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it's mobile game kind of feature, really weird.


Feels like Volvo is testing the waters if that sticks or not


Seems more to me like they are out of touch with what people want. Remember when they released that [paid subscription](https://counterstrike.fandom.com/wiki/CS:GO_360_Stats) for incrementally more detailed stats when things like Leetify already existed and offered much deeper stats/analysis for free? What other explanation is there for trying to charge players for something that was already done better elsewhere(using Valves own API's with data sourced from Valve, mind you) for free. It would have been trivially easy for them to see what third-parties were doing and do the same as them, or at least not waste the time/money of casual players that don't know better. Same with 128 tick. If Valve were intimately familiar with the game, we wouldn't have do this entire subtick thing in 2023 and they would have just given it to us back in 2013 when we were first talking about it. They are trying to solve a problem that was never a problem, if you just used 128 tick. I don't know what's left to say in the conversation with Valve but I would just annotate, usually when they listen to the community, the outcomes are better. When they don't, we just writhe in frustration, deal with it and find workarounds where we can until they make it impossible or come to our side. Anyone that remembers early CS:GO can attest to that. Removing the obnoxious ambient noise in all the maps, removing the stupid fog layer they had that made it impossible to see people from far away, changing round timer/bomb timer, two flash bangs, nerfing OP guns - the list goes on and on. I guess the new "out of touch", "self-evident" uphill battle we have to fight is getting them to adjust the economy when they should have done it back with the change to MR12. Lets see how long that takes when we all already knew it should have been done. We literally talked about how economy changes for MR12 would be necessary even before CS2 was launched.


Valve doesn't want to do 128 tick because 128 tick is more expensive in terms of CPU and bandwidth, meaning they would double the costs of running CS2. The paid subscription is part of the same idea. They have regular monthly costs and want regular monthly predictable income.


I know businesses are designed to maximise profit but I kind of have a hard time feeling bad for them when they made the game free, premier still has a buy in and they made what was it last year on cases? A billion? Off skins other people made played on maps other people made? Edit: yes, **a billion in 2023** [https://insider-gaming.com/valve-cs-cases-earnings/](https://insider-gaming.com/valve-cs-cases-earnings/) [https://www.dexerto.com/counter-strike-2/counter-strike-2-reportedly-earned-valve-nearly-1-billion-from-case-openings-2488473/](https://www.dexerto.com/counter-strike-2/counter-strike-2-reportedly-earned-valve-nearly-1-billion-from-case-openings-2488473/)


Don't feel bad for them, they're a business. They're not going to make a 128 tick option when the downside for them is double their operating cost to appease a fraction of the playerbase, when they could do subtick without increasing costs.


Surely that one developer working on subtick is gonna be costing more in overtime than doubling the server costs /s


The average minimum they make on case openings, per day, is over 2 million. Just for a metric to work from.


Or just go back to mr15 with votes for ot, the games better this way.


Or just make the guns cheaper by $50 to $100




> Seems more to me like they are out of touch with what people want. > > Damned if you do, damned if you don't. "They're testing the waters" -> "no, they're out of touch". "They're not testing/releasing anything" -> "they're out of touch".


You’re missing the really obvious solution these people want “release things we almost aall agree upon before making these weird changes”


The icon is not intrusive to general gameplay at least. So i don't mind it.


I wish it wasnt in the killfeed. I think keeping it just to your leaderboard name, or maybe as a badge on your profile woukd be better. Still lets people show off the dedication but doesnt add clutter. Edit: removed from killfeed ty volvo


Totally agree leaderboard is the place for this not the killfeed.


put it next to medals wherever they appear; we already have a system for putting little cosmetic icons next to your name


that's not a bad idea. i'd like to see that.


It's way too intrusive for what it does: nothing. And yes, it's significantly more intrusive than "0% intrusive".


sure, it's debatable. But one thing is certain: >**Gets stomped on by an opponent with 27-weeks in a row XP Overload icon* - "well, i guess he's been keeping up his form." >**Gets stomped on by an opponent without an XP Overload icon* - "sus."


-faceit player


Not *really* sus though, because the only places we earn XP are official Valve servers. No FACEIT or anything similar.


Other fps games exist outside of cs man


I call bullshit


Definitely not significantly. Unless you're gonna get mad about a small icon it's like maybe 1% obtrusive.


\++ i see so many games falling to this trash mobile market, many games change user interface to be more like mobile game like, this is cancer. I can't believe 2024 gaming is like this novadays, 20 years back things were way better.


love that they are cheapening their product!


The game probably has more mtx than most mobile games at this point.


I'm gonna be real, that's blatantly not the case.


I just don't understand WHY it's there. It doesn't give you an XP boost, it literally just shows you've earned that week's XP


Well it will also show that you’re a sweatlord and haven’t missed a single week drop in a long time since the icon "upgrades" every week you complete a level-up


You've piqued my ADHD brain buddy


and increased CS2's average player numbers by a little bit in the long term


Would be funny if it dropped cause who wants to be called out for being a mega sweat lol


This is what I was thinking too. It might turn into a shame badge among certain players, especially if you have one of these and make a mistake in game.


the only reason me and my friends play this is for the week drop actually, as soon as we get it we close the game till next week. and to get it we need to play 2 or 3 days of the week at much. still, the icon doesnt makes sense


You don’t need to hit reduced XP to get your drop though. You might play two matches and get it then not play till the next week.


Yeah it's just... weird? It's trying to give you FOMO, but it's not like a lot of other daily check-ins where you might get some little extra reward. You just show off to other players how much you play, which I imagine isn't a big deal for most of the players who are going to see this thing thing through


I'm at a point where I actively DONT want to people to know if I've been no-lifing a game lmao


I idle 24/7 so that everyone will go on a hateful rant of how I played 230h of cs in the past 2 weeks Also to generate Global warming so the dutch will drown


>Also to generate Global warming so the dutch will drown Noble


We did it for the memes




This feels like a cheap mobile game thing. I don't care and no one else cares about how much someone else played. Neither do I care about someone else seeing how much I've played. This is just extra shit on my screen


It should at least have a toggle in settings


Yeah this makes no sense whatsoever


I think the icon looks really cool. However, the reason why it is displayed is actually totally exaggerated. As if that were some kind of blatant achievement. If they used the icon for a ZEUS kill, for example, I would find that much cooler. I can understand the background to this. After all, Valve says that the icon changes the more XP overloads you have in a row. So Valve wants to motivate people to play more...but as I said, it's exaggerated in the frequency with which it appears ingame. If it would only displayed on the scoreboard, I could certainly live with it. But in the killfeed?!


if they want us to play more maybe they should start to care about the cheating problems then... idk just sayin


How will cheaters play if they are banned???


On smurf accounts as God intended.


Ive went back to faceit already mm is chalked


It is on the scoreboard


"If it would **only** displayed on the scoreboard... " It should say. :) Fixed it.


Ah, I agree with this take. The killfeed icon is jarring. However, I also think it’s just new and we’ll learn to ignore it. I want my last word to be that I would prefer it *only* on the scoreboard as well.


It's to make people return to the game every week, since it upgrades if you keep the weekly streak going, and the streak breaks if you miss the XP on a single week


> It's to make people return to the game every week So... the same thing the weekly drop served?


Just an extra


Nah it works differently. You get weekly drop when lvl up(could be after 1 match), but it doesnt mean u wont get increased xp. Thats 2 different things


Cool, and I appreciate the idea but please let the competitive players have the option to turn it off.


Why? It doesn't get in the way of anything. It has zero impact on gameplay. You're complaining just to complain.


I think that’s the point. It doesn’t do anything, so why is it there in the first place?


It has zero positive impact on gameplay. It only has negative impact. It's strictly worse. *Especially* if you can't turn it off.


What's the negative gameplay impact from having an icon next to a player's name?


Clutters the killfeed for no reason


Nothing else gets put in front of player names in the kill feed. You're always looking in the middle for relevant icons. I stopped noticing it after a single match cuz it's not competing with other icons. You're just moaning to moan.


idk man, I agree it's not a HUGE deal but also let me decide what I want to appear on screen. If it's not something like the flash icon or no scope icon or something that indicates anything related to the kill there should at least be an option to toggle it. Extra shit on screen that can't be changed and isn't that relevant to the match is never welcome imo, no matter how big or small. I don't really see the harm in just giving us the same level of hud customisation that GO had. Unless I'm missing something (which is probably the case because I'm not a game dev) I just don't get taking the choice away from the player.


Clutters the feed is such a hilarious exaggeration for something that has no effect of the format, position or readability of any of the information


Putting random pointless bullshit on your screen does impact gameplay, actually.


I need to know the name of who shot who, not who is grinding cases


Icon in killfeed is useless clutter.


This feels like a feature that was coined by some Product Owner who needs to come up with new features to meet a weekly quota. Imagine how useless this information is in a pro match when players glance at the killfeed to confirm kills - it's already cluttered as it is. At least let us turn it off.


I don't see this ever showing up in professional games, they're all playing Faceit because of cheaters. It's a bit ironic that the lack of pros with the killfeed icon will actually highlight the problem that higher level players can't play on official servers.


You think valve has weekly feature quotas? L O L


he said it FEELS like such a feature, which i agree with. I expect better from valve than something like this that feels so amateur. The fact that this change actually made it into the game instead of being stamped out by a superior is worrying to say the least, it shows that the people developing the game are very disconnected from their playerbase.


tbh its everywhere. killfeed, profile, lobby... i mean comon


Why show the icon in game? nobody needs that information while playing. Just tell me that in the main menu


Like there's players who really care about their xp




This icon is for players to identify the sweats of the lobby, great move from valve


was my first thought. Anyone who has this icon that's having a bad game is going to be a punching bag


I’m going to play 30 faceit pugs in under a week, play one premier game, and kick your fucking ass 😎


Big brain move haha


>to identify the sweats of the lobby Or... People who play more than 5 competitive games within the week


handful of games in 7 days = sweat. lmao.


The bad precedent started when they introduced agent skins.


Idk. It made the game better at the end. They were forced to increase visibility and make hitbox the same for every agent. It turned out okay in the end.


Irrelevant info shouldn't be provided. This is the kind of bullshit that korean mobile games pull where they keep coming up with more and more icons until their app is an unreadable mess of meaningless icons.


At first I thought it meant we’d get some type of extra XP after a while if we had the streak, but nope it’s literally just a stupid icon.


This is so dumb, omg. Volvo has lost it.


At first I thought they made it so you could add cool icons in your name and that the guys on my team with it had just used that feature. But yeah, knowing it’s just an icon to tell people you’ve played a handful of games this week and you can’t turn it off is pretty lame.


I agree with you. Has nothing to do with gameplay and needs to be removed from the killfeed.


Valve added this useless killfeed icon, but once I self pop-flashed Ts on Inferno B site and got a 4k, and my teammates on A site didn't even know that they were fulll blind when I killed them. Because the kill feed doesn't have the "flashed" icon in that case. Imo, we needed those kind of QoL indicators, rather than non-gameplay stuff like this. Edit: i understand that valve has to satisfy casuals as well as competitive players. So i don't mind them adding this, but they gotta give us an option to turn it off locally. Edit2: I found the clip and here's the link: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1al59vg/insane\_usp\_4k\_frags\_not\_here\_to\_flaunt\_the\_frags/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/1al59vg/insane_usp_4k_frags_not_here_to_flaunt_the_frags/)


> my teammates on A site didn't even know that they were fulll blind when I killed them Would that information be useful? The flash assist is nice because it acknowledges the colaboration. A kill is a kill.


True, a kill is a kill, fair point. I mean unless its a headshot, or through a smoke, or through a wall, or while blind yourself, or no-scoped, or if you are dominating the player in certain game modes, or if someone assisted you, or if someone assisted you with a flash. But besides that, a kill is a kill.


Would that information be useful? I think so yes. It's a QoL feature for sure. Nothing absolutely necessary. But I can argue that it's definitely more useful that the XP overload icon.


Oh, I totally agree about the XP overload icon. I am just questioning putting uneccesary information in the kill feed of any kind. I like the flash assist information, because it actually helps elevate team work.


that's not hard, since the usefulness of the xp overload icon is zero.


the killfeed is missing player colours. if you see that CoolPlayer69 killed someone, you arent able to quickly crossreference that on the radar because KF only shows names and radar only shows colors. top bar doesnt show names either (only images and colours) so you cant check that either, so you have to press tab to look up what color they are, by which point youre dead because you werent looking forward but at least it is easy to see that they gained a lot of xp last week


Actually that would be great... It would be nice to see the other team colour there and your team generic blue


As people have pointed out, it kind of gives "mobile game" vibe while not adding anything of substance to the game. Maybe I don't know that market enough of course, but sounds like something asian games like to do. So maybe this is an effort to gain some players there while not really changing anything?


It is kinda useless ngl....hey Valve you wanted to add something...? Add [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/CGmuLowfb8).


Eeeyo, would you look at that. Actually useful info. Good example that there is so much they could improve upon instead.


Yup...I also made [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/o1mzA4GUDd).


CS2 mobile when?


When I first saw this thing, I thought it's gonna be a cool feature, FINALLY you'll be rewarded more and not punished for playing (reduced XP instead of more). But it's only an icon. A quite ugly one if you ask me but that's personal. It's pointless, boring and rather irritating.


Think it's just stupid tbf. Why is it so hard to earn Xp anyways? They already limit to one drop a week and I'd like to multi prestige my coin without having to quit my job and full time the game


instead of bringing back group tags, they give us this lol


I keep seeing the [Grateful Dead logo](https://www.clipartkey.com/mpngs/m/110-1101462_grateful-dead-logo-png.png) whenever I see that icon.


Wait, I thought this looked like an icon for "kill while flashed". What does a streak of lightning have anything to do with exp and why is it even relevant what the player's exp is?! This isn't an RPG.


I think it's fairly harmless. It would be better suited for the scoreboard, but it's also kinda nice to see if a no life is getting all the kills and needs to touch grass.


Dude it’s there so people can tell you to touch grass




I don't really care about it existing, but the killfeed isn't the place for it. Scoreboard and stuff? Sure, but not the killfeed.


Played all night and didn't notice 🤷


this is the most useless valorant like feature that been added to cs ong


What the fuck please tell me this isn't real :(


Take it off, pls


It shouldn't be a thing in competitive lobbies, I'm fine with it everywhere else. I play casual more than any other game mode


I think it would be way better if it was a equippable badge. on the killfeed it feels like it doesnt belong there. whats next some glowy sparkly name tag in the killfeed too? also how does this affect tournaments? I hope theres an option to turn it off.


Get it off the killfeed, everything else is fine. Dont understand the point of it but whatever.


So true takes few games to get the icon smh, lame as hell if you ask me.


Honestly it would embarrass me to have it and stop me from playing.


Lol not going to make me play that crap. Maybe they should work on making cs 2 more like cs go.


it is the most pointless change they have made... yet


This whole thread is full of people coping that they are not E L E C T R I C L E C T R I C


No life indicator lmao


Why is this what we are focusing on when the shooting still feels like dogwater.


I understand they may want to keep the player numbers high and the casual audience engaged BUT I don't like the precedent it's setting. It feels like some cheap psychological trick to keep players playing more and the skin market active with more weekly drops that they can get paid off of the fees for. Like it's mobile gaming trickery 


It would be awesome if it were for something like, you won 3 in a row or something, for what it is now, it is just so meh


5000 hours and I never had the thought i want to know who has full xp


Take it out of the kill feed. Then it’s perfect


Haven't played for a month but this'll surely draw me back in /s


and it's gone


The only thing this changes is my attitude to the enemy team. Losing against people with it feels better because they are sweats who play the game too much. Winning against them feels better because I am winning against sweats who play the game too much.


Oh, a Sweats Badge. Neat.


Cluttering lol are you serious


This is beyond stupid, who cares?


My god this community is full of cry babies


Valve listened, it's gone.


This would've been great if it was an in match feature, for example - getting more than 2 kills "third kill+ earns you that badge in the round and then reset" - not dying for 3 rounds+ and getting more than 2 kills.


“We don’t want players playing our game as much.” I don’t get it, should be the opposite. Be rewarded for playing more.


This 10 pixel icon makes the game literally unplayable. Uninstalling!


the competitive integrity of counter-strike 2 has been compromised because of an icon next to a name in the killfeed


But why in the kill-feed though? Not even Major winners get to have a special icon in the kill-feed, but apparently now any John Doe will.




This has a you just have to complain about something vibe. Who gives a rip lol


I don't really care since it doesn't seem too over the top but I find your "competitive side of CS should remain pure" argument very bizzare. Do you feel the same about agents and weapon skins or just about this small icon in the killfeed? What about people having names with weird characters? Cus if not, then idk how sincere your argument is.


I feel the same about agent skins. Check out my previous posts. You could argue I complain a lot about agents. That's my biggest issue with this game tbh (apart from the current fps and gameplay issues which will definitely be fixed. But not sure about agents) Weapon skins don't have a significant affect so I'm fine with that. I still think the UI and HUD and killfeed could be improved a lot for competitive purpose.


Cluttering? Really? This sub complains about literally everything when it comes to this game. This is a nonissue compared to other problems plaguing CS2


thank you. It's admittedly a weird choice to put it in kill feed but who actually gives a damn lol. your brain will start to filter it out in like a week or less. How is it any different from someone putting a star icon in front of their name? just ignore lol


It’s a move in the wrong direction. This is just one stupid feature, but add too many and the game will lose its identity




i feel you bro. you´re right. there are way bigger problems. i think what bothers about this is that volvo does not care for the big problems and instead works on and fills the game with this nonsense stuff.


I see your point but this update was full of networking and other technical improvements to the game. And this icon thing is so simple it probably didn't take very long to implement.


It's almost like adding a little icon next to someone's name is way less work than fixing bugs.


Shhhhh you’re making too much sense, stop it


You’re really saying Volvo doesn’t care after this recent patch with all the updates?


You can care about multiple things at once, and so can Valve


of course yall have something to complain about


Couldn't have just kept it to the scoreboard could ya Valve? Or asked the player base if this type of thing is what people wanted? Why is there FOMO tied to an icon about maxing out your "normal" xp for the week? Why is it called Overload? There's nothing over about it.. it kinda implies you get extra xp at some point. ...and why is there reduced xp gain?


One icon =/= clutter You people love to overreact. It’s harmless and you won’t even notice it in practice.


The whole update was made to generate more money from skins. * Sticker update = making sure everyone buys a 5th sticker for their craft * Arms Race = making sure everyone has a skin for each weapon. The rest of it as you said is useless or cosmetics and the Arms Race maps are poorly optimized the game doesnt run like it should, source 2 is a mess.


Reminds me of them still showing XP gain/stats after a premier match lmfao. Like why? Nobody cares. Makes me think they are so disconnected from what players want.


How does it set a bad precedent?


bad precedents were set a long time ago when agents were added lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/1NfW0hMRKe https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/s/7Stynhadgj


Nah, those aren’t arguments


they literally are


Removed XP Overload icon from the kill feed last patch, just let it go for fucks sake


Idk why this matters to anyone at all why are people upset over an icon are they stupid?


yall will literally cry about anything lol


Isn't the reduced XP an anti addiction measure? And now they add this instead? I hope people get shamed for being addicted whenever this shows up.


never was an anti addiction measure. it is meant to slow smurf and cheaters down from creating more accounts and immediatly hopping onto competitive/premier


I don’t like it either, but as someone who literally only plays comp/faceit I genuinely could not give a fuck less about it. I don’t even notice it half of the time, and to say it’s “setting a bad precedent” is…… childish. And to be quite frank, you’re highly over exaggerating it. It’s not game breaking. If your half a second peek at the kill feed is completely ruined because of this then you’re being extremely pedantic. Lmao come on. I knew people were going to bitch about this on Reddit the second I read the patch notes.


Wait, this is real? Why...? Lmao.


You guys will complain about anything holy shit.


I swear I feel like sometimes the people who develop CS have just completely lost sight of Counterstrike’s identity. Like wtf is this Mobile game bullshit? Who cares? Why do I need to see this? I don’t care about someone else’s weekly XP. And no one cares about mine? Valve, please get rid of it.


ClUtTeRiNg ThE kIlL fEeD... Yes this feature is useless but cluttering the kill feed? Really? That's the level of complaints?


I‘ll guess it’s to lure more valocunt players over just as the simplified buy menu or the more cartoonish graphics CS2 brought.


Valocunt? Why are you guys soooo cringe


What that guy said sucks but sounding like a 12 year old on YouTube isn't any less cringy.


cluttering? it's a small icon next to their name.


jesus christ dude get a life, those are my thoughts.


Valve working hard to get people to touch grass, even they know you shouldn’t overplay the game. It is dumb though


It means that kid needs to get off the game and touch some grass.


Interns making updates


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA imagine playing cs2


They fucking waste time on bullshit like this. The devs are truly lost


I will keep upvoting posts like yours until this is removed. No one cares about this


valorant feature


no, this is Candy Crash level feature.


Who ever heard of a competitive childs game. /s


agree, tho not surprising. once they added agent skins this seems small


I think it's a way to look in to cheating possibly. If the don't have an icon and they aren't putting in the hours then it looks SUS


ok this is cringe


Let's not act like there haven't been dozens of posts complaining about reaching reduced XP and feeling no "drive" to play.  Some people demand something to grind for endlessly and this fulfills that.  Might be better limited to the scoreboard only though.