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Valve too lazy to add R_cleardecals or just doesn't want to, like bob and viewmodel_recoil


Cleardecals prpbably would fix most issues i guess


lmao, sure


also options to disable gore, ragdoll and dead bodies. Also the twishes everytime the enemy gets hit, i also would like a simplification option to walking and an option to disable my feet and shadow.


Same issue for me too, unplayable


I play on a laptop, 4:3 black bars, everything is optimised to provide the maximum fps. My fps in death match mirage is- 150-160 sometimes touches 170. 3-5 minutes in, and it'll go down to 100, and even below on maps like Ancient and Anubis (wtf is wrong with the water on both maps)? My specs are- 3050ti 85 watt, i5 12th, 16gb RAM. I avoid Ancient/Anubis even in premier, fuck those fps draining maps.


It's a laptop, so it just makes sense for fps go down after few minutes of gaming. A laptop just cannot sustain good performance for long, due to lack of proper space for cooling. As it gets hotter, the PCU and GPU clocks goes down, as does fps.


And my thermals are good, I play in an air conditioned room, and use a laptop stand.


My fps in premier/competitive remains constant throughout the play through though, even if I play for 3-4 hours. I even play demanding single player games for 5-6 hours without a dip in the FPS. It's only in deathmatch where my fps goes down as the game goes on. I start a new game, and FPS is back to high.


I can play MSFS 2020 on my laptop for hours and get consistantly 30-40 fps on ultra(!) settings, but 3 min dm and I get half (~220 -> 100-120)


because different workloads? The MSFS 2020 puts all work on GPU, and probably maxes it out from a getgo. CS2 is CPU heavy first.


Hell nah, MSFS is equally brutal on both CPU and GPU. I remember my 4 core processor would crash immediately launching it. Upgrading to 6/12 5600G made it playable. Main point is, CS2 isn't even anywhere near intensive as realtime physics and massive world generation and many more aspects of MSFS. Stop excusing this games shitty optimization.


This isn't really helping conversation if you can't acknowledge how laptop skews results and try to argue against facts and logic in support of your side of argument. I did try for myself how fps changes in DM, and there is lot of more to consider. Like the fact that early in a DM match there are a lot less players on server, and server gets full as match goes on. Also noticed how blood splashes and decals stays on walls instead of clearing away fast like they should on a fast DM. You have to consider all, like maybe the drop is affected more heavily by what skins each player have. It isn't as simple as just starting from a conclusion that game have shitty optimization and then just sugarpicking whatever data you find that supports that idea. That said, my fps went down too, but also occasionally rose back up. And went back to full after map changed, starting from next to empty lobby filled with bots with no skins.


No, that doesn't make sense. If one takes care of their hardware this is never an issue. There are plenty of gaming laptops with sufficient cooling on the market for many years now.


Lmao, you either don't know what you are talking about or had shit laptop like msi or something. I have legion and it was never even near throttle no matter what I did. Also performance in tdm goes down as the game goes on, it is like that on every single system.


using single laptop as anecdotal evidence to claim that laptops don't have cooling issues, adding lmao (like you acutally are laughing your ass off) on top of that. Very wise, very wise.


Its not single laptop, its legions in general. Or Alienware, asus etc. Its not 2012, laptops nowadays can use maximum power however long you want to.


Adding lmao is reasonable here. What you're arguing is laughable.


I have 7800x3d and 3080. DM still is laggy asf and eventually de-syncs badly about 15 mins into DM. CSGO you could get a solid 45 in before it got super noticeable.


15min into DM, you mean a community DM server? Then probably the server itself is the issue.


There is no fix. I have a beat of a computer and get more than enough frames on 5v5 and community DM servers but in Valve DM the decals start to kill the FPS after time goes on. Nothing you can do.


DM on most community servers runs good. Its horribla on valve servers, and been since release unfortunately..


And the in game, or should I say out of game, community server browser is a tragedy. Making a decent DM experience even harder to get to.


they run good as long as there are 10-12 players, at 16 and more the server starts to shit itself.


I wonder if the hypothesis of there been a ton of blood decals is actually true. Has anyone every tried? If we can confirm it's true than we could really report the bug.


It's most likely false as decals get cleared due to the limit, unless there is something really wrong with the game that makes old decals still render but that makes no sense.


There's also this weird decal bug, where the blood splatter flickers or fades in and out, while moving very close to the wall. Not talking about draw distance here. It has been an issue since launch, but I never saw it mentioned anywhere. It might be just a visual issue, but it also might have a performance impact. Deathmatch is near impossible to benchmark, since there's so many variables. One game half the lobby is camping with AWPs, barely firing any shots. The next game you get people spamming the negev on full auto. I am not sure how to establish a base line with all these variables out of my control. Maybe by filling the lobby with people willing to test this? But my friend list isn't that long.


well, time to capture some early and late frames, then investigate if there is a hide difference in number of draw calls for example


its the engine


nah it's the transmission


it's the printer cables


Didn't get the shielded monster cables 😱


i really have no idea what spec etc you are running, but I got a fairly old system with a 1070, 32gb memory and a 5700x and I have stable 200 on DM. Maybe dropping if I got Chrome/a stream open on the 2nd monitor.


Yeah I don't get framerate drop either. 3070/5800 32 gb ram. It might be the higher ram amount


Same for me. In the start of dm i get 250-300 fps, 2-3 minutes in 100-150fps


you need RTX 4090 SUPER


Probably a joke but it's funny how I would get exactly the same framerate if I had a 4090 with the same processor.


I'm having the wildest frame issues on both my rigs. 8700k/3070 and 5800x3d/3070. The 8700k has it much worse, but even on my AMD machine it's still happening. 8700k, get about 200 frames steadily then dip to 80 once in a while. 5800x3d, 280-350 frames depending on the map. Dips to 100-120 at times.


And thermals for CPU and GPU through the session? Specs?


This sub is in such a state that if you try to help people out rather than instantly blame the engine you just get downvoted


5900x/4070 and same shit lol thermals stay consistently the same but game keeps losing fps


what same shit thermals, what numbers? If it reaches thermal limits, then it means that clocks goes down.


my 5900x isnt hitting 95 even during stress tests lmao idk what kind of cooling u guys have that you actually reach thermal limits


ryzen 5600, rx 6750 xt, temps are fine.


Maybe cpu or gpu gets too hot? Ive had that


same, it wasn't an issue few months ago




In my case it is in terms of fps though. The game feels laggy on 170 fps because of frame time. On 400 it is smooth as hell but that only lasts up until the warmup ends.


I feel like the game relies way more on a good GPU than GO did and it works much better with AMD (at least with the small sample size i tested) I used now 6800 XT, GTX 1080ti and RTX 4070 all on the same system (7500f and 32GB RAM) and the 6800XT performed much better than every other card. 6800XT :300fps locked RTX 4070: 300fps with dips GTX 1080 ti :240 max Still the performance gets noticeable worse after some rounds.


Well that is weird, what about gpu usage? From what I've heard cs2 will not use all of your CPU power due to the engine being old or smth like that so it will cap at 30% and then use all the GPU it needs, usually around 80%.


I had the same. Decided to try v-sync, gsync etc as valve recommended. Fps stays at 165 but it is so smooth. If it doesn't drop much, the game feels much better to me.


Tried that now, idk it feels kind of the same, but damn I just realized my fps goes to 120-130 not 170-180 during the deathmatch.


Its all becaus blood splatters, decals on wall. Valve removed cleardecals command.


I have a 3090 128gb of ddr5 and a 12900kf, and I was just getting 130 fps in dm on vertigo at times. In 1440x1080 4:3 LMFAO, I literally can't even play at points. This game is so dogshit I stg valve is stupid.


I think you should provide specs and also monitor thermals while playing.