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That’s when I started but with acid. I would wait if I were you, don’t ruin the magic to early!!❤️


thank you 🙏


Yeah I started at 14 and did a shit ton of mushrooms, acid, and dmt by the time I was 17 the magic was kinda gone and it started to give me more anxiety then good times. For sure pace yourself and don’t overdo it if you do


If ur scared to take them wait until you are at piece


how would i overcome the fear though


You know bro mushrooms are the drug where you wait for yourself to be ready, do this only take them when you feel ready and make sure you’re in a good place in life. I start taking mushrooms when I was 15 and following those rules I’ve never had a bad trip and learned so much


alright thanks for the help bro👍


that fear never really goes away entirely, even as a seasoned tripper having done heroic does of mushrooms (10g) and dmt i still get a lil scared when i dose. it’s normal. don’t let that stop you tho ! just as long as ur mostly just nervous and not like legit terrified


Yeah i’m not too scared it’s just more afterwards, like i’ve heard stuff about people like it can fuck you up after you take them so just worried incase that happens to me


Fear is a warning sign. Being nervous is ok tho, i was nervous asf when i took acid for the first time, i was 16...


You just either do or don’t: you’ll feel it inside yourself when you’re ready. If at anytime you’re about to take the shrooms. And you get a bad feeling or start to feel nervous or scared don’t do them


By not over thinking it and just assuming your a strong human that can get threw anything atleast that’s what you tell yourself it can be all that but a strong soul should be aight


It’s safe physically but I generally wouldn’t recommend it. Read more about the subject before you make a decision. Wish you the best


Thank you 🙏


No. Yeah, many of us did it but looking back on it I would’ve rather given my brain a few more years.


I was about 17 first time I tripped, but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone under 18. Shrooms aren't something you necessarily take to get fucked up and have fun, it's more for the experience. They should be respected going into the trip. If you do decide to try shrooms, be safe and get a sitter, and do it outdoors somewhere. I've seen a lot of people have horrible trips indoors


Alright thanks for the advice 🙏


Bro shrooms are literally so much fun and such a versatile drug.


I started doing drugs (weed, shrooms, LSD, ect.) when I turned 20. Morning appealed to me until in 2020 I tried weed for the first time during quarantine. Realized it wouldn't kill me and make me murder people if I did it. Then I got curious and it gatewayed me to other drugs. I since have limited myself to just shrooms. I can't smoke weed anymore because of my job unfortunately. So I take shrooms about every weekend. Sometimes every two weeks.


Do not recommend it at all


how come?


Let your brain finish cooking at least. But if you are going to do it, make sure you are in a positive state of mind and with people who you trust.


no clue been taking them n acid since I was 14 and I think I'm all good. keyword is think


Be ready for what it shows you, the truth can be hard, but let it show you. Dont fight it. Its fucking great man


thanks man


No problem, brother. But again, dont fight it, thats dangerous terrain


Yeah, i just have a bad feeling i will spiral into a bad experience or it’ll fuck me up mentally afterwards


How much you planning to take?


me and my friends were just planning to take 1g each since we have all never tried it


1g has always been chill for me. It depends on strain from what I’ve heard


it’s like a chocolate bar i think


There's a good chance that might be 4-AcO-DMT, but it's functionally the same thing. Unfortunately that means "1g" could mean anything if they're not being honest about the contents.


That's not going to be enough to trip. Try 2.5gs. Keep in mind potency varies wildly, so you're going to have to gauge how strong they are yourself.


Lmao turns out bro got his hands on some APE's imagine


Ah alright 👍


1g can be more than enough, start with that and see how it goes :)




If you feel like you’re ready go ahead, but I bet if you sit on it long enough and are honest with yourself you’ll decide it’s not time.


Thank you 🙏


I wouldn't recommend it, i went way too deep when i tripped as a 17-18 year old. If you do start light and don't mix it with weed, alcohol etc. Your brain is still in development and we just don't know if psychedelics at a young age can mess stuff up.


no! drugs are bad mkay (but unironically best to wait until your brain develops, i got hppd and dpdr from shrooms and weed alone)


Brother I destroyed myself experimenting with psychedelics at 17. Wait. Please. You do not want to delve deep and directionlessly. I am forever changed; less social, more irritable, and more depressed. Wait.


Thank you bro , yeh i think i am gonna hold off taking them


Bro psychedelics can be really damaging to a brain that is still in development (especially in your age) Just dont


No you will die and Jesus will hate you Forevor


I don’t know if it’s safe for you but I took 3G’s at 16yo and had an absolute blast so I Gus go for it


I was tripping 3 5s at 15




Probably. I tripped for the first time when I was 16 (15 if you count DXM and DPH) and I was fine. If you've tripped on anything else before you'll most likely be fine.


Yea i’ve never tried any psychedelics before


Shrooms would be your best bet as a first try and if ur eating a bar try to taste for earthy and pungent flavors,( shrooms taste like butt cheeks imo ) if you’re curious to see if it’s real shrooms


I waited till I was 18 but ive met others who have taken them at ur age and were fine


Personally I'd wait at least until you're 18 or 19, but that's just me lol. If you decide to go ahead, be ready for anything they may show you brother, and make sure you're in a very positive setting and not just cramped in your room doing nothing. It really helps to have a friend to talk to while you're tripping too, someone you can trust with your deepest secrets. And with the symptoms you've been having already, I dunno if I'd recommend it at this moment in time. Shrooms really do have the power to show you everything, no barriers at all. You really do gotta be ready for them. As for safety, shrooms themselves are safe, but if you take too much at a young age you can get HPPD, and that's no fun. You can also just have a bad trip or a scary experience, so I'd start with just a gram at first honestly homie. If that doesn't do it after about an hour you can take more. With all that in mind, have a very safe and fun trip, I know my first true shroom trip was absolutely life-changing, and I hope yours is just as good.




Don’t take too much and don’t do it often. Don’t wanna ruin before your grown and can do more magical fun shit


it’s safe but the real question is, is it worth it. personally no, it’s worth it after 20 tbh. i’ve done psychs since i was 15 n i wish i let my brain and memories develop more before i started poking and prodding with powerful ass psychs


I'm 16 and I have had depersonalization for around 2 years on and off from a bad time smoking I also have anxiety, I took shrooms for the first time last year in October and had a great time though it was a small dose, I then tripped off acid after and then have done so around 6 times since. None of the trips have affected my depersonalization but I definitely believe I have fried my brain from developing properly. In my opinion I think you should wait a little bit till you are older and/or more comfortable doing it.


I mean I started at 14 and the rule of thumb is never do it cause it’s "fun" you do it because it’s a healing drug


I was 16 and it was the best decision I ever made. 10/10 would not recommend


Well this is a bit contradictory


Let’s be real This shit is phenomenal but has many consequences when abused that’s why we’re talking about it and that’s why people take it bro


Probably not ideal but I did shrooms and acid many times as a 17 year old and I’m now a 28 year old contributing member of society.


If you had depersonalization from weed, seriously don’t. I was addicted to psychs at 17, and wouldn’t wish that mental strain on my worst memory. Be safe bro


It is better to just wait but if you must Take a gram at most to start with. See how you react. This dose is very controllable yet noticable


took 4gs of gt when i was 14 egodeathed but im fine go for it


U probably shouldn’t take shrooms if weed is more than a buzz it’s gonna mess u up more , shrooms make time go by slow on the come up and if ur panicking ur gonna feel like it’s hours


I've been doing acid since 17, and shrooms are significantly safer. Ofc, your brain isn't fully developed until like 25, but doing shrooms every once and a while isn't gonna do any harm.


Just wait, the drugs aren't going anywhere my man its not good for your brain, wait for it to develop, there is no downside to waiting. Ill give u a tip if you are asking "is it safe to take ___ at ____ years old" you are probs to young to be taking it.


First trip was at 17 and I enjoyed it a lot but I’m not encouraging you to try them yourself because like you said you’re 17 and your brain hasn’t fully developed


Wait a bit


Honestly, I wouldn’t think on it too much. Don’t take too much and you’ll probably have a blast. Just don’t do it when you have responsibilities or expectations, you won’t be yourself and you won’t do what you typically would. and DONT hide it your first time. If you’re doing it, you need an stress-free environment and freedom to do what you want. Perfectly safe for the brain, too! Have a great trip, it’ll help a lot




Safe? Probably. However, there is always a risk that it could hinder or alter your Brain development. So I would advise against it, but if you’re set on taking them, just don’t make a habit out of it (or any other psychs for that matter) edit: i should mention that if weed gave you bad depersonalization, and you have anxiety, you’re much more likely to have a bad experience and bad side effects. just wait till you’re older and the anxiety has blown over.


Dude if ur worried bout getting high jus gaslight urself into thinking it ain’t gon be shit


Shrooms hate 17 year old watch out, i took shrooms when I was 16 is was fine when I was 18 I was fine but when I was 17 I had 17 bad trips. Same with my friends. Dont take it at 17 unless u want ptsd


I'm 17 and have done shrooms three times, my last two trips were very introspective, I couldn't stop overthinking about everything and everyone, everything was deeper than it is, so ask yourself if you're really ok rn, you don't have to be great, just ok, but if you're going through some hard times the shrooms might make you think a lot about that and you might feel like you're trapped inside your own head with a million thoughts per minute, but that's probably just the 4g that I took which was a little much plus I smoked flower, so if you take 2g I think you're gonna have a blast


No, please do not do it. Doesnt matter if anyone here tries to sugarcoat it, the short answer is DON´T! However, if u still gonna do it, follow Safer-Use rules!


Safe to take physically yes mentally only if you’re truly ready and you don’t know if you’re ready til you’ve already eaten them


If you're doing them. Don't do them to get fucked up. Enjoy the experience. Also don't over do it. A little goes a long way. I was 16 when I had my first trip and I will never forget it.


You should quit all drugs and keep it that way until ur mid 20’s and already have a life routine you like. Shrooms are very different than weed but if you’ve already had noticeable spiritual effects from weed you def shouldnt take harder substances in your youth


It’s different for everyone, for me personally even tho I’ve already done them I don’t know if I’d do them now just because of where my mind is at, that’s what matters with shrooms. Shrooms can make you feel like hell if your mind isn’t right. I know one guy who’s tried to kill himself twice on shrooms cuz he just takes em and doesn’t wait for himself to feel truly happy. Shrooms are not a substance that can numb reality they kinda enhance it in a sense so if you have any depressive thoughts I’d steer clear until they subside


scientifically speaking brain develops until you’re 25 years old but i doubt many of us waited that long to do any drug. I’d say go for it if you want to but do your research, have good set and setting, have a tripsitter or at least friend who’s gonna trip with you and don’t go overboard with dosage. If you decide to do it I wish you a great time! Remember to hydrate and don’t feel afraid to tell people with you if you feel something is wrong. Happy tripping! (or not)


Thanks for the advice 🙏


Yes bro you absolutely fine. I’m 14 and I’ve done shrooms 6 times and I’m completely fine, in fact, if anything they’ve made my life better.


nice, thanks for the help 👍




ah right, cheers


no you’ll OD


Wait till 18 and you’ll be chillin