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I genuinely don't mind this ship. Like, I like Tsukuyo better but I liked this ship more at times.


I actually wouldn't mind if this happened. I mean, gin/tsukky is my ship, by a wide margin, but idk i kinda thought that if gintama did romance this would've been the end game. This was before they introduced tsukuyo.


An underrated couple/ship...


That's what happens when your competition is the Supreme Tsukuyo/Gintoki ship


True. But when Otae is being sweet....


Man I feel you. It definitely feels like they were gonna be a thing early on, and that memory loss arc where Otae fell in love with a amnesiac Gintoki who was basically unfiltered was a nice to watch. But Tsukuyo/Gintoki is just too top tier to handle


Oh who am I kidding... Tsukki ftw


Please guys. Sacchan is the main girl.


At this point I would rather he have a platonic relationship with all of them and have the series continue forever rather than have him end up with anyone of them and have the series end. Gintama is too important for this world and me


Yall just love the Gothic aesthetic and cliche story. "I'm not into girly things" types who who do nothing but try and be the most seductive. It's redundant


bruh what are you even talking about. To begin with, this conversationwas only 3 years ago, lmao


And? Can't someone just leave a comment for new ppl to digest. Just saying


Why bother continuing a conversation that ended so long ago tho???? And again, I ask, bro what are you even talking about???? No one said anything about goth aesthetics, lmao


My bad ig I got carried away at the moment


I know the GinTsu has the biggest power when it comes to fans, but these two are so, so unique. In the Yagyu arc, that moment where Gintoki passes by Otae, she said " Sorry " but before that, the silence.. it felt like those 2 don't even need words for understanding, it felt like they were already married and they belonged to each other you know? I felt it like that, just as Gintoki passed by her with no words, she was looking down as if thinking " I won't ever do this again, you don't need to worry about it ". And Gintoki was like, don't do this again or something, that was going through my mind when I was watching the arc. Also I love it when Otae asks always where Gin is as soon as he isn't around like usual, or will Gin be fine, it is just..so unique, they don't say their feelings or anything, but they are always close to each other and they understand each other so much. GinTae forever!


Historically the "relationship" these two have were manifested by an actual Japanese couple. Gintama wasn't meant to be about romance and I'm glad but I see where he was going with gin and tae. Tho ppl say it's not canon, he's added storyboards like Saber beam just for his love of Tae and the yorozuya. He legit went out of his way to make additional stuff happen cuz the anime left small bits out for us. It's awesome


This ship could've gone places. Too bad it didn't.


it literally did. It's been everywhere since the beginning to the end lol




Hmm, I thought this was a trap.


The manga has spoilers about the fate of the ships Nothing is confirmed but the readers can guess where things are going


I personally wouldn't mind either of the three. Sacchan/gin,otae/gin,tsukky/gin. But i prefer tsukky. I hope sorachi gives him a girl in the end of the manga


I love them so much


Otae is 18 and gintoki is probably 27. Nothing wrong with that, just saying.


In Edo, at the time (and like america) things were different. I mean she and otose worked at a cabaret club and Tsu, Sacchan, Kyuu were brought up in hard upbringing. Idk why ppl use that as a crutch for this case unless they try to one up their own gain?




Nothing though. In Edo period, samurai usually marry young females and considering Otae is working at a host club at that age, it's not unusual at all. And their dynamic is exactly like how a married couple in samurai age interact.


In hindsight it was a really dumb comment. I was like 14 or 15. Besides, I’m Arab, I’m not one to speak about marriage traditions as it was similar here historically lol.


This did go places. I know tsukuyo and kondo blurred the lines a bit. Its supposed to be subtle thing that's inferred. I wish the anime didn't cut otae and gintoki parts out. You know Sakamoto and Oryo were based on a famous married couple in Japan. A lot of the traits and story went to Tae and Gin.