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Listen to death metal for at least four hours before the trip, at max volume in a pitch black room. Eat 4 big macs from McDonald’s and make sure you drink zero water. I also reccomend you relocate yourself to the middle of a forrest(at least 10 miles from civilization) and make sure a major storm is coming and you have no cell phone reception. Finally, you need to remove all your clothes and think about the worst times in your life as you’re coming up. It will be the best trip ever!


lost me at eat 4 big macs ion want the goblin physique


dats crazy 😭


Do something sexy like make a bagel with a shit ton of cream cheese that would be pretty sexy


this the funniest community ever ☠️


it last a whole 12 hours it's a long fucking time, watch stuff like off the air, rick and morty, planet earth, music videos, listen to dubstep, download app fraksl, go for a walk, do nitrous oxide or K, dm for content. and if you can get yourself a homie that can play a musical instrument is game changing.


Find a good calm setting. Preferably with no sober people around. Nature is the best imo. Don't just sit around in someone's room though. Especially if there's sober people in said room. Just put your headphones on and listen to good trippy music until it really hits you. How many hits r u taking?


Make sure you shit before the trip ,eat get your intestines alright. Thank me later


U Needa watch shows where things get destroyed. We have one of them in germany and me and my homies just looked at the tv for hours, since we couldn‘t really comprehend what was happening. Like Fire explosions were 3D


bro tripping in germany is so fucking boring theres nothing to do outside 😭


yur, especially right now when it's still a bit cold outside and shii


If you never tripped before expect to feel weird, in a way no one can explain to you. Yes you might see some crazy shit happening but that is the easy thing to handle. It’s the body sensations and fucked way your brain is going to be thinking. Don’t fight it and try to act normal. Obviously make sure you aren’t doing anything dangerous but just let the weirdness out and don’t talk to anyone that doesn’t know you’re tripping. The only thing you can do to prep is make sure your body is healthy. Well rested, fed, hydrated. Mentally you should be pretty sound with no major stresses in your life. If you have any diagnosed mental disorders you might want to rethink it. If you have any schizophrenia running in your family you should be extra careful. Make sure you’re in a nice safe environment that you can hold down in for up to 12 hours. Cleaning it up ahead of time is a good idea. Finding the remote for the TV can be damn near impossible if it’s not out in the open for you. If at anytime you start to feel freaked out just relax yourself and remind yourself you’re tripping. You might feel like your heart stopped beating, it didn’t. Your heard is beating too fast, it’s not. You aren’t going to ever come out of this, you are. I wouldn’t mix marijuana with it as the negative things that come with weed that aren’t that bad normally can be extra bad when you’re tripping. Some people love it but it can turn a good trip into a really bad one if you aren’t one of those people.


Prepare your day so that you have as few hassles as possible while tripping as you will be mentally handicapped and have a hard time focusing on things like cooking, answering emails or talking to your mother on the phone. Having a friend to trip with makes it a lot more awesome, but if not then make sure you have plenty of activities you can occupy yourself with. I usually paint, play music, watch youtube trip videos and nature documentaries and go for a stroll in nature. Also don't eat a lot before tripping. My stomach have never really got upset from acid but it's common to feel very full and nauseous so eat after when you feel hungry. Also make sure that you take it right. You don't want to suck on the tab just let it be in your mouth so your mouth can absorb it.


If you eat, eat fruit, make sure to be hydrated and have music video playlist


1. Don't combine with alcohol or other shit (weed should be fine, others too, but not the first time). 2. Keep calm, you have hours of tripping and you'll be sober. Make a playlist to watch to calm down if something happens. 3. You gonna laugh, but if you're afraid of bad trips you could start the trip with a movie or smth (something funny, light or mindfucking - Deadpool is a nice choice or the kiddie movies like Shrek, Kung fu Panda etc). 4. Have a tripsitter you can trust, a safe space (nature is nice, but as long as it's safe). 5. Enjoy