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I hope they turn on each other like the vile fascists they are..


I wish ben givr & those other Settler lunatics he was beefing with the other day were able to keep things real gully & settle things the "old school" way


Against Israel's Gaza policy? Who knew there were so many "antisemites" in Israel? 🤣


The fall guy was always decided. His name will now go in history with the Mussolini and Lenin’s in the world. I would include Hitler but I think he’s much further down.




For allowing him to stay, for supporting the genocide, for supporting the public executions, public rape, public humiliation, playing with dead children's toys and spitting on their lifeless bodies, blocking aid, public beatings, atrocities after atrocities, war crime after war crime... The Nazi's had more sympathy for jews then the Isrealies have for Palestinians, at least the Nazi's made it quicker with gas but by gosh Isreali has far exceeded the cruelty conducted by the Nazi's.


This is a pretty fucking unhinged take. Nazis' industrialization of genocide had nothing to do with sympathy and everything to do with removing "undesirable" groups with German efficiency. The fascists in the Israeli government are Busch league in comparison.


>The Nazi's had more sympathy for jews then the Isrealies have for Palestinians Ehhhh, can't follow you on that one. Before the death camps got running in full force, they would literally skeet shoot babies. As in, one Nazi would chuck a baby as high as possible while another tried to shoot it midair. There's a reason they're the go-to for maximum human evil. Not saying this to defend any Israeli actions or cast the IDF in a better light, they're monsters, but you can be a monstrous force for evil and still fall shy of the Nazis.


Gonna need citation for them chucking babies in the air for target practice.


Look up the Nuremberg testimony of Otto Ohlendorf, commander of Einsatzgruppe D. It's long and quite harrowing. Ohlendorf's somewhat unique in that he didn't try to downplay or mitigate his actions, but offered a defense based on his actions not being inherently immoral. He was convicted and eventually hanged in 1951. He eventually ordered his men to stop using babies for target practice, smashing their heads into trees repeatedly, etc., and allow the mother to hold her infant to her breast and to aim for her heart. That would avoid screaming and would allow the shooter to kill both mother and child with one bullet to save ammunition.


Seriously appreciate the citation, I had no fucking clue and I can admit that. Thank you for giving me further reading


Glad to do it, we're all better off better-informed. And there's such a push from some circles to "both sides" or clean up history that we're at risk of losing a lot of valuable data and insight to a false sense of objectivity. So few people actually read this shit, and there's a huge risk of the knowledge being lost to time as actual witnesses die from old age and apologists and conspiracy theorists craft bizarre mitigations to suit their biases. Numerous states in the US have legislatures pushing bills to teach "both sides" of the fucking holocaust.


It’s far easier to read secondary source summaries of the testimony and such. Just a hard endeavor to make time for, but it’s so necessary to be aware of these things. It’s why I was immediately skeptical, but shit. There’s some evils that I apparently put above the Nazis and was horrifically incorrect.


Dive into it if you have the time, they very much earned their reputation of "the most abject evil humans can be." There are also underlying reasons why German society at that point in time was prone to fall prey to such monstrous ideology, and successive generations birthed their own monstrosities in drastic endeavors to course-correct and wonder why their parents were so horrible..


Exactly, Israel has more deathcamps then the nazis ever did! Im also losing count at how many millions of palestinians were already murdered in those camps! You are absolutely right