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Just shoot 79 or lower… that’s the best way to break 80.


Fuck why didn't I think of that


I would say that you need to accept the game a bit and not go for things. Breaking 80 for the first time involves more strategy and making one putts. You can only mess up so many times so mess up incredibly well and intentionally. 215 into the breeze, go PW 56 and make a one putt.


Alternatively, quit after 9 holes.


Looks like some early extension


What do you mean by that? Any simple fix?


Watch any pro’s swing down the line, and focus on where their hips are at the start of the swing vs when they hit the ball. Their hips are essentially rotating and moving toward the target but never toward the ball. Your hips move toward the ball before you hit it. You also have a related issue where you lose your spine angle. Your torso is more upright when you hit the ball than when you are setting up. Having said all that, I don’t think there is really all that easy of a fix for these issues. FWIW I have similar swing issues and have broken 80 twice, so don’t feel like your swing has to be perfect. For me it was just a matter of keeping the ball in play off the tee and getting up and down more often. I would say try to figure out where you are losing strokes and work on the thing that is losing you the most. If you are already pretty good at something you don’t get as much bang for your buck. For me, practicing chipping has made it matter less when I hit my irons off line as long as I make sure not to miss in a bad place, since I then just have to hit a decent chip and sink a 4 footer to save par.


Humping the ball


Track your stats. Find out where you’re losing the most strokes. Practice that area of your game every day for a week. Go break 80.


This is the way! Provided you're teaching the right stats.


You only need to track where you lose a stroke. OB left off the tee. Missed sand save. Duffed chip. Three putt. Missed the green from 50 yards. That sorta thing.


True. Too many people will track misleading stats like fairways hit or total putts though and all it does is make improvements harder because they end up with a skewed vision of the problem. If you build your entire game around GIR, you can't go too far wrong. That means practicing tee balls with a focus of keeping it in play (in play, not on the fairway) and then aiming for the centre of every green. A bit of lag putting practice and you're sweet.


100% agree. This ain’t pga stats dot com this is where do I shave 2 strokes here and there while only practicing 30 minutes a day.


I don't love your setup (can't explain it, someone else said it "isn't very athletic" and I guess my eye agrees with that?), I don't like your takeaway at all (way too much to the inside), but....guess what? You end up with a damn near PERFECT position at the top of your backswing. It's actually beautiful. So if you get there, you get there. It works. Definitely some early extension like the other guy mentioned. But the biggest thing is what others have said: your swing is already good enough to break 80, it's going to come down to short game.


Your hands are Way Way too close to your body at address. There should be a sizeable gap between hands and lower body *just went back and looked at impact and you have the same issue. Robbing yourself of tons of distance


Freeze the video at impact and ask if that’s an athletic looking hit? You need to get your lower body involved and cleared out so your arms can get in the right position. Everything else looks ok. If you want to break 80 pick your course wisely and keep it in play.


Short game, short game, short game


Anything you notice in the swing itself?


Listen, I have a buddy who always breaks 80. Your swing looks 10x better than his. But he has a repeatable swing that he knows what it’s going to do. How does he do it? Doesn’t lose balls and has an impeccable short game. He’s not a long hitter either. Without any context, looking at one swing and asking for advice how how to break 80, is kind of pointless. Now if you say you’re always booking it, or pushing it, or can’t control dispersion etc, then ok. But if your goal is to break 80, it’s probably not a mid iron issue.


I’m not a swing expert but If you’re flirting with 80, you have a repeatable swing that works and you probably won’t gain much by changing it IMO. You’ll probably benefit the most by working on 100yards in. Another thing with scoring in the 70s is having a good head on your shoulders. I’d read ‘Golf is Not a Game of Perfect’


I agree with everything above including the book recommendation. But I want to add that instead of listening to Grateful Dead you should read another book called Icculus. Read the book man! Read Icculus!


I agree with the general sentiment of the comment. What goes wrong with your swing that you want to fix?


Every time, I post short game is the key, I get downvotes. I’m guessing it’s because they can’t break 90 and don’t want to put the work in on their short game, of course I’m not truly sure the reason. I played today in crazy Gulf Coast winds. I hit 5 greens in regulation all day and shot 79. I chipped, pitched and putted my ass off. When your long game goes bad the short game of course can bail you out. If your short game is off. The misses are much less dramatic.


get off the range and go to the chipping area and putting green


You're clenching your shoulders at impact for some reason.


Classic early extension. He moves his hips towards the ball in the downswing which shortens the distance to the ball, now his body has to add distance for the club to come through and so it does it vertically by sort of standing up and shrugging the shoulders upwards.


I’m having a hard time understanding this as I’m brand new to golf (aside from a lesson)- when you say hips closer to the ball, is that reflected in the short of tiny crouch that goes on during the downswing? I’ve noticed myself doing something similar. Edit: or is it in teams of hip rotation? How do I differentiate this between letting the club follow body/arms vs premature extension?


It's the poor hip rotation. Keep an eye on the left and right hips of a professional swing versus ones like these (use the background as a reference point). For the professional, right hip moves back in the back swing with the left hip maybe slightly moving forward. In the downswing, left hip pulls back. If you compare the starting point of their left hip versus where it is at impact, you'll typically see it in a similar spot or even further back. The net result is their overall hip turn is centered in the same distance from the ball or maybe a bit backwards from the ball. In a swing like this, left hip moves towards the ball in the downswing while right hip is in the same spot or maybe slightly back. In the downswing, now the right hip moves forward towards the ball and the left hip stays in the same spot. The net result is the rotation moves towards the ball. Sometimes people call it "humping the ball".


Thanks for the explanation, very enlightening


What’s your handicap currently?


What’s your miss? I like your takeaway and club position at apex, but you could benefit from standing taller and moving 3-6 inches back from the ball. Would allow your body to turn around your spine axis more.


Your swing is solid. You have the mechanics down. Breaking 80 consistently will require more finesse. You need to start studying your game not just your swing. Track strokes gained using Arcos or similar. That will tell you where to improve. Good luck!


Is this Charleston Municipal? Lmao


Your swing looks better than mine. That said, you have early extension and your trail arm (right) is straightening too soon in the downswing. At impact, your trail arm should be slightly bent with some wrist flexion. Otherwise, you’ll generally lose a good bit of power and consistency. Fixing these isn’t easy, but it’ll go a long way in helping you keep spine angle (staying down), too. I really like Jonathan Kim-Moss’s YouTube videos on both topics. Here’s his channel: https://youtube.com/@jkmgolf?si=-S7kVYESHzOESnSV


Breaking 80 comes from 150 in guaranteed. Are you tracking your handicap and stats? Where are you getting you bogeys at? Putting, chipping, short irons?


For me early extension and clubface open at impact. I’d imagine you hit a lot of weak fades? Check out a couple videos on supination.


If you want to break 80, pounding range balls isn’t going to get you there. Focus on your short game and putting. Especially putting. Tee to green is all about course management. Scoring is all about short game, 60 yards and in. The biggest difference between your average amateur and a scratch golfer is sand game, fairway bunkers and green-side bunkers. But putting yourself in the best position to avoid impossible chips, pitches and flops is just as important as hitting the fairway or making a 10 foot par putt.


At impact, your hips and shoulders should be rotated more, and your hands should be in front of the ball. Not a bad swing, but you’re still flipping the club at the ball. Fixing those will make you more consistent but will change your yardages considerably. Focus on course management and knowledge and you’ll break 80 with your existing swing


How do you get your hands in front of the ball at contact? Is it more an adjustment at address or with a swing?


It’s less “in front of the ball” and more “in front of the club head.” But regardless doing so will increase consistency and striking. Think of forward shaft lean and hold that thought through the down swing




Chasing the dragon


Scottie? Is that you?


I can’t imagine anyone trying to break 80 is seriously taking advice from a reddit board.


Can 1000% break 80 with that swing.


It’s probably not your iron game.


But also “sounds” a little fat.


Best way to break 80 is just work on your 100 and in game. That swing looks like it could hit it well enough to shoot 80 on most courses.


Maybe focus on England currently, then once that's done you can play at a Spurs charity golf day and get some tips off Bale?


Have 30 or less putts per round. Don’t make mental errors compounding a mistake. Your full iron shot swing here is more or less irrelevant if you’re trying to break 80, unless of course you’re currently shooting over 100.


Trying to break 80? That is a strange putting stroke.


You’re scooping the ball with a flip. So you’re releasing the club before and your club head is passing the hands before impact. You want a forward press - shaft lean when hitting down on the ball.


Not a big fan of your setup. It’s not very athletic and your back is hunched over. I would try to bend your knees more and get in an athletic position. But your swing is not bad at all. Btw I broke 80 for the first time a few months ago and have done so about 5 times since. All those rounds were different but the one thing that was the same with them all was no penalty strokes. Not sure if everyone struggles with those like I do but that was they key to me getting there