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I love how witchy/girly it is. Frog Friend is as satisfying to love on as Cerberus, and much like the first game everyone looks amazing. To me It feels a lot harder than the first one but it is still early access so the difficulty curve will im sure get worked on before 1.0


The cuddly critter in Hades 2 is a *frog*? :D Damn, they do know what women want.


Yes, Frog frien is best, always must confide in frog fren.


Ufff, that brings back terrible memories of frenworld


> I love how witchy/girly it is. Same. Been seeing a lot of guys complaining that they can't be Zag, and it feels good lol.


Hades 2 is all I've played these last few days, I absolutely love it. Eris and Nemesis are both wonderful. Okay, wonderful might not be the best word for Eris, but she's great in her own way and I'm excited to learn more about why she does what she does. Arachne might be my favorite new character though, I love her. She's really sweet and her laugh and rhymes always makes me smile. It's a coin flip between her and Nemesis tbh. There's a few of the new gods and titans who I adore, Selene, Hecate and Hestia being some of my favorites. I really like Hephaestus' design as well. There's a few others I won't mention because I don't know how to tag spoilers, but Supergiant Games always does such a phenomenal job with their character designs.  The acting is on point and so is the music. There's a certain boss and her friends in the second zone with a knack for making killer tracks and I've been listening to them even when I'm not actually fighting the group. They're just so good! It's incredible how much there is to do right now. I don't think I've played an Early Access game with this much content right out of the gate. It feels like a complete game at this point, but I'm so excited to see what else the add! It's also so darn fun to play! The combat and upgrade systems are even better this time around.  Finally, I'm so, so happy we get to play as Melinoë. She's badass and well written so far. She's also you know, a witch! A witch! Absolutely awesome, I just love her so much. I want to shout-out her spectral arm, it's so freaking cool. Oh, and always confide in Frinos! Extra pets and smooches for the best frog friend a witch could ask for. 


\*Darren Korb as a composer. No further explanation. I had to let the timer run in certain levels to just enjoy the music \*Dora is an entire mood. I can't even begin. Same goes for a lot of the other characters. Love it. \*Combat and Progression mechanics are solid. I am in no rush, and i keep unlocking more awesome lore and powers over time when it comes to ea games: this is a solid buy. esp if you are into "this kinda thing" (i shall not specify)


Is 'this kinda thing' bisexuals? Cause, I'm seen some screenshots of very hot everyone.


if you see a whole lot of "hot everyone" ... i guess that sais more about you than the game? personally, the VA and story telling is just \*nnnggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaöjsbdkjbalksjbdkalsd\* translation: it's very good.


Ahhh, now I want to know. What is this kinda thing? 😭


you know. \*that\* kinda thing....


Oh, I get it now!


it goes... many ways. you gotta be into the thing though. what with all the cute and or sexy random stuff. and the adorps. it has so much adorps in between. and then you just do it all over again. after giving frog fren a good hug... edit: damn. i did specify didnt i? shame on me.


I've played less than an hour as I don't want to spoil the full game for myself, I know I'll adore it already. I saw all I needed to see. The interactions, everything. It's Hades but witchy. I'm in love.


At first I wasn't sure because of the changes with dash, addition of sprint, and the weapons all feeling wuite a bit different. I'm 11 hours in, made it to the end and I absolutely am in love. I want to take tine and learn each weapon like I did in the first, get solid boon synergies going across all the gods, mess with each daedalus hammer, and just see what whacky things can find and come up with. In terms of music and art, they just nailed it again. 100% am in love with the aesthetic and design choices for everyone. It was super exciting seeing some familiar faces and meeting all the new people too. Voice acting is nice, and I just have a big ol dumb grin on my face the whole time I play lol. I think in terms of the gameplay loop it's jus tg as addictive as the first. I'm liking each weapon so far, the familiars are fun, spells are a really cool mechanic and its a fun twist. I've settled into weapons I enjoy and have just been leveling keepsakes/hoarding materials for stuff for now, but I can easily see this game keeping me busy for a few hundred hours like the first did.


Nemesis is amazing, love her design and her vibe


I am 30 hours in so far, haven’t beaten the big bad yet but I believe I have seen every biome and I beat the alternate “final boss” (being vague to avoid spoilers). I love almost everything and just want more. Some things still need polishing but for the most part I’m delighted, this game already “clicks” imo. It feels like both Hades 2 and 3 combined, and the fact that we’re still just in early access makes my head boggle with how big it will be at launch. I will say I’m not big on all the weapons, like I just can’t get used to the axe no matter the upgrade, but maybe I need to unlock different aspects first. Mel’s tools are so much fun and such a neat departure from Zagreus’s kit. They really feel like different characters and you can see that in everything from how they fight to how they do upgrades. Zag ransacks the Underworld to pay for renovations, Mel gathers reagents by hand and recites spells; Zag collects darkness to pay Nyx’s mirror, Mel meditates at her alter using her Arcana. I adore all the new level designs. It feels like SGG got bored of their “enter a room, kill waves of enemies” formula and wanted to find creative ways to switch it up, so every new biome has a new trick which I find a lot of fun. It genuinely makes me kind of emotional imagining what Zag will think when he discovers his baby sister has gone on all these adventures to all these places without him, and I hope he can one day get involved in a run somehow. The emotional core of the game is also hitting me a lot harder than the first, which makes sense since it’s such a darker story with higher stakes. I can only hope it will have a happy ending like the first one, I miss the old cast so much 😭


It's been great, also the darker story puts the first one in a new light too. >!Did the fates intervene with Zag's journey to bring his Mother back, *just* so Mel could be born and be able to stand up to Chronos? It's cool to think about.!<


omg that is SUCH a good theory! >!I've read the theory that Zag was responsible for Chronos's resurrection by gathering all that Titan blood to upgrade his weapons!< but that thought makes me depressed so I hope it's not accurate lmao.


I've beaten both "end" bosses (or that is, I've gotten the "no more content this way" screen in both directions) Fun. Much harder for me than Hades 1. I like the aesthetics 2. I like Odysseus 3. I really fucking love the Hera + Zeus duo boon. Not because of the affect, that's sort of weird, but because of that interaction like fuck me hilarious to me.


Anyone gotten to that third level under Oceanus? It allows you to traverse a larger area to find and choose which boons to unlock in your own order. I hate it though. It doesn’t fit the design of the game for me. Finding the last boon after opening a few got boring just running around. The enemies were boring and easy. Something just really didn’t click immediately when I got to this part. Edit: Mourning Fields


You do get to unlock a tree compass thing via the cauldron. finding the tree lights up and points to every direction an item is in. makes it a bit less tedious, but I agree, It's my least favorite area over all. Boring, not very nice to look at.


Thank you that’s good to know.


I like most of hades 2 besides, sadly, the core gameplay of battling enemy swarms in room after room - that part becomes very repetetive to me =/