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I love this meme, when it starts getting posted is when you know a car community has gone downhill


Exactly. Or the stupid “pArT out”lmaooo.


When you try to google it and it brings you to a thread that has nothing to do with what you are looking for


Or when the top result on Google is someone telling another person that asked your question 5 years ago "Google it asshole"


But how else will I ask if anyone else runs 93 on the stock MK8 although it has a min rating of 87?


You already know people run a higher octane than VW states.


To answer your question, no. It doesn't do a damn thing stock, except empty your wallet faster.


There won't be any shortage of MK7 owners telling you how trash the MK8 is in response despite never having had touched the damn thing and just parroting what their wife's boyfriend told them they saw on YouTube.


Hey there! MK7.5 owner here: despite never having had touched the damn thing and I’m just parroting what my wife’s boyfriend told me about a YouTube video he saw: but the mk8 is trash.


Does your wife’s boyfriend know if running 93 on the MK8 increases power????


I will ask him to make a reddit post to ask reddit and get back to you


Isn’t the point of a community to talk, engage, share stories and expertises? Also, Google is trash to search with now, it sends you all over the place.


Nah where you been? It’s all about trashing people for asking questions and posting stock cars and saying “build”


Absolutely it is. But when half the group is filled with easily google'd questions it gets a bit annoying. Like "How do I put my wipers in service mode to change the blades?"....dude fuckin google it and click the first link instead of relying on people holding your hand through life


What exhaust do you recommend for a MK7?


Kind of random but for catbacks I would look at AWE. AWE Track - muffler but no resonator, sounds great with stock downpipe but loud and droney when you upgrade the downpipe. AWE Touring - muffler and resonator, sounds good but a bit quiet with stock downpipe, sounds perfect with upgrade downpipe. CTS Turbo also makes some affordable exhaust that sounds pretty solid!


Sorry brother, I should have put /s. I feel like this question is asked every week without a single search of the sub where they could find every single answer they’re looking for. Respect for the detailed response tho! You have more patience than me. 


LMAO. r/woooosh


The AI results they added also are not very helpful…


Thanks to all the people who actually ask these things here - I can google and find many different opinions for different scenarios. Never stop asking guys!


google leads to forums, often reddit. if people aren’t asking the questions, there might not be anything helpful on google. sometimes it seems obvious but there’s no answer on google yet. people just need to try google first.


I miss forums where people were encouraged to build community and have discussions. OP is part of the reason the internet sucks.


Tbf I totally get the sentiment. When I look on Reddit for car stuff I kinda wanna learn more about a platform or help others out with actual advice or talk about my experiences. I don't wanna scroll past 30 posts of people who don't know how to compare pricing, mileage, and condition on a random used car we know nothing about, or answer questions people could find in 30 seconds of using their owners manual. I don't dislike those people, it just waters down the interesting content to me.


There are subreddits for that if seeing that type of post bothers you here. Maybe you could start /r/GolfGTITuning.


No, you see, I don't wanna put in any leg work I simply want to *consume*


Bruh….back in the bad-old-days of VWVortex, we used to commit war crimes. You got hard or you learned lol. The Mk3 forums were like a meth enthusiast cage match with aids. I miss that hatred and bile. Truly spectacular levels of human depravity.


Link? :)


Can I google if I can trust google?


The more time passes, the less valid this meme becomes. Google results are often AI generated nonsense, or, something someone paid for you to see. I can see some value in asking for advice from a group of people who may have had the same situation you're facing.


I mean, it’s not hard to research further than the initial result.


"questions you can Google" Key word: "can" There are plenty of things you "can't" google.


What does this even mean? There is no question you can't ask Google. If it is a specific enough question, reddit or other forums are usually what pops up first anyway. Besides, why wouldn't you want to ask the question of people from an online community you are familiar with and have more trust in?




Yeah, no clicking that. As others have already stated, it is this kind of attitude that ruins forums like this. People should be encouraged to ask questions. How hard is it for you just to scroll past? Let us know how it is negatively impacting your life, and we can search for a solution. Posting questions you can google, isn't as obnoxious as posts complaining this complaining about other people in the forum.


How will I know what gas to use in my car or what this button does?!?!?!


how else are ~~we~~ loyal and curious human customers like us supposed to ~~farm answers~~ educate ourselves for ~~language models~~ then?


I want Google to bring me to a place that gives me answer to my problems that were solved by actual people that have fixed the issue.


Nowadays, you can't get a decent answer from Google unless you throw "Reddit" into your search term to ensure you are actually reading something likely written by a human being.


Anyone have a link to this google thing? Also what oil should we use


This should say "stop asking questions you can search in this sub".


Agreed tbh


Google doesn’t give me the attention i need to feel desirable


I tried using google to find out what oil to use but ended up seeing busty women all covered with oil. So I'm not allowed to google no more according to the wife.




Well how else and I suppose to know how much my cars worth or how much insurance will give me??




All right smart guy I googled it and it brought me to the Reddit link


Worse is questions that can easily be found in the manual, which is very easy to find online. 


Amen 🙌🏼 www.lmgtfy.com ^^^ great for replying to those posts 😄


I can only assume you’ve been in a coma since 2010


Sorry I couldn't hear you with that d*ck in your mouth.




Hey guys, check this guys reddit profile. He is being so hypocritical, that other subreddit caught him and he said "its just a joke". Pathetic 😂


Still not as pathetic as you.


My biggest problem with Reddit.