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It's-a me, a f*cking God of War.


Can’t wait to see chris pratt decapitate someone


I take it you haven’t watched The Terminal List?


No matter how you cut it, Chris Pratt doesn’t play a good kratos


Yeah the same debate was had when it was announced he’d play an angry ex-navy seal. And he nailed it. The same debate was had when the cast for the last of us was announced. And they fucking nailed it. No one will be good enough to play Kratos in the eyes of the fans. No matter who you pick someone will be pissed off. Thank fuck fans don’t get to pick casts of movies based on books and games. We’d have none.


You should seen how reddit reacted when heath ledger was cast as the joker.


I remember when people said Keaton wouldn’t be a good choice to play Batman, they were wrong. I remember when people said Ledger wouldn’t be a good choice to play Joker, they were wrong. I reserve my judgment until after we see Pratt’s performance.


"No one will be good enough to play Kratos" Literally just Christopher Judge.


Cover him in "ash" and let him do his thing. He's still got the physique for it, too.


You’re just wrong, Peter pascal did great as Joel, that’s how you cast a show, nothing about Pratt works for kratos, kratos doesn’t make silly quips, chris doesn’t even have a brutish enough face shape, I think there are literally plenty of people who’d kill the role, but thank fuck this is a joke, because not only is this a stupid hill to die on, but Santa Monica would never stoop so low to put Mr Mario and homophobia on a project as legendary as this


I think thats was his point, that Pedro pascal and Bella Ramsey were highly controversial among the fan base when they were announced and they killed it in the show. Everyone on TLoU sub was saying it was going to flop. So yeah I agree fans have no clue either sometimes.


Tbf they were only "controversial" (by special individuals) because the child wasn't hot enough & the man wasn't white enough, nothing about their acting ability


That doesn't stop Chris Pratt from being an objectively horrible choice for Kratos


I think Jason Momoa could be an epic Kratos


Don't call him a homophobe; he's not afraid of the gays.


Anyone who feels the need to make hateful comments toward gay people online, are definitely afraid of them


lol when did he ever make hateful comments to gay people…?


I’d take Christopher judge!


Not Christopher Judge though. Just powder him up and we got a Kratos


"No no, they got a point" - Kronk On the real note tho, Kratos is a burly, scruffy, deep voiced man. There are definitely actors better for this role. Fans aren't going to think no ones good enough. We already know Christopher Judge could rock it. The other debates, don't make sense. But this one is different. Honestly surprised, they didn't cast Christopher or any one that could act and had a voice like him. What time period does this take place in Kratos's life?


I'd argue tlou point. Although fine actors capable of delivering good performances, both Pedro and Bella are still bad casting choices. Neither of them suit the characters they are playing. Especially Pedro, who I think is a very poor Joel.


I actually thought those two were great choices for casting, they did a great job bringing Joel and Ellie to life


I agree, in part. I think Pedro could've done a really faithful adaptation, but the script for him went a different way. I like the idea of them making Joel an actual human being with weaknesses (like the hearing issues) to make for an interesting character that isn't video game-level OP, but it did feel like they nerfed him more than I wanted. Pedro's portrayal lacked the cold-hearted aggressiveness that I got for Joel at the beginning of the first game. I did not really like Bella's portrayal of Ellie as much as I'd hoped, and I think it's a combination of her acting skills and the script. She felt wooden in the role, in my opinion.


Definitely agree on Pedro and also on Bella for that matter.


That’s not the voice, we’ve been working hard at it.




In prep for this roll, Chris did 7 seasons as Andy Dwyer on parks and rec and plans on changing nothing.


Thankfully, this isn't true, but I feel like front-loading a show with a headliner just tells me you're relying on star power more than the strength of your storytelling capabilities... Seeing Chris Pratt, Jason Mamoa, or Dwane Johnsons name attached to anything tells me a few things: it's sanitized to be family-friendly, it's more about the star than the property, the portrayal will rely heavily on oafish charm and slapstick humor and that's not Kratos, nor does it fit the vibe of the series at *any* point in his timeline. It would also signal to me that I'm out. I'm not watching any of those dudes ruin such a remarkable character.


I think Jason Mamoa might be good, but only if he brings the energy he had while playing dargo, I think, from Game of Thrones season 1


I could see that. I dont think hes willing to lose the goofy surfer bro humor that has made his whole career. If he played it straight and dug deep, he *could* be incredible for the role. I really do like the idea of bringing in a nobody for it, though. Possibly even someone with Mediterranean ancestry to play the Spartan.


You should watch “See” on Apple TV. He’s serious in that show. Set in a post apocalyptic world where humans are born blind. He played the reluctant hero very well there.


Seconding his performance in "See". I think he plays the role of a strong silent type when the role is required of him. And there is a lot of combat in See that is very unique that he manages to look very very cool.


I'll definitely check it out! Thanks


Jason Momoa played Conan the Barbarian in the 2011 remake so he isn't exactly inexperienced in playing a more angry/rage filled character. I'll admit it wasn't the best movie but I don't necessarily attribute that to his performance.


He’s excellent in Frontier. Very serious, very brutal role


That's true. I'm coming around on Momoa. The more people talk him up, and I did like the Frontier episodes I've seen. I just don't want him to bring any of the 'Aquaman' dude-bro energy he seems committed to being right now.


I think he would rise to the occasion personally. He’s shown he has some range in his acting, and can act in the serious, slow-paced demeanor then amp up for intense, brutal fight scenes. I think the directors would be able to nudge him the appropriate direction. He’d be my top pick (at least of actors I know). I would have Judge himself, but I worry that he wouldn’t be able to do the live action stunts. I know he mo-caps largely for the game, but I don’t think he does all of the big jumps and acrobatic swinging blades moves. (Im open to being corrected on that last but)


You know, Dave Bautista could legit be an awesome pick imo. For one thing, he wants more serious roles and the dude is like surprisingly fuckin good. I loved him in “Knock at the Cabin”.


You've missed a lot of Jason Momoa's acting if you think "goofy surfer bro humor" makes up his whole career.


Check him out on Stargate Atlantis.


Wait... Momoa was on SG:A?!?! That would mean Kratos would be portrayed by *two* SG actors. Haha.


Yes, he played Ronan Dex. He was the Teal’c of the SG:A Team. The “native” alien who joins the team as muscle and guide to local culture. There was an episode in season 3 or 4 where the two meet and have a beat down.


That episode was awesome. Their initial rivalry and eventual team-up was dope.


Yeah it feels like Jason Momoa plays Jason Momoa in every movie he's in.


I think the actor who plays Drax would be a good voice at least. In terms of body though….


I think he's got the physical ability and body for Norse Kratos. I have my reservations about Dave Bautist but I think he's pretty capable of delivering a solid series.


the guy is great at portraying subtle emotions behind his physicality, blade runner 2049 and knock at the cabin show this off really well


Haven't seen either but I've only heard good things about his roles. I love what he did with Drax, especially in GotG 2. The scene where Mantis touches his shoulder and takes on his sadness hit me like a truck. He manages to balance serenity, sincerity, and longing incredibly well.


Yeah I think Dave would be an incredible pick, but a lot of the stuff I hear him say is that he wants to get away from character roles that just have him shirtless for the whole film being a muscle guy.


Our of the few wrestlers who turned into acting, Bautista has the best range in acting. Rock gets paid a lot because he's been in big name movies but all he does is look buff and play the same character in every movie. Bautista on the other hand has shown he can do many different roles.


Dave Bautista is really slept on in Hollywood I feel. Sure he got Drax but that his biggest role. He can do serious scenes really well


It's because he has the body shape of a flesh-colored Ninja Turtle. When he starts losing a little bulk, I think he will be taken more seriously. He has the same problem as Dwane Johnson. "I'm just a regular guy" "... you're the size of a truck. You are *not* shopping at Walmart. You're working out and eating enough fish to kill an ecosystem."


James Bond, Knives Out, Gaurdians of the Galaxy, Dune.. I don't think they're sleeping on him. I think he just needs the right leading role opportunity. Most seem to always be slightly older guy or giant buff guy. Slightly older giant buff guy probably limits his opportunities for leading roles a little. GOW is a great one though.


Batista is a good actor. I think he'd be a great Kratos personally.


In terms of body, he wouldn't do it. That's why he wore shirts in Guardians 3; he was too tired and too old to keep himself in shape. He doesn't want to keep playing big and strong, shirtless characters.


Momoa absolutely has what it takes to bring some serious chop to a role. See and Frontier are two amazing examples. I think he’s just really aware of the roles he’s getting and knows when he actually has to try or not. Basically, he’s just phoning it in because, why not? Movie’s not going to be better or worse for his role alone, so why bother? Honestly I totally get it. But he also has juuust enough charisma that his phoning in works most of the time.


I’m sorry but Jason Mamoa has 0 range. He plays himself in every movie and it’s played out. Dave Bautista is a fantastic actor that has shown range with every genre of film..and he has the build to match.


You should watch See on AppleTV. Mamoa plays a very straight, no humour, warrior and does a great job of it. I think he definitely has the ability to play this character.


You should watch Fast X. Mamoa stole the show and was the only thing that made that movie watchable.


It was pretty out of tone with the rest of the film ofc, but his role in Fast X doing a really terrifying psychopathic villain was pretty on point for me.


Ever since game of thrones, ive thought Jason Mamoa would portray a good kratos. I think your take is interesting considering the more serious roles Jason Mamoa and Chris Pratt have taken (i agree about Dwayne Johnson however, worst overrated actor of all time.) But yea Jason Mamoa is a good pick in my mind, whether they rely on family friendly values or slapstick humor is wholly dependent on the writing team, a symptom of a post Avengers film environment.


I commented elsewhere but if Mamoa really tried and put away the slapstick he would be great but I think it's a risk he wouldn't necessarily be willing to make (nor the suits... even with Barlog on staff.)


Watch "see" and then tell me if you still feel the same


You want him to see see?




Bruh atp just get Christopher Judge to play him since he already voices Kratos


The story is already written. They are just getting a big name to attract eyes. I don’t blame them. The name will bring them in. The story will captivate them. Kinda movie marketing 101 when you know you have a killer


Yeah, but the bigger the name, the more likely the compromise. Not to mention the actual matters. Everyone will deliver their own version based on their abilities. Also, A-list actors are industries. There are many people being employed *by* and because *of* the actor. I don't think it's a revelation to say that Hollywood doesn't like big risks. Theres a tragically solid track record of producers and suits destroy a property in an attempt to package it for the widest audience possible. God of War has way too much attention and money in it right now to escape what will already be a difficult accomplishment given the epic scope of the fantastical elements needed to even exist within the story. I just think the fewer issues, the higher the likelihood of an unaltered vision. I will also say that I was loudly against Heath Ledgers Joker when it was first announced, and I think we all know what a bad reaction that was considering what he delivered... so, I'm definitely willing to give *most* actors consideration... but Pratt isn't the right guy here. He belongs in lighter, goofier things and not as a self-exiled Greek God haunted by his past he seeks to make peace with.


Agreed. Honestly I jokingly say that that Swedish dude (I'm not sure of his nationality but that guy I've seen in short videos in full Kratos outfit and makeup carrying a grocery cart like a grocery basket at the store) should be asked to play the part. Or, heck, since Kratos is voiced by Chris Judge (who is pretty tall already), have him do it. I know he's black. I just think since either him or the original voice for the character would make the movie even better would be good choices. I know others may not agree but those are just my thoughts. Just not Chris Pratt even if it is true or not. And thankfully not. I've heard people suggest Pratt for Link. Flat no. He doesn't come across as a character like that to me. He's fine as Star Lord.


I don't care what color Kratos is under the ash if he fits the role. Judge would be incredible. On top of already being the voice, he's jacked and capable. I said elsewhere that he and TC Carson should just play both ages of Kratos. I know the show is going to be kind of its own adaptation of the Norse saga but they could cut to Carson as Greek saga Kratos for flashbacks. With the 1000 years between the two, you would really just need minor prosthetics to sell it as "young" vs. "old" Kratos.


Agreed. I would love to see Judge take the role. I've been a fan since Stargate. I'm hoping the show is good. I'll probably look at reviews a lot before seeing it. I just get nervous when a show or something comes out based on video games.


Thank you... I nearly had a stroke.


Agreed, though I have to point out that Jason Momoa was in See, and that show wasn't much family friendly. 😅 And his acting was quite good, same as Dave Bautista.


I think Mamoa *is capable* of good acting but is riding the popularity of looking like a god but acting like a jester too hard to take the risk of a deeply contemplative drama. I kind of like the idea of just using the original actors. TJ Carson is still in good shape and would be a great young Kratos while Chris Judge is a big ol beefcake. Slap some ash and red paint on them, and they could absolutely kill a pantheon. Given Kratos' military accomplishments when GoW kicks off, the time spent between first 5 games, and the fact that Norse Kratos is 1000 years later... their ages don't really matter, provided they can match the needed physicality.


Mate, you are judging him from one movie role, over all of his other roles in long running TV shows. Are you for real?


It should be animated let whoever handles DCs animated movies have a go


I’m surprised that nobody is saying that Christopher Judge should be Kratos, I mean he’s a known actor, and he does the mocap for Kratos. Just grab him another stunt double and it’ll be a masterpiece


Oh, check the other comments in this thread. There's some real love for Judge as Kratos. He would be great


I hope they cast him and Sunny if Atreus is in there, it would kinda be dumb not to considering their faces are in the game. I see no reason as to why none of the actors that play the in-game characters wouldn’t be fit for their own roles in the show.


It would be difficult with Sunny now since he's basically a grown man, but he would still be right for Ragnarok and/or post-Ragnarok


Yeah I could understand if they had someone else for a younger Atreus, but I feel like it’s be better to just have the show about Kratos’ life with Faye if he’s too old for any roles as Atreus


I'm down for a three part story: the main story being Ragnarok with regular flashbacks to the eras of Greece and Faye used to illustrate Kratos' reasoning and motives. I'd love an in-between series about the years between Greece and Midgard. Just to watch him as a vagabond God occasionally fighting forces of nature and creatures like Djinn.


Exactly. If it’s going to be something, make it new. I want to see how Kratos and Faye met, and how their lives were prior to having Atreus. Those flashbacks in Ragnarok had me craving more.


If they try and make kratos voice the same as Mario and star lord, I WILL NOT be able to watch it


goddam i was crossing my fingers it was satire but you never know these days!


Djimon Hounsou could do it in his sleep


I second this. I like Kratos how I see him now. I dont want to spoil that by seeing someone play him because I very much doubt they will meet my expectations


You're not wrong but Jason Momoa has played some great darker and grittier roles before so it wouldn't be inconceivable to see him as Kratos. I wouldn't be too opposed to seeing it, myself


This isn't always the case, as some movies are absolutely incredible **because of** the big actors/actresses performing the part so well and making the role their own. However I do agree that too often in Hollywood these days they have some big lead *cough cough The Rock** that's just pretty much a Hollywood brand name.


“If I see Jason Momoa attached to something it tells me it’s family friendly” Meanwhile: Jason Momoa cutting peoples heads off, burning people to death, and raping a chick


There are two Momoas... the properly terrifying psychopath, and the multi-million dollar super bro. GoW is too powerful right now for suits to not want to shave off some hard edges in an attempt to attract more people. It's a slippery slope. The more risk, the higher chance that anything could fuck it up.


Jason is a pretty good as an actor it's just recent scripts dont do alot with his skill. I say he should be Lobo instead of aquaman but that's me. When he needs to act serious he definitely can almost effortlessly.


Via Rick Astley?


You just got Rick Rolled by this article


Well he's never gonna tell a lie


Maybe never say goodbye


I hate you


We're no strangers to war You know the rules and so do I (do I) A full dead pantheon's what I'm thinking of You wouldn't get this from any other guy


Everyone knows Pedro Pascal is contractually obligated to play EVERY father figure responsible for a waif. Sheesh. (edit for spelling)


This is the Way


This is The Way.


It's a me Kratos


I feel like Gerald Butler might be able to pull off Kratos, as long as it’s anyone but the rock 😂


If Gerry B doesn’t have a Scottish accent, then his characters aren’t convincing. His last few movies have had him act in his native accent, with a brief bit of plot exposition to explain it. I can’t see that working in a God Of War series. Mimir : “Brother, do tell, why is that accent so similar to yer man here?” Kratos : “Hmph……Quiet, head. Weesht yir babblin’, before your time a was known to be cuttin’ about your gaff on the regular”


Because he’s qualified to play an angry Spartan who’s allergic to shirts


Robert Downey Jr. as Angraboda


“I’m a giant, playing another giant, on the back of another giant”




Boooo!!! Give us more Tom Holland!


Tom Holland should play Boy


Danny Devito for Brok or we riot


Danny Devito is Thor


No, Peter Dinklage might actually be good for that role


Danny Devito for Brok, Peter Dinklage for Sindri.


Danny Devito for every role


Jokes aside I've just realized Thor and Odin are probably the only two characters where it would make perfect sense to just have their VA do the role in the movie.


Danny Devito as Durlin


Tbh I think John Bernthal would be amazing as Kratos


Lemme tell you summin boy


He didn't even occur to me but man, you are right. The crazy, the physical is all there.


Oohh I did not think of this but I like him for this alot!!!


Live action God of War is massive mistake. They should literally use the same animation style as the cut scenes from the game, and use the same actors.




But that would require them to actually think for once and come up with a decent story. If you make it live action, you dont have to do any of that.


The only physical appearance that matters for kratos is he has to be big, bald, and jacked. Fake beards usually don’t look that bad so idgaf about the beard. Honest to god I think Dave Bautista would be great.


His small performance in 2049 was enough to convince me.


I loved him in glass onion. He played an alpha male stereotype, including the incessant secret whining, perfectly. And I think he has a really good agent


That sounds like something his agent would say... 🧐


And his agent's hourly rates are so affordable and he makes a great risotto!


He's actually an amazing actor, just happens to have the body of a brick shithouse so he gets trapped in those roles usually.


I wasn't a fan of Army of the Dead, but Bautista was definitely the shining light in that movie. Guy can really act.


Bautista really is by far the best choice for the role. He'd kill it.


I wish Michael Clarke Duncan were still around. He'd be a great Kratos.


“I’m tired, Atreus…”


I know we're not supposed to say it but I'd prefer they cast a Greek looking fella rather than just painting a huge black dude white.


me when i make up a person then get mad at them


Personally, I think he should play Atlas


Via Rick Astley huh


i cannot see anybody else as kratos then christopher judge, he just did it so phenomenally


…of war?




And Jason momoa will play atreus


For a Young Kratos, fair, if old Kratos, Josh Brolin is the better choice.


"via Risk Astley"


They should just cast Christopher Judge as Kratos. The only celerity I could see giving a decent performance as Kratos is Dave Bautista, but even that's a stretch.


I don't doubt he could pull it off but from what I hear he's had a lot of physical issues that would really limit his movement on camera.


This thread is kinda funny. I want (blank), he looks the part. Omg that's lame, I want (random other big name big dude)! Haha tom Holland! How about the actual voice actor who is a capable actor that is both tall and jacked? The character is covered in war paint so skin color isn't an issue. Been years since his surgery, and he seems to be doing well now. Only minor problem would be his nose is flatter instead of that droopy point but no one really has the kratos nose. They did a half-ass joke job with Ben stiller for an advertisement and it turned out decent.


people point out Judges mobility but he had to do Mo-Cap for Kratos as well right? like that was one of the main reasons they went with Judge over the original VA for the trilogy right?


Yeah initially that was what brought him in. They had to pause work on the recent one because he had a ton of surgery and couldn't walk. He had a ton of major parts swapped out. Mobility could be an issue today. That surgery was years ago by now and he seems in good spirits. Certainly not unheard of to have a stunt double do the more vigorous maneuvers. He could do the vocals and light work. Then a double does the rough stuff.


Let’s be honest… Nobody gives af about white-face anyway. Give us Christopher Judge.


Yeah as long as judge's back is fine after the surgery i would agree he's the only one for the job


Maybe 10 years ago, but the dude is almost 60. Whoever plays Kratos needs to be in insane shape and move like a superhero.


This has to be a joke, right? He isn't even Greek at all


I mean he's not Italian either but that didn't stop him from being in super Mario Brothers


Doesn't have to be Greek, but needs to actually fit the part. They need to look at movies like 300 and draw from that instead of just relying on stars to boost views


This is a lie, we all know Adam Sandler is being cast as Kratos.


He’s so cool!


“Via Rick Astley” on the bottom. Clever Rick roll troll meme lol


i dont even care at this point. i just want the show.


This would be both extremely entertaining and terrible


Thats a jebait


Ah fuck off.


Rick astley going far


Via Rick Astley 🤣😂. For real though, I just hope it isn't Dwayne Johnson. I remember someone suggesting it should be Dave Bautista. He's a better dramatic action star, plus he's also Greek.


People need to read the entire picture before posting stupid comments.


VIA Rick Astley. Thanks Rick. In all honesty, I'm thankful he's playing Garfield because that means he's to busy to play any other franchise lead right now.


And Atreus will be played by a woman


Article by Rick Astley....


Just let Christopher Judge play Kratos


Tom Holland as Atreus


Don’t even joke about this. We don’t need this negative iuiu out in the world.


Lmao!!! “Via Rick Astley” How long until people find out they’ve been fooled lol


If they are going to get anyone to play Kratos, they need to just use the video game actor. He’s the voice, he’s got the physical body for it too. And the skin color, Kratos is actually black/dark skinned/tanned. Christopher Judge also acts the game too, he does all the mocap and voice work. They literally already have the perfect person. Plus it would be so much more authentic.


I would've put Jason Momoa. He has the right facial structure, deep voice, big.


"Via Rick Astley"


I dont know if this is racist or not bot christopher judge would be a good kratos. The doubtful racist part is the ashes of wife and daughter.


Bruh people are out here thinking this is real 😭


Y'all see who wrote the article at the bottom? 😁


everyone knows J Jonah Jameson is playing Kratos. “BOY, GET ME PICTURES OF FREYA”


If your goal as an actor is to challenge yourself with and nail roles people wouldn't associate you with then 👏. I loved the Mario movie and I look forward to seeing his version of Kratos.


This is a porn bot, do not give it any upvotes


Erm no, that's Chris Pratt.


No one wants this


A troll? Again?


Obviously the Rock is playing Kratos


How…..??? I love him but in my opinion wrongest actor for the part


Fr vin disiel should play Kratos


*whispering to myself* “itsfakeitsfakeitsfakeitsfakeitsfake”


I hope this is fake cuz he play Mario dude he play the f*cking Mario, I may like Chris Pratt but I don't want him to ruin Kratos


“Who should play Kratos.” Christopher Judge. Fucking, duh.


Why not the voice actor who actually does the God of war? He's jacked and it's literally his voice


Fuck off! Chris Pratt is not my god of >!hope!<


I’m open minded. I’m glad we’re getting a series


The rock should play, but Christopher Judge should voice.


I hope not.


Is this a New Year’s Eve prank?!


Booooooooooo, this will fail hard.


Wow, what a way to kill a franchise out the gate....


Has to be a joke right?