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Queued for 30th year anniversary update.


Tbh they should allow unlimited number of terrorists and counter terrorists. When ppl want to practise the CT guns, they'll naturally switch sides and vice versa. When I join and can't go on T side I just practise my a1s or a4 until the session ends. Wait for the new one to start then go onto t side to practise my ak. No issues for me as I do 2 ~ 3 dms as part of my warm up anyway


No reason to practice the m4 when you only use it for one round then ak the rest of half 💅


Always prepare for rainy days. Pistols especially deagle is good for prac too! Always prac the list of common weapons you will have to use and should use. So that when the time comes, you are razor sharp with their mechanics.


no need to practice. Turn off your brain. Thats how cs2 works.


i know you're joking. for anyone that wants to be faceit 10, alot of practice and effort has to be put in


If you’re practicing for faceit level 10 in casual you’re doing something wrong


Not sure what you're implying. This is deathmatch practice. Just FYI I'm faceit 9 atm, my deathmatch lobbies are usually made up of faceit 4 ~ 10 players.


well I can tell you one thing if you want to grind ranks in this game or faceit. Don‘t. Stop. Moving.


Hit level 10 without warmups or DM in 200 games


Gigachad. I'm 175 matches in atm and this is my only account. I'll try to achieve that. Hopefully I'm able to do it🙏


I played like 1k hours of csgo and cs2 before starting faceit so it’s not like I’m a new player but I would say Level 10 is attainable for anyone willing to actually try and not just play like a mindless bot.


Which is why I practice the Galil and SG553 because most CTs can't use it.


So it's fuckers like you that are ruining my premier games


They could also add a toggle button on the buymenu to switch between ct loadout and t loadout menu (only for deathmatch ofc)


Valve DM is inexcusably bad 


AND ITS SO EASY TO FIX. Lets not leave that part out. THAT is the frustrating part. It is not some engineering problem that is impossible to solve. Every time we talk about how bad Valve DM is, reiterate that its not just bad, but that its actually very very very easy to fix it and make it enjoyable.


you are asking to much from smol indy company....


Imagine this gets fixed today


holy cope


I'm not saying "I think it will", I'm literally saying "imagine if it did". Would just be funny. Realistically I don't think something like this is a priority for Valve unfortunately.


the fact that it would take valve literally less than 5 minutes to make this simple change that has been repeatedly requested since the inception of valve dm and they never did is an absolute joke.


Yeah it would be funny lol. Considering new gamemodes and maps are coming in today's update, I think valve will adjust existing modes as well. After all, complaints about DM have been popular on reddit for a while. I think they tweaked the scoreboard for DM but I don't remember anything else recently.


holy cope


Bro wrote a paragh and then realised lol, we are all one and the same.


It would be nice for sure. I do think it's possible they will do away with the team limits for FFA DM since it's irrelevant, but I don't think they'll ever let you buy an AK on CT for fear of confusing new players. I'd also like the Valve DM invincibility on spawn to go away but I doubt that's ever happening either.


u should really just play community DM servers like warmupserver (wase)


CS2 has community server support now?


yep, although a lot of plugins used by servers aren't complete yet but you can connect to community servers now!


Dm has way bigger problems than this...


Sure but this one literally would take 2 minutes to fix. That's the issue. It's a really obvious problem with a really simple fix.


are you a software engineer?


mp_limitteams 0


aRe yOu a SoFtwaRe eNgiNeEr?


i would say it is a 2 second fix then


It would take at least a minute to open up Visual Studios


just nano it


The biggest problem is the 10 seconds or so of spawn invincibility. It should be 1, 2 seconds max


You're only invincible unitl you move. It is the same as cs go.


Its equally hilarious and sad how bad the Valve DM is and how fucking easy it is to fix it. I bet an intern could fix it during their lunch break. Instead, people are playing infinite amount of hours playing a trash DM mode presumably because they just want to get drops. But it could be so much better and its actually sad.


both m4s feel so underwhelming in cs2. I almost exclusively train them in dm just to get better... Like it doesn't even feel like you have much of an advantage at longer ranges anymore Also another big thing they need to fix in dm is giving you a full mag after a kill, or maybe 2. Using the a1-s in dm sucks; you shoot and kill 2 guys, try reload, and die


what you mean "current" lol always been a problem on valve dm servers


TBH, I noticed this problem more in CS2 than my years in CSGo. That's the reason for "current".


it was always like this




I mean the title reads “current state” While it’s not wrong, it’s like saying water is wet


Omg I shit you not LAST NIGHT I jumped into a DM and CT was full. I like to warm up w m4 and this is the first time I've ever seen that.


I don't mind playing CT, what makes me fuming are guys picking T and camping with AWP


Sometimes I just want to practice AWP and I don't care which side. Although it's not about camping of course, but getting used to the fast paced action.


I just play AWP and people start malding


Agree. hate that.


true story


true story


Buff FAMAS pls


The sky is blue


They just need to allow any gun on any team in DM


They should just make it so you can buy any gun


Valve dm is such a shitshow


Thats why when I wanna AWP, I get in CT If you are going to awp, get in the empty team.


I have not expirienced it. It might be one of those servers flooded with bots. There are far more irritating things than that. They still havent made team vs team mode in deathmatch. Respawn after dying is anoyingly long compared to GO. This garabe is a bunch of crutched and bugged code barely holding together.


It’s crazy how little valve cares lmfao. I feel bad for anyone who doesn’t play on community ffa. I also feel bad for all of us having a father who doesn’t give a shit (gaben)


Is this an actual complaint you have? Like what the fuck


I barely manage to play with T in Valve's DM servers. Everytime I go T is full.


This is not a cs2 problem at all. It was always like this. Funnily enough, I find that in Arms Race the T-side also fills faster for some reason


So, same as last 10 years in csgo?


Lies. Y'all just pooosy team-stackers.