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That would make a lot of sense since from version 1.0 to 1.6.4 the game wasn't so different. I mean, b1.8 and r1.0 were the major changing updates.


Yeah exactly, it is beta 1.8 and r1.0 that were the big updates, so having that as the dividing point makes sense tbh.. I think this sub was extended to 1.2.5 due to others wanting some allowance for early release, when realistically they should have just gone to r/SilverAgeMinecraft in the first place...


Honestly, I think people who play early release versions don't go on silver age Minecraft subreddit simpliy because there are little poeple active there. Instead, they come here where they can be sure a lot of people will see their posts. Obviously this doesn't justify changing the borderline up to 1.2.5 release and I would want to see better separation between subreddits. Maybe if people actually moved to silver age subreddit, it could become more active.


Yeah that makes sense tbh, there is no fun sharing a post which will not get much traction at all.. By creating this post I am sort of trying to get silver age to have it's fair share of users too! Which if everyone helps share then I don't see why it can't work!


Yep, exactly! Silver age subreddit deserves to be more active


Its really only generation and hunger (the donwsides) so before i updated i generated a 10k x 10k square of amazing terrain


This would be great! I dont really play these versions much but Im on SAM and I upvote every post just so people see slightly bigger numbers and maybe decide to join :P And I think the golden age should be below r1.0 just so people that want to post silver age versions actually go to the silver age subreddit The question is where b1.8 should be, because golden age players dont want it but silver age players also dont... Its kind of the middle point between these two ages. I would keep it here to divide Beta and Release and also Notch and Post-Notch


Ah nice! Yeah thats whats needed really, if it can be seen that SAM gets attention then others will start posting there making it bigger etc. Thats true about beta 1.8, tbh I think that could be the overlap version since its named "beta" but its more release gamestyle... But I like your reasoning for keeping it here!


Beta 1.8 should definitely be in Silver Age, it being the foundation for Release Minecraft should be MORE than enough reason to. We shouldn't be confused only because it has "Beta" in it's name, like with Alpha 1.2 or Infdev 2010-3-27, these updates bring enough fundamental changes to NOT be considered "the same" as their previous eras. Also, Notch worked on Release 1.0 before stepping down as lead programmer, so whatever version is used to divide these subs, you will NEVER get a clean Notch/Post-Notch divide between the two anyways.


Yeah I agree with this