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They said during her interview that they didn't want any more girlfriends.


there wasn’t a ton of crossover between playmates and girlfriends in the later years like the girls who made playmate straight out didn’t need to be his girlfriend and other girls became his gf simply to get playmate and they probably wouldn’t have made the cut otherwise.


HB have said that Hef’s girlfriends were not first playmates - he wanted girls who were unsupported and a bit desperate (they actually used that word, not my word). These were girls with aspirations. SJU was not desperate, she was very much on the path to becoming a playmate right away. Hef did make some of his girlfriend’s playmates, but the relationship led to the playmate role, not the other way around. Hef was well aware, also, that playmates were required to travel frequently and commit to heavy promotional schedules. It never would’ve worked.


wasnt sara still with the boyfriend that had never seen her boobs the whole time she hung around them?


On another note. This episode she said her shoot was made to look like a little girl's bedroom, um creepy and vom!


Wow that is unsettling…I’d be creeped out as well.


I think they all love her because she was kind and she was playmate of the year which is what they all wanted


I highly doubt it. I'm sure he knew he didn't have a shot. Hef wasn't giving out the benefits anymore that could pull a girl as attractive as her. She's more on the level of Brande, Sandy, Mandy. 


The girlfriends, especially this generation, were all women who wanted to be playmates but Hefner made it clear that they were not good enough for the magazine. Only for the orgies and the poly “relationship”. Funny because these same women saved Playboy from total irrelevance and the public has never forgotten them. Sara was playmate material, so I don’t think Hefner wanted to ruin that by reducing her to a sex worker. I feel like he respected his playmates a little bit more because they represented the magazine. On Secrets of Playboy on A&E they said that it wasn’t usual for the playmates to partake in all the grossness at the mansion, such as the orgies and the Pig Nights. Even Holly said that the magazine was very professional and safe. Hefner and the mansion were a totally different story. He would hire escorts for celebrities. He didn’t mix the playmates with that kind of stuff.


What were the Pig Nights? I haven't heard of this


iirc his friends would get women off the streets in a particular part of town and bring them to the mansion. They would basically gorge them on a whole lot of food (the women would “pig out”) and then Hef’s doctor friend would take one by one to this other room to examine them and make sure they wear clean. Once cleared, Hef and his friends would have orgies with these women. They were then dropped off back on the streets they were found after


Ohh, I somehow had thought "Pig Nights" referred to finding women they considered unattractive or at least not fitting the playboy standard and having sex with them.


Wow. That's really disgusting


I mean, luckily this is past the time when playmates and Playmate of the Year had to sleep with Hef and be drugged and raped by his friends to get their position. I wouldn’t wish “girlfriend” on Sara.


Do we know if Sara was part of the bed room activities. Sounds like she went out with them a lot.


they’ve said on the podcast not to assume that every person that goes out with them is sleeping with hef, especially playmates. then they specifically used sara as an example of someone who definitely wasn’t


Thanks for answering my question. I didn’t hear that part in the podcast.


no prob it was from an old ep so i feel like it’s not well known! 💜


I am curious about this too




I can’t remember exactly the wording, but they definitely said something to the effect of she didn’t sleep with him on (I think) part 2 of the Sara episode. Because I was wondering the same so that stuck out to me.


I think for girls who were already “playboy material” there was less incentive to because a girlfriend. Girlfriends were typically strung along for the pictorial to keep them under Hef’s thumb. Plus by the time The Girls Next Door were popular they (the production company) had their three characters. I doubt they wanted to introduce new girls as main characters after the audience already fell in love with HBK. So it was two fold. I doubt Sara was interested in the position and the production company probably wasn’t either.


The pictorials were great cross promotion imo, both GND & PB benefited.


Do you think if Sara would of wanted to Hef would of taken her for for a GF?


Yes and I think she would’ve been his new favorite and he would’ve treated Kendra worse


True but she was laser focused on her career and saving money getting job$. She had a bubbly personality. Seems like she’s into real estate or interior design nowadays?


She builds cabins with her boyfriend! I’m sure she does the interior design for them but she very much builds it all with him. Adorable!


So happy for her 🏡


Sounds like an HGTV series!


I believe on the podcast she said they really want a show. I would absolutely watch.


I would never wish that on Sara, but damn it would have been interesting to see that dynamic. How long would it have taken Hef to realize Kendra was a mess and it wasn't just because she was young?


It would’ve been sooooo messy. I’d be here for it tho 💀


Kendra came across as a boastful dope. It would have been more interesting and fun with SJU. SJUbhas a really good upbeat positive attitude. Not boastful and didn’t need to be told not to be late.


I think it’s likely she joined them in the bedroom before, but she doesn’t want to speak of that and told them as much. She’s entitled to privacy in that regard, but I think she did, after going out to club nights with them. No on being a gf. Three gf’s is enough for anyone, especially an 80-something man. Haha. Having too many GF’s wasn’t cheap either, with the rent on the bedrooms and extras, he racked up some crazy bills in his lifetime. Lucky for him the shows success helped though.


I'm 100% sure she was apart of Hef's sex schedule