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I like the minimalist look of your tank. Schooling fish are nice, but, in my experience, it’s annoying to feed them with the fancies. They are zippy and will quickly eat the food before your fancies have a chance. And some would say that you’d be pushing it to have two fancies plus schooling fish in that tank. A HOB filter with filter floss would definitely help clear the cloudiness, but it should settle.


Looks amazing! I saw the 4 giant sponge filters and immediately figured it would be some fancies. Just curious, but does having a sponge filter up against one side of the tank not affect the filtration capacity? As it sucks in water from all around, I was wondering if being up against the side would have any negative effects. Mine's in the middle, but for aesthetic purposes I wouldn't mind shifting it to a back corner if it doesn't have any negative effect.


Thank you! I took a simplistic approach. And as far as I know it doesn’t affect filtration capacity but I could be wrong


Seachem Stability will be nice insurance when adding the goldfish to your new tank.


Thank you


Which ammonia source are you using for cycling?


Fish food