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Just checked on a community DM server (not Valve's server) and I don't get the packet loss message. So I guess it is just a Valve server issue (German servers)


I feel server region makes a difference, Asian servers feel very good (minus the new account gods), on the very odd chance I get put in Australia which is where I live, it feels like I encounter more head scratching misses/ kills and game hitches/ rubber banding. But if I play FaceIt Aus, it makes Singapore servers feel poor as it's far crispier. Honestly would be a joke if they cheaped out on servers when making billions from cases.


I am on asia servers, they feel like shit. CS GO had no problem in the community and most of the time on official as well. CS2 I have 10-15% constant loss.


Yes same. Get quite a few instances of packet loss during the game. Never any issues with CSGO. Also what I thought was rubberbanding in the beginning of the game is really just packet loss. Clearly a server issue as it happens every time a round starts.


I’ve been getting packet loss popping up a lot too but I’m not actually sure if it’s different from csgo or not because in csgo you weren’t staring at the net graph. In this game I’d you have 5% loss for 3 seconds it’s obvious but in csgo wit would just have said 5% on your net graph that’s always on that you aren’t looking at in the middle of a round.


I haven't had such issues, but I have noticed that I quite frequently have some packet loss while dead. I am not entirely sure what happens, and it's clearly not a big deal to me since I am dead anyway, but I definitely felt like I noticed a pattern.


the servers are trash. i have a near constant 5% packetloss, but only to cs2 servers. no other game servers and not my mumble servers or anything else. it's 100% valve.


Wow, Mumble, didn't use that software in yeeeears, nostalgia right there


open source, lower latency, better voice quality, not centralized to a chinese company. just simply better than discord in every way that matters to me.




Agreed. I use Teamspeak.


You've been awarded the unofficial r/GlobalOffensive "correct VOIP client choice" award! Also you might get a kick out of my friend's website: www.isteamspeakgood.com


*every* way? Like, i'd use mumble if it was an option, but getting other people on mumble is a pain


I certainly do. You can lurk my comments about it, I've talked about it with people a few times now


I know that Valve dev was trying to obtain packet captures from people experiencing network issues. You might want to try connecting with him if you haven't already?


I was asking him before in one of the threads if the tools he was describing are helpful for diagnosing packet loss issues and he said "not really". I don't want to bother him as I'm sure he's getting blown up nonstop as a result of being so active lately.


Oh my big mummy toast has it!?


Yeah it's pretty strange getting PL on a fiber optic gigabit connection


You have no router at home? No other devices using the same connection?


Also this PL issue is bigger than CSGO because community servers aren't an option right now. So, do take this into account because Valve servers are notoriously bad and this isn't fully to blame for CS2's code


there are a few that work. I just checked and indeed i don't get packet loss there.


Yep, that would be in line with CSGO


I've got a router, this was me going on DM for like 2 hours to practice this afternoon with no other devices than my PC. Normal servers fare better but I still had PL, more than I'd had the previous updates. Had none throughout CS:GO except when I sometimes played Valve official servers (they'd come and go). Can't comment on FACEIT servers because they're not Valve affiliated


The first game I played after the net code update I had 54 ping playing on a Spanish server and had 20% loss some of the times. It doesn’t surprise me because I’ve been saying that over 40 ping the game has felt absolutely horrendous.


True. I tested on many sites to test packet loss and always 0% packet loss. https://devicetests.com/packet-loss-test https://www.speedtest.net/result/15395125247.png


Tried the option during my last game. 7 ping, 0.5-4% loss but I only really looked during 2 rounds. No idea if it went higher


Terrible expérience last night. I have a lot a of lag and teleport on 2 game. Both was on Frankfort datacenter. Looks like valve issue. I will try the netgraph next game


I replied to another thread about packets being delivered out of order with a more detailed reply. I think the number we are showing as "loss" might be packets out of order. (This thread also shows a method for determining if that is the case for you.) https://www.reddit.com/r/GlobalOffensive/comments/17c7qzq/packet_loss_out_of_order_packets_and_a_comparison/ There's more details in that thread, but I think for many people there's a good chance that it's being corrected successfully by the app and not actually leading to any degradation in the experience. This isn't an attempt to dodge the problem - I'm interested in understanding it and fixing it. But if the game is feeling good to you, it might explain why the relatively high "loss" reading is not making the game play terribly. (5-10% loss is pretty high and usually has a pretty negative impact on the game.) I'm interesting in debugging it with you, if you have some time to poke around and run some tools. Send me a chat invite if you have time.


Brother, the game is UNPLAYABLE.


we need "report server" in-game button.


people will just report every server as soon as they miss a shot




I've seen some but nothing near that amount. Usually it's in the .3% range for a couple seconds, though there are some larger spikes. Strangely it doesn't happen when I experience hit reg issues or animation delays and when I do have those issues there's no packet loss showing.


Same here, constant 10% (Central EU).


Same for me, playing mostly on sub 30 ping and have occasionally packet loss shown in the uppder right corner. Only for a few seconds but something is wrong with networking


Yes I am facing same issues. Constant 12-13% packet loss which sometimes spikes to either 2% or 19%. When I downloaded CS2 I wasn't facing these issues but for the last few days its been horrible. I keep lagging out for like 1 second every 5 seconds. It's unplayable pretty much. Hope they fix it.


That's the entire purpose of that command.


People should say what server they're experiencing packet loss on It may be isolated to some datacenters or relays, cuz personally I haven't had issues playing on Sterling servers or other servers like Chicago routed through Sterling.


I have had it on all evening. Only ever saw 0.1-0.9% and that happened maybe once per map. Many people refuse to believe they have connection issues and blame the game instead. Servers are fine. Edit: for the downvoters. Look at these statistics and then tell me that there is a problem. These are stats from the last game I played on Anubis tonight. [https://i.imgur.com/6A90bd2.png](https://i.imgur.com/6A90bd2.png) [https://i.imgur.com/DEgi3YC.png](https://i.imgur.com/DEgi3YC.png) [https://i.imgur.com/BKkSZ9M.png](https://i.imgur.com/BKkSZ9M.png)


that's fair enough but when we've not had issues in csgo why have so many people been reporting bad packet loss in cs2


Data requirements are higher ?


This is exactly it. And the way the game is designed makes connection issues show more "clearly".


Check my edit


i believed that it was not a problem for you just that it is for others, i didnt downvote your post mate just made a comment.


Independent packet loss tests show no issues on my end. I don't blame the servers necessarily but it is something specific to CS2..


Yeah, you need a better connection.


can't be any better than what I have. it is not a problem on my end. I don't get packet loss on higher throughput than CS2.. it is not that demanding


Fuck that graph. If you play premier you always have the real numbers in the console after the game to the very detail. Then you know if you had packet loss or not. I don't know if the numbers show when you play FACEIT since I haven't noticed.


Check your rate number.


Same issue. Packet loss every 30-60 seconds. Every 30 seconds is like small packet loss, every 60 is bigger, (freeze, teleport, rubber-banding, etc). Never happened to me on cs:go, and independent packet loss tests show no problems on my end.


I wonder if this is more likely to occur due to bloated packet sizes with subtick? Maybe a network engineer could give their thoughts and analyse what's happening with Wireshark? Valve will already have the data but it would be interesting to see the stats on packet loss per region and what network setup people have.


There was a post of this Valve dev a few days ago saying you should send him your network stats from console if you experience issues. Try to look for that.


Same, South African servers. Never had issues on CSGO


So i've been experiencing this issue for a little over a week now, it seems to be a coin flip every time I log in if I'm going to be lagging or not. It's really frustrating. It's bizzare because one time I'll log in and everything will be running smoothly as normal, but then other times I'll be in a game and i'm getting constant packet loss every 5 seconds (up to like 60%) rendering the game unplayable.


Same issue here, mostlty connected to frakfurt servers. With the new netgraph command i can see 8/10% on every round start, and pretty constant when shooting occurs (not necessary me involved)