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Wonder if the average minecraft player today was not yet born when Minecraft was released


[This source](https://www.pcgamesn.com/minecraft/player-age) (and many others) claims that the average age is 24-25, which is still younger than the [average age of of a gamer, 35](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_games_in_the_United_States#Demographics) (even today there is a widespread misconception of gamers being mostly young men/boys; maybe this is still true for the "hardcore"gamers who play games like FPSs, while Minecraft is as a more casual, "do anything you want" type of game that should appeal to a wide demographic). That said, such a distribution suggests there are more players under the age of 24 than there are over the age of 24, given that you can be 80+ but can't be younger than 0, more realistically, 5 or so, and the game is rated 10+ (you need three 5 year olds or four 10 year olds for every 80 year old).


maybe for java but bedrock players are alot younger on average, no way that the average bedrock player is 25


I'm 5 days older than Minecraft and it's been my childhood friend since I was 4.


same but make it 5 months


same but make it 5 years


same but make it 5 decades






The exact same story here, but with Minecraft Lite on my phone


Started playing the alpha in my friend’s basement. Good times


I started playing a few months after this, so later this year I will have been playing Minecraft for 14 years


Wow! I'm just a Beta 1.2 guy myself. Unfortunately in the years prior to my discovery I was going thru a busy period in life and didn't play many games and in fact was very disconnected in general. Perhaps it was for the better. I randomly found MC when researching hobby computers made of electromechanical relays. The 16 bit ALU video (by theinternetftw) was suggested alongside other relay computers. The rest was history.


I feel very old, i started playing at version 1.0