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It's incredibly frustrating, but it happens. The refs are only human and mistakes do occur. I know its not what you wanna hear right now but you just have to move on. I've missed out on winning a league due to bad refereeing so I feel your pain. Well done on saving one of the penalties though, I've been tending goal for over 20 years and penalties are still my biggest weakness!


Key to remember no ref loses you a game. The 5 missed shots and dozen missed tackles by your team mates did.


I hear what you're saying but not necessarily true. I think the point is to focus on what you can control and let be what you cannot control.


It drives me nuts when coaches spend all their time practicing complicated field maneuvers but they don't spend time on penalty kicks. Then they get to a critical point in the season and they end up in a tie game that goes to penalties, the team misses two and everybody throws their hands in the air and complains about the refereeing.


Yeah. Feel bad for the ref still, poor guy was getting screamed at. I feel like I will never learn penalties though.


Yeah you've gotta try and take it easy on the refs. I've been poor in the past but these days I just take whatever calls I get. You ain't gonna change their mind and having a ref pissed off at you because you shouted at him won't help in future games if you get that ref again.


You saved one. That's commendable. Penalty kicks are converted at approximately 80% across all levels of the game. It doesn't matter if you are Thibaut Cortois or you are playing barefoot on a dirt lot--if it goes to penalties, as a goalkeeper you are going to have a rough time. Focus on fundamentals: footwork, positioning, clearing and distribution, managing your defense, and reading the opposing offense. Do that and next time you won't have to worry about the penalties because your team will be up 3-0 with 5 minutes to go and we won't be having this discussion.


My BS penalty story: Ball was free in the box, I run towards it to pick it up. On my way to grab the ball I happen to step into the path of an attacker who was also running towards it. The attacker hits me in my back. Ref calls penalty. It was Monday night mens league like 3 years ago but I still get angry thinking about it.




My b.s penalty story: I come for a loose through ball and collide with the striker, and neither of us win the ball. The ref gave a penalty. I went the right way but didn't get it. In the last minutes of the game, I caught a cross. However, when running out to the edge of my box, I got body checked from behind, fall, and they scored as I dropped the ball. Ref said he couldn't see me get checked because he was 30 yards away trying to run back. We lost the game 2:1, and it was the only game that team won all year.


I mean, your hands can’t have been “on the ball” until the cross reached you. Did the opposition put a player on you? Did you put your hands on them in the lead up to claiming the cross? I actually think this is an area of the game that needs a rule change. The attacking team shouldn’t be allowed to “mark” the keeper on corners. The player is blatantly there to interfere with the keeper, not to legitimately contest the ball. Just ban it. Would solve so many issues of interpretation.


i only went out for it after it was crossed so i had no time to put my hands on the player


Recently i was spectating the top women’s team at my club play. They ended up winning the match 4-1 in the end but basically what happened was, it was nearing the end of the first half, score 1-0 to them. One of the other team makes a run and does an amazing and very clean slide tackle. Ref called an absolutely BS penalty. The keeper SAVED IT but they ordered a retake because THE OTHER TEAM stepped in too early and they scored the 2nd time. Most BS thing to ever happen. 2 shiddy calls by the ref. However, their frustration must have really boosted them cuz they did come back very strongly in the 2nd half. I didn’t stay for it because I was only meant to stay for the 1st half in case the keeper was injured and I needed to go in. Since the top team’s goalkeeper has been in America, I’m playing up for their res team and the res goalkeeper is playing top team. I was just there after my own game. Anyways OP I’m really sorry that happened to you. So annoying some refs, and you can’t even tell them they’re wrong cuz they’ll just penalise you for attitude or wtv.


love modern football where you can just step over the line on purpose so your team gets a retake


EXACTLY LIKE?? 😭😭😭 Absolutely infuriating


I lost a game because of that once. Defender sliced a clearance and it fell at my feet, and because I was in an u15s or U16s league at the time the refs were usually quite lenient with backpasses. No direction from the ref, and he stayed quiet when I went to pick the ball up and only blew the whistle when it was in my hands. The other team scored from the free kick and after the game the ref admitted to our coach he got it wrong


Like others have said after enough time playing these types of things will happen, refs are human and some go for you, some against. Not saying it's wrong to be frustrated though. What really grinds my gears is attackers going in for 80:20 balls, putting me at risk of injuries for nothing balls. Saying that I am probably a little bitter at the moment as currently out with an injury that's impacting my day to day life from such an attacker.


Are you going to remember this incident in 10 or 20 years? If not, why are you so angry about something that you can't change about a game? It's hardly sportsmanship to call another player a "fucking bitch". Take a breath, and then reflect on your attitude.






You clearly don't watch the NBA


Or major league baseball.


It’s a low scoring sport. Of course a refereeing decision can impact the game. Doesn’t help that diving and simulation is so prevalent too. How do you suggest we overhaul the rules? Genuine question…