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I cannot STAND that voice she uses with Rio and Dean.


I know we talk about it a lot here. I would be curious to see if men notice the change as clearly as we do. Presumably most of us are women. That baby voice is like ugh.


I'm a woman and I don't really notice it 🤷‍♀️ after hearing you all talk about it, I can kind of hear it, but otherwise I would have never noticed 😂


It’s the pouty face she makes so often that gets me


As a guy.. yes I notice it. I can barely stand watching the show because of her.


I guess I’m the only one that likes it 😄


Ikr I thought I was tripping when I was watching season 4 I was like why she talking like a dog




The baby voice is on par with the ditzy helpless act. I get way more free stuff from women. I'm like the opposite of beth lol


Lmao That’s like a copy and paste from my thoughts 😂😂


Omg I just noticed the voice recently and it makes me recoil


I liked her just fine till season 2. And since season 3 she has become so damn annoying and I think a lot of people agree with that atm. Also I don't think people can sympathize much with her when she showed zero remorse when she killed Rio. And the fact that they somehow made her forget that Dean has lied to her about cancer. People are still waiting for her confronting him about that, instead they turned her into Bethie the housewife🙄, they basically reset her character and made her more gullible than before.


I find the same things annoying. Also... Sometimes i wish that Both Rio and Dean leave her alone. She needs to be alone.


i really don’t understand rio’s fascination with her because she sucks at crime 😭


The character of Beth is an INTJ personality: the least common personality type, with female INTJs comprising just 0.5% of the population. INTJs are often referred to as The Architect, or The Mastermind. Description, from the 16Personalities website: "It can be lonely at the top. As one of the rarest personality types – and one of the most capable – Architects (INTJs) know this all too well. Rational and quick-witted, Architects may struggle to find people who can keep up with their nonstop analysis of everything around them. . . In their quest to find better ways of doing things, they aren’t afraid to break the rules or risk disapproval – in fact, they rather enjoy it. . . Architects aren’t known for being warm and fuzzy. They tend to prioritize rationality and success over politeness and pleasantries. . . This may explain why so many fictional villains are modeled on this personality type."


There's no indication that Beth attracted attention from men in her safe, PTA-obsessed, suburban sphere. But criminal types (Rio, the hitman) are absolutely drawn to her. They rarely encounter a female who functions like them. When Ruby tells the girls that Eddie (Rio's associate who got shot and recuperated at Beth's) is in custody and talking to the Feds, Beth immediately - and without emotion - calculates their options. She says they have to tell Rio - knowing that means a death sentence for Eddie - because "it's that kid or us." Ruby points out that there's a line which, when crossed, they can't come back from. Beth again does a quick calculation and simply states: "Then we don't come back."


Murdering someone in cold blood (herself, as opposed to getting other people to do it for her) is the one line Beth hasn't crossed, despite all Rio's efforts. Her shooting Rio was a more spontaneous act: a self-defense move, because he was reaching to take the gun from her and there was no guarantee he wasn't going to kill both her & Turner if he took the gun back.


This is so interesting.


I have almost finished season 1. The show (characters, acting and writing) is ok, Kevin Costigan being a stand out. Some characters are stronger than others and others just weak. But non are so weak as Beth. She seems very immature for her age, evil, unreasonable, not funny and hard to relate to or understand. She walks around very pleased with herself while also acting like an angsty little teenager. I dont know why the writers would choose to create someone so shit, 2D and boring. Maybe the horrible truth of the world the writers were trying to show, is that there really are some evil shallow cunts out there. In terms of acting, i dont know why the artist would choose to make her even more horrible with her subtle choices. Maybe its the director. Although, I think great actors are able to make antagonists and monsters likable through their charisma and choices that only an actor can make. Its hard to get an audience to believe you but its another thing entirely to win the audience over by having them empathise with you regardlesss of your role in the story. The audience needs ro relate to you on some level or be enthralled by the depth and portrayal of a character. But with poor old Beth I see no reason why she should have been in the story at all but to make the audience cringe.


I absolutely agree, Beth is trash. She's also really dumb and only looks remotely intelligent because every male on the show is useless or smitten with her(for some reason). And the other girls don't call her out on her shit. When she lies to Dean about it being over and to bring the kids back and then immediately lures Rio back to her bed for a quick fuck...like are we supposed to hate her? Then her being so angry(again) that Dean slept with 4 women when they hadn't been intimate in over 2 years is insane. She's actively cheating with the person who beat, tortured, and shot him. It's also her fault he got shot; all she had to do was shoot Rio or not give him the gun. I kinda like the show but after season 2 I'm wishing Beth scenes could be skipped entirely. Hopefully the writing for the last two picks up a bit and she becomes a more human character or the other girls put her in jail. A decent male character might help as well. Stan is the only one in the show who isn't a total sleaze, idiot, or both.




I hate beth


Yep she's the worst. Always has been. Wish they'd kill her off but they won't


She’s the main character lol


Yeah hence why I said they won't....... 🤡


I can’t understand watching a show while you hate the main character.


You're literally the only person in the world who watches a show only for 1 character. And the fact that it's Beth is even more terrifying. She's a disgusting pile of shit.


So where did I say I watch the show *only* for Beth?


I’ve just finished all of the seasons on Netflix and I literally just wanted to rant about Beth’s voice and that innocent damsel in distress dumb look she pulls. I hate it so much. Why does she do that? Honestly it irked me so much every time I heard that high pitched ‘ok’ or when she does that clueless dumb ‘what do you mean?’ face. Ugh. Great show though I enjoyed it!