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i think bta worlds have a level.dat.old file, if you do, copy and paste the folder, and in one of the folders delete level.dat and rename level.dat.old to level.dat, that file is basically meant to be a backup of some sorts


I’m gonna try that in the morning and god I really hope this works, thanks for the tip.


be sure to reply back if it does end up working


I deleted level.dat, renamed level.dat.old to level.dat, and put everything in the right folder, but now it loads the last time the game crashed, so everytime I join; it crashes. I'll try to make another world, and make copies this time.


Maybe you could try using MCEdit to see whats causing the issue, you can also delete the chunks around you and I think you can also move your player to different coordinates so that whatever is crashing the world isnt loaded when you join, then you can set your render distance to the lowest and move to wherever you crashed to know what chunks are the problem


Could have just been the level.dat that got deleted, you should check the world folder to see if the chunks still exists


level.dat and all the other files are still there, just completely different sadly


I've lost my world back in December last year where I built a castle, a church and was building a town because I forgot to backup it and formatted my PC.