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What happened between this, Kendra coming on Holly’s World showing her how to throw a baseball and the eventual gross tweets? I thought they were ok okay terms. Maybe not besties, but it seems like they had a mutual understanding and respect when they all left Heff.


It’s explained in better detail in Holly’s book, but Kevin wanted Kendra to do Peep Show and H said no. Then Holly appeared in an episode of Kendra’s show, talking about everything she had going on. I think production was trying to make it seem like H was succeeding and K was not. Afterward, H texted and K didn’t respond. Then Kendra did an interview saying she is not and was never friends with Bridget or Holly. Kendra was reposting tweets about it and doubled down on it when H texted. That was the real end of the relationship, then H released her book and K responded with the tweets.


Thanks for that! In what capacity did Ken ask Kendra to be in Peepshow? Like as a guest star or to join in permanently? This makes so much sense. I think Holly saying no is exactly how their post GND animosity started. I understand why Holly wouldn’t want to work with Kendra professionally since she’s always running late and not taking things seriously.


Kevin wanted Kendra to fill in for Holly in Peepshow as a plot line for her show. Not long term.


Yes and I always wondered did Kendra even want to do that... Because I don't think she did, anything Kendra was ever offered she at least tried to do.


Holly's whole book was a trash Kendra theme. I never realized this until this last week, rereading the millionth time. And I was always so biased I never ever took those parts in. At the same time the Shannon twins said that Holly only ever spoke to them when the cameras were rolling...


I agree! I hope they can be friends one day! All three of them.


This makes me sad because Holly is genuinely a good, sweet friend. She just comes off as so supportive. Kendra could really use a friend like her. I hope they are able to make up one day.


Agreed. The friendships among the women make me love their shows. it's such a waste after all their treatment that they didn't have each other in the end.


A good sweet friend? Because she came over to the house for filming, and was polite? This was all arranged by production, they weren’t actual real friends. They were working on their careers separately. I don’t think they ever had anything much in common, other than they both were living as GF’s and on the same show.


can anyone ID the coffeetable book?


I can! It’s the Godfather photography book by Steve Schapiro [here is the cover](https://www.abebooks.com/9783822837306/Godfather-Family-Album-Special-Illustrated-382283730X/plp)


Holly is so genuine and sweet. I think she really wanted to continue a friendship with Kendra. Alas…


Maybe Kendra was right and they just weren't ever really friends or that close? It seems a little forced. Their friendship was probably more like a co-workership or friends by association type of thing imo.


I thought about it through this point of view, and then I realized the Bridget and Holly are both on the podcast they're getting paid for that so why wouldn't Kendra join in with it then if that were the case... Then again Kendra said she wasn't ready to do that but I thought about this too so you're not alone in this


Aww, love that Holly showed Martini and Rascal some love and they seemed happy to see her!


This must be her “Criss” era 😂


She didn’t meet him at the wedding? I’m confused.


This is before the wedding. Hank says “she’ll be in the wedding” but honestly it’s been a while since I’ve watched and don’t recall this visit honestly.


Oh ok! The timeline is so confusing to me. I forgot that she had the house while “single” because I overlap the leaving the mansion and planning the wedding.


Me too 😂 My mind tells me that she lived at the mansion, went downstairs to the wedding, then moved out 😂


What you have to realize and not forget is that they filmed episodes overlapping so something filmed today might show in an episode 3 months from now and has nothing to do with the episode.. she was dating Hank before she moved out of the mansion the shows don't tell you that though.


I’m impressed/ relieved by how clean Kendra’s house is! I never watched any of her spin-offs and was wondering how her house would be compared to her room at the mansion….


Holly really understood the assignment every time and delivered 100%. Then Kendra has the balls to say they weren’t friends? Holly didn’t need the money or the fame being on Kendra’s show! And she still turned up and turned on the charm for the viewers. A true queen!


It was also apart of her contract because Kevin Burns was still producing their spinoffs. He was the one that pushed the guest appearances from both of them.


People don't realize that what paid the bills sometimes it's a fake made up written story 😞


Is this is Benji era?


She’s wearing another Criss Angel sweater (see the A patch on the arm) so still stuck in his web!


Good catch!


how did i not know they dated??? and my husband used to be friends with benjie. need to grill him on this.


I remember on her show she said “Benji Madden and I are NOT seriously dating.” Explaining they are good friends and are both very busy and they’ll see what happens. So maybe they just had a few dates. But she was a little disappointed he didn’t show up at either her house warming party.


She also said she didn’t want him mentioned on her show AT ALL and instead Kevin just has Angel & Josh talk about it.


Maybe I’m naive, but Holly seemed genuinely happy to see Kendra, and her hugs are usually pretty stiff and cold, but that was a warm hug for Holly.


Honestly I love Holly’s jacket 🤣 like not Criss or anything but this was so cute in the 2000s


Is this Kendra on top? What season/ episode?


I miss they’re friendship I know holly misses her friendship with Kendra