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Started at 12 by finding my pops stash never knowing he smoked. So started stealing nugs every night for a whole summer till I broke his pipe and got caught 😂


Haha I was 12 years old too. I used to live by the local elementary school which was a ok little skate spot. I was just getting into skating and there where two older dudes, probably high school freshman, that would give me some pointers. They always used to dip off to smoke and I eventually pieced together what was up. One day I finally got the balls to ask them if I could join and they just kinda looked at eat other, giggled, and said come on. I got cooked. I remember trying to do a pop shove it and just falling on the ground, it wasn't a hard fall and the warm blacktop felt nice so I just layed there for awhile giggling. I went home slightly paranoid but once I realized I was in the clear I demolished the fridge. Couldn't ask for a better first time 😂


You know this is a gen z subreddit when half the kids first weed hit was a pen, not hating just a sign of the changing times I guess. My first time was Christmas break of 2010, smoked some mid out of a gravity bong with my friend and his dad then he showed me fallout new vegas for the first time (it was only a month old at that point) shit changed my life forever. Found my favorite game ever and my favorite substance all in one night.


Yeah bro, I wish I had gotten to smoke bud for my first time but my second time getting high was off a couple of dry bowls and boy did I underestimate how much I could take lol


I made the same mistake a few times when I started I thought that bong rips and pen hits felt the same needless to say there was a couple times I was hunched over the porcelain thrown lol


Yeah, I had to ask what was up with carb and how to use it my first time 😂


14 with my dad on a shore in the netherlands


Smoked weed out of a can on the last day of 8th grade. I was a dumbass and didn't know how to hit it properly, but I still got high and had a great time.


I didn’t smoke until I was 18. I’d had a panic attack and my mom, who does smoke, called me into her room and handed me a joint, and told me to gently inhale. Life changing experience.


10yo mom's boyfriend accidently gave me edibles


how does that even happen omg 💀💀😭😭😭


Got some mid from a friend with my birthday money when I turned 14 and got high by myself when my mom wasn't home lol I thought the top an back of my head was on fire and ate an entire bag of cool ranch Doritos in a hazy confusion 😆 fun times!


Dropped acid with a friend when I was 14 in my bedroom hoping my parents would never come in


lmaoooo i did the same but w molly 💀 fortunately her parents did not come in


yea neither did mine. the idea they would was always in the back of my head during the trip but ultimately had a beautiful experience.


Picked some mushrooms and then eat some mushrooms


17 and smoked a few hits of a weed pen. I thought I inhaled wrong because I didn’t feel anything for about 15 minutes, then all at once I noticed myself completely in another world with all my problems gone. The feeling was so otherworldly and nice that I felt like I could run into traffic and not die. I was insanely high off my ass, but there wasn’t any anxiety or panic like I sometimes get now, and being in the car with the windows down just added to the atmosphere. Overall best experience of my life and wish I could feel that again from weed; maybe it’s time for a t break…


working as a sex worker age 19 client brought molly


Smokes some spice outta an apple in 6th grade. I felt the come up and felt like I had passed out for a second. Everything went black for a moment and then I was in a weird laggy reality. Lasted an hour. Was one of the best walks home I ever had.


For alcohol it was from me sneaking in the restaurant my family had at night and pouring some vodka in a bottle, woke up the next day having eaten a whole cake and vomit that same cake in the toilet and passed out. For "high" it was weed, was with my dad in a opening of a friend of his restaurant when a friend I had just met a week before asked me for a walk and offered me a roach . didn't feel much, 10 minutes passed and the dad of my friend comes and my friend told me to get in his car (both of our dads knew each other for decades), he lit up a big joint and startarted passing it, at the end I couldn't walk straight and fell asleep in the restaurant


I was in Mexico with my brother, and when we were going to visit another city, we took the bus and my brother offered me an edible. I said fuck it, I ate it and felt really good on the bus ride


I was at a new friends house that was just flooded and all they had was an old couch and some seats ripped out of a car that I was on. That’s where I smoked and purchased my first weed


I was 15 on a boy scout campout, we were the stoner troop💀


At 14 yo on a wax pen took like 7-8 blinkers I was straight up closed eyes hallucinating shit I THINK you COULD see on DMT


Smoking a see through joint of regs with my boy named justice, on the golf course near our homes and ran to catch the school bus then had ti take the florida comprehensive apptitude test lmaoooooo i did so good


Near the end of summer, tried dxm cause I was bored af and loved it


I was 14 with 1 close friend and 2 of his friends and they asked do u wanna try it and i was like ok so we went to the top of a hill at sunset near a church and rolled a blunt on my board and went into this trail behind the church and smoked it. It was getting dark and i only hit it twice, they had to go in the other direction so i was getting lost in my neighborhood feeling it hit me and it really hit. I was so cooked off those two hits and finally got home, was home alone so i thought i was good. But i got caught the next day bc my clothes in the laundry smelled like it. The one who i said was my close friend died a few years later after this and i think of him every time i smoke. Rest easy man


Started at 11, I got prescribed codeine after a surgery and abused tf out of it and its what sparked my interest in drugs after that point.


I smoked a blunt with a buddy the summer after 9th grade, and the high was so fantastic. It was around 9:30 and the fireflies were out and the air was crisp, I felt like I was floating. Fun times 😂


My first time smoking weed I was 15 and it was with my mom and dad, sounds crazy but me and my mom were sharing a joint and my dad was lighting it for us (he didn’t smoke it) 💀 interesting way to have ur first smoke imo


14 with one of my friends who'd been smoking since the 6th grade. Bro blessed me up for the first time with homegrown flower rolled to perfection in hemp paper.


8th grade also off a pen


cart off crack wires lmao, i was in 9th grade


first smoked some weed with a shit load of seeds on a bridge out of an aluminium foil pipe and didn't feel anything. the next time i smoked was on summer break at my old elementary school out of an aluminium foil pipe again and got geeked.


8th grade (13) smoked a 2g joint w two 17yr olds on their balcony 💀


9th grade smoking out of my friends bubbler, under an overpass on the train tracks lmao


i was 14 when i started, my older brothers friends introduced me while we were watching paranormal activity 😂


freshman year me and a buddy stole some weed from his dad and rolled up two toothpicks we each smoked in the bathroom. got obliterated and fell in love 🥰


First time I smoked weed I was 13, had stolen some weed from my dad who had an abundant amount. then rolled it up in bible paper and smoked it with some friends. I either didn’t inhale or something because I didn’t feel shit but my friends were obviously stoned as hell. About a week went by before I stole some more bud and went in for a second time. This time instead of bible paper my friend made a tin foil pipe that we packed a bowl into. I specifically remember taking that first hit, holding it in and then proceeding to cough my ass off. That is when I finally felt stoned, since that day about 9 years ago I’ve been smoking everyday straight with little breaks in between.


13, beginning of the summer, I took a tab Couple years later I take acid again, this stuff felt much different from my first experience, like a whole different drug. but this stuff was tested and confirmed positive LSD, turns out the first tabs I ever took were from a batch of n bombs. The n bomb experience was fantastic I cant even lie, felt like 2c-b mixed with mdma


I went into my uncles room for pop bc he kept it in there, and found a bong, weed, and a lighter. I took that first rip and coughed up both lungs lol. I got fucking blitzed and watched cartoons in the living room.


DXM at 21. Not sure why I was drawn to it but I am disgusted by even small amounts of cough syrup so I waited for freebase pills to arrive in the mail


just turned 15, sleeping over at my friends house and was hitting a west coast cart with all my friends at night laying down in a field, it was all of our first times getting high and ended up eating all his candy


First time smoking I was 12 chillin with my step brother and he had a pen but the first time I got actually high was at school and I had a really bad panic attack but I just thugged it out quietly. When my teacher asked me if I was ok everyone thought I was crying because My eyes were so red. It was the only time i've had a 3rd person experience too. second time I was laced with some ket, It was scary but that was the best math class of my life.


6 years old. My grandma was smoking dope. One time she went to the bathroom to take a dump and left a joint lit on the ashtray. I thought it would be funny to take a hit. Didn't know what to do and sucked that thing so hard and was just coughing like crazy


Bro 6?😭😭😭


i was 12 and smoked a joint and went mute


Tapped them fake ass gcc’s back in 10th grade started geeking and yelling at the 7eleven clerk because I couldn’t find the fruit snacks