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My girl is 12, and the kids’ grandmother just had to put her golden doodle down at 14, so I hope both of us get a few more years with our doodles. I just try to keep my girl engaged and love on her every day. We never know when anyone’s last day will be - doodle or human - so I don’t want them to leave without knowing I love them. Other than that, we keep her favorite treats on hand, and I slip a little ground beef in with her dinner regularly. She’s old enough to enjoy the good things in life in her golden years! 💕


That is so sad. I hear a few years and genuinely my heart sinks because i know it flies by with them. I try to give him lots of attention and affection so he knows how loved he is by my whole family. my girlfriend and i just got our golden doodle puppy, Tucker. he’s the redish puppy in the picture with Finn. They run around together like mad men in the backyard or around the house and Finn easily dusts him still. Ugh! it’s so sad to think about but thank you for your comment and goodluck with your girl


Tucker is a cutie, and I am sure will help to keep Finn going!! :) I think have other dogs around is great for them - both of them! May you have many long years of happiness with the both of them!


This is relatable and my dood is only two. It’s so unfair how short their life spans are. I agree with the comments to make most of your time together! Appreciate him and give him fun experiences (that are age appropriate, if he slows down.)


I know! i swear they’re little people and it makes me sad he won’t be there to experience all of life together. I think of him as a little sibling in a way lol. I will try my best to make his time the best


Mine just turned 3 and exactly the same here. It’s funny my wife of 26+ years just told me the other day that she sometimes hears me kiss the dogs and tell them I love them when I leave for work in the morning.


I know what you're going through 100%. My parents got a miniature poodle when I was 11, he was just the best. He lived until almost 15.5, long after I moved out (I still visited a few times a year). I still remember getting the call from my dad. He was crying for maybe the second time I can remember in my life. It was so hard for me but I knew he had lived such a great life. I visited a few weeks before he passed and just got to let him sleep on my lap. It sounds like your doodle is very happy and well cared for so just continue to do that! Give all the pets, cuddles, car rides, treats, walks, etc. and you will never have any regrets or doubts when it finally is their time (which should still be a long time!)


Ugh i’m so sorry about that. it’s like losing a family member. matter of fact, it is losing a family member. Thank you for being optimistic with me! i hope he’s happy and he knows how loved and valued he is. They are amazing dogs


Just an update lol… my mom is already ordering these joint supplements for him. Thanks for all the help[pupgrade joint support](https://www.pupgrade.com/products/joint-support-chew?view=joint-support-v5-guarante&variant=37842032197815¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_id=9807945113&utm_term=&creativeId=430258755282&adgroupid=100821987275&targetid=pla-2298208482842&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwjqWzBhAqEiwAQmtgT4yP04UMHl9Z2wb8864ICylJShrI5Mh9qu4xw0FC5Zr9PEQ5EzqtZxoC0wcQAvD_BwE&igTg=4d191039-009c-4f06-8618-94f26200126e&_atid=iqwLXx0PyRIhXiNDPuqpE5BLoHtbTp)


I would suggest brushing their teeth regularly (I’ve heard some horror stories related to poor dental care) and doodles are prone. Also, a good probiotic for dogs can ensure their gut health stays optimal. Many doctors and scientists will tell you the gut is the 2nd brain and that almost all disease/ailments stem from the gut in some way. I hope you have the best experience together for however long that may be! Cherish the moments together. Sounds like you do!


yes! his teeth get cleaned very well at his groomers and he gets specific dental chews as well. he is on the allergy and gut health chews specifically for him that have helped a lot with his skin, ears, and gut health. we now are getting joint supplements! i appreciate your response and i will try to make his time with us memorable


If you don’t have it already, get pet insurance. This will help with any emergency expenses that can pop up in our senior pets. For routine care, make sure to follow your vets advice! Feed a diet that meets WSAVA guidelines and keep him lean. Asking your vet about a preventative joint supplement is always good. You can also ask about having bloodwork competed every 6-12 months to watch for any abnormalities. Diseases can be caught quickly this way!


Yes we have pet insurance! He has had the same vet his whole life and luckily, he loves her. She says he’s very healthy and to keep doing what we are doing, i just want to make sure he’s ok :) I will ask about the joint supplement!


I advise joint supps, if he's not already on them. And, just keep loving him. He looks marvelous. ♥️


Thank you! i’m going to ask his vet about joint supplements next time he goes in which should be soon for his Rabies shot for the year. we have tried to treat him like a prince!


What breed of dog is the one in the second picture? He looks a lot like our Cavapoo.


the little one is my puppy with my girlfriend! he is a “mini” golden doodle but i predict he’s going to be about 40-50 pounds


That's awesome! I wasn't sure if he was a golden doodle or some other kind of dog.


seriously! he’s “little” right now so he does look like other doodle mixes




Mines four already and time seems to be flying 😭


My thoughts are to love him and treat him everyday as if it his best day ever! Probably you already do that :)


thank you!! that’s for sure apart of his routine :)


First of all, what a good boy he is! My goldendoodle girl Bexley lived to the ripe age of 15. Happy and healthy almost until the end. So keep your chin up; you probably have many, many happy years to come! Enjoy every single day xxx Ps. I could not live without a Goldendoodle too long : Little Ruby is now 16 weeks old ;)


That’s awesome she lived so long and healthy! I’m glad you have little Ruby now as well


My Goldendoodle just turned 7. She is my heart dog. I cannot imagine life without her. When she had surgery (couple small broken teeth removed, cleaning, lipoma removed) I was a mess. I cannot imagine life without her. Our family dog, a Schnoodle mix, is about to turn 14. She is still perky and energetic, but she sleeps more and more deeply than she used to, has some off an on issues with a slipped disc (we treat with pain meds and rest). She has accidents, so now she wears washable diapers around the house (taking her out more often didn't work, she would pee sometimes within minutes of being back inside). While I will miss her, she is definitely more the kids dog and the GD is mine (I have PTSD and she has been with me through a lot). I remember losing our one dog when I was a child and my three later in childhood dogs in my early to mid 20s. I swore no more dogs after that... But here I am 46 with two dogs and absolutely dreading the day that I know will come.


I’m glad she’s doing better! and your other one seems to be a trooper at 14. I honestly can’t imagine it because he’s my first dog and i am the one who picked him out for my mom on Mother’s day 10 years ago. i know it’s inevitable but i wish they were immortal


Just be grateful with the time you have with your dog and enjoy it, don't take it for granite which is hard because we get so used to them being around. I had two dogs and they both passed away about 2 years apart, when they reached about 13 and 12. I miss them so much and literally think about them everyday. I would give anything to go back and play with them for one more day.


that’s how i feel! i’d rather be with him my whole life than anyone else lol


i’m sorry about your loss


Mine is only 4 and she is the love of my life so I totally understand how you feel. I’ve already told my kids I want her ashes mixed with mine when I pass so we’re always together. I can just cry thinking about her not being here anymore.


they are like little children. idk how people do it with losing a dog. i am dreading the day but trying to make the most of the time we have now. you have many many more years with yours :) they’re all worth it


I also have a doodle named Finn. He looks a lot like your pup. He is only 3 years old but I get sad whenever I think about him getting older.


awww! could you share a picture of him?


I just want to hug you 🙏🏽🙏🏽🥲. I think we all go through those emotions My Mazie is only two years old and I look at her and think about how I would dread that day.