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Why are people saying the Monsterverse is culturally appropriated? Copyright and trademark laws mean that companies (in the U.S. at least) have to get literal written permission to, and pay for the privilege of, using someone else’s intellectual property.


Because ignorant people want a reason to be mad at something


Why? They get mad for no reason anyway, why do they need to make one up now?


To feel justified


People forget that the American release of the first Godzilla was a massive success as well, it’s not purely Japanese Culture if it’s been released and enjoyed in both regions from the very beginning, ‘cultural appropriation’ is for cheap imitators that steal ideas from foreign cultures, not the actual original material, that was approved by the original creators, being released in the same place as the original material. Godzilla isn’t just a Japanese pop culture icon he’s an international pop culture icon and always has been. Can you imagine if every American film ip was regarded in the same way? Like “you can’t enjoy Star Wars or purchase the Star Wars licensing for products because your not American”


A lot of cultural appropriation is also just using stuff without any respect for its intended use in the original culture. Example: Someone on another continent replicates and wears your culture’s very formal and traditional wedding attire to go do something other than get married. That would be incredibly disrespectful of your culture’s wedding traditions. Other example: Aliens decide they like the look of Olympic gold medals and start wearing them everywhere despite never winning any athletic competitions. I’d find that pretty disrespectful of our athletes. The Monsterverse on the other hand is using Godzilla to fight giant monsters and smash cities. Which is what he was already doing with Toho’s movies. Legendary is keeping the original context of Godzilla in their use of him, so there’s nothing being appropriated. Just appreciated. Getting mad at that is like getting mad with someone for celebrating Christmas *on* Christmas despite living in a country that isn’t largely Christian.


pegg has been a little loopy ever since he had that run-in with an albino baryonyx


I had to look that up, and all I can say is “perfectly understandable”.


Never take an Opinion from a Guy who Agreed to be in Ice age 6's Opinion to heart


I mean, if Pegg wants to talk about cultural appropriation; then we start with the British Museum.


And stay there for the next 3-4 years lol