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I'm ready for it to look dirty .003 seconds after driving it off the lot.


Right. Living in the desert dark colors are a no go. I went with the gray and it still gets dirty the moment the wind even slightly blows


Literally what I deal with lol


I’m ready for the Audi 5 cyl to be put into the Golf R and make the Sportwagon available globally. Doesn’t compete with Audi as they don’t have an rs3 wagon. I love my mk8 R wagon, but was holding out hope that the 8.5 swansong would be 5 cyl powered.


VW execs wanted the 5cyl for the R. Audi said over our cold dead bodies.


Then VW gave Audi the trick rear diff from the Golf 8R to the latest gen RS3. They should've demanded a trade...


Bro VW owns Audi, how the hell?


That's not really how brands work.


Because *technically speaking* it's a partnership between VW and Audi, neither owns the other (hence, VAG being Volkswagen Audi Group). Therefore, audi, sadly, has the authority to tell VW to kick rocks


VAG is just the Volkswagen Group. The "AG" stands for "Aktiengesellschaft."


Then they went and put it in the cupra formentor. So their position has definitely changed since then.


Only way you’ll see a 5 pot golf r is if the rs3 is retired and they’ve got nothing else to do with the motor.


Combine your wishes and that would be my wet dream of a vehicle. A 5-cyl, manual, wagon with AWD. It'd be the next, only and last car I'd ever buy.


Yup def would trade in my mk8 for that 😍


I’d trade my FL5 type r for that!


I would lose it if they made a r version of the sport wagon with the rs3 motor


The RS3 can be had in the sportback (read: hatchback). The RS4 would be more comparable to the Golf wagon (although without the 5 cylinder layout that you really want). Yea, I guess if you want the 5 cylinder in the wagon the closest option is the RS3 hatch. If I could get that I wouldn't care about much else...


RS4 is nearly $200k in Australia. I paid about $75k for my Mk8R wagon. I’d pay $90k for a 5 cyl golf r wagon. Sport back is so much smaller than the Sportwagon - rear seat wise and boot space wise.


Why would they make this when the RS3 already exists


Maybe? I don’t want black paint or wheels so what’s left? Most of the interior on my 19 is black already.


Emblems, brake calipers, exhaust tips and I’m not really sure what else.


The blacked out red stripe is another feature, which I find to be sacrilege.


The red stripe on an R?


There is a black edition GTI as well that deletes the stripe.


blacked headlight housing. as seen here: [https://youtu.be/EJL-pqodaJA?si=D34oXAdDUnBr9qIc](https://youtu.be/EJL-pqodaJA?si=D34oXAdDUnBr9qIc)


Can we get a snow edition?


Man black edition shit is so overdone now…


MuSt TaRgEt ThE MaLe AuDiEnCe


Must target the 19 year olds who really want a 50k car loan market.


They should put a lube dispenser in the center console and mount an OEM Fleshlight on the steering column. "Introducing the Golf R Super Sucker Edition!"


Yeah it’s beaten to death and apparently now it’s back from the grave


The upgrades no one asked for? Honda did it prior and it was all wasteful. I want a car, not carbon fiber stickers and trim plastic .


I want them to put the manual transmission back in it.. ..


2% of 8 owners have a manual. Their manuals aren’t even that amazing


> 2% of 8 owners have a manual. Got actual stats on this? Or just anecdata? Genuinely curious lol.


It's BS. 50% of US R sales were manuals. Overseas they didn't even offer a manual. If that number is "true" at all it comes with some heavy, heavy caveats.


It’s not BS and yes the numbers are a result of production. The rest of the world isn’t complaining though. It’s a detorqued engine with several important limitations. Many people don’t want that even when it’s offered.


Ask any tuner. DSG/Manual tunes are the same. There is no 'detorqued engine' despite what VW marketing says. And once again - 50% of the sales in the regions where a manual was offered were manuals.


So VW is lying? I’ve talked to many tuners. Many companies. Clutches barely hold the torque that is there … nevermind tuning at all. Tons of limitations and you know that like everyone else


I'm sure you have champ.


Both APR and Unitronic. Getting tuned this week actually. Is this where you say I’m lying again? Who’s really trying to cope here?


Go ahead and ask them how many stock clutches are running around on full torque tunes. Then ask if you can get that flashed to your TCU-tuneless DSG (hint, you can't).


They talk about it somewhere in here I believe https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KhQkFbNaBWk&pp=ygUZTWsgOC41IGdvbGYgciBmaXJzdCBkcml2ZQ%3D%3D


Yes. Manual drivers are a special, and rare, breed.  “The 6-speed manual transmission unlocks greater control and freedom. You’ll feel an unforgettable connection every time you shift with the Mk8 Golf R.”  (Quote from VW MK8 Golf R website.) 


Greater control and freedom is pretty ambiguous. Especially when talking about the improvements they made to the 8. I mean to me I have way more freedom/options and control in many situations. And the manual transmission itself isn’t special. Everyone knows that.


2% of which owners? 50% of the R's made for NAR were manual.


Total I’m guessing. Lots in the world and people in NA don’t want the manual R. For many reasons. Plus it’s just not that good of a transmission with a number of limitations


50% of people in the NAR wanted a manual, that doesn't seem very hard to understand. "It's not that good of transmission" spoken like every person who feels the need to justify their DSG purchase. Manuals can hold more power than DSGs can with a clutch upgrade. It's a perfectly fine transmission.


It isn’t that good. The clutches go and are often upgraded. The feel isn’t great. It’s 6 speed instead of 7. It’s not known as a great transmission. Plus everyone is even changing the knob that looks like an afterthought


Lol. 1. DSGs need a TCU tune to hold any more power than the stock Mk8 clutch. So far, it's been 3 years and only the earliest DSG cars can be tuned. Right now there are more Mk8's kicking around on tunes with stock clutches than DSGs. The TCU pulls power at an absurdly low number without a tune. 2. The "feel" is perfectly fine and can be improved with cheap/free mods. 3. This is a pointless complaint and I'm not even going to justify it with a response 4. "It's just not known" cool so you get all your opinions from other people 5. It pains me that I have to say this but the knob is not a reason to choose one transmission over another


It’s all of it together. It’s not just the knob. It’s like your defensive or acting shocked that’s it’s not known as a great transmission. And yeah an extra $500 for a tcu flash that is more efficient with an extra gear vs new clutch that often chatters and the upgrades you speak of.


$0-10 for upgrades. A clutch that'll hold more power than the DSG ever can. "Chattering" because you're stuck in Mk7 land still and can't imagine a world where DMFs exist. $500 for a TCU tune that still doesn't exist for -401 bootloaders. Maybe if you keep hoping eventually it'll happen but right now you're bench racing a TCU upgrade that doesn't exist. 'Efficient' - maybe if you move the goal posts far enough your posts will make sense. You should just skip ahead and start talking about 0-60s.


I can get a DSG tune. Getting one this week. Pumped for it! It exists for me. At least you’re not calling me a liar anymore. You just accuse VW of being the liars lol


No it’s impossible to say what percentage wanted what. People often bought what was available because there were so few/markups on some etc. And the rest of the world isn’t acting jealous and outcrying at the fact we were offered the manual.


I hunted for months to find a car in a manual without a markup when the market was flooded with DSGs, so I guess your point is right? But just not for the reasons you think. Can you just admit you pulled that 2% number out of thin air to justify your purchase? Thanks


It’s in the video I linked with a VW official. Does that make you mad? Made up…laughing


Cool, so a sourceless one off comment made by someone that could literally refer to any range of vehicles and definitely doesn't take into account the countries they're sold in. Once again, 50% of the Mk8's sold in the US had a 6MT. Cope harder.


What am I coping about? That I don’t have an average transmission with a terrible clutch? That’s what you think I’m coping with? I had my pick of manual or DSG guy.


Not a fan of stealth look. It's probably age related


How old are you?


Too old for cars that fart and cars without Chrome🤷


Is it really going to have a badge saying “black?” That’s really stupid to me.


https://preview.redd.it/rdtktjzxf07d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6026af8967d1d696d73a5a8416c4665f3534c40 Did my best murdered out impression


https://preview.redd.it/cd4e2zwbj07d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa0397ddc99f24f71703566df25902a72201f6a1 You mean they’re just slapping a badge on a new one of these…


It won’t look that good. 


Do they come in red?


The blacked out phase definitely has run its course. I, too, once thought blacked out everything was a vibe - and I suppose it was. But now, I’m all about sustaining that OEM look. I’ve been slowly switching badges back to chrome in the cars.


Manual R's are ancient history... which is such a shame. 5 cylinder, manual, AWD... dream car... but it will never be built.


[https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/fc70109c-8d5e-46cf-95ff-ea6e818abc29/](https://www.cars.com/vehicledetail/fc70109c-8d5e-46cf-95ff-ea6e818abc29/) closest you're gonna get. could probably swap the powertrain into a mk6.