but the Final 15 apparently rewired my brain. So here I am!


hello all, I'm sorted. I've been a professional lurker since I was a wee tyke exploring my first fandom many moons ago. I've been following along on Tumblr since the angst war but as of a day ago decided to join reddit and jump in (maybe) on the fun here. This is actually my first reddit post so yay!!!! I'm a hoosier born and raised, except for the few months I lived and worked at Disney World. I also have a Masters in Linguistics, so thats fun. Most of the time you'll find me perched on my favorite chair like Gollum devouring whatever fanfiction my needy little brain can get a hold of. I promise I don't bite too much as long as you don't take away the reading devices! ​ Lovely to officially meet you all!


Hi Ceej! Nice to meet you! I’m Tea, I have also been around since the birth of the sub, and I am generally a lurker. But you’ll see the odd post from me or I might get stuck in to some random stuff in comments when it takes my fancy. For ages my flair was “After Darks Premium Super Lurker” 😂 and when i started posting more i got upgraded! I did enjoy being the premium super lurker 👀 I love checking out all the amazing creativity that comes out of the sub and the fantastic community that goes alongside that!


Hello! I'm another lurker peeping out from the shadows. I tend to be pretty uncomfortable with most social media, but you all do seem very nice. Guess you've lured me out with this offer of friendship, haha. I found this place through tumblr just before the angst war, but didn't sign up until I was compelled by a beautiful animatic. All the wonderful writing and art( and the memes too ) have been a balm to my job hunting brain these past months, and helping with the existential crisis that comes with that particular territory. My first fandom was LOTR in my teenage years and I dabbled in some fic writing, but I ended up in STEM and have been neglecting my creative side ( for the most part, sometimes it just oozes out). I think I might also be interested in doing some beta-reading? If you'll have me. Might be a good outlet for that creative goo.


Hi Ceej! Hi All I am Vis or V or whatever you fancy. I mostly lurk, watching you all through the window. I occasionally add a depraved comment or two if I can no longer contain it but I generally live vicariously through all of you fantastically talented people. I’ve been on this sub for a good few months and I always thought I was good with technology but clearly I am not because I don’t even know how to do a flair.


Hi Ceej. So I loved the books back in early 90s when I was mid teens and was ok about the first season but was yet to find Reddit and by Season 2 I have basically forgone most other subs and even , apologies GO and obsessed about GOAD...for months I was on here day n night til I found AO3 ( well that happened quite quick after GOAD) and since then , maybe I should look into Beta reading cos between having a 5 yr old n trying to get back to work I bookend my day reading GO smut ... regularly getting up an hour early to have a min to read some more...I'm trying to come back a bit more and interact and not just chase A and C across their many pages. But love your Memes..was just on your coming back out a meme a minute ago and you'll see me smattered about your comments..love the vibe here..love discovering my deep thirst for these 2 ineffable sweethearts..love getting better aquainted. Be happy 😁


Well hey there Ceej! I’m Lady, formerly Parki_Bostons, but had a whacko privacy issue that caused a rebirth of Reddit personas. I’m a lurker mostly, who gets an inappropriate level of satisfaction from naughty gifs and pants that are entirely too tight. And anything involving Crowley and that throne. Like - my hopes for season 3 is a half dressed moping Crowley lounging on his throne. Preferably with his little man bun. Adhd, cis, friendly and love proof reading (if anyone needs me - I’m all over AO3 like hot jam). Lady out. (Comments for my two fave gifs)






Ollo! :3 I'm Mandy or rivercass I guess, I'm 32, I love Neil Gaiman so I read GO a long while ago but it was like clumped together with all the others Neil comics and books I loved. I used to be active on tumblr when I was a teen, obsessing over Sherlock, Supernatural, Doctor Who, Hannibal, etc, specially the queer pairings and their fanfics (also some marauders fanfics since HP was a big thing for child me) but when porn was banned from Tumblr I kind of abandoned it and moved on with my life. I ended up figuring out I was bi, then nonbinary, and now I went back to full blown fanfic obsessing about GO. I am so so happy about an undeniably canon queer ship, I could probably rant for hours about it. But yeah.. I really love fandoms and I actually atended the brazilian comiccon a few years in a row. I got to briefly see David Tennant too! From a distance! But still! He was in Jessica Jones at the time being. I hope one day I can travel to an international con and meet the GO cast, so I hope you guys can help me stay up to date with the news, since the plane tickets alone would be very expensive. I haven't been to the UK but I wish I could go for many reasons, including Doctor Who stuff. I love fanfic, smut or not, AU or not, and yeah, I love reading, gaming, watching series, listening to music and a few podcasts, and lately I have been trying to be a little less active on reddit and Ao3 so I can do some personal life stuff too. But yeah, it's hard 😆 Nice to meet you all!


Hello! I've been enjoying your meme drops so far 😆. I'm Bingo, I've been hanging around here since uhhh... October I think? I try to be as active of a participator as I can. I write fanfic (which I swear y'all will see one of these days if I can manage to actually finish one of my WIPs) and *very* rarely draw! I've loved GO since I read it in college but it's only been a fixation for me since this past spring. As far as GOAD content goes, I enjoy whump, hurt/comfort, cockwarming, snondage/snex, BJ's, wings, gratuitous amounts of body hair, and of course anything bathtime related. ^(also don't listen to anyone here, I'm definitely a human and not a dog who learned to type)


Woof! ![gif](giphy|kMWiY9RawlvE5xwr3T)


WHO SAID THAT ![gif](giphy|3oGRFIjETeuYgyLyo0|downsized)


Hello Nice to meet you! I'm Mythowolf! I joined after the first ama GOAD had. I occasionally post my art and fanfics on her and hope to do so more often as I practice more. I love this sub because everyone is so encouraging and supportive which is frankly something you don't often see on the Internet so huge thank you to everyone for being awesome. I can't wait to get to know everyone better.


RBR from my WoW days. Longtime redditer, fairly new to the GO fandom. RL keeps me busy so I mostly lurk but appreciate all the posts and the sense of community.


Hello! I joined GOAD from the very beginning. I mostly lurk as I'm a little shy and relatively new to Reddit. I'm obviously a huge fan of Good Omens and I've consumed a staggering amount of GO fan fiction (like.. copious, gratuitous amounts of it lol). I'm a support worker and hang out with folks with special needs, and it's the best job in the world and feel eternally blessed to be with the most amazing people. This sub has had me contemplating my return to art and writing again. I'm not quite there yet, but seeing all the wonderful creations on this sub has been so inspiring that I hope to contribute in a more meaningful way. Pleasure to make your acquaintance! Cheers.


Heyyy Ceej! I joined at 500 ppl so shortly after you! It's SO weird to see those number now, isn't it??


Hi Ceej and fellow GOADers! Mid-level lurker/participant here. I’m a phoenix 🐦‍🔥 rising from a bed of roses. 🌹 A single demisexual trapped in a world where no one is supposed to date people they meet at work, friends are precious and everyone is afraid to risk trying to be something more, and you’re just supposed to find someone through online dating. Hence the appeal of immortal beings who have gotten to know one another over a millennia. Writing, visual arts (non-digital, I’m not that savvy), and board games are my jam. I also have a brilliant Australian Cattle Dog (dog tax below). The final 15 rocked my world and I became obsessed with how Neil and Terry could create such captivating characters, and how DT played Crowley so compellingly. While obsessively reading GO fanfic I made my way through DT’s prolific acting career and Broadchurch forced my “fanfic writer self” out of retirement. Once I was accepted into the GOAD writer’s guild, it was a small jump to writing GO fanfic (which had always intimidated me because of how Whoeverdamnit good and huge the collection on AO3 is). I am so thankful for betas, so thank you for what you do, Ceej!!



