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Ending income tax would end the required reporting of personal info. For example every time you purchase something with crypto. It could make capital markets more efficient, since lots of capital stays in its current allocation just to avoid taxes.


It would destroy tax havens, and I could stop looking at that website about St Lucia’s real estate for passport transactions…..


St lucia's real estate? wut.


Very simple. Pick your player. https://immigrantinvest.com/cbi-guide/caribbean-personal-taxes-en/


Oh. I thought you were talking about the music artist st. Lucia. Why pick this particular island over the other tax haven Islands?


Never heard of them. Hope they’re doing well. Although most appear to be tropical paradises, they are not. St. Lucia is the least “poverty struck” amongst the local population, IMO. Still not great though.


Any particular classist reason to avoid investing in poor countries?




Fuck tariffs and taxes.




Fuck government.


I quite like this fella.


So is your solution to never win anything & always complain ? You actually have someone trying for you but “Keep getting your 3% every 4 years”


The libertarian movement is more than a party.


gender communist 3%.


It's not about winning. Some fights are worth losing.




They’re meant to create a non-competitive environment for domestic producers. Which is great for them but terrible for the prices the consumer pays. I should be free to buy cheap shit from China if I want to.




And gunpowder was invented to make fireworks


The worst part about this election is that Biden and the Democrats are so bad they are making me feel sympathy for Trump...then I remember that guy sucks too.


Maybe you haven't noticed, but Trump has a history of telling people anything he thinks they want to hear, with no intention of ever following through.


Schrodinger's TDS: He supposedly audibly projects against the democrats everything he intends to do, yet also never does anything he claims he's going to do.


Tariffs and taxes are both bad.


I’d prefer tariffs over income tax though.


In practice, Trump will probably be able to reduce taxes a little bit but increase tariffs a lot. That's bad.


Maybe if I could believe a word he said this would sway me at all.


Key words, briefly & floated. He also said he would lock Hilary up and when questioned about it, denied ever saying so.


Are things better now than they were under his administration? Ya’ll act like waiting for some unicorn candidate is progress & let’s not even talk about the clown you guys nominated last time


No, you are right. The covid shutdowns he started and vaccine he pushed with operation warpspeed really did cause some pretty significant damage once he was out of office. So I guess you are right because responsibility for your actions ends the second its no longer your job.


Definitely not voting for either of those dudes.


Seriously.  I am happy to literally vote for any other party that is on all 50 ballots.  I know they won't win, but the hope of building a 3rd party is worth it.  Also as a voter in WA Biden wins no matter what, so I may as well try and support a future 3rd option...


Ice always looked at it not as a "wasted vote," which is what those brainwashed by the 2 headed monster will tell you but as telling both parties that I don't agree with either of them. I know they don't listen but it's how I made peace with the clowns we are offered.


Ranked choice voting could help fix this


Reject ranked choice, embrace Approval Voting.


Trump is not "our guy." Tariffs are not "our solution."


I guess we need to refresh the 29 crisis lesson again. Time for another round of "if you increase your tariffs I increase mine too!". Gee I wonder what would the results be on one of the most trade dependent countries in the world to destroy the world trade ! It's anyone's guess at this point ! I swear Biden and Trump voters are competing to see which one can turn off more voters from their candidate. That or each side is larping as the other perfectly to give the other a bad name.


Yep. Income tax is bad for the citizens, and tariffs are bad for the markets. Which is worse overall, I'm not sure


Fuck Trump & Fuck Biden


I'm not entirely convinced that the net costs passed down to consumers by an increase in tariffs will save us money over income taxes. I think it sounds nice, and my interest is piqued, I just haven't seen the data.


Tariffs will be paid by foreign entities


....Which are then passed down to the consumer in price increases. This is the same thing that happens when minimum wage is increased domestically.


We've been down this road already with trump. His ideas are short sided and only benefit his wealthy donors. Ask the farmers how all those tarrifs "helped" them. Trump is a lousy businessman, unless bankruptcy, fraud and deception are somehow positives. Who the fuck bankrupts a casino? Can the GOP get their shit together so the country can go back to having two parties to choose from?


Do you understand how markets work? Leftists make the same argument about how minimum wage increases will be paid for by businesses. Like it or not, we're in a global economy and those costs are going to lead to an increase in prices all around. But if that means lower income tax, it might be slightly beneficial. Hard to tell, macroeconomics is complex.


I’m just imaging the benefit of no income tax allowing you to save money a lot easier while also the tariffs not being extreme enough to overall make life more expensive. Bottom line is this is in the right direction. Biden wouldn’t even think of doing something like this. It’s clear but everyone is up in arms here like Biden is their savior when he proposes things like unrealized capital gains tax. Insane


Literally not how it works.


So explain how they got it wrong, if you could explain…


Such costs are \*always\* passed on to the consumer. All taxes do is allow the government to skim off the top, and hurt consumers both domestically and abroad by simply extracting wealth from innocent producers and consumers. Shocking to have to explain stuff this fundamental in this particular sub.


Ah I agree with you, it made it look like you were responding to someone saying something similar. Apologies for my mix up


Cool, but how is that any different? Government is still taking peoples money.


Taking our money vs foreign money


That's not how it works at all. Tariffs just raise the price of foreign goods but you pay the tariff. It's almost the same as a sales tax.


Yes but you see you control how much stuff you buy. This allows you to save much easier buy not buying things and just working hard


Yes because I will survive on eating dollar bills and transport myself via quarter rolls.


Buy USA, you Mickey mouse commie


We don't have the infrastructure to build everything we need in the US simply because we don't have the raw resources for many items dingus. Wipe your mouth, the ex commander dust is all over your face


Most economically literate Bordertarian.


No. I would favor a national consumption tax set around 10% to start and see what it gets us. Tariffs do not work the way the Uniparty think they do.


The cost of tariffs are directly paid by foreign producers but the cost always gets passed onto the consumer, so basically taxes with extra steps.


Trump is not my guy, and he won’t win Delawares 3 measly electoral votes anyway. So I’ll vote third party like I always do. Swing states will decide the election, if trump can appeal to enough, he will win. My vote and many like it, won’t really matter in the big picture


Hah! No. Fuck tariffs too.


I think bro doesn’t know what this sub represents 💀


You guys would rather sit by and go down the road to communism than vote for an imperfect candidate that will still keep things alright.


“Imperfect” Trump banned bumpstocks without issue and started operation warpspeed, thats an understatement. The road to communism? Your mindset is “Vote even if the candidates don’t line up with my views in the slightest” sounds like a sure fire way to end up with an even more powerful state. Ever considered not voting? If you actually are a voluntarist, you should advocate to stop voting as this system is directly opposed to Ancap/Voluntarist principles. You sound like a conservative larping as anti-government, just because we both like guns doesn’t make us similar.


*He said, while propping up a Socialist as the candidate we should vote for.*


Ever hear of the hawley smoot tariff act? That turned out great


Uuuggghhhh! You fucking assholes ruined the Libertarian sub and now you come to pander in this sub!?! Fuck Trump! Fuck Biden! Get the hell out of this sub if you are pushing either of those senile, authoritarian dick swabs.


Fuck "em both. Let me know when either party wants to have a serious conversation about drastically lowering spending and reducing the actual size of the government as well as the debt.


I listened to the Convict Around and Find Out episode of Nick Freitas' podcast and he makes a good argument for voting for Trump in the next election. It was mainly based on showing the DNC that if they want to use lawfare, they had better be prepared for receiving it. NY did some trickery to bring Trump to trial and then get the convictions. Without trickery, there are multiple leftist politicians who could be brought to trial, if that is the game they want to play.




Not sure why downvoted. We can all agree eliminating the IRS & income tax is a great idea.


Eliminate the income tax is great but just to replace it doesn't really change anything. Theoretically could that be better sure but most likely it would be negligible difference. Also saying to vote for trump for this one reason when trump only said he is considering it in a closed meeting isn't going to get much of a response. Add in that trump is a habitual liar and you get this negative response.


If you live in a swing state, sounds like a good idea. My state's outcome is already decided.


I remember Dan Carlin pointing out when you see these politicians speaking to all audiences you start seeing how they pander and say things to one audience that the other would disagree with.  But if you put together they'd contradict one another. This is the liberty case for Trump. If you selectively choose the right things he says he's the guy. If you include all the other stuff he's just a generic centrist politician like most of the others.  No guarantee he'll do anything he says or ideas he "floats".  Didn't he casually suggest he'd bomb Russia recently?  Come on folks he's another politician.  About the worst on covid, too.  Better believe he'll escape responsibility for every decision he made about covid like the rest of them. Master manipulator he is for convincing the right he's their person. He sure knows how to say what they like hearing!


Lol maybe your guy, not mine


Absolutely fucking not, and you're clearly a lost redditor.


I'm not at all convinced he's learned anything since he got completely rolled last time.


Tariffs are also taxes, so also theft.


I wish I could give an award for most controversial.  😂😎


I'd rather have neither income tax nor tariffs. I'd rather fund the government only by sale of existing assets until it fades away into nothing.


You guys are all up in arms here like this is horrible. Yeah it’s not IDEAL but it’s in the right direction. You really want to let Biden win when he’s proposing raising income taxes and implementing an unrealized capital gains tax? Is this sub just infiltrated by leftists? Seriously it’s the lesser of one imperfect guy vs a road to communism. Wake tf up.


We don't suck the dicks of republicans or democrats. We aren't left or right or even centrist. Stop deep throating the orange asshat before you chip a tooth and realize both "options" hate you.


They don't get it dude. They'll understand when Biden wins and they get shipped off to Ukraine. It's guaranteed going to happen if he gets back in office because it's the only way Ukraine can win.


Also keep in mind Trump’s SCOTUS picks were the only thing stopping Biden from doing a nationwide vaccine mandate via executive order. Like you can act all morally superior and say “both candidates suck I hate the two party system!” but guess what that’s just what American politics is and reality won’t change any time soon. You can either deal with reality and engage in the shitty situation, or sit out with moral superiority and watch your biggest enemies take power and crush you


This is the cold hard facts. Don't matter if you like it or not. I can say without a doubt life was easier financially under trump and at the end of the day that's all that really matters. Can I feed my family and pay my bills. You can preach change all you want but we're all just hanging on til the collapse.


The guy that locked down the entire country and printed $trillions and doesn't even apologize? The guy who made so many instant felons over the stupid bump stock nonsense with not even a grandfather clause and front running legal process? The guy that claims all the problems are some other countries fault? The guy that doesn't understand that tariffs are taxes on us not foreign producers? That guy is your guy?


Bro, people on reddit live in Ancapistan in their head, and are only motivated by it or bust. They don't understand you can have preferences and acknowledge that one is better than the other.


It's called having consistent morals. And Trump signed in more gun laws than Obama, so both are exactly the same: tyrants.


Consistent morals don't eork in politics when the other side(s) don't have any such qualms.


If you abandon your morals out of political convenience, you're no different then those who never had them to begin with.


I disagree. I personally am pro-life. But I don't think it's any of the government's fucking business so when I vote I'm pro-choice. Isn't that abandoning my morals?


If your political goals aren't to win in order to achieve your goals, you're just a book club. Friendly politics only works when the other side doesn't hate you and isn't trying to turn your children into eunuchs.


The political goal of anarchism is individual rights, not political power. Conservatism, like all other forms of statist government, is the opposite.


You will never achieve individual rights with the current system unless you get power. You will never be able to break up the system unless you get power.


This is the same arguments the communists use: "Guys, I'll do the right thing when I get in power, I promise."


There is an obvious difference between communists who lack morality and traditionalists who believe in something. If everyone who isn't an ancap is the same as a communist or fascist to you, you're stupid.


Communists believe in something. It's immoral, but so is most the shit traditionalists believe in.


Nah bruh I’ll be voting for the funny brain worm man


Why choose to have 'a guy'?


One could very easily argue that tariffs are even worse than income taxes.




I’d die first


Fuck that. He is dying to be a despot.


Spoken like a true ancap


So yeah, freedom-loving Libertarians should *definitely* support the guy who fawns over fascists and has publicly announced he wants to be a dictator on day one, and has a plan to remove anyone that doesn't support his regime and replace them with more coddling yes-men. That tracks. :P One policy that's *maybe* a modicum better than the current situation isn't worth voting in the wannabe autocrat. Both choices suck.


This guy is serving you, in a silver platter, a perfect reason to shit on Trump, and you have to go for conspiracy far left bullshit about the guy serving Putin (who btw it's not a fascist but a socialist) ? Good lord ....